On a snowy day near the ocean, blood drips from the left hand of Inu no Taishou. Another demon, Sesshomaru, asks his father if he insists on going and asks for his two swords, Tessaiga and Sounga. But his father asks if he desires power so much, he must have someone to protect; Sesshomaru says no, as he has no need for such. His father then transforms into his true dog form, running off. Myoga, clinging near his right eye, pleads his master to reconsider, for his wounds from his battle with Ryukotsusei have not yet healed but the Dog General refuses, as he must reach his human lover, Izayoi, who is just giving birth to his second son, and that he doesn't believe he is long for this world.
At a mansion, guarded by many samurai, their leader, Takemaru of Setsuna, ignoring the midwife's warnings, enters the birthing chamber as a lunar eclipse begins. He tells Izayoi, that he had always loved her but loathes the fact that her heart has been stolen by a demon and strikes her. As he leaves, he hears the cries of a newborn half-demon. At that moment, the Dog General arrives at the door, using his Wind Scar to cut through the lines, despite being hit by a few arrows. After hearing that Takemaru slew Izayoi, he slices off the samurai's left arm and enters the mansion, just as Takemaru's men set it aflame. Inside, the General finds Izayoi and uses Tenseiga to revive her. He then covers his love with the Robe of the Fire Rat. Takemaru then approaches, determined to fight to the death. The General draws his third sword, Sounga and tells Izayoi that their son shall be named InuYasha and battles Takemaru as the mansion collapses on them. Izayoi, holding her infant son, escapes.
In the present, Sounga is found to be a national treasure of Kagome's family. Suddenly, the sword flies off to find the nearest demon, finding InuYasha, who had followed Kagome to the present to make sure that no harm comes to her but she assures him in the future there are no demons. Sounga's sheath, Saiya, says that InuYasha must master the sword before it destroys the modern world. But instead, it takes possession of his arm but InuYasha manages to convince it to return to the past.
Emerging from The Bone-Eater's Well, Sougna causes InuYasha to revert to his demonic nature and attack a nearby village. Miroku and Sango stop him from hurting anyone as the village evacuates. InuYasha unleashes the sword's Dragon Twister, which is more deadly than the Backlash Wave, wreaking a huge amount of destruction, which they avoid. InuYasha rests when the sword is out of energy.
Kagome returns to the past with Saiya, who apparently knows Myoga.
Sounga brings InuYasha to the territory of ogre demons, and slays three. Kagome and company later come upon them but the corpses awaken as walking dead. Slashed, some parts still move and they are filled with miasma, which Miroku finds out when he sucks one in with his Wind Tunnel. Saiya advises they use fire but Shippo's is too weak so Kagome purifies them. Only one orge leaves the skirmish.
InuYasha meets up with Sesshomaru, who is disgusted that the Sounga came into his possession. As the brothers do battle, whenever their blades clash, Sounga knows Sesshomaru's every thoughts, especially that InuYasha cut off his left arm. It evens taunts him, saying that if his father had listened to him, he wouldn't have met a miserable fate. Sesshomaru grabs Tessaiga and uses the Wind Scar in an attempt to silence the sword, severely burning his hand. But InuYasha and Sounga survive and the sword is desperate for more blood and attacks Rin and Jaken.
Kagome meets up with Totosai, who also knows Saiya. He explains that Sounga is a sword possessed by the spirit of an ancient evil demon. She uses her "sit" command to hold InuYasha and grabs him, just as Sesshomaru tries using his poison claw. Sounga flies away and the enchanted beads scatter. InuYasha then goes off on his own to destroy the sword.
The undead ogre demon finds Sounga and attempts to pick it up but instead becomes its host. It goes into the netherworld and retrieves Sesshomaru's left arm before coming to the gravesite of Takemaru. Calling out to Takemaru's forgotten soul, it promises revenge against the Dog General by killing his sons. Takemaru is resurrected and given the left arm to use the Dragon Twister. As he grasps the sword, he is given a demonic appearance, with Sounga's spirit represented as a purple smoke.
Elsewhere, Kagome's group had met up with Rin and Jaken, who had been abandoned by Sesshomaru. The old demons decide to tell the whole story concerning Sounga. After InuYasha's father died, they were to undertake instructions according to his will; Myoga placed the Tetsuseiga in the master's remains and hid it in the black pearl; Totosai made sure that Tenseiga was passed to Sesshomaru; however, Saiya said there were no instructions for Sounga. They couldn't give it to Sesshomaru for he would kill them for giving him the previous sword and not to InuYasha for he was then an infant. Saiya then proposes to hold the sword quietly for at least seven hundred years and have it thrown into the Bone Eater's Well. Now the only way to defeat Sounga is for both InuYasha and Sesshomaru to join forces but many seriously doubt that that will ever happen.
Both the brothers arrive at Takemaru's gravesite and Sesshomaru decides since InuYasha is unaware of the human's connection to Izayoi, he will die ignorant. The two draw swords against each other; InuYasha tells his brother that since Tetsuseiga's barrier rejects him, he can't even pick it up; Sesshomaru would prefer the pleasure in killing the half-breed whose father's blood flows in his veins; InuYasha protested that he will destroy Sounga; Sesshomaru says he doesn't even know what their father looked like. InuYasha uses the Backlash Wave against Sesshomaru but he repels it with his Dragon Strike. But Tetsuseiga's sheath protects him.
Takemaru slays entire armies and an entire castle. Using Sounga, he resurrects at least two thousand soldiers, making them his army of the undead. Kagome's group faces them in a titanic battle; InuYasha and Sesshomaru also join. Takemaru has one of the undead grab the Tenseiga, attempting to destroy it with gunpowder but it instead flies off. Rin finds it but the undead ogre demon grabs her and Kagome and takes them to Takemaru; Sesshomaru and InuYasha follow suit. Sounga tells Takemaru that the girls are no different than Izayoi and the samurai proceeds to kill them, for those who consort with demons are all Izayoi in his eyes. Kagome is partially protected by Sounga's sheath and Rin is confident that Sesshomaru will save them, which he does. The girls try to run, but their path is cut off by the ogre. It grabs Kagome, causing the enchanted beads to fall from her pockets. Rin throws one of them at it, disintegrating its head.
Outside, the others tells InuYasha to rescue Kagome while they hold off the soldiers. But there are so many that many of their fire users got exhausted. Miroku uses his last resort: his Wind Tunnel, despite the danger to his body. He sucks in all of the dead.
Kagome tries throwing one of the beads at the headless ogre body but misses; InuYasha slices it in half. Kagome and Saiya tell InuYasha to join forces with Sesshomaru to overcome Sounga's Dragon Twister but he refuses and runs off. Sesshomaru fails in using Tenseiga to slay Takemaru, who is just resurrected by Sounga. InuYasha attempts to hit both of them but misses. Takemaru remarks that the half-demon looks like Izayoi and informs him of his part in her death. As they clash blades, InuYasha is able to push Takemaru back. The latter and Sounga are bewildered at what they are seeing, for such power is impossible for a demon; InuYasha retorts that he's half a demon and his human desire to protect someone is increasing his power and pushes Takemaru through a wall. Takemaru then has an epiphany that when Izayoi wanted him to leave, she was trying to protect him. He murmurs that he'd always loved her as his horn falls off and his flesh erodes, leaving only his skeleton. Sesshomaru then slashes at the imps trying to resurrect him. But Sounga isn't finished. It causes the castle to collapse, crushing Takemaru's remains and creates its own body with the arm attached, opening a portal to the netherworld. Once the boundary between both worlds vanish, every living thing will wind up dead. Saiya puts up a barrier to protect the nearby humans from being overcome by the dead souls from the netherworld, calling out to the living. InuYasha and Sesshomaru battle with Sounga, each wanting to defeat the evil sword themselves. Kagome tells them to work together but they don't listen so she tries to purify Sounga but nearly gets killed. InuYasha gives her his sheath to protect her as he tries to use the Backlash Wave to stop the Dragon Twister but it barely works. Sounga believes that he finished off the half-demon and turns to Sesshomaru but InuYasha gets up and uses the Backlash Wave again. Sesshomaru remembers when his father asked if he had someone to protect and short flashbacks of Rin and Jaken. But he stoutly claims he has no one to protect and combines his Dragon Strike with the Backlash Wave, overcoming the Dragon twister and destroying Sounga's body, casting the sword into the netherworld. Inu no taishou then appears, saying he's proud of them for sealing Sounga forever as the portal closes. Saiya says that the master wanted his sons to work together, but they find that ridiculous. The other old demons ask Saiya why he didn't speak up sooner; he claims he was just thinking of what's best for the brothers; he really forgot.
In the post-credits, Kagome tricks InuYasha into putting back on the enchanted beads.
Age : 3000+ (deceased)
Species : Inu Daiyōkai
Gender : Male
Family : Izayoi (lover, deceased)
Sesshōmaru's mother (mate)
Sesshōmaru (son)
Inuyasha (son)
Kagome Higurashi (posthumous daughter-in-law)
Weapons : Tenseiga
Occupation : Ex-Lord of the Western Lands
A powerful Inu daiyōkai who was known throughout feudal Japan as the fearsome Lord of the Western Lands. He fathered two sons, the second of which was the hanyō Inuyasha from the human woman Izayoi. His first born son was the daiyōkai Sesshōmaru from demon name Inukimi. 200 years before the shattering of the Shikon no Tama, he stopped the invasion of a Mongol army lead by the Lord Hyōga and his son Menōmaru. Around the same time he defeated the Panther King after he and his tribe attempted to take over the western lands he ruled.
He had many adversaries during his lifetime, and many of them have ended up crossing paths with one or both of his sons many years later.
In the third InuYasha film, the Great Dog Demon survives long enough to save Izayoi and their newborn child Inuyasha; still weak from his battle with Ryukotsusei, he dies defending them from a human foe named Takemaru. The gateway to his tomb is hidden in a black pearl (a mystical gem that creates a path between the mortal and spirit worlds) inside Inuyasha's right eye, which was created by Hosenki, an oyster demon, on Inu no Taisho's command. Within the pearl, their father's body is shown as an enormous dog skeleton in a suit of armor: his true form, according to Myoga. The sword Tetsusaiga, forged from the Great Dog Demon's own fang, rests inside this cavernous skeleton, protected by a barrier that repels any non-human with malice toward humans. Because of this, Inuyasha inherits the sword rather than Sesshomaru. This also suggests Inuyasha's father was never bigoted toward humans nor was he evil. Sesshomaru even says that he had a "merciful heart for humankind." It seems that he did have a sense of honor and perhaps wanted both his kind and the human race to live in peace.
However it should noted that what he did after defeating Ryukotsusei such as his last meeting with Sesshomaru and saving Inuyasha was in the 3rd movie only and therefore is non canon. That also includes the humanoid and dog form the movie shows.
Much of the Great Dog Demon's abilities are unknown, but it is known that he could change his appearance to resemble that of a human's, much like Sesshomaru. His true form was that of a gigantic dog which was far larger then both Sesshomaru's and Sesshomaru's mother's true yokai form. This allows him to move at top speed. He has been stated to be one of the most powerful yokai in the series by Myoga and Totosai. Despite his great power, he was unable to kill Ryukotsusei and was only able to defeat him by sealing his powers away. The aftermath of the battle led to the dog demon's death. By the end of the series both his sons, Sesshomaru and InuYasha, surpass him, though not in raw strength, but in their abilities to fend for themselves without the need of his protection.
He was arguably the most powerful yokai in the series, shown by Sesshomaru's desire to surpass him, revealing that the daiyokai was far stronger than even Sesshomaru himself, at least until the latter surpassed him in strength when he created the Bakusaiga. He also commanded the three swords of Supreme conquest: Sō'unga, Tetsusaiga and the Tenseiga, effectively giving him the ability to manipulate the dead, the ability to resurrect the dead, and the power of destruction. He also is shown wielding the Tessaiga and the Sō'unga quite easily, confirming his power. He is even shown handling the Tessaiga deftly, summoning two ferocious wind scars, destroying a fort. Totosai also said Inu no Taisho could summon a perfect Meido Zangetsuha sphere in only his third try, a feat which requires a huge amount of yoki.
Aside from his immense strength, the Great Dog Demon of the West also had an incredible power of foresight, with some of his actions having a hidden message behind them. He entrusted the Tessaiga to his son Inuyasha, accurately predicting that he needed the sword to protect himself, as well as another, namely Kagome. He bequeathed the healing sword Tenseiga to his eldest son, Sesshomaru, in order to teach him compassion. Totosai eventually reforged the Tenseiga into a weapon, giving it the ability to perform the Meido Zangetsuha, presumably on Inu no Taisho's orders.
It can be assumed that the Great Dog Demon was capable of creating barriers as he was able to put a barrier on Tessaiga.
Sesshōmaru's mother : She was his first wife and had Sesshomaru as a child, but he left her for Izayoi. She was seen in the manga and she then appeared in the anime's second series, InuYasha: The Final Act. Also being a daiyokai like her husband, she can also transform into a giant dog.
Izayoi : It is unknown when they first met, but they ended up falling in love and having a half-demon child, InuYasha. After his last battle, he rushes to save her without first tending to his wounds. He fights through the soldiers only to find her already dead. Using the Tenseiga, he brings her back to life, giving her the Cloth of the Fire Rat, and tells her to escape with their newborn son whom he names InuYasha. His last words were: "Izayoi...You must live. Live a long life. Live long and well with Inuyasha." This showed that the Great Dog Demon did deeply care about his sons, not seeing them as tools of heritage.
Inuyasha : being born only moments before his father's death, Inuyasha never met his father. In Swords of an Honorable Ruler, after saving Izayoi from Takemaru with Tenseiga, he named his son Inuyasha. According to Myōga, Inuyasha is able to use his sword Tessaiga because he protects Kagome, who is human, mirroring his relationship with Izayoi. Many say that InuTaisho is a two timer like Inuyasha because he mated with Sesshomaru's mother and fell in love with Izayoi and Inuyasha fell in love with Kikyo (who dies) and then Kagome (who later becomes his wife). Like InuTaisho cutting off Takemaru of Setsuna's left arm, Inuyahsa cuts off Sesshomaru's left arm. So maybe that is what Inuyasha also inherits from Inu no Taisho.
Sesshōmaru : The InuTaishō's relationship with his first son was somewhat strained because he left his mother for Izayoi. In Swords of an Honorable Ruler, one moonlit night, his gravely injured father asked him if he had "someone to protect". Sesshomaru knew that it was his father's final test for him, and Sesshomaru stated that his answer was "No". So, the Tenseiga was passed to him after his father died saving Inuyasha and Izayoi. At first Sesshomaru felt nothing for the Tenseiga as it had no destructive power whatsoever, but as time passed, he started to understand and respect its power. He also came to understand his father's cryptic words. Upon meeting the human child Rin, his attitude toward humans changed. Sesshomaru felt he should protect the young girl. With something to protect (Rin, Jaken, and sometimes Inuyasha), Sesshomaru became a very powerful daiyokai, just as his father intended for him.
Ryukotsusei : a dragon demon with powers that resemble lightning. Inu no Taisho only managed to seal him to a cliff with his claw. According to Myoga, Ryukotsusei was much too powerful to kill. It is implied that the wounds Inu no Taisho received in that battle led to his demise during his battle with Takemaru of Setsuna in the third movie. Many years later, Naraku releases Ryukotsusei's seal hoping the dragon would kill Inuyasha, who was there to defeat Ryukotsusei.
Hyoga : a moth demon from "the Continent", or as some have inferred, China. This is yet another demon that Inu no Taisho managed to seal but not defeat. Sealed within the Tree of Ages, Hyoga is absorbed by his son and successor Menomaru, who in turn tries to kill Inuyasha and absorb all living souls on earth.
Shishinki : the original wielder of the Meido Zangetsuha. The battle between him and Inu no Taisho is implied to be inconclusive though it is revealed Shishinki was terribly injured. He seeks to kill Inuyasha and Sesshomaru as revenge for stealing his technique.
Panther King : a demon that Inu no Taisho managed to defeat long ago. He was revived by his tribe using sacred jewel shards. The panther king was destroyed by Inuyasha and Sesshomaru.
The mother of the title character Inuyasha.
Age : Deceased
Species : Human
Gender : Female
Height : 5'4 (163cm)
Weight : 131 lbs (59.4 kg)
Family : InuTaishō (lover, deceased)
Inuyasha (son)
Kagome (daughter-In-Law)
Occupation : Princess
Izayoi was the daughter of a feudal lord, and at one point was held captive by the samurai Takemaru no Setsuna. Takemaru planned to use her to lure Inu no Taishou into a trap to kill the Daiyōkai. Though Izayoi told Takemaru to leave in order to spare him from the Inu Daiyōkai's wrath, Takemaru said that he still loved her, and killed her, but not before she gave birth to Inuyasha. The Inu no Taishou overpowered Takemaru's men only to discover his beloved dead, but then he used Tenseiga to revive her. Inu no Taishou gives Izayoi the Robe of the Fire Rat and then orders to escape with their son, whom he names "Inuyasha". She follows her beloved's instructions and leaves. Unfortunately, her lover was already injured badly in an earlier battle with the dragon yōkai, Ryukotsusei. The injuries weakened the Inu no Taishou enough so that when the mansion collapses on both him and Takemaru, he dies along with Takemaru. This sets up Izayoi to raise Inuyasha on her own.
Very little is known about Izayoi as she died before the events of the series takes place and because Inuyasha rarely speaks about her, most likely because he is still saddened by her death. At some point she met and fell in love with Inu no Taishou, who returned her affection. Although the two form a relationship it is never specifically stated if the two were married or officially mated. When Inu no Taishou died she was forced to raise their Hanyō son Inuyasha alone, with the regret that her son would be discriminated by both humans and yōkais alike for his hanyō heritage. She died when Inuyasha was a young child.
Izayoi's name is never given in the manga or the anime series. She is given the name Izayoi in the third movie. Sesshomaru, Inuyasha's elder half-brother, uses a yokai to make a perfect duplicate of Izayoi in order to trick Inuyasha into revealing the whereabouts of their father's demon sword, the Tessaiga. Sesshomaru blames Izayoi for his father's death, claiming that she had made the Inu no Taishou weak which lead to his death. The manga never elaborates on Sesshomaru's claim, however the third Inuyasha movie attempts to fill the gap. The Inu no Taishou went to rescue Izayoi right after his battle with Ryukotsusei, despite having life-threatening injuries. The wounds ultimately weakened him enough to where he is killed by a collapsing palace, something he most likely would have survived had he not been injured. Since the events of the third film are never mentioned in the manga, they are not considered canon. Sesshomaru could have also meant that had the Inu no Taishou never loved Izayoi, he would have been strong enough to kill Ryukotsusei. Like her daughter in law Kagome Higurashi who was protected by her son, Izayoi was protected by InuTaisho's sword.
INU NO TAISHOU : Its very little well known how or when Izayoi met the dog general, If they were married or how they ended up having a child. However its clear they both cared and love each other deeply. Seeings how after his battle with Ryukotsusei insted of tending to his wounds he rushes to his new born son which he names Inuyasha. Finding Izayoi dead he uses Tenseiga to revive her. He's often called "My Dearest" by Izayoi. Before he died he told her "Izayoi you must live a long life, Live long and well with Inuyasha." It clearly shows he love her.
INUYASHA : Was the half demon son by Izayoi and Inu no Taishou. Inuyasha had a special relationship with his mother seeing how she was the only parent to raise him until her death. Whenever someone talks bad about her Inuyasha gets very defensive. He prefers not to talk about her which shows he misses her lot. Time by time he often vists his mother grave planting new flowers. Just like his father, Inuyasha cares for humans. Izayoi often cried to her son knowing what his life would be like not being accepted by humans or demons. She loved and cared for her son wholeheartedly.
The sheath spirit of the demon sword Sou'unga. He is the spirit which is supposed to guard Sou'unga and stop the sword from being drawn.
He is a slacker and is said to be unreliable since he didn't hold Sounga as long as he was supposed to. This was around one thousand years.
He often tells people that bad things will happen after they already have, cementing the belief that he cannot be trusted with anything important.
Setsuna no Takemaru was a character who appeared in the third Inuyasha movie Inuyasha the Movie 3-Swords of an Honorable Ruler where he is one of the main antagonists.
Takemaru first appears as a male human adult with fair skin and black hair tied up in a short fashion. When he was still alive, he wore traditional samurai lord armor featuring a distinct crimson sheen. After being revived as a specter, most of his armor has been worn down but his hair grew to its full length, much past his shoulders. After taking hold of So'ounga, Takemaru took on a slightly demonic appearance featuring blue spots and markings on the right side of his face and a long horn growing from his forehead along with his hair becoming red and shaggy. His eyes gained a yellow scelera and pupils became red. He wore a dark jacket, white hakama and crimson armor with spikes jutting out and a large blue jewel in the middle of his chestplate.
Takemaru was depicted as a man who appeared to care for Izayoi but his jealousy over the Dog General consumed so that he became a danger to all around him and attempted at Izayoi's life. When resurrected at the behest of So'ounga, Takemaru's jealousy gradually turned to insanity, wanting to slay each and every female, no matter their age, if they shared a relationship with demons, causing him to view them all equally as Izayoi.
Takemaru no Setsuna was a jealous human Samurai lord who fell in love with Inuyasha's mother, Izayoi. His jealousy became so great at he attempted at her life and impaled her while she was in labor with Inuyasha . When Inutaisho , Inuyasha's father came to save her. Takemaru appeared before the yokai warrior and attempted to take him on but his challenge was easily brushed aside, costing him his left arm. Not wanting to let the Inu yokai take Izayoi away, he orders his soldiers to immediately burn down the castle. Takemaru's attempt to keep her for himself was in vain as the Daiyōkai utilized Tenseiga to revive Izayoi, allowing her to escape while he fought the desperate Takemaru to the death. Takemaru is killed offscreen when the Inutaisho draws forth Sou'unga and claims his life with the Dragon Twister. Later on, the sword Sounga, free from Saya wanders around the land searching for a suitable host after it is driven away by Kagome calling Inuyasha to sit, attempting to save Inuyasha from Sesshomaru's poisoned claws. Reacting to the lingering thoughts of Takemaru, whose skeleton resided in the charred badlands. the evil sword revived him and fed on his desire for revenge against the Inutaisho and his kin. To further sweeten their vengeance, Sounga gives Takemaru Sesshomaru's left arm which lopped off during the Yokai's scuffle with his younger brother to wrestle control over Tessaiga. With blade in hand, Takemaru transforms into a Yokai of death and destruction and takes command of a nearby castle, killing its inhabitants and soldiers which then whose corpses he uses to raise an army of evil undead as he erects a dark castle to begin his conquest. As Inuyasha's and Sesshomaru's groups storm the castle, Takemaru comes face to face with Sesshomaru himself with Tokijin at the ready.
Though Sesshomaru is able to easily overpower him in terms of strength and even cuts him down, the Sounga simply regenerates him, mocking him that he can't be killed by another weapon already steeped in evil. It is from this realization that Sesshomaru instead draws forth Tenseiga and finally slays him, freeing him from Sounga's control. His last thoughts are of Izayoi and regretting his mistakes as his body is reduced to bone once more before his skeleton is crushed by the temple's transformation.
Later Takemaru tried to eliminate Inuyasha and Sesshomaru. But with the combined power of the Inuyasha's Backlash wave and Sesshomaru's Dragon Strike, he was vanquished.
Warlord Armor - When he was still alive, Takemaru adorned a set of red armor, including cuirass, gauntlets, grieves and helmet. After his death, this was worn down but restored and transformed after taking a hold of So'ounga.
So'ounga - The third sword once possessed by the Dog General. It fed on Takemaru's lingering desires as a specter and restored him to life and gave him great power, promising him supreme conquest if he was to kill Inuyasha and Sesshomaru. While their swords, Tessaiga and Tenseiga could destroy a hundred demons in one swing and save a hundred lives in one swoop, So'ounga could summon forth a hundred corpses from Hell itself to serve the wielder. Unlike the other two swords, So'ounga is possessed by an ancient and malevolent demon spirit.
Expert Swordsmanship - Despite being a human, Takemaru possessed enough sufficient skill with a sword to go toe-to-toe with Sesshomaru and even hold both him and Inuyasha back
Regeneration - As a result of being possessed by So'ounga, Takemaru is able to regenerate from even the most fatal of wounds and could even recover from a slash of the Tenseiga as his hate prevented him from passing on.
Dragon Twister - As a result of wielding So'ounga, Takemaru can, at will, invoke the powerful Dragon Twister which allows him to summon forth the powers of a hell dragon and utilize its power in the form of a massive twister of demonic power strong enough to level a fully fortified castle single-handed.
A sword wielded by the hanyō Inuyasha. It is the opposite of Sesshomaru's inherited sword, the Tenseiga. Out of the two, Tessaiga is "the sword of destruction", while Tenseiga is "the sword of life." Tessaiga has a mind of its own. It has been seen guiding to Inuyasha, such as wanting to be drawn or giving him advice. And the same goes for Sesshomaru's Tenseiga.

A sword wielded by the hanyō Inuyasha. It is the opposite of Sesshomaru's inherited sword, the Tenseiga. Out of the two, Tessaiga is "the sword of destruction", while Tenseiga is "the sword of life." Tessaiga has a mind of its own. It has been seen guiding to Inuyasha, such as wanting to be drawn or giving him advice. And the same goes for Sesshomaru's Tenseiga.
The swordsmith Totosai created the Tessaiga from a fang of the daiyokai the Great Dog Demon, the father of Inuyasha and Sesshomaru. In its 'docile' form, the sword looks like a regular (and rather battered) katana. When wielded properly, it transforms into a weapon roughly the size of a car bumper that somewhat resembles a falchion. The Tessaiga will only transform if the user cares for humans and has yoki, this means that humans can never wield it because they do not possess yoki. The Tessaiga has the power to slay 100 demons in one swing by striking the Kaze no Kizu, it also has the ability to absorb the technique or skill of a strong yokai that is defeated with the sword.
The Inu no Taisho used the Tessaiga to steal Shishinki's Meidou Zangetsuha technique, but because of the danger the technique bore the Tenseiga was created to contain it. When the Inu no Taishou died a barrier was put on Tessaiga to prevent full yokai who hated humans from being able to use it, and the sword was hidden inside his grave in the world between the living and afterlife. Sesshomaru searched for the sword some time after his father's death, but had no luck in finding it, finally he asked Inuyasha about the Tessaiga's location. After a series of events both brothers travel to their father's grave to claim the Tessaiga. Sesshomaru is unable to touch the sword, Inuyasha is not only able to wield it, but uses it to defeat Sesshomaru. (Kagome drew the sword out .) After the battle Inuyasha becomes the master of Tessaiga and begins to use it to aid him in battle. During a battle with the Thunder Brothers it's revealed the sheath can 'summon' the Tessaiga. Tessaiga can also protect it's master by puting a barrier around him, however the barrier the sword produces seems to only work after the attack has hit him.
Inuyasha learns how to transform Tessaiga and use its Kenatsu quickly enough. He didn't learn to use it's true power to slay 100 yokai until Sesshomaru (who had a human arm with a Shikon fragment in it so he could wield Tessaiga) briefly stole the sword and used it himself. Even after seeing the power, Inuyasha didn't know how to use it, until he accidentally used it to prevent Miroku from being eaten by yokai when he couldn't use his Kazaana. Naraku blackmailed Sango into stealing the sword for him by threatening Kohaku's life. After she & Inuyasha battled, it is then that Inuyasha was able to retake the Tessaiga back. Inuyasha finally discovered the secret of slaying 100 yokai was the Kaze no Kizu and learned how to use it during another battle with Sesshomaru. Inuyasha begun to use the Kaze no Kizu as his finishing move afterwards.
However, in a confrontation with Goshinki, a detachment from Naraku, the Tessaiga was broken in half. Tessaiga breaking reveals that it keeps Inuyasha's yokai blood under wraps. The sword's creator, Totosai, was able to repair the Tessaiga, but in doing so he used one of Inuyasha's fangs. The result is that Tessaiga now became dependent on the strength of Inuyasha himself, rather than his father's - making the weapon heavier and more difficult for Inuyasha to wield. However, at the same time Tessaiga also becomes much sharper and sturdier, able to match a sword forged from the tusk of Goshiniki, the same Oni that originally shattered the sword. After much training, Inuyasha learns how to use a greater power based from that of the Kaze no Kizu to take out a powerful enemy, that is known as Bakuryūha.
In the third movie of the Inuyasha franchise, the combined powers of the Tessaiga and the Tenseiga succeeded in defeating the Songa (Sō'nga), the sword of world conquest, which was stronger than either of them alone.
As Naraku becomes stronger, Inuyasha begins to use Tessaiga's useful power/ability-absorbing ability to strengthen the sword with new-much, much stronger- powers and abilities to help him defeat Naraku. Seeking a way to break Naraku's barrier, Inuyasha went to defeat the barrier-keeper of the bat demon tribe in order to obtain a technique to shatter barriers; instead Inuyasha ended up helping the barrier keeper, Shiori(a half-bat demon). To thank him, Shiori allowed him to cut her orb- the source of barrier/shield-erecting power - and Tessaiga gained the power and ablitiy to break through barriers.
Subsequently Tessaiga absorbed Hosenki's Kongosoha technique, but as with Red Tetsusaiga the power was gained by Inuyasha doing something to help others. In this case Inuyasha saved his friends from Naraku's miasma instead of trying to cut Hosenki and strengthen the sword. Kongosoha allowed Tessaiga to cut down Naraku's stronger barrier and cut down enemies strong enough to withstand the Wind Scar.
The next power Tessaiga absorbed was the yoki absorption from the demon sword Dakki. Unlike the previous two abilities, Inuyasha had to actually battle and destroy the sword to acquire the power. Since Dakki could absorb yoki it nearly took all of the Tessaiga's powers, but Inuyasha used his sword to destroy Dakki and gained the ability to absorb yoki in the form of Dragon Scaled Tessaiga. Inuyasha didn't master the Dragon Scaled Tessaiga right away unlike the previously acquired powers. Being a hanyo limited the amount of yoki Tessaiga could absorb before the yoki backfired on Inuyasha and injured him. By using Dragon Scaled Tessaiga to absorb the senki from a Seimiekan sent by Naraku, it purified the yoki it absorbed thereby stopping the regurgitation, but in the manga, he cut Nikosen's Life Force Stalk with the Dragon-scaled Tessaiga.
By doing this, Sesshomaru and Totosai told Inuyasha that he did not know the true meaning of Tessaiga and took a shortcut instead of mastering the form. After training, Inuyasha learned to see yoketsu of yokai; by cutting it with Dragon Scaled Tessaiga he could destroy the source yoki thereby killing the yokai.
The final ablitiy Tessaiga gained was the Meidou Zangetsuha from Tenseiga. During a battle between Sesshomaru and Inuyasha, Sesshomaru willingly broke Tenseiga on Tessaiga to give it the Meido Zangetsuha technique as their father had intended. The technique allows the user to send their enemy directly to Hell. In the final battle with Naraku, Inuyasha fully masters the Meido and it changes into an attack that cuts an enemy and then send the remains directly to Hell itself.
The Tessaiga chooses its owner. When Sesshomaru tried to wield it, it rejected him. To use it requires a heart that cares for and wishes to protect others or the heart of Inuyasha himself.
At first glance when not in use, the Tessaiga appears to be nothing more than a battered katana with a heavily chipped and rusted blade with the hilt's fabric tearing away. When transformed, the blade turns into an oversized dog's fang, fitting for its name. The cross guard turns into a large patch of fur similar to a dog's also. In the later chapters and episodes, the blade not only becomes slightly larger, but changes colors according to the abilities it absorbs.
Anti-demon barrier : InuYasha and Sesshomaru's father put a protective barrier within the sword, so that pure demons who do not want to protect humans will be repelled however Shippo is able to hold the Tessaiga without feeling any pain. InuYasha, being a half-human half-demon, can wield the sword fine, though he can only activate it once he desires to protect humans. As a powerful demon, Sesshomaru can wield the sword for a short period of time. Humans can wield the Tessaiga in its untransformed (katana, Japanese for sword) state.
Human Shield : The Tessaiga protects humans holding it from harm.
Kenatsu : is the special ability that allows the Tessaiga to cut opponents without touching them surrounding the blade in youki. InuYasha uses the ability before he learns the Kaze no Kizu.
風の傷 - Wind Scar in the English dub: Special attack that kills 100 demons with one strike with a massive wave of demonic energy. Inuyasha took some time to master this technique, and didn't even know of its strength at first, until Sesshomaru showed it to him. It is gained by sensing the fissure or scar between 2 demonic forces. After his battle with Ryukotsusei, Inuyasha learned to put his own power into the attack so the fissure appeared around Tessaiga's blade and could be triggered instantaneously. Until he gained that ability, it was not very useful against Kagura since she can change the demonic winds.
爆流破 - Uses the opponent's strong demonic forces and unleashing the Wind Scar at the right point, the demon's energy will be reflected back with the added power of the Wind Scar. Power is amplified many folds. Gained by Inuyasha defeating Ryukotsusei and reflecting his power back at him. However, two requirements are needed in order to implement the Backlash Wave. The first is that Inuyasha can only reflect pure energy attacks. The second is that his own demonic aura must be much stronger than his opponent's or the Backlash Wave will not form. It is seen in the Inuyasha movies (though never in the series proper) that the Backlash Wave can be activated by relaying the power of Kagome's Sacred Arrow.
Barrier Shattering : Gained from Shiori's orb for saving her from her grandfather and his bat yokai, this technique completely shatters barriers (including Naraku's for a while). When used, Tessaiga glows red. Only the strongest barriers cannot be shattered by this attack such as Naraku's. Since gaining the effects of Shiori's orb, the blade turns red when a barrier is cut.
金剛槍破 - Adamant Barrage in the English dub: Attack gained from Hosenki after Naraku had used a shard of the jewel to corrupt him and caused him to attack InuYasha. The diamonds are able to pierce Naraku's stronger barriers. Inuyasha is also capable of combining this technique with his Wind Scar.
Yoki Absorption : Having defeated Dakki, Tessaiga gains the ability to absorb a opponent's yoki directly. InuYasha, being a hanyo, limits the amount of yoki the sword can absorb before regurgitating it back on the user, until Tessaiga absorbs senki which purifies the yoki and stopping the regurgitation.
Yoketsu Cutting : After realizing the true nature of the Tessaiga is to cut InuYasha learns to see yoketsu and uses the Dragon Scale Tessaiga to cut it, instantly destroying a normal yokai, beings created of many different yokai like Naraku and Moryomaru have several yoketsu and cutting them will destroy parts of their body and prevent regeneration of the same. It can also cut the large amount of youki emitting from a strong youkai, which can be fatal.
Flaming Tessaiga : After Ginka was devoured by Moryomaru and Kinka was greatly wounded by the Kongosoha that Moryomaru used, Kinka used his remaining energy and was absorbed into the Dragon Scale Tessaiga. When he was abosrbed into the Dragon Scale Tessaiga, Tessaiga had flames around it, which Inuyasha used to strike Moryomaru. The flames from Kinka awakened Ginka's power inside Moryomaru and both powers greatly harmed Moryomaru. And just as Moryomaru was about to escape, Inuyasha used the Flaming Tessaiga again and opened a whole in Moryomaru's shoulder, revealing Akago.
Meidou Zangetsuha : This technique was attained when Sesshoumaru's Tenseiga broke on to Tessaiga. The original technique creates a path to hell by creating a giant circle that can suck anyone in it's path, though it can also be used to escape from a Meidou one is already in, as well as entering/exiting pocket dimensions as was seen at the end of InuYasha and Sesshoumaru's final battle for Tessaiga, as well as being the method that Shippo and Kohaku used to enter Naraku's final form.
Cutting Meidou Zangetsuha : When InuYasha completely masters the Black Tessaiga the Meidou Zangetsuha changes to symbolize the Tessaiga's true nature, a sword that cuts. The new Meidou Zangetsuha can create a single black blade or several black blades that not only cut a opponent but have their remains sucked up into the path, thus the technique keeps the original ability intact while adding the Tessaiga's cutting nature. It seems to be stronger than the regular Meidou, as it was able to tear apart Naraku's final form, which was impervious to the original technique. InuYasha has also used it as a method of crossing through to Kagome's time for the final battle, and even into the Shikon no Tama itself.
Sheath of Tessaiga (Tessaiga no Saya): Can deflect or resist demonic energy attacks with the barrier used to contain Tessaiga's power. However, it can only withstand a limited number of attacks. The sheath is capable of resisting any amount of offensive force; however, if that force is used continuously then the sheath will crack. This why it was able to hold off Sesshomaru’s Sōryūha since it was an attack that was only unleashed once, but couldn’t hold off Hiten’s thunder attacks which were of weaker power than the Sōryūha, since he was unleashing them constantly. The sheath can also summon the Tessaiga to itself, as seen when Inuyasha was trapped inside the flask of a sage with only the sheath. It was made from the wood of Bokusen'on, given to his good friend, Inu no Taisho. An ancient sapient tree, the sheath inherits its magical abilities from him, and this enables it to contain the power of Tessaiga when InuYasha sheaths the sword. In one episode this tree deity explains to Sesshomaru the meaning of the two swords and what his father, the Great Dog Demon Inu no Taisho intended. As Tenseiga's sheath was made from the same source, it boasts similar abilities. When InuYasha first uses the Wind Scar, Tenseiga forms a barrier and protects Sesshomaru, which seems to confirm this.
The sheath has occasionally been broken, but can be repaired, by leaving it beside a hive of yokai bees, known as steel bees. Though it is not explained why they would, these bees will then use their beeswax to repair the sheath. These demon insects must be approached with extreme caution, as they are able to kill yokai with their stingers. Once repaired with steel beeswax, the sheath will be as good as new, and its abilities will not be affected.

A sword that belonged to Sesshōmaru. The sword has a special property in that it cannot harm any living beings, which is ironic for a sword. However its power lies in the fact that it can bring the recently dead back to life as well as healing the wounded.
Tenseiga allows a powerful wielder to see and slay the beings from the underworld, as well as bringing up to 100 beings back to life in one swing. And it should be noted, that the Tenseiga has a mind of its own, as at various points, it has been seen talking to Sesshomaru by telling him things like wishing to be drawn or giving him advice. The same thing goes for Inuyasha's Tessaiga.
The Tenseiga was created by the swordsmith Totosai from a fang of the daiyokai the Great Dog Demon the father of Inuyasha and Sesshomaru. The Tenseiga has the power to cut beings of the next world such as pall-bearers who that take away the souls of the dead, this allows the Tenseiga to revive the dead. Tenseiga can revive 100 people with one swing, the opposite of the Tetsusaiga's ablitiy to slay 100 yokai with one swing. After the dog lord's death Sesshomaru was left the Tenseiga.
Originally Sesshomaru did not wish to have Tenseiga, because it could not be used as a weapon and he began to search for his father's other sword the Tessaiga. However the Tessaiga was left to his younger brother Inuyasha and had a barrier which prevented him from using it, forcing him to look for another weapon. Sesshomaru hated humans and this prevented him from being able to use Tessaiga. It wasn't until he showed compassion and sorrow for the human girl Rin, that he was able to use Tenseiga. Upon using its power did Sesshomaru start to value the Tenseiga.
Tenseiga has been used sparingly, mostly only when Sesshomaru feels like using its power for his own gains such as reviving the head of the yōkai Goshinki so that his fangs could be used to create the sword Tokijin; or when the sword compels Sesshomaru to use it for a good cause. Sesshomaru does not fully understand the behavior of the sword but he keeps it by his side for it almost always has some unforseen benefit.
Sesshomaru's human companion, a human girl named Rin, is brought back to life with the Tenseiga after she was killed by the demon wolves of Kōga; Jaken, Sesshomaru's assistant, is also revived by Tenseiga as well after Kaijinbo kills him while under the corruption of the Tokijin.
Tenseiga, interestingly, easily defeats the leader of the elite cats of the west, Oyakata, who becomes an undead when he is revived with the souls of his lieutenants who laboured to complete the task and 3 pieces of the Shikon Jewel. Using the sword, Sesshomaru restored the life back to the lesser cats, thus taking Oyakata's life essence away. Inuyasha is then able to finish the job with the Tessaiga and put an end to the renewed war between the Cats and the Dogs.
Since Tenseiga can harm the beings of the netherworld, the guardians at the gate that separates the Living World and the Dead, Gozu and Mezu, will not attack anyone who wields the Tenseiga, thus allowing them to pass the gate unobstructed. However, Tenseiga is not all-powerful as apparently it is not able to save Kagura, the wind sorceress created from Naraku and wind. The sword is either unable or unwilling to help such beings that do not possess a soul to begin with. Alternately, Tenseiga may require a more or less intact body to revive, which was not available as Kagura was completely disintegrated by Naraku's miasma.
In the third theatrical release of the InuYasha series, it is shown that when Inuyasha and Sesshomaru's father was still alive, he saved Inuyasha's mother Izayoi with Tenseiga. Subsequently, as the events developed, Tenseiga and Tessaiga, and in turn Sesshomaru and Inuyasha, combine their power to utterly destroy Sō'unga, the sword of world conquest, which is more powerful than either of the other two swords alone and has a mind of its own that is bent on destruction.
It is later reforged by Totosai, after Tokijin is broken, and it gains the Meidou Zangetsuha, which allows it to send enemies directly to the land of the dead as well as its previous revival power. Thus, Sesshomaru finally accepts its potential as a weapon. When the Meidou Zangetsuha was used for the first time it was shaped like a crescent moon. Totosai explains that as Sesshomaru gains strength the Meidou will become more like a full circle, that will send the entire body of a enemy into hell. Sesshomaru goes on a quest to complete his new technique.
As Sesshomaru trained with the Meidou Zangetsuha the cresent moon shape got bigger, but it did not take the shape of a circle, to solve this problem Sesshomaru visited his mother to ask if his father told her anything about strengthening the Tenseiga. This led Sesshomaru to going to hell to rescue Rin from a dead soul. He found Rin dead and tried to use Tenseiga to revive her only find out that the Tenseiga can only revive a person once. Sesshomaru's grief over losing Rin and realizing she only died because she traveled with him strengthed the Tenseiga and Sesshomaru used it to purify the souls of hell and create a path to the living world. The Meidou became closer to a oval shape and grew larger. Sesshomaru's mother reveals that he must have a compassionate heart, which was what allowed the Tenseiga to grow stronger. Sesshomaru's mother used her Meidou Seki to revive Rin to make her son happy.
Continuing his quest Sesshomaru runs into Shishinki an old enemy of his father's and discovers that Tenseiga was casted off Tessaiga to contain the Meidou Zangetsuha technique. During Sesshomaru's battle with Shishinki, Inuyasha comes to his aid and in the presence of Tessaiga, the Tenseiga resonates. Sesshomaru uses the Meidou Zangetsuha and it becomes a full circle this time, and sends Shishinki's entire body into hell. Sesshomaru confronts Totosai about the Tenseiga (going as far as to fire a full Meidou at him), and he discovers that his father intended for him to master the Meidou Zangetsuha and then allow Tessaiga to reabsorb Tenseiga to gain the completed technique.
Sesshomaru, in anger of his father supposed betrayal teams up with Naraku yet again to battle Inuyasha. He puts a fragment of Kanna's mirror on the Tenseiga which allows the sword to steal all of Tessaiga's ablities. Sessohmaru uses the newly empowered Tenseiga to battle Inuyasha and the powerless Tessaiga to see if Inuyasha was truely the Tessaiga's new master. When Inuyasha defeats the Meidou Zangetsuha and the stolen powers of his own sword Sesshomaru breaks Tenseiga on Tessaiga which not only restores its powers, but grants Tessaiga the Meidou Zangetsuha just as their father intended.
When Tenseiga was later revealed to still be intact with its original powers, Sesshomaru decided to keep the sword. Later Totosai reveals that the Inu no Taishou set all of this up to force Sesshomaru to lose his desire for Tessaiga and grant him his very own sword created from his own power, the Bakusaiga.
Sesshomaru hated humans and cared very little about others and the Inu no Taishou knew of this and hoped to teach him compassion by giving him Tenseiga. It was also because of this behaviour Sesshomaru shows that Inu no Taishou refused to pass down the Tessaiga to his older son. Since Tenseiga could not be used by someone without compassion he hoped that Sesshomaru would learn compassion in order to use the sword.
It had been suspected that the Inu no Taishou left the Tenseiga to Sesshomaru for a reason, but the reason was never fully explained until near the end of the series. According to Totsai, Sesshomaru was given Tenseiga because it could protect him from Tessaiga while it could not be used to harm InuYasha, in order to teach them to get along. Tenseiga also protected Sesshomaru several times when his life was in danger from sources other than Tetsusaiga, notably his fight Mouryomaru. Mouryomaru taunted Sesshomaru with Kagura's death, calling her worthless and saying her death was for nothing. Sesshomaru acted out of anger and sorrow on Kagura's behalf,and attacked Mouryomaru, trying to break Mouryomaru's armor with Tokijin. While it cost him Tokijin, and Mouryomaru tried to crush him with the adamant shards he stole from Inuyasha, Tenseiga erected a barrier around Sesshomaru, safeguarding his life.
His sorrow and anger for Kagura earned him the right to wield Tenseiga as a weapon when Totosai arrives. Tenseiga is reforged and its offensive capability, Meidou Zangetsuha, is unlocked. To strengthen the Meidou his father set up the training method that would teach Sesshomaru the meaning of losing someone close to him and have a compassionate heart. Sesshomaru's mother summons Rin's soul from Hell in order to make her son happy, after seeing his pain and Jaken's tears on his master's behalf.
Healing Cut : Restores the life of the dead by cutting the pall-bearers who take the souls of the dead. It was also able to cut Magatsuhi, the manifestation of the evil yōkai with whom Midoriko battles inside the jewel.
Protective barrier: Protects Sesshomaru. The sword acts on its own when his life is in serious danger.
Access to the Netherworld: Grants Sesshomaru access into the Netherworld through the Border of the Afterlife as Tenseiga isn't a sword of earth.
冥道斬月波 is a technique that creates a path that sends anyone who is hit with it directly to hell, killing them without actually harming them. The technique originally belonged to Inu no Taishō's own sword; however, he passed it on to his son Sesshōmaru in order to give him the power to protect, not just to kill. The Meidō Zangetsuha creates a massive black circle that will send a entire body into hell, leaving no trace left behind. However, when Sesshōmaru was first learning to use the technique, the Meidō will take the form of a black cresent moon that only sent a part of a person into hell along with their soul; stronger opponents may be uneffected by the cresent Meidou. As Sesshōmaru gained strength, the Meidō grew until it became a perfect circle.

A fictional sword, resembling a Jian, in the anime and manga series "InuYasha" and the main antagonist of the third movie. It is the complete opposite of Sesshomaru's inherited sword, Tenseiga, "the sword of life or heaven", and the more powerful form of Inuyasha's inherited sword Tetsusaiga, "the sword of death or earth".
Sō’unga, "the sword of hell or of world conquest", can summon 100 dead souls in one swing. In the third movie of InuYasha, the combined powers of the Tetsusaiga and the Tenseiga succeeded in defeating Sō’unga, which was stronger than either of them alone.
Sō’unga, unlike the Tessaiga or Tenseiga, was not created by Totosai from Inuyasha and Sesshomaru's father's fang and it is unknown how Inuyasha's father came to own it. Also, unlike the other two, Sō’unga contains the spirit of an ancient evil dragon from the depths of hell. When held by a human, Sō’unga takes control of them, and they will kill everything they possibly can, but when held by a yōukai, then Sō’unga will try to persuade them to do its bidding. But Inuyasha's father never let Sō’unga control him. Saying it was an act of weakness if he let what he should be controlling take control of him. He used the sword to fight Takemaru of Setsuna as a flaming mansion came down upon them.
Afterwards, Inu no taishu's servants Myoga, Totosai and Saiya pondered on what to do with Sō’unga, after disposing of the Tetsusaiga and Tenseiga. They couldn't give it to Inuyasha, as he was merely a baby at the time and neither Sesshomaru, who desired power and would kill them for being given Tenseiga. Saiya suggested he'd hold the sword off quietly for seven hundred years, placing it in the Bone Eater's Well. However, skipping a number of years, the sword ended up in Kagome's family possession. In the 21st century, the seal became broken. Therefore, Saiya tried finding Inuyasha, in hopes that he would be able to control Sō’unga before it could unleashed chaos in the modern world.
When Inuyasha grasped Sō’unga, he was taken over, but regained control for a short period of time. To prevent it from harming anyone in the future, Inuyasha went into the past, where it began a reign of blood. It battled Sesshomaru, knowing all of his thoughts when their swords clash. Kagome managed to release Sō’unga from Inuyasha's arm using the prayer beads, causing the sword to fly off.
Picked up by an undead ogre it had previously slain, Sō’unga went into the netherworld, retrieving Sesshomaru's left arm that was cut off by Inuyasha during their battle (Episode 7 of the series) and then came upon the burial site of Takemaru, resurrecting him, giving him the arm so he could use the Dragon Twister and a chance for revenge on InuTaisho's sons. Grasping the sword, Takemaru gained a demonic appearance and slaughtered an entire castle full of soldiers to resurrect as the living dead. Sō’unga's spirit guided Takemaru, as Inuyasha and Sesshomaru's groups came upon the castle. Capturing Kagome and Rin, Takemaru tried to strike, but Sesshomaru's intervention stopped it. Sesshomaru tried to kill Takemaru with Tenseiga but he was resurrected. However, when faced by Inuyasha, his desire to protect Kagome filled his power to push Takemaru back. Realizing that his love, Izayoi wanted him to live back then, leaves the living. Sō’unga wasn't finished yet and constructed a body for itself to fight, opening a portal to the Netherworld that would encompass the living world. Sō’unga fought against Inuyasha and Sesshomaru, who battled it individually, only making it stronger. But they combined their Backlash Wave and Dragon Strike to destroy Sō’unga's body and eradicated the demonic spirit, sending it into the netherworld, where it can't harm anyone.
Dragon Twister : also known as Gokuryuuha, the Dragon Twister is Sō’unga's most powerful attack, and it possesses more destructive power than Tessaiga's Backlash Wave. Sō’unga unleashes a large, violent, and powerful purple/black tornado that annihilates everything caught in its path. Myoga described this as being the attack of a dragon from Hell. Its strength is so great it can easily bowl-over the Backlash Wave. However, if both Tetsusaiga and Tenseiga are close by, the strength of the Dragon Twister is diminished. In the Third movie, Inuyasha declares he has someone to protect, thus giving him more strength so he can perform a stronger Backlash Wave. This Backlash Wave, also coupled the combined power of Sesshomaru's Dragon Strike, was able to finally destroy the spirit of Sō’unga.
Sheath of Sō’unga : Kept Sō’unga dormant for what seemed like seven hundred years. Saiya inhabits the sheath, whom advised Myoga and Totosai to throw him with Sō’unga sheathed into The Bone-Eater's Well. Like the sheathes of Tetsusaiga and Tenseiga, it has powerful defensive capabilities.
Resurrection : When Sō’unga is in control of a "Lesser" yōukai, he can bring back a corpse from the dead, and control it, or give it free will, even able to counteract the powers of Tenseiga. Mindless corpses are filled with deadly liquefied miasma.
Black spikes : Sō’unga can fire a shower a black spikes to impale it's enemies much like Inuyasha's adamant barrage .
Path to hell : Sō’unga can open a portal in the underworld that in time it is able to absorb the souls of the living world and also absorb the whole world into oblivion.
Four scene of love and laughter
I'll be alright being alone
Four scene of love and laughter
I'll be alright being alone
Four scene of love and laughter
I'll be alright being alone
Four scene of love and laughter
I will be okay
Aishi aeba wakare yuku
Sonna deai kurikaeshita
Kioku fukaku tesaguride
Amai kage wo motomete wa
I can taste the sweetness of the past
Dokonimo anata wa inai kedo
I'll be alright
Me wo tsubureba soko ni
Kawaranai ai wo... ...I believe
Haru no hikari atsumetara hana sakasete
Natsu wa tsuki ukabu umi de mitsumete
Aki no kaze fuyu no yuki mo sono toiki de
Atatamete hoshii
Four seasons with your love... ...mou ichidou
Negai dake no yakusoku wa
Toki ga tateba iroaseru
Can you feel me underneath the skin?
Annani kasaneta omoi nara
We'll be alright
Shinjite ireba sou
Donna toukutemo... ...stay with me
Haru no hana nemuru yoru ni mukae ni kite
Natsu no sunahama ni MESSEEJI nokoshite
Aki no ame fuyu no namida kazaranu aide
Atatamete hoshii
Four seasons with your love... ... yume no naka
Nagareru toki wo kokoro ni ari no mama ni
Futari no hibi wa mou sugu omoide
Ai mo yume mo wasure mono itsu no hi demo
Atatamete hoshii
Four seasons with your love... ... mune no oku
* Four scene, four four seasons
Four scene, I'll be alright
Four scene, four four seasons
Four scene, stay with me...
* Repeat four times
01 - Sesshomaru and Father 杀生丸と父 1:36
02 - To Izayois Side 十六夜のもとへ 1:16
03 - Last Moments 最期 2:42
04 - Main Title メインタイトル 1:52
05 - Sit Boy! おすわり! 0:44
06 - Memories of Mother 母の思い出 1:28
07 - Sounga, The Demon Sword 魔剣 丛云牙 1:33
08 - Calamity of Sounga 丛云牙の祸 2:01
09 - Invasion 侵蚀 2:36
10 - Discard 葛藤 1:03
11 - To Each of His Own それぞれの想い 1:20
12 - Black Demon Revived 苏る黒鬼 1:19
13 - Inuyasha vs Sesshomary I 犬夜叉vs杀生丸 I 1:53
14 - Struggle 苦闘 1:08
15 - Kagomes Cry かごめの叫び 0:42
16 - Swords of the Father 父の剣 2:09
17 - Resurrected for Revenge 复讐の苏生 2:07
18 - Broken Beads ばらばらの念珠 0:58
19 - Secret of Sounga 丛云牙の秘密 2:23
20 - Cruel Murder 惨杀 0:31
21 - Inuyasha vs Sesshomaru II 犬夜叉vs杀生丸 II 2:15
22 - Adoration of Father 父への憧憬 1:43
23 - Army of the Undead 亡者の兵 1:27
24 - Enemy Force Advances 攻め来る军势 2:47
25 - Kagome and Rin Captured 捕らえられたかごめとりん 2:34
26 - Imminent Danger 危机一髪 0:52
27 - Invaluable Comrades かけがえのない仲间 0:45
28 - Wind Tunnel and Death 命を张った风穴 2:09
29 - The Bond 绊 0:32
30 - Someone to Protect 守るもの 2:25
31 - Love for Izayoi 十六夜への想い 0:58
32 - The Path to the Netherworld 冥界への道 1:45
33 - Last Battle 激戦 2:46
34 - The Power to Protect 守るものへの力 1:45
35 - A Fathers Wish 父の愿い 1:37
Four scene of love and laughter
I'll be alright being alone
Four scene of love and laughter
I'll be alright being alone
Four scene of love and laughter
I'll be alright being alone
Four scene of love and laughter
I will be okay
Aishi aeba wakare yuku
Sonna deai kurikaeshita
Kioku fukaku tesaguride
Amai kage wo motomete wa
I can taste the sweetness of the past
Dokonimo anata wa inai kedo
I'll be alright
Me wo tsubureba soko ni
Kawaranai ai wo... ...I believe
Haru no hikari atsumetara hana sakasete
Natsu wa tsuki ukabu umi de mitsumete
Aki no kaze fuyu no yuki mo sono toiki de
Atatamete hoshii
Four seasons with your love... ...mou ichidou
Negai dake no yakusoku wa
Toki ga tateba iroaseru
Can you feel me underneath the skin?
Annani kasaneta omoi nara
We'll be alright
Shinjite ireba sou
Donna toukutemo... ...stay with me
Haru no hana nemuru yoru ni mukae ni kite
Natsu no sunahama ni MESSEEJI nokoshite
Aki no ame fuyu no namida kazaranu aide
Atatamete hoshii
Four seasons with your love... ... yume no naka
Nagareru toki wo kokoro ni ari no mama ni
Futari no hibi wa mou sugu omoide
Ai mo yume mo wasure mono itsu no hi demo
Atatamete hoshii
Four seasons with your love... ... mune no oku
* Four scene, four four seasons
Four scene, I'll be alright
Four scene, four four seasons
Four scene, stay with me...
* Repeat four times
01 - Sesshomaru and Father 杀生丸と父 1:36
02 - To Izayois Side 十六夜のもとへ 1:16
03 - Last Moments 最期 2:42
04 - Main Title メインタイトル 1:52
05 - Sit Boy! おすわり! 0:44
06 - Memories of Mother 母の思い出 1:28
07 - Sounga, The Demon Sword 魔剣 丛云牙 1:33
08 - Calamity of Sounga 丛云牙の祸 2:01
09 - Invasion 侵蚀 2:36
10 - Discard 葛藤 1:03
11 - To Each of His Own それぞれの想い 1:20
12 - Black Demon Revived 苏る黒鬼 1:19
13 - Inuyasha vs Sesshomary I 犬夜叉vs杀生丸 I 1:53
14 - Struggle 苦闘 1:08
15 - Kagomes Cry かごめの叫び 0:42
16 - Swords of the Father 父の剣 2:09
17 - Resurrected for Revenge 复讐の苏生 2:07
18 - Broken Beads ばらばらの念珠 0:58
19 - Secret of Sounga 丛云牙の秘密 2:23
20 - Cruel Murder 惨杀 0:31
21 - Inuyasha vs Sesshomaru II 犬夜叉vs杀生丸 II 2:15
22 - Adoration of Father 父への憧憬 1:43
23 - Army of the Undead 亡者の兵 1:27
24 - Enemy Force Advances 攻め来る军势 2:47
25 - Kagome and Rin Captured 捕らえられたかごめとりん 2:34
26 - Imminent Danger 危机一髪 0:52
27 - Invaluable Comrades かけがえのない仲间 0:45
28 - Wind Tunnel and Death 命を张った风穴 2:09
29 - The Bond 绊 0:32
30 - Someone to Protect 守るもの 2:25
31 - Love for Izayoi 十六夜への想い 0:58
32 - The Path to the Netherworld 冥界への道 1:45
33 - Last Battle 激戦 2:46
34 - The Power to Protect 守るものへの力 1:45
35 - A Fathers Wish 父の愿い 1:37
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