A small group of children on Horai Island (whom we later learn to be half-demon) watch as a Kikyo look-alike develops in a green orb, then stand in front of the Cauldron of Resonance while it comes to life. Four scars, the Mark of the Four War Gods (Ryura, Jura, Kyora, and Gora), appear on all of the children's backs except for the youngest girl, Ai. Asagi, the oldest, tells Ai to leave the island while she still does not bear the mark and says her goodbye. The Four War Gods find out that Ai has escaped and try to retrieve her, but Inuyasha and the others defeat Gora and save Ai, who later asks InuYasha to save the others on Horai Island. Later, while Ai rests, InuYasha explains the myth of Horai Island, a place that appears once every fifty years. He remembers fifty years ago, when Kikyo took him to the island to meet the half-demon children. Suddenly, the Four War Gods appeared. Gora sucked some of Kikyo's blood (which was used to make Kikyo's doppelganger), and Ryura marks InuYasha's back with the scar, saying that he would never be free from them once he has the scar on him. The gang decides to head to Horai Island to investigate.
The villagers all panic upon seeing the island. In a small hut, Kikyo listens to a man's tale of Horai Island, then leaves, saying she will defeat the demons. The rest of the villagers rush to the shrine and start praying for divine protection from Kyura, who proceeds to burn down the shrine and kill many of the villagers. Sesshomaru arrives and drives Kyura off with his Dragon Strike. After the battle, he remembers back to his first encounter with Kyura, when he was marked by the scar.
As InuYasha and company near the island, Jura appears and fires his Thunder Cannon at them, destroying their boat. Miroku and Sango fly away on Kirara, pursued by Jura, while InuYasha, Kagome, and Ai escape to the beach, where they meet Ryura. In the ensuing fight, Ryura easily deflects InuYasha's Wind Scar with his Earth Dragon Gale, then calls upon his Dragon Lightning and nearly kills InuYasha, but Kagome stops him by firing a sacred arrow. Ryura is forced to retreat, but not before he hurls some insults at InuYasha.
Ai leads the group to the village, where they find Asagi singing the "Song of Parting," together with the other four children. When InuYasha reveals his plan to confront the Four War Gods, Asagi begs him to reconsider, saying they'll all be killed. The gang learns that Asagi is going to sacrifice herself to the Cauldron of Resonance, and she argues that her death will allow the others to live a little longer. They all follow Asagi to the Cauldron, where InuYasha attempts to destroy the Cauldron with no success. Suddenly, he and Asagi are pulled into the Cauldron as it closes. On the outside, the rest of the gang and the children try to open the doors, while on the inside, InuYasha feels his strength waning. Then, Lady Kanade, the priestess who fought the Four War Gods fifty years ago, appears. After telling Inuyasha after more about the history of the island, Lady Kanade lends Inuyasha her remaining strength along with the War Gods' power spheres, telling him to destroy it as soon as possible and that it must never be opened. In return, she asks Inuyasha to save the children, then gives her blessing to Asagi before she disappears. Inuyasha calls upon Adamant Barrage and destroys the door to the Cauldron, accidentally breaking Kagome's bow in the process.
Just then, a Kikyo look-alike appears and takes the power spheres from Inuyasha. He chases her to the War Gods, where she opens the box, releasing the spheres to their owners. While Kagome, Shippo and the children attempt to make a raft to escape, the Kikyo doppelganger attacks Inuyasha. At the Cauldron of Resonance, Sesshomaru appears and finds Kyura waiting for him. Sesshomaru easily defeats him with another Dragon Strike. Meanwhile, Sango and Miroku fly on Kirara to confront Jura and the resurrected Gora. Using his Wind Tunnel, Miroku redirects Gora's blasts so that it hits Jura, before Sango finishes him off with Hiraikotsu.
Meanwhile, Inuyasha battles with the Kikyo doppelganger and is about to lose when the true Kikyo appears and defeats the impostor, then leaves her bow behind. Inuyasha finds Ryura attacking Kagome and the children, and kills him with his Backlash Wave. With only Gora remaining, Miroku spears Gora's head with his staff, greatly weakening it. With a combination of Sango's Hiraikotsu and Inuyasha's Wind Scar, they kill the last War God.
However, the battle does not end here; all the power spheres combine to create one final War God who seems unstoppable. Kagome knows only a combination of her sacred arrow and Inuyasha's Adament barragge can destroy it, but she cannot fight because her bow was broken. However, the fireflies (spirits of the island residents who had been previously sacrificed) lead the children to Kikyo's bow, and they bring it to Kagome. Finally, with the fireflies' blessing, InuYasha unleashes his Adamant Backlash Wave which combines with Kagome's arrow to defeat the War Gods. As the gang and the children leave the island, it crumbles into the ocean, putting the myth of Horai Island to rest.
As the credits roll, it is indicated that the children spend some time with the gang at Kaede's village before departing as a group of six to face the world by themselves.
愛 AI
Hanyou from Horai Island. She is the youngest of the children that are living there, and she appears only in the fourth InuYasha movie.
Ai is a small, skinny, half-demon child. She has purple hair that is always in a messy bun at the back of her head, tied up with a band of pearls. She has blue eyes and her being half-demon is shown through her ears. Her ears are blue and finlike, making it safe to assume she is part fish-demon. She has peachy skin.
Ai wears a pink 'dress' and is barefoot. There is a small pink ribbon hanging off the very middle back of the dress.
Ai is the youngest of the half-demon children, and she is also the most innocent and optimistic. She seems too young to comprehend the severity of some of the situations, and is always looking at the bright side of things. She looks up to Inuyasha and all the other children, although she is pretty strong-willed herself.
Ai was the only child on Horai Island that escaped being marked by the war gods. Because of this, she is the only one able to escape the island.
Although she does not want to leave her friends, they (especially Asagi) order her to leave, wanting her to be safe. When she escapes the island, one of the Four War Gods tries to kill her, but Inuyasha and his friends come to save her. Kagome takes her, and when Ai sees Inuyasha she seems to recognize him. It is revealed that Inuyasha had been on Horai Island with Kikyo fifty years prior. Ai later returns to the island, wanting to see the others again.
At the end of the film, she sets out with the other remaining half-demon children to live in the outside world.
A half-demon from Horai Island. She has taken the role of protecting the other half-demon children, appearing only in the fourth InuYasha movie.
Asagi is a small child, probably in her late single-digits or very early preteen years. She is small and skinny (although taller than all of the other half-demon children). She has blue hair that she keeps in a ponytail, as well as pointed elvin-like ears that show she is a half-demon. She also has golden eyes and pale, peachy skin.
Asagi wears a brownish-gold 'dress' that is tied around the waist with normal rope. She is the only girl who wears a rope around her waist, and the other half-demon boys so this as well. Under this, she seems to wear a brown under-dress or something of that sort, which sticks out below the dress an inch or so. She is barefoot, and around her neck she wears a beaded necklace. The necklace has a pattern of three beads followed by a violet triangular rock or pendant, and this pattern is repeated all along the necklace.
Asagi is a very strong-willed child. She acts extremely brave so she can be seen as a role-model for the other children on Horai Island. For such a young child, she takes on an incredible amount of stress. She seems to accept the fact that she must be sacrificed in order for the other children to continue to live for a while longer, and she is also shown to be quite stubborn, insisting there is no other way and refusing to try and find a way out of her 'fate'. She loves each of the other children dearly, and acts quite motherly towards them all. She even sometimes resorts to 'tough love', shown when she slapped Ai for returning to the island and again when scolding Shion for acting cowardly. Though this may seem cruel, she is simply doing it for their own good.
As a young child, Asagi survived the Four War Gods attack on the island and received the Mark of the Four War Gods to prevent her from ever escaping. She was destined to be used as fodder for the War Gods' own purposes until Inuyasha's group saved her and the other half-demon children. At the end of the film, she sets out with the other remaining half-demon children to live in the outside world.
A half-demon from Horai Island, and is Roku's twin brother. He appears only in the fourth InuYasha movie.
Roku and Dai are both nearly identical in looks. They are both tanned and have sharp, defined features. They have orange eyes and pointed ears (showing they are both half-demon). The way to tell him apart from Roku, is that Dai's hair is mostly orange, and his outfit is a darker shade of blue.
Dai wears a dark blue tunic with rope tied around the waist. He is barefoot all the time, like the other half-demon children.
Both Dai and his twin often annoy Inuyasha by telling him he will be unable to defeat the Four War Gods. Though they have annoyed the others at times as well. They are both very immature and have smart mouths, making witty and unnecessary comments at times.
As young children, Roku and Dai survived the Four War Gods attack on the island and received the Mark of the Four War Gods to prevent them escaping. They were destined to be used as fodder for the War Gods' own purposes until Inuyasha's group saved them and the other half-demon children. At the end of the film, he sets out with the other remaining half-demon children to live in the outside world.
A half-demon from Horai Island, and is Dai's twin brother. He appears only in the fourth InuYasha movie.
Roku and Dai are both nearly identical in looks. They are both tanned and have sharp, defined features. They have orange eyes and pointed ears (showing they are both half-demon). The way to tell him apart from Dai, is that Roku's hair is mostly green, and his outfit is a lighter shade of blue.
Roku wears a light blue tunic with rope tied around the waist. He is barefoot all the time, like the other half-demon children.
Both Roku and his twin often annoy Inuyasha by telling him he will be unable to defeat the Four War Gods. Though they have annoyed the others at times as well. They are both very immature and have smart mouths, making witty and unnecessary comments at times.
As young children, Roku and Dai survived the Four War Gods attack on the island and received the Mark of the Four War Gods to prevent them escaping. They were destined to be used as fodder for the War Gods' own purposes until Inuyasha's group saved them and the other half-demon children. At the end of the film, he sets out with the other remaining half-demon children to live in the outside world.
A hanyo from Horai Island. She appears only in the fourth InuYasha movie.
As a young child, Moegi survived the Four War Gods attack on the island and received the Mark of the Four War Gods to prevent her from ever escaping. She was destined to be used as fodder for the War Gods' own purposes until Inuyasha's group saved her and the other half-demon children. When Inuyasha destroys the Cauldron of Resonance, she is the one to suggest building raft to get them off the island. At the end of the film, she sets out with the other remaining half-demon children to live in the outside world.
Moegi is wise beyond her years and knows most everything about Horai Island. She is probably the most shy of the children, for she barely even speaks during the course of the movie. She always wears a blank expression and speaks in a soft, quiet, monotonous manner. She doesn't usually assert herself in conversation or action.
Moegi is a very young, small child. She has olive green hair that is in two ponytails lying on both shoulders, tied with tan-orange bands. She also has bangs that stop just above her eyebrows. Her eyes are also green, and she has pale skin. Her half-demon part shows through the extremely small red horns poking out just above her bangs on either side.
Moegi wears a green dress that has barely seeable-sleeves. The shade of green is practically the same as her eyes. She is barefoot like the other half-demon children on the islad.
A half-demon from Horai Island. He is very shy, and he appears only in the fourth InuYasha movie.
Shion is a dark-skinned, skinny, half-demon child. He has purple hair and what appear to be goat horns, safely letting people assume he is half goat-demon or something of the sort. He has orange-brown eyes that greatly contrast against his dark skin.
Shion wears a gray tunic-like cloth with rope tying around the waist of the outfit. On both shoulders of the tunic are two black stripes side-by-side. He is barefoot like the other half-demon children of the island.
Shion is probably one of the weakest of the children. He has extremely low self-esteem.
As a young child, Shion survived the Four War Gods attack on the island and received the Mark of the Four War Gods to prevent him from ever escaping. He was destined to be used as fodder for the War Gods' own purposes until Inuyasha's group saved him and the other half-demon children.
During the film, Shion must overcome his fears ad he helps significantly by retrieving Kagome's bow and arrows from somewhere deep in the forest. The fireflies of Horai Island help him do this, and he overcomes his shyness and proves his worth through this heroic act.
At the end of the film, he sets out with the other remaining half-demon children to live in the outside world.
Deceased miko who first appeared in the fourth Inuyasha movie. She was the guardian miko of Horai Island, a place where demons and humans lived in harmony, producing many half-demons as a result.
However, every fifty years, the time barrier would weaken, and demons from the mainland would attack. Among the bloodthirsty horde, were the Four War Gods. Kanade fought during those battles and managed to seal the War Gods' powers in four sphere, before throwing herself into the Cauldron of Resonance, at the cost of her life. Unfortunately, the Four War Gods figured that by throwing half-demons into the cauldron, they could regain a small portion of their powers.
Fifty years later, she reappeared as a glowing green orb at the bottom of the Cauldron of Resonance when Inuyasha and Asagi was thrown into it. She gives Inuyasha her blessings and the little that remains of her lifeforce in order to allow him to escape the cauldron. In return, she asks him to save the children that are on the island. She also gives him the container holding the power of the Four War Gods.
A fierce warrior and the leader of the demon band known as the Four War Gods. Many years ago, Ryūra and his comrades invaded the legendary island Hōraijima and caused much distruction. In desperation, the island's priestess, Lady Kanade, sealed the Four War Gods' spheres of power inside a jeweled comb box and hid it inside the Cauldron of Resonance. Without their powers, the Four War Gods were forced to remain on the island until they could retrieve the comb box.
Eventually, the Four War Gods initiated a plan that would allow them to regain their original power by using a cloned priestess. During the course of executing this plan, however, the Four War Gods were opposed by many opponents, among them the half-demon Inuyasha.
Ryura and his brothers originally came with a army of demons(though they were not the leaders of the army merely just part of the group) it's not said what happened to the other demons though the four war gods had their powers stolen and sealed they soon began to sacrifice half demons to regain bits of their power at a time.
Ryura is extrememly arrogant and sadistic he also seems to seek out strong opponents to face in battle.
One of the Shitōshin and is gigantic turtle demon who inhabits the ocean surrounding Horai island. Too massive to come ashore, Gora instead unleashes his incredibly powerful attacks(which are shot from its back like cannons or from his mouth) on the island itself. He also has a long barbed prehensile tongue which he can use to bind people.
Many ages ago, the island of Hōraijima was a sanctuary for humans and demons alike. The two groups existed in harmony for many years and intermingled, giving rise to a sizeable population of half-demons. The existence of a half-demon community earned contempt from demons, so, to protect themselves, the people of Hōraijima created the powerful Cauldron of Resonance, which generated a time barrier that separated Hōraijima from the outside world. However, every 50 years the time barrier weakened, and the island reappeared, rendering it vulnerable to raids by demons. The Four War Gods were among the many demons which despised the people of Hōraijima, and one day decided to attack the island during its brief vulnerable period and annihilate the inhabitants.
The humans and demons of Hōraijima were no match for the Four War Gods, among whom was the demon Jūra. The village became engulfed in flame and many villagers fell in battle. However, Jūra and the other War Gods had neglected to kill the island priestess, Kanade. Lady Kanade was quite powerful, but not even she could defeat the combined power of the Four War Gods. In desperation, Lady Kanade was able to seal away the power spheres which granted the four demons their immense power inside a jeweled comb box. With this accomplished, Kanade leapt inside the Cauldron of Resonance, putting the box beyond the reach of any of the Four War Gods. With the island already conquered, Jūra and the others established themselves temporarily on Hōraijima, until they could find a solution to their missing powers.
In time, the Four War Gods discovered that by throwing live half-demons into the Cauldron of Resonance, they could retrieve a portion of their powers trapped inside. In order to survive, the War Gods corrupted the Cauldron with their demonic energy and put their mark on each of the island's half-demons and established a powerful demonic barrier around the island. Anyone who carried the mark would be unable to pass outside the barrier. In this way, the Four War Gods were able to keep the half-demons enslaved, sacrificing them one by one whenever their powers needed rejuvenation. Nevertheless, this was a temporary solution at best, since the War Gods could never retrieve their full powers; furthermore, if they left the island, they would slowly fade away from a lack of demonic energy and die. In order to stay alive, the Four War Gods would have to remain on the island, where they could retain access to the Cauldron. But, due to the slowing effect of the time barrier, the Four War Gods could minimize the amount of power they lost, meaning that they would only need to sacrifice a half-demon whenever the barrier itself weakened (e.g. every 50 years). Nevertheless, until they could retrieve the jeweled comb box from within the Cauldron, the Shitōshin would be trapped on the island forever.
Around 150 years later, Sesshōmaru's half-brother, Inuyasha, and the priestess Kikyō investigated Hōraijima. By this time, all of the villagers had been killed or sacrificed except for six half-demon children. With their time (and the number of sacrifices left) running out, the Four War Gods decided it was time to try and get off the island. Seeing that Kikyō possessed strong spiritual power, they hatched a plan. While Inuyasha and Kikyō landed on the beach and spoke to the children, Kyōra sent in his birds of fire to attack. While they were distracted with this, however, Gōra wrapped his long barbed tongue around Kikyō and began to suck her blood. Inuyasha stopped him, but the Shitōshin had obtained enough blood for their purposes. With this done, Ryūra marked Inuyasha, promising him that he would one day be their slave.The time barrier was then restored and the island disappeared.
Behind the veil of the barrier, though, the Four War Gods went to work preparing their escape plan. Using the blood Gōra sucked from Kikyō, the Shitōshin used their magic to create an identical replica of her, with the intention of using it to free the jeweled comb box from the Cauldron of Resonance and break the seal on the box itself, releasing their power spheres in the process. In the meantime, the replica Kikyō was left to grow in a ball of fluid in one of Hōraijima's forests.
Gōra takes the shape of a long-necked turtle the size of a small island. His shell has a number of spikes and holes on it. Similar to Ryūkotsusei, his has a mask on his head, which is his real head, while the big one is used to attack with Energy Balls.
Energy Balls : Gōra's main and most often ability is to fire large, fast, and powerful balls of energy out his mouth and the holes of his shell with extreme accuracy.
Prehensile Tongue: He also possesses a barbed prehensile tongue, which he uses to bind people with, as well as suck out their blood.
Shell : Due to large size and power, his shell is extremely durable, it is also covered in large spikes and holes. The holes are used to fire his energy balls.
ジュラ JURA
A member of the Shitōshin and is based on a tiger. Carrying a powerful cannon known as Saitenho (Thunder Cannon in the english dub) on his shoulder, that he stole from an opponent years earlier, Jura is a fearsome opponent with lightning fast speed. He is extremely aggressive and violent. He faces off against Sango, Miroku and Kirara singlehandedly and holds his own without any problems. His true form is so powerful that he able to 'kick' off the air.
Many ages ago, the island of Hōraijima was a sanctuary for humans and demons alike. The two groups existed in harmony for many years and intermingled, giving rise to a sizeable population of half-demons. The existence of a half-demon community earned contempt from demons, so, to protect themselves, the people of Hōraijima created the powerful Cauldron of Resonance, which generated a time barrier that separated Hōraijima from the outside world. However, every 50 years the time barrier weakened, and the island reappeared, rendering it vulnerable to raids by demons. The Four War Gods were among the many demons which despised the people of Hōraijima, and one day decided to attack the island during its brief vulnerable period and annihilate the inhabitants.
The humans and demons of Hōraijima were no match for the Four War Gods, among whom was the demon Jūra. The village became engulfed in flame and many villagers fell in battle. However, Jūra and the other War Gods had neglected to kill the island priestess, Kanade. Lady Kanade was quite powerful, but not even she could defeat the combined power of the Four War Gods. In desperation, Lady Kanade was able to seal away the power spheres which granted the four demons their immense power inside a jeweled comb box. With this accomplished, Kanade leapt inside the Cauldron of Resonance, putting the box beyond the reach of any of the Four War Gods. With the island already conquered, Jūra and the others established themselves temporarily on Hōraijima, until they could find a solution to their missing powers.
In time, the Four War Gods discovered that by throwing live half-demons into the Cauldron of Resonance, they could retrieve a portion of their powers trapped inside. In order to survive, the War Gods corrupted the Cauldron with their demonic energy and put their mark on each of the island's half-demons and established a powerful demonic barrier around the island. Anyone who carried the mark would be unable to pass outside the barrier. In this way, the Four War Gods were able to keep the half-demons enslaved, sacrificing them one by one whenever their powers needed rejuvenation. Nevertheless, this was a temporary solution at best, since the War Gods could never retrieve their full powers; furthermore, if they left the island, they would slowly fade away from a lack of demonic energy and die. In order to stay alive, the Four War Gods would have to remain on the island, where they could retain access to the Cauldron. But, due to the slowing effect of the time barrier, the Four War Gods could minimize the amount of power they lost, meaning that they would only need to sacrifice a half-demon whenever the barrier itself weakened (e.g. every 50 years). Nevertheless, until they could retrieve the jeweled comb box from within the Cauldron, the Shitōshin would be trapped on the island forever.
Jūra is a tan-skinned demon of average height, with short black and white striped hair. Like most humanoid demons, he has pointed ears. He has tan skin and a diamond mark that expands when his sphere of power is inserted. He has very narrow slit-like gold eyes. He has a dark strip-like mark on both sides of his face right above his ears.
In his second form, Jūra becomes a lot more muscular. He sprouts three spikes from each of his shoulders. All of his limbs grow a great deal. His eyes become entirely yellow. All of his teeth become fangs, and his regular fangs become larger.
Jūra's style of clothing is similar to the armor worn by the other humanoid members of the Shitōshin. On his arms, chest, and back he wear black armor with a gold trim, his boots have a similar design. He wears a tiger-print skirt and what appears to be a giant set of tiger paws an his shoulders. He wears a grey hakama and sash.
A powerful demon and a member of the group known as the Shitōshin and is based on a phoenix. Many years ago, he and his comrades invaded the island of Hōraijima and devastated the population. Unable to defeat the Four War Gods, the island's priestess, Lady Kanade, sealed their power spheres inside a jeweled comb box. Unable to leave the island without their powers, the Four War Gods established themselves on Hōraijima.
The Four War Gods initiated a plan to regain their former power and escape from the island. However, they were opposed by many enemies, amongst them Lord Sesshōmaru. Having fought Sesshōmaru in the past, Kyōra was eager to face off with his nemesis once again. However, this would prove to be a fatal last encounter.
Many ages ago, the island of Hōraijima was a sanctuary for humans and demons alike. The two groups existed in harmony for many years and intermingled, giving rise to a sizeable population of half-demons. The existence of a half-demon community earned contempt from demons, so, to protect themselves, the people of Hōraijima created the powerful Cauldron of Resonance, which generated a time barrier that separated Hōraijima from the outside world. However, every 50 years the time barrier weakened, and the island reappeared, rendering it vulnerable to raids by demons. The Four War Gods were among the many demons which despised the people of Hōraijima, and one day decided to attack the island during its brief vulnerable period and annihilate the inhabitants.
The humans and demons of Hōraijima were no match for the Four War Gods, among whom was the demon Kyōra. The village became engulfed in flame and many villagers fell in battle. However, Kyōra and the other War Gods had neglected to kill the island priestess, Kanade. Lady Kanade was quite powerful, but not even she could defeat the combined power of the Four War Gods. In desperation, Lady Kanade was able to seal away the power spheres which granted the four demons their immense power inside a jeweled comb box. With this accomplished, Kanade leapt inside the Cauldron of Resonance, putting the box beyond the reach of any of the Four War Gods. With the island already conquered, Kyōra and the others established themselves temporarily on Hōraijima, until they could find a solution to their missing powers.
In time, the Four War Gods discovered that by throwing live half-demons into the Cauldron of Resonance, they could retrieve a portion of their powers trapped inside. In order to survive, the War Gods corrupted the Cauldron with their demonic energy and put their mark on each of the island's half-demons and established a powerful demonic barrier around the island. Anyone who carried the mark would be unable to pass outside the barrier. In this way, the Four War Gods were able to keep the half-demons enslaved, sacrificing them one by one whenever their powers needed rejuvenation. Nevertheless, this was a temporary solution at best, since the War Gods could never retrieve their full powers; furthermore, if they left the island, they would slowly fade away from a lack of demonic energy and die. In order to stay alive, the Four War Gods would have to remain on the island, where they could retain access to the Cauldron. But, due to the slowing effect of the time barrier, the Four War Gods could minimize the amount of power they lost, meaning that they would only need to sacrifice a half-demon whenever the barrier itself weakened (e.g. every 50 years). Nevertheless, until they could retrieve the jeweled comb box from within the Cauldron, the Shitōshin would be trapped on the island forever.
Some 200 years before the Shitōshin's conflict with Inuyasha, Kyōra had a fateful encounter. When Hōraijima's barrier weakened, the Four War Gods would venture away from the island briefly, in order to wreak havoc before the barrier was restored. During one such excursion, Kyōra encountered a pair of demons, Kujaku and Saiten, who desired to defeat the Four War Gods, at the behest of the late Lord of the Western Lands, the Inu no Taishō. Kyōra was the first (and last) War God the duo encountered. Despite their efforts, Kyōra was easily able to defeat them and they were burned alive. Kyōra was indignant that the two demons were so weak, and yet acted so righteous. He consoled himself with the prospects of taking their weapons as his battle spoils. Kyōra would take Kujaku's fan for himself, while Saiten's Thunder Cannon would be given to his brother Jūra. No sooner had Kyōra defeated Kujaku and Saiten, however, than he was nearly struck by the light whip of Lord Sesshōmaru.
Kyōra was too quick and, taking up Kujaku's fan, dispersed Sesshōmaru's light whip. Kyōra assumed that this imposing figure was the "Sesshōmaru" that Saiten had mentioned in his dying breaths. Kyōra expressed eagerness in meeting the dog demon, as well as in fighting him. Nevertheless, Sesshōmaru treated Kyōra with cold disdain and conveyed his cynicism over Kyōra calling himself "a god". Kyōra assured Sesshōmaru that it was not unwarranted, and with that, leapt into battle. The skirmish lasted only a few seconds, as Sesshōmaru was able to put Kyōra out of action with one blow, causing him to burst into flames. Kyōra was by no means out of the picture, however, and his head floated out of the embers. He commended Sesshōmaru, espousing his surprise at the daiyōkai's strength, but rebuked him for underestimating the "power of a god". Sesshōmaru merely knocked Kyōra's head out of the way; nevertheless, this had only been a distraction. With Sesshōmaru's back turned, he was exposed to an attack by Kyōra's birds of fire, who administered the Mark of the Four War Gods. Kyōra marked Sesshōmaru knowing that he would come looking for revenge, ensuring that this battle would not be their last encounter. Following this, he taunted Sesshōmaru and disappeared.
Around 150 years later, Sesshōmaru's half-brother, Inuyasha, and the priestess Kikyō investigated Hōraijima. By this time, all of the villagers had been killed or sacrificed except for six half-demon children. With their time (and the number of sacrifices left) running out, the Four War Gods decided it was time to try and get off the island. Seeing that Kikyō possessed strong spiritual power, they hatched a plan. While Inuyasha and Kikyō landed on the beach and spoke to the children, Kyōra sent in his birds of fire to attack. While they were distracted with this, however, Gōra wrapped his long tongue around Kikyō and began to suck her blood. Inuyasha stopped him, but the Shitōshin had obtained enough blood for their purposes. With this done, Ryūra marked Inuyasha, promising him that he would one day be their slave.The time barrier was then restored and the island disappeared.
Behind the veil of the barrier, though, the Four War Gods went to work preparing their escape plan. Using the blood Gōra sucked from Kikyō, the Shitōshin used their magic to create an identical replica of her, with the intention of using it to free the jeweled comb box from the Cauldron of Resonance and break the seal on the box itself, releasing their power spheres in the process. In the meantime, the replica Kikyō was left to grow in a ball of fluid in one of Hōraijima's forests.
The next time the barrier weakened, the Four War Gods experienced a minor incident of rebellion when one of the half-demon children left on the island tried to escape. Somehow the child, Ai, never received the Mark of the Four War Gods. Despite their plan to regain their power being close to completion, the Shitōshin would not allow any of their half-demon thralls to slip through their grasp. Ryūra therefore sent Gōra to bring Ai back. The matter was not as simple as it seemed, however, as Inuyasha happened to be in the area again, and defeated Gōra. Kyōra was unsure on how they should proceed from this failure, but Ryūra assured him that Inuyasha would not escape from the island again.
Eventually, Inuyasha began his approach towards the island, with new allies this time, apparently hoping to take care of what he had left unfinished 50 years ago. The Four War Gods were grateful because he foolishly decided to bring back the runaway half-demon child. But more importantly, Lord Sesshōmaru was also in the area and Kyōra was eager to fight him once again. Jūra and Ryūra were keen on tackling Inuyasha's group as a warm-up, so Kyōra took this opportunity to slip away and set up a rematch between himself and Sesshōmaru.
To this end, Kyōra attacked a shrine on the other side of the bay from Hōraijima. A group of humans had gone there to seek sanctuary, knowing that the Four War Gods wreaked havoc whenever the island of Hōraijima appeared among the mists. Kyōra decided he would lure Sessōmaru to his location by creating as much chaos as possible. He appeared atop the village temple, frightening the gathered villagers and informing them that they would all soon be destroyed. Kyōra set the shrine's tree ablaze from a lightening strike created by his demonic aura. Laughing at their helplessness, Kyōra watched in amusement as the humans attempted in vain to escape their plight. Nevertheless, Kyōra attacked them with his birds of fire, setting them on fire, as well as the shrine itself from his mere presense. As he looked on his work with satisfaction, one of his flaming birds were suddenly cut apart by a sword stike. Turning to see who it was, Kyōra discovered Lord Sesshōmaru emerging from the shadows of the nearby forest. Kyōra was delighted, and informed Lord Sesshōmaru that he had long awaited their rematch.
Taking little time for small talk, which Sesshōmaru would not likely have partaken in anyway, Kyōra wasted no time in getting their battle started. Having learned from their previous encounter, he decided not to engage Sesshōmaru in close quarters, and opened with a blast of his Crimson Demon Fan, engulfing Sesshōmaru in a vortex of heat and flame. Kyōra allowed himself to be impressed with his own skill, but it was premature. To his surprise, Sesshōmaru ripped apart the flaming cyclone with a blast of his demonic aura. He then charged at the War God with his sword, Tōkijin. Kyōra deftly dodged each of the thrusts and slashes, expanding his wings and taking flight. Kyōra congratulated Sesshōmaru on breaking through his attack so easily, remarking on how he "would expect nothing less from Lord Sesshōmaru." Gathering his birds of fire around him, Kyōra braced himself for the next phase. However, Sesshōmaru's next attack was more powerful than he could have predicted, as Sesshōmaru did not possess Tōkijin the first time they had faced off. Slicing several attacking birds, Sesshōmaru withdrew a short distance away, then turned towards Kyōra, unleashing Tōkijin's Dragon Strike. Kyōra was taken aback, and tried to steer clear of it, but ended up being consumed by the blast. Nevertheless, Kyōra was left astonished once again by Sesshōmaru's skill. As his body began to break away into flame, Kyōra invited Lord Sesshōmaru to Hōraijima, where they could "cross swords again". Sesshōmaru was incredulous, but Kyōra assured his opponent that he would have no say in the matter, so long as he bore the Mark of the Four War Gods, and, with that, Kyōra disintegrated, to later reform on Hōraijima, leaving behind a disgruntled and dissatisfied Sesshōmaru.
Meanwhile, Inuyasha and his group had survived their skirmish with Ryūra and Jūra, and had begun investigating the village. The Four War Gods decided to let them be, since they were no threat and could not leave, as Inuyasha and the rest of the half-demons bore the Mark; but the War Gods were also running low on power. For this reason, the Cauldron of Resonance called out for a sacrifice, and the eldest half-demon from the village, Asagi, dutifully reported to the Cauldron. Soon, she was sacrificed and they were summarily rejuvenated. Jūra was not satisfied, however, and was impatient for the return of his sphere. Recognizing that only 5 of the children were left, Kyōra suggested that they initiate the final phase of their plan, and retrieve their true power. Ryūra agreed that it was almost time to release the priestess. However, it was not until Ryūra sensed that the jeweled comb box had been removed from the Cauldron, that she was sent to fulfill her mission. Within very little time, the false Kikyō returned with the box. Kyōra congratulated her and Jūra urged her to break the seal on the box, to which she began to comply. At that moment, though, Inuyasha arrived calling out for "Kikyō" to stop. The Four War Gods leapt into action, coming in between the two so that the hanyō could not interfere. Ryūra and Kyōra explained to Inuyasha that this Kikyō was just a replica, created to release their power spheres. Jūra began to grow even more impatient, and ordered the priestess to hurry up. No sooner had this been said, than the seal was finally undone and the power spheres of the Shitōshin returned to the foreheads of their respective owners. Kyōra experienced an intense feeling of euphoria at the return of his power, lamenting that it had been "far too long". The Shitōshin then turned on Inuyasha with their restored power: Jūra blasting him with the Thunder Cannon and Kyōra attacking with his birds of fire. The hanyō landed on a beach below and barely survived an energy blast from Gōra. He then became preoccupied fighting the replica Kikyō. The Shitōshin were eager to leave the island, but Jūra suggested that before they do so, they should kill the remaining villagers. They all agreed, but Kyōra knew that Sesshōmaru had finally followed him onto Hōraijima, and headed to the Cauldron of Resonance to wait for him.
Eventually, Sesshōmaru predictably appeared to challenge Kyōra at the base of the Cauldron. He was obviously ready to do battle, having immeditately drawn his Tōkijin. Kyōra informed him that he would gladly be his opponent and charged his power, causing flames from the now-broken Cauldron to burst all around him. The battle was fiercer and longer than any they had had before. Kyōra and Sesshōmaru both exchanged blows at close range, and Kyōra proved adept at blocking or dodging all that were directed at him. And Sesshōmaru was just as capable of dispelling his birds of fire as he had been during their last encounter. Kyōra dodged more of his blows and then came down hard on the ground, which ended up blasting a large chunk off of the bridge they had been standing on.
Kyōra used this opening to engage Sesshōmaru in some conversation, asking him if he found their duel as exciting as he did, recognizing that they were both kindred spirits. Sesshōmaru expressed his cold disapproval of the idea that they were alike, and leapt into attack. Kyōra dodged this and landed on top of Sesshōmaru's hand, grabbing it and discharging electricity from his aura. Whilst upside-down, Kyōra explained to Sesshōmaru that they both felt joy while fighting, and that they felt alive while killing. When Kyōra asked him where they differed, Sesshōmaru flatly commanded him not to compare the two of them, calling Kyōra "lowly yōkai trash." He then threw Kyōra off of his hand, but he came right back to cross his weapon with Lord Sesshōmaru's. Jumping above Sesshōmaru's next attack, Kyōra leapt down from their high perch, landing in a stream below and narrowly dodging a dive thrust from Sesshōmaru. As he flew through the air, Kyōra launched his Crimson Demon Fan attack, to little effect. He landed on top of the Cauldron once again, his previous attack beginning to set the entire landscape aflame. Kyōra once again asked Sesshōmaru to tell him how they were different, and Sesshōmaru refused to explain anything, claiming that Kyōra was "not even worth [his] breath."
With that said, Sessōmaru unleashed his Dragon Strike, which passed over Kyōra without any damage. He then plunged his sword into the ground, which caused three gashes to move across the ground to the base of the Cauldron where Kyōra was standing, a moderate amount of yōki dischargin along the way. Kyōra was amused that his attack was apparently so ineffective, and taunted Sesshōmaru, asking him if that was the best he had to offer. Immediately after this, Kyōra was consumed in a beam of Tōkijin's demonic energy, which had been gathering within the Cauldron after Sesshōmaru's attack. Kyōra screamed out in pain as he gradually disintegrated into nothing. As the Cauldron itself exploded, all that was left of Kyōra was his power sphere, which, giving off a demonic aura in the shape of a phoenix, flew up into the sky.
Kyōra was the first of the Shitōshin to be defeated, and eventually Inuyasha and his friends defeated the rest, as Sesshōmaru had only come to fulfill his personal vendetta against Kyōra (even though the Shitōshin's barrier was still intact and he bore their mark, Sesshōmaru was nevertheless able to leave anyway, the barrier apparently having no effect on him). Once all of the Four War Gods had been defeated, their Spheres of Power survived each of their individual deaths, combining to form a large, monstrous demon, with Gōra's shell and the faces of the other three War Gods. Ryūra's personality seemed to be the most dominant, as his face was the frontmost one. He was also the only member of the Shitōshin to speak after their recombination. Kyōra did very little, except to use his fire to prevent Miroku from using his Wind Tunnel. Inuyasha now proved himself ineffective against the combined power of the Shitōshin, but just when victory seemed near, Kagome combined her sacred arrow with Inuyasha's Adamant Barrage. This was too much, and with their combined body destroyed, the Shitōshin disappeared from the world forever.
Kyōra, like the rest of the Shitōshin, is extremely sadistic. He has a penchant for battle and loves the slaughter and destruction that goes along with it. This would make sense, seeing that he is a "War God". Unlike most demons, who only attack humans on rare occasions or when they need to feed, Kyōra seems to attack humans regularly without any provocation. Every time the time barrier around Hōraijima dissipates, Kyōra departs to attack the surrounding area. He does not discriminate between those he victimizes, killing any and all that stand in his path, including women and children. Kyōra appears to disdain weakness in general, and so seeks to destroy humans given the chance to expunge their weakness from the world, as they could never amount to a challenge for him.
Kyōra lives for the thrill of fighting, and longs more than anything else to battle strong opponents, treating weak opponents who challenge him with immense disdain. On the rare occasion that Kyōra has found a worthy opponent, in the form of Sesshōmaru, he becomes obsessed with nothing else but battling him. He will go to great lengths to ensure that these battles continue, marking Sesshōmaru with the Mark of the Four War Gods to provoke him and luring him out by massacring humans. As Kyōra longs for a battle worthy of his skills, yet is unable to find one anywhere else, this is for him the penultimate experience of his existence, having satisfied himself up to that point with only the disappointingly swift destruction of weak and unworthy opponents over the millenia.
Despite his barbaric lust for carnage, Kyōra is very refined in manner and appearance. He is soft-spoken and carries himself with grace and sophistication. He has a delicate, even feminine appearance which contrasts greatly with his virile, combative nature. All of which contrasts with the rugged, often brutish appearance and personalities of the the other War Gods. Indeed, while Ryūra or Jūra often take on arrogant, brusque attitudes when discussing amongst themselves, Kyōra remains carefully unphased, maintaining a casual, urbane disposition. Kyōra does however display an equal amount of arrogance on the battlefield, like his comrades, but off of it he hides his sinister demeanor with an elegant façade.
Kyōra is a demon of average height, with long, wavy red hair. Two long curls hang in front of either of his pointed ears, and hair pins separate his mane from the rest of his head. He has pale skin and a diamond-shaped mark on his forehead, which stretches out when his power sphere is inserted. He also has very unique lips among demon, in that they are colored green. It is unknown if Kyōra's lips are naturally green, or if he applies some substance to make them appear this way. He has red eyes with narrow, slit-like pupils, identical to Ryūra's. He also had two pauldron-like structures on both his shoulders, composed of feathers. As he can extend these into full wings and fly, it can be assumed that they are part of his body, and not his armor.
Kyōra's style of clothing is similar to the armor worn by the other humanoid members of the Shitōshin, Jūra and Ryūra. Beneath this armor, Kyōra wears a shirt which blooms out from his armor and comes to a point at his elbows, where it is tied. It continues from here to his wrists, where it is again tied, and then ends in frilled edges. The bottom extends further than the skirting on his armor, and again ends in frilled edges. His hakama emerge from under his shirt and armor and is tucked neatly into his boots. A long piece of fabric is tied around the waist of his armor twice, and hangs from there. Kyōra's clothing is different from his comrades in that his armor and boots are brown, with a red center; the cloth which makes up the rest of his outfit is white, like Ryūra's, but has a distict reddish tinge; also, as previously mentioned, his shirt has frilled edges, while Ryūra's are plain.
Kyōra is a powerful demon, so much so that he and his comrades refer to themselves as "War Gods." He is able to easily overcome most opponents, and is one of the few demons who have ever been able to hold their own against Sesshōmaru, even if for a short period, even being able to disperse his light whip, the only person known to have ever done so. He has excellent reflexes and balance, shown when he stands upside down perfectly using just one hand ontop of Sesshōmaru's. His element among the Shitōshin is fire, and most of his attacks are based off of it.
Birds of Fire : Kyōra literally generates a flock of birds which are made of fire. They behave just like real, living birds, flapping their wings and able to make noise, despite being made of fire. This is all a result of Kyōra's magic. They even have visible beaks and eyes. If not attacking, their flames are blue but change to red and orange when on the offensive. When Kyōra unleashes these creatures, they pan out and attack whatever opponents are before them, landing on top of their victims and setting them on fire. The birds are fairly unstable however, as Sesshōmaru has demonstrated that they can be dispersed with a single sword strike. Nevertheless, they are Kyōra's most volatile attack, since the birds behave like living creatures and are therefore unpredictable. Kyōra often uses them in ambushes or sneak attacks when his opponent is distracted. He is also able to use them to apply the Mark of the Four War Gods.
Crimson Demon Fan : Using his fan, Kyōra sends out a cyclone of flame to engulf his opponents. While it is launched horizontally, it can sometimes reposition itself and spin vertically, like an actual cyclone. Kyōra typically uses this against only powerful foes, such as Sesshōmaru. Since a foe like Sesshōmaru is very powerful, the effectiveness of this attack is difficult to discern, as very few attacks phase a demon as powerful as he.
Demonic aura : Kyōra is able to produce a red electricity from his yōki. The extent to which he can produce this is unclear, yet he is able to discharge it through his hands and, when channeled into his demon fan, can be quite dangerous, capable of destroying a small land bridge. Like all members of the Shitōshin, Kyōra's demonic aura generates storm clouds, though unlike many demons, the lightning is discolored, taking on the red hue of his aura. He appears to be able to direct this lightning as he pleases. In addition to generating lightning storms, Kyōra can also affect the tides, such as when he used a tidal wave to take his victory spoils from the battle with Kujaku and Saiten back to Hōraijima. Sometimes Kyōra can set structures on fire just by being near them.
Flight : By stretching out the feathery formations on his shoulder, Kyōra can sprout wings and fly.
Regeneration : After suffering serious injury, Kyōra's body bursts into flame, sometimes all at once or in pieces. He can reform his body from this flame, as when his head regenerated to taunt Sesshōmaru on one occasion, and usually disappears in a spout of flame to recoup on Hōraijima. Despite being able to survive the Tōkijin's Dragon Stike in this way once, after regaining his power sphere he is destroyed by it. It is difficult to determine whether his ability to regenerate is dependent on his power sphere being located elsewhere, whether the power sphere itself suffered damage in the attack and prevented him from regenerating, whether Sesshōmaru's attack was more powerful than his first, or if Kyōra can only regenerate if he is not on Hōraijima. Since his last battle was on Hōraijima, it is possible that he had nowhere to go. However, Sesshōmaru's attack was clearly more powerful than normal, though to what extent this might have prevented his regenerative capacity.
Teleportation : Kyōra is able to transport himself back to Hōraijima when he suffers serious injury (see Regeneration above) and was also able to materialize suddenly atop a village shrine, startling the villagers.
Mark of the Four War Gods : Kyōra can administer the Mark of the Four War Gods, which prevents individuals from leaving Hōraijima due to a barrier the War Gods established around the island. The only known time he does this is to Sesshōmaru, in which case he uses his birds of fire, so it is unknown if he can administer the mark some other way. It should be noted that Sesshōmaru seemed unaffected by the Mark's magic, although having been branded in such a humiliating fashion greatly irritated him.
Recombination : When all four members of the Shitōshin are defeated, their power spheres combine to form a large demon which combines all of their physical characteristics. Kyōra's face lies to Ryūra's right.
A clone of the priestess Kikyō was created to free the Shitōshin's Spheres of Power from the jeweled comb box in which they were trapped. The Shitōshin created her from blood sucked from the real Kikyō 50 years before by Gōra. She fought Inuyasha and, though he defeated her, he could not bring himself to slay someone who so closely resembled his former love. Ironically, the true Kikyō shot her clone in the back with a sacred arrow.
Seiten's traveling companion, who travelled to Horai Island alongside him in hopes of helping him fulfill the late Inu no Taisho's request to destroy The Four War Gods. She, along with Seiten encountered Sesshomaru, and in vain tried to enlist him in their quest. After Sesshomaru declined the offer, she and Seiten presumably went off to combat the Four War Gods by themselves and were last seen dying fiery deaths at the hands of Kyora in a battle. She once wielded the kojakuksien as her main weapon, but at her demise Kyora had stolen it and used it to channel his attacks.
A demon who travels to Horai Island to battle against the powerful Four War Gods, at the behest of InuTaishō.
A fan used by Kyōra of the Four War Gods. The fan originally belonged to Kujaku, a demon in the service of the Inu no Taisho. However, she was killed, along with her partner, Saiten, by Kyōra, who took her weapon and Saiten's Thunder Cannon as his victory spoils. Although it is unclear how Kujaku might have used the fan, Kyōra used it to emit his natural fire and yōki. It was destroyed along with Kyōra by Sesshōmaru.
A cannon originally wielded by the demon named Saiten. However, he was killed by one of the Four War Gods, Kyōra, who took his weapon along with that of his partner, Kujaku, as battle spoils. While he took Kujaku's fan, for himself, the Thunder Cannon was given to his comrade, Jūra. It would be destroyed when sucked into Miroku's Wind Tunnel. It seems to have an infinite supply of ammo.
daremo ga mina shitteru
keseya shinai kizu wo
dorekurai tsudukuno?
mou iranai yo
daremo ga mina matteru
arasoi no nai hibi wo
senjou no heishitachi
omoidashite yo
ima haha no nukumori wo
kono hateshinaku hiroi sekai ni
jibun dake no chizu egaite
namida koraete
bokura wa aruite yukou
tachiagare ima
hora nando demo
nemureru shishi yobiokoshite
ikite yukunda ashita e
daremo ga mina motteru
hitokakera no ai wo
nikundemo nani hitotsu
umarenainda yo
sonnano mou iranai yo
kono kagiri aru jikan no naka de
mada minu rakuen mezashite
doko made datte
bokura wa aruite yukou
mae dake wo mite
sono karada kuchihateru made
ikite yukunda mirai e
omoidashite yo
ima haha no nukumori wo
kono hateshinaku hiroi sekai no
mada minu rakuen mezashite
doko made datte
bokura wa aruite yukou
mae dake wo mite
sono karada kuchihateru made
ikite yukunda mirai e
01 - The Door of Time 時の扉 1:52
02 - Shitoushin 四闘神 2:30
03 - Main Title オープニングタイトル 4:07
04 - The Children of Hourai-jima 蓬莱島の子供たち 1:50
05 - Goura and Ryuura 剛羅と龍羅 1:12
06 - Wound on The Back 背中の傷 0:27
07 - The Ominous Island Hourai-jima 不吉の島 蓬莱島 1:35
08 - Kyoura's Attack 凶羅襲撃 1:17
09 - Fire-Spitting Seitenhou 火を吹く斉天砲 2:01
10 - Sesshoumaru VS Kyoura 殺生丸vs凶羅 1:15
11 - Fate 因縁 1:30
12 - Song of the Spirit Sending 魂送りの歌 1:34
13 - Puzzle of the Marks 刻印の謎 1:12
14 - Asagi's Decision 浅葱の決意 1:54
15 - Rumbling Kettle 鳴動の釜 1:16
16 - For Everyone's Sake みんなのために 1:27
17 - Firefly Light 蛍の光 0:40
18 - History of the Song 歌の由来 1:05
19 - Incoming Poison Insects 迫り来る毒虫 0:44
20 - Guardian Miko Kana 護り巫女 奏 1:50
21 - Repercussion From the Kettle 釜からの帰還 2:12
22 - The Stolen Jewel Box 奪われた玉匣 1:20
23 - Sullen Kagome 不機嫌なかごめ 0:19
24 - Revived Shitoushin 復活 四闘神 2:05
25 - Sango VS Juura 珊瑚vs獣羅 1:05
26 - Kazaana of Certain Death 決死の風穴 1:06
27 - Faltered Sword 迷いの剣 1:22
28 - Sesshoumaru VS Kyoura II 殺生丸vs凶羅2 1:00
29 - Ryuura's Murderous Intent 龍羅の殺意 1:38
30 - Sango and Miroku's Strategy 珊瑚と弥勒の作戦 1:05
31 - The Children Stand Up 立ちあがる子供達 1:21
32 - Unquenchable Fighting Spirit 不屈の闘志 1:52
33 - Defeat Goura 剛羅倒す 1:15
34 - The All-Powerful Ryuura 最強龍羅 1:05
35 - The Children's Power 子供達のちから 1:54
36 - The Final Decisive Battle 最終決戦 1:44
37 - Escape From Hourai-jima 蓬莱島からの脱出 0:48
38 - The Journey Continues 旅は続く 1:23

Ai is a small, skinny, half-demon child. She has purple hair that is always in a messy bun at the back of her head, tied up with a band of pearls. She has blue eyes and her being half-demon is shown through her ears. Her ears are blue and finlike, making it safe to assume she is part fish-demon. She has peachy skin.
Ai wears a pink 'dress' and is barefoot. There is a small pink ribbon hanging off the very middle back of the dress.
Ai is the youngest of the half-demon children, and she is also the most innocent and optimistic. She seems too young to comprehend the severity of some of the situations, and is always looking at the bright side of things. She looks up to Inuyasha and all the other children, although she is pretty strong-willed herself.
Ai was the only child on Horai Island that escaped being marked by the war gods. Because of this, she is the only one able to escape the island.
Although she does not want to leave her friends, they (especially Asagi) order her to leave, wanting her to be safe. When she escapes the island, one of the Four War Gods tries to kill her, but Inuyasha and his friends come to save her. Kagome takes her, and when Ai sees Inuyasha she seems to recognize him. It is revealed that Inuyasha had been on Horai Island with Kikyo fifty years prior. Ai later returns to the island, wanting to see the others again.
At the end of the film, she sets out with the other remaining half-demon children to live in the outside world.

A half-demon from Horai Island. She has taken the role of protecting the other half-demon children, appearing only in the fourth InuYasha movie.
Asagi is a small child, probably in her late single-digits or very early preteen years. She is small and skinny (although taller than all of the other half-demon children). She has blue hair that she keeps in a ponytail, as well as pointed elvin-like ears that show she is a half-demon. She also has golden eyes and pale, peachy skin.
Asagi wears a brownish-gold 'dress' that is tied around the waist with normal rope. She is the only girl who wears a rope around her waist, and the other half-demon boys so this as well. Under this, she seems to wear a brown under-dress or something of that sort, which sticks out below the dress an inch or so. She is barefoot, and around her neck she wears a beaded necklace. The necklace has a pattern of three beads followed by a violet triangular rock or pendant, and this pattern is repeated all along the necklace.
Asagi is a very strong-willed child. She acts extremely brave so she can be seen as a role-model for the other children on Horai Island. For such a young child, she takes on an incredible amount of stress. She seems to accept the fact that she must be sacrificed in order for the other children to continue to live for a while longer, and she is also shown to be quite stubborn, insisting there is no other way and refusing to try and find a way out of her 'fate'. She loves each of the other children dearly, and acts quite motherly towards them all. She even sometimes resorts to 'tough love', shown when she slapped Ai for returning to the island and again when scolding Shion for acting cowardly. Though this may seem cruel, she is simply doing it for their own good.
As a young child, Asagi survived the Four War Gods attack on the island and received the Mark of the Four War Gods to prevent her from ever escaping. She was destined to be used as fodder for the War Gods' own purposes until Inuyasha's group saved her and the other half-demon children. At the end of the film, she sets out with the other remaining half-demon children to live in the outside world.

A half-demon from Horai Island, and is Roku's twin brother. He appears only in the fourth InuYasha movie.
Roku and Dai are both nearly identical in looks. They are both tanned and have sharp, defined features. They have orange eyes and pointed ears (showing they are both half-demon). The way to tell him apart from Roku, is that Dai's hair is mostly orange, and his outfit is a darker shade of blue.
Dai wears a dark blue tunic with rope tied around the waist. He is barefoot all the time, like the other half-demon children.
Both Dai and his twin often annoy Inuyasha by telling him he will be unable to defeat the Four War Gods. Though they have annoyed the others at times as well. They are both very immature and have smart mouths, making witty and unnecessary comments at times.
As young children, Roku and Dai survived the Four War Gods attack on the island and received the Mark of the Four War Gods to prevent them escaping. They were destined to be used as fodder for the War Gods' own purposes until Inuyasha's group saved them and the other half-demon children. At the end of the film, he sets out with the other remaining half-demon children to live in the outside world.

A half-demon from Horai Island, and is Dai's twin brother. He appears only in the fourth InuYasha movie.
Roku and Dai are both nearly identical in looks. They are both tanned and have sharp, defined features. They have orange eyes and pointed ears (showing they are both half-demon). The way to tell him apart from Dai, is that Roku's hair is mostly green, and his outfit is a lighter shade of blue.
Roku wears a light blue tunic with rope tied around the waist. He is barefoot all the time, like the other half-demon children.
Both Roku and his twin often annoy Inuyasha by telling him he will be unable to defeat the Four War Gods. Though they have annoyed the others at times as well. They are both very immature and have smart mouths, making witty and unnecessary comments at times.
As young children, Roku and Dai survived the Four War Gods attack on the island and received the Mark of the Four War Gods to prevent them escaping. They were destined to be used as fodder for the War Gods' own purposes until Inuyasha's group saved them and the other half-demon children. At the end of the film, he sets out with the other remaining half-demon children to live in the outside world.

A hanyo from Horai Island. She appears only in the fourth InuYasha movie.
As a young child, Moegi survived the Four War Gods attack on the island and received the Mark of the Four War Gods to prevent her from ever escaping. She was destined to be used as fodder for the War Gods' own purposes until Inuyasha's group saved her and the other half-demon children. When Inuyasha destroys the Cauldron of Resonance, she is the one to suggest building raft to get them off the island. At the end of the film, she sets out with the other remaining half-demon children to live in the outside world.
Moegi is wise beyond her years and knows most everything about Horai Island. She is probably the most shy of the children, for she barely even speaks during the course of the movie. She always wears a blank expression and speaks in a soft, quiet, monotonous manner. She doesn't usually assert herself in conversation or action.
Moegi is a very young, small child. She has olive green hair that is in two ponytails lying on both shoulders, tied with tan-orange bands. She also has bangs that stop just above her eyebrows. Her eyes are also green, and she has pale skin. Her half-demon part shows through the extremely small red horns poking out just above her bangs on either side.
Moegi wears a green dress that has barely seeable-sleeves. The shade of green is practically the same as her eyes. She is barefoot like the other half-demon children on the islad.

A half-demon from Horai Island. He is very shy, and he appears only in the fourth InuYasha movie.
Shion is a dark-skinned, skinny, half-demon child. He has purple hair and what appear to be goat horns, safely letting people assume he is half goat-demon or something of the sort. He has orange-brown eyes that greatly contrast against his dark skin.
Shion wears a gray tunic-like cloth with rope tying around the waist of the outfit. On both shoulders of the tunic are two black stripes side-by-side. He is barefoot like the other half-demon children of the island.
Shion is probably one of the weakest of the children. He has extremely low self-esteem.
As a young child, Shion survived the Four War Gods attack on the island and received the Mark of the Four War Gods to prevent him from ever escaping. He was destined to be used as fodder for the War Gods' own purposes until Inuyasha's group saved him and the other half-demon children.
During the film, Shion must overcome his fears ad he helps significantly by retrieving Kagome's bow and arrows from somewhere deep in the forest. The fireflies of Horai Island help him do this, and he overcomes his shyness and proves his worth through this heroic act.
At the end of the film, he sets out with the other remaining half-demon children to live in the outside world.

Deceased miko who first appeared in the fourth Inuyasha movie. She was the guardian miko of Horai Island, a place where demons and humans lived in harmony, producing many half-demons as a result.
However, every fifty years, the time barrier would weaken, and demons from the mainland would attack. Among the bloodthirsty horde, were the Four War Gods. Kanade fought during those battles and managed to seal the War Gods' powers in four sphere, before throwing herself into the Cauldron of Resonance, at the cost of her life. Unfortunately, the Four War Gods figured that by throwing half-demons into the cauldron, they could regain a small portion of their powers.
Fifty years later, she reappeared as a glowing green orb at the bottom of the Cauldron of Resonance when Inuyasha and Asagi was thrown into it. She gives Inuyasha her blessings and the little that remains of her lifeforce in order to allow him to escape the cauldron. In return, she asks him to save the children that are on the island. She also gives him the container holding the power of the Four War Gods.
A fierce warrior and the leader of the demon band known as the Four War Gods. Many years ago, Ryūra and his comrades invaded the legendary island Hōraijima and caused much distruction. In desperation, the island's priestess, Lady Kanade, sealed the Four War Gods' spheres of power inside a jeweled comb box and hid it inside the Cauldron of Resonance. Without their powers, the Four War Gods were forced to remain on the island until they could retrieve the comb box.
Eventually, the Four War Gods initiated a plan that would allow them to regain their original power by using a cloned priestess. During the course of executing this plan, however, the Four War Gods were opposed by many opponents, among them the half-demon Inuyasha.
Ryura and his brothers originally came with a army of demons(though they were not the leaders of the army merely just part of the group) it's not said what happened to the other demons though the four war gods had their powers stolen and sealed they soon began to sacrifice half demons to regain bits of their power at a time.
Ryura is extrememly arrogant and sadistic he also seems to seek out strong opponents to face in battle.

One of the Shitōshin and is gigantic turtle demon who inhabits the ocean surrounding Horai island. Too massive to come ashore, Gora instead unleashes his incredibly powerful attacks(which are shot from its back like cannons or from his mouth) on the island itself. He also has a long barbed prehensile tongue which he can use to bind people.
Many ages ago, the island of Hōraijima was a sanctuary for humans and demons alike. The two groups existed in harmony for many years and intermingled, giving rise to a sizeable population of half-demons. The existence of a half-demon community earned contempt from demons, so, to protect themselves, the people of Hōraijima created the powerful Cauldron of Resonance, which generated a time barrier that separated Hōraijima from the outside world. However, every 50 years the time barrier weakened, and the island reappeared, rendering it vulnerable to raids by demons. The Four War Gods were among the many demons which despised the people of Hōraijima, and one day decided to attack the island during its brief vulnerable period and annihilate the inhabitants.
The humans and demons of Hōraijima were no match for the Four War Gods, among whom was the demon Jūra. The village became engulfed in flame and many villagers fell in battle. However, Jūra and the other War Gods had neglected to kill the island priestess, Kanade. Lady Kanade was quite powerful, but not even she could defeat the combined power of the Four War Gods. In desperation, Lady Kanade was able to seal away the power spheres which granted the four demons their immense power inside a jeweled comb box. With this accomplished, Kanade leapt inside the Cauldron of Resonance, putting the box beyond the reach of any of the Four War Gods. With the island already conquered, Jūra and the others established themselves temporarily on Hōraijima, until they could find a solution to their missing powers.
In time, the Four War Gods discovered that by throwing live half-demons into the Cauldron of Resonance, they could retrieve a portion of their powers trapped inside. In order to survive, the War Gods corrupted the Cauldron with their demonic energy and put their mark on each of the island's half-demons and established a powerful demonic barrier around the island. Anyone who carried the mark would be unable to pass outside the barrier. In this way, the Four War Gods were able to keep the half-demons enslaved, sacrificing them one by one whenever their powers needed rejuvenation. Nevertheless, this was a temporary solution at best, since the War Gods could never retrieve their full powers; furthermore, if they left the island, they would slowly fade away from a lack of demonic energy and die. In order to stay alive, the Four War Gods would have to remain on the island, where they could retain access to the Cauldron. But, due to the slowing effect of the time barrier, the Four War Gods could minimize the amount of power they lost, meaning that they would only need to sacrifice a half-demon whenever the barrier itself weakened (e.g. every 50 years). Nevertheless, until they could retrieve the jeweled comb box from within the Cauldron, the Shitōshin would be trapped on the island forever.
Around 150 years later, Sesshōmaru's half-brother, Inuyasha, and the priestess Kikyō investigated Hōraijima. By this time, all of the villagers had been killed or sacrificed except for six half-demon children. With their time (and the number of sacrifices left) running out, the Four War Gods decided it was time to try and get off the island. Seeing that Kikyō possessed strong spiritual power, they hatched a plan. While Inuyasha and Kikyō landed on the beach and spoke to the children, Kyōra sent in his birds of fire to attack. While they were distracted with this, however, Gōra wrapped his long barbed tongue around Kikyō and began to suck her blood. Inuyasha stopped him, but the Shitōshin had obtained enough blood for their purposes. With this done, Ryūra marked Inuyasha, promising him that he would one day be their slave.The time barrier was then restored and the island disappeared.
Behind the veil of the barrier, though, the Four War Gods went to work preparing their escape plan. Using the blood Gōra sucked from Kikyō, the Shitōshin used their magic to create an identical replica of her, with the intention of using it to free the jeweled comb box from the Cauldron of Resonance and break the seal on the box itself, releasing their power spheres in the process. In the meantime, the replica Kikyō was left to grow in a ball of fluid in one of Hōraijima's forests.
Gōra takes the shape of a long-necked turtle the size of a small island. His shell has a number of spikes and holes on it. Similar to Ryūkotsusei, his has a mask on his head, which is his real head, while the big one is used to attack with Energy Balls.
Energy Balls : Gōra's main and most often ability is to fire large, fast, and powerful balls of energy out his mouth and the holes of his shell with extreme accuracy.
Prehensile Tongue: He also possesses a barbed prehensile tongue, which he uses to bind people with, as well as suck out their blood.
Shell : Due to large size and power, his shell is extremely durable, it is also covered in large spikes and holes. The holes are used to fire his energy balls.

ジュラ JURA
A member of the Shitōshin and is based on a tiger. Carrying a powerful cannon known as Saitenho (Thunder Cannon in the english dub) on his shoulder, that he stole from an opponent years earlier, Jura is a fearsome opponent with lightning fast speed. He is extremely aggressive and violent. He faces off against Sango, Miroku and Kirara singlehandedly and holds his own without any problems. His true form is so powerful that he able to 'kick' off the air.
Many ages ago, the island of Hōraijima was a sanctuary for humans and demons alike. The two groups existed in harmony for many years and intermingled, giving rise to a sizeable population of half-demons. The existence of a half-demon community earned contempt from demons, so, to protect themselves, the people of Hōraijima created the powerful Cauldron of Resonance, which generated a time barrier that separated Hōraijima from the outside world. However, every 50 years the time barrier weakened, and the island reappeared, rendering it vulnerable to raids by demons. The Four War Gods were among the many demons which despised the people of Hōraijima, and one day decided to attack the island during its brief vulnerable period and annihilate the inhabitants.
The humans and demons of Hōraijima were no match for the Four War Gods, among whom was the demon Jūra. The village became engulfed in flame and many villagers fell in battle. However, Jūra and the other War Gods had neglected to kill the island priestess, Kanade. Lady Kanade was quite powerful, but not even she could defeat the combined power of the Four War Gods. In desperation, Lady Kanade was able to seal away the power spheres which granted the four demons their immense power inside a jeweled comb box. With this accomplished, Kanade leapt inside the Cauldron of Resonance, putting the box beyond the reach of any of the Four War Gods. With the island already conquered, Jūra and the others established themselves temporarily on Hōraijima, until they could find a solution to their missing powers.
In time, the Four War Gods discovered that by throwing live half-demons into the Cauldron of Resonance, they could retrieve a portion of their powers trapped inside. In order to survive, the War Gods corrupted the Cauldron with their demonic energy and put their mark on each of the island's half-demons and established a powerful demonic barrier around the island. Anyone who carried the mark would be unable to pass outside the barrier. In this way, the Four War Gods were able to keep the half-demons enslaved, sacrificing them one by one whenever their powers needed rejuvenation. Nevertheless, this was a temporary solution at best, since the War Gods could never retrieve their full powers; furthermore, if they left the island, they would slowly fade away from a lack of demonic energy and die. In order to stay alive, the Four War Gods would have to remain on the island, where they could retain access to the Cauldron. But, due to the slowing effect of the time barrier, the Four War Gods could minimize the amount of power they lost, meaning that they would only need to sacrifice a half-demon whenever the barrier itself weakened (e.g. every 50 years). Nevertheless, until they could retrieve the jeweled comb box from within the Cauldron, the Shitōshin would be trapped on the island forever.
Jūra is a tan-skinned demon of average height, with short black and white striped hair. Like most humanoid demons, he has pointed ears. He has tan skin and a diamond mark that expands when his sphere of power is inserted. He has very narrow slit-like gold eyes. He has a dark strip-like mark on both sides of his face right above his ears.
In his second form, Jūra becomes a lot more muscular. He sprouts three spikes from each of his shoulders. All of his limbs grow a great deal. His eyes become entirely yellow. All of his teeth become fangs, and his regular fangs become larger.
Jūra's style of clothing is similar to the armor worn by the other humanoid members of the Shitōshin. On his arms, chest, and back he wear black armor with a gold trim, his boots have a similar design. He wears a tiger-print skirt and what appears to be a giant set of tiger paws an his shoulders. He wears a grey hakama and sash.
A powerful demon and a member of the group known as the Shitōshin and is based on a phoenix. Many years ago, he and his comrades invaded the island of Hōraijima and devastated the population. Unable to defeat the Four War Gods, the island's priestess, Lady Kanade, sealed their power spheres inside a jeweled comb box. Unable to leave the island without their powers, the Four War Gods established themselves on Hōraijima.
The Four War Gods initiated a plan to regain their former power and escape from the island. However, they were opposed by many enemies, amongst them Lord Sesshōmaru. Having fought Sesshōmaru in the past, Kyōra was eager to face off with his nemesis once again. However, this would prove to be a fatal last encounter.
Many ages ago, the island of Hōraijima was a sanctuary for humans and demons alike. The two groups existed in harmony for many years and intermingled, giving rise to a sizeable population of half-demons. The existence of a half-demon community earned contempt from demons, so, to protect themselves, the people of Hōraijima created the powerful Cauldron of Resonance, which generated a time barrier that separated Hōraijima from the outside world. However, every 50 years the time barrier weakened, and the island reappeared, rendering it vulnerable to raids by demons. The Four War Gods were among the many demons which despised the people of Hōraijima, and one day decided to attack the island during its brief vulnerable period and annihilate the inhabitants.
The humans and demons of Hōraijima were no match for the Four War Gods, among whom was the demon Kyōra. The village became engulfed in flame and many villagers fell in battle. However, Kyōra and the other War Gods had neglected to kill the island priestess, Kanade. Lady Kanade was quite powerful, but not even she could defeat the combined power of the Four War Gods. In desperation, Lady Kanade was able to seal away the power spheres which granted the four demons their immense power inside a jeweled comb box. With this accomplished, Kanade leapt inside the Cauldron of Resonance, putting the box beyond the reach of any of the Four War Gods. With the island already conquered, Kyōra and the others established themselves temporarily on Hōraijima, until they could find a solution to their missing powers.
In time, the Four War Gods discovered that by throwing live half-demons into the Cauldron of Resonance, they could retrieve a portion of their powers trapped inside. In order to survive, the War Gods corrupted the Cauldron with their demonic energy and put their mark on each of the island's half-demons and established a powerful demonic barrier around the island. Anyone who carried the mark would be unable to pass outside the barrier. In this way, the Four War Gods were able to keep the half-demons enslaved, sacrificing them one by one whenever their powers needed rejuvenation. Nevertheless, this was a temporary solution at best, since the War Gods could never retrieve their full powers; furthermore, if they left the island, they would slowly fade away from a lack of demonic energy and die. In order to stay alive, the Four War Gods would have to remain on the island, where they could retain access to the Cauldron. But, due to the slowing effect of the time barrier, the Four War Gods could minimize the amount of power they lost, meaning that they would only need to sacrifice a half-demon whenever the barrier itself weakened (e.g. every 50 years). Nevertheless, until they could retrieve the jeweled comb box from within the Cauldron, the Shitōshin would be trapped on the island forever.
Some 200 years before the Shitōshin's conflict with Inuyasha, Kyōra had a fateful encounter. When Hōraijima's barrier weakened, the Four War Gods would venture away from the island briefly, in order to wreak havoc before the barrier was restored. During one such excursion, Kyōra encountered a pair of demons, Kujaku and Saiten, who desired to defeat the Four War Gods, at the behest of the late Lord of the Western Lands, the Inu no Taishō. Kyōra was the first (and last) War God the duo encountered. Despite their efforts, Kyōra was easily able to defeat them and they were burned alive. Kyōra was indignant that the two demons were so weak, and yet acted so righteous. He consoled himself with the prospects of taking their weapons as his battle spoils. Kyōra would take Kujaku's fan for himself, while Saiten's Thunder Cannon would be given to his brother Jūra. No sooner had Kyōra defeated Kujaku and Saiten, however, than he was nearly struck by the light whip of Lord Sesshōmaru.
Kyōra was too quick and, taking up Kujaku's fan, dispersed Sesshōmaru's light whip. Kyōra assumed that this imposing figure was the "Sesshōmaru" that Saiten had mentioned in his dying breaths. Kyōra expressed eagerness in meeting the dog demon, as well as in fighting him. Nevertheless, Sesshōmaru treated Kyōra with cold disdain and conveyed his cynicism over Kyōra calling himself "a god". Kyōra assured Sesshōmaru that it was not unwarranted, and with that, leapt into battle. The skirmish lasted only a few seconds, as Sesshōmaru was able to put Kyōra out of action with one blow, causing him to burst into flames. Kyōra was by no means out of the picture, however, and his head floated out of the embers. He commended Sesshōmaru, espousing his surprise at the daiyōkai's strength, but rebuked him for underestimating the "power of a god". Sesshōmaru merely knocked Kyōra's head out of the way; nevertheless, this had only been a distraction. With Sesshōmaru's back turned, he was exposed to an attack by Kyōra's birds of fire, who administered the Mark of the Four War Gods. Kyōra marked Sesshōmaru knowing that he would come looking for revenge, ensuring that this battle would not be their last encounter. Following this, he taunted Sesshōmaru and disappeared.
Around 150 years later, Sesshōmaru's half-brother, Inuyasha, and the priestess Kikyō investigated Hōraijima. By this time, all of the villagers had been killed or sacrificed except for six half-demon children. With their time (and the number of sacrifices left) running out, the Four War Gods decided it was time to try and get off the island. Seeing that Kikyō possessed strong spiritual power, they hatched a plan. While Inuyasha and Kikyō landed on the beach and spoke to the children, Kyōra sent in his birds of fire to attack. While they were distracted with this, however, Gōra wrapped his long tongue around Kikyō and began to suck her blood. Inuyasha stopped him, but the Shitōshin had obtained enough blood for their purposes. With this done, Ryūra marked Inuyasha, promising him that he would one day be their slave.The time barrier was then restored and the island disappeared.
Behind the veil of the barrier, though, the Four War Gods went to work preparing their escape plan. Using the blood Gōra sucked from Kikyō, the Shitōshin used their magic to create an identical replica of her, with the intention of using it to free the jeweled comb box from the Cauldron of Resonance and break the seal on the box itself, releasing their power spheres in the process. In the meantime, the replica Kikyō was left to grow in a ball of fluid in one of Hōraijima's forests.
The next time the barrier weakened, the Four War Gods experienced a minor incident of rebellion when one of the half-demon children left on the island tried to escape. Somehow the child, Ai, never received the Mark of the Four War Gods. Despite their plan to regain their power being close to completion, the Shitōshin would not allow any of their half-demon thralls to slip through their grasp. Ryūra therefore sent Gōra to bring Ai back. The matter was not as simple as it seemed, however, as Inuyasha happened to be in the area again, and defeated Gōra. Kyōra was unsure on how they should proceed from this failure, but Ryūra assured him that Inuyasha would not escape from the island again.
Eventually, Inuyasha began his approach towards the island, with new allies this time, apparently hoping to take care of what he had left unfinished 50 years ago. The Four War Gods were grateful because he foolishly decided to bring back the runaway half-demon child. But more importantly, Lord Sesshōmaru was also in the area and Kyōra was eager to fight him once again. Jūra and Ryūra were keen on tackling Inuyasha's group as a warm-up, so Kyōra took this opportunity to slip away and set up a rematch between himself and Sesshōmaru.
To this end, Kyōra attacked a shrine on the other side of the bay from Hōraijima. A group of humans had gone there to seek sanctuary, knowing that the Four War Gods wreaked havoc whenever the island of Hōraijima appeared among the mists. Kyōra decided he would lure Sessōmaru to his location by creating as much chaos as possible. He appeared atop the village temple, frightening the gathered villagers and informing them that they would all soon be destroyed. Kyōra set the shrine's tree ablaze from a lightening strike created by his demonic aura. Laughing at their helplessness, Kyōra watched in amusement as the humans attempted in vain to escape their plight. Nevertheless, Kyōra attacked them with his birds of fire, setting them on fire, as well as the shrine itself from his mere presense. As he looked on his work with satisfaction, one of his flaming birds were suddenly cut apart by a sword stike. Turning to see who it was, Kyōra discovered Lord Sesshōmaru emerging from the shadows of the nearby forest. Kyōra was delighted, and informed Lord Sesshōmaru that he had long awaited their rematch.
Taking little time for small talk, which Sesshōmaru would not likely have partaken in anyway, Kyōra wasted no time in getting their battle started. Having learned from their previous encounter, he decided not to engage Sesshōmaru in close quarters, and opened with a blast of his Crimson Demon Fan, engulfing Sesshōmaru in a vortex of heat and flame. Kyōra allowed himself to be impressed with his own skill, but it was premature. To his surprise, Sesshōmaru ripped apart the flaming cyclone with a blast of his demonic aura. He then charged at the War God with his sword, Tōkijin. Kyōra deftly dodged each of the thrusts and slashes, expanding his wings and taking flight. Kyōra congratulated Sesshōmaru on breaking through his attack so easily, remarking on how he "would expect nothing less from Lord Sesshōmaru." Gathering his birds of fire around him, Kyōra braced himself for the next phase. However, Sesshōmaru's next attack was more powerful than he could have predicted, as Sesshōmaru did not possess Tōkijin the first time they had faced off. Slicing several attacking birds, Sesshōmaru withdrew a short distance away, then turned towards Kyōra, unleashing Tōkijin's Dragon Strike. Kyōra was taken aback, and tried to steer clear of it, but ended up being consumed by the blast. Nevertheless, Kyōra was left astonished once again by Sesshōmaru's skill. As his body began to break away into flame, Kyōra invited Lord Sesshōmaru to Hōraijima, where they could "cross swords again". Sesshōmaru was incredulous, but Kyōra assured his opponent that he would have no say in the matter, so long as he bore the Mark of the Four War Gods, and, with that, Kyōra disintegrated, to later reform on Hōraijima, leaving behind a disgruntled and dissatisfied Sesshōmaru.
Meanwhile, Inuyasha and his group had survived their skirmish with Ryūra and Jūra, and had begun investigating the village. The Four War Gods decided to let them be, since they were no threat and could not leave, as Inuyasha and the rest of the half-demons bore the Mark; but the War Gods were also running low on power. For this reason, the Cauldron of Resonance called out for a sacrifice, and the eldest half-demon from the village, Asagi, dutifully reported to the Cauldron. Soon, she was sacrificed and they were summarily rejuvenated. Jūra was not satisfied, however, and was impatient for the return of his sphere. Recognizing that only 5 of the children were left, Kyōra suggested that they initiate the final phase of their plan, and retrieve their true power. Ryūra agreed that it was almost time to release the priestess. However, it was not until Ryūra sensed that the jeweled comb box had been removed from the Cauldron, that she was sent to fulfill her mission. Within very little time, the false Kikyō returned with the box. Kyōra congratulated her and Jūra urged her to break the seal on the box, to which she began to comply. At that moment, though, Inuyasha arrived calling out for "Kikyō" to stop. The Four War Gods leapt into action, coming in between the two so that the hanyō could not interfere. Ryūra and Kyōra explained to Inuyasha that this Kikyō was just a replica, created to release their power spheres. Jūra began to grow even more impatient, and ordered the priestess to hurry up. No sooner had this been said, than the seal was finally undone and the power spheres of the Shitōshin returned to the foreheads of their respective owners. Kyōra experienced an intense feeling of euphoria at the return of his power, lamenting that it had been "far too long". The Shitōshin then turned on Inuyasha with their restored power: Jūra blasting him with the Thunder Cannon and Kyōra attacking with his birds of fire. The hanyō landed on a beach below and barely survived an energy blast from Gōra. He then became preoccupied fighting the replica Kikyō. The Shitōshin were eager to leave the island, but Jūra suggested that before they do so, they should kill the remaining villagers. They all agreed, but Kyōra knew that Sesshōmaru had finally followed him onto Hōraijima, and headed to the Cauldron of Resonance to wait for him.
Eventually, Sesshōmaru predictably appeared to challenge Kyōra at the base of the Cauldron. He was obviously ready to do battle, having immeditately drawn his Tōkijin. Kyōra informed him that he would gladly be his opponent and charged his power, causing flames from the now-broken Cauldron to burst all around him. The battle was fiercer and longer than any they had had before. Kyōra and Sesshōmaru both exchanged blows at close range, and Kyōra proved adept at blocking or dodging all that were directed at him. And Sesshōmaru was just as capable of dispelling his birds of fire as he had been during their last encounter. Kyōra dodged more of his blows and then came down hard on the ground, which ended up blasting a large chunk off of the bridge they had been standing on.
Kyōra used this opening to engage Sesshōmaru in some conversation, asking him if he found their duel as exciting as he did, recognizing that they were both kindred spirits. Sesshōmaru expressed his cold disapproval of the idea that they were alike, and leapt into attack. Kyōra dodged this and landed on top of Sesshōmaru's hand, grabbing it and discharging electricity from his aura. Whilst upside-down, Kyōra explained to Sesshōmaru that they both felt joy while fighting, and that they felt alive while killing. When Kyōra asked him where they differed, Sesshōmaru flatly commanded him not to compare the two of them, calling Kyōra "lowly yōkai trash." He then threw Kyōra off of his hand, but he came right back to cross his weapon with Lord Sesshōmaru's. Jumping above Sesshōmaru's next attack, Kyōra leapt down from their high perch, landing in a stream below and narrowly dodging a dive thrust from Sesshōmaru. As he flew through the air, Kyōra launched his Crimson Demon Fan attack, to little effect. He landed on top of the Cauldron once again, his previous attack beginning to set the entire landscape aflame. Kyōra once again asked Sesshōmaru to tell him how they were different, and Sesshōmaru refused to explain anything, claiming that Kyōra was "not even worth [his] breath."
With that said, Sessōmaru unleashed his Dragon Strike, which passed over Kyōra without any damage. He then plunged his sword into the ground, which caused three gashes to move across the ground to the base of the Cauldron where Kyōra was standing, a moderate amount of yōki dischargin along the way. Kyōra was amused that his attack was apparently so ineffective, and taunted Sesshōmaru, asking him if that was the best he had to offer. Immediately after this, Kyōra was consumed in a beam of Tōkijin's demonic energy, which had been gathering within the Cauldron after Sesshōmaru's attack. Kyōra screamed out in pain as he gradually disintegrated into nothing. As the Cauldron itself exploded, all that was left of Kyōra was his power sphere, which, giving off a demonic aura in the shape of a phoenix, flew up into the sky.
Kyōra was the first of the Shitōshin to be defeated, and eventually Inuyasha and his friends defeated the rest, as Sesshōmaru had only come to fulfill his personal vendetta against Kyōra (even though the Shitōshin's barrier was still intact and he bore their mark, Sesshōmaru was nevertheless able to leave anyway, the barrier apparently having no effect on him). Once all of the Four War Gods had been defeated, their Spheres of Power survived each of their individual deaths, combining to form a large, monstrous demon, with Gōra's shell and the faces of the other three War Gods. Ryūra's personality seemed to be the most dominant, as his face was the frontmost one. He was also the only member of the Shitōshin to speak after their recombination. Kyōra did very little, except to use his fire to prevent Miroku from using his Wind Tunnel. Inuyasha now proved himself ineffective against the combined power of the Shitōshin, but just when victory seemed near, Kagome combined her sacred arrow with Inuyasha's Adamant Barrage. This was too much, and with their combined body destroyed, the Shitōshin disappeared from the world forever.
Kyōra, like the rest of the Shitōshin, is extremely sadistic. He has a penchant for battle and loves the slaughter and destruction that goes along with it. This would make sense, seeing that he is a "War God". Unlike most demons, who only attack humans on rare occasions or when they need to feed, Kyōra seems to attack humans regularly without any provocation. Every time the time barrier around Hōraijima dissipates, Kyōra departs to attack the surrounding area. He does not discriminate between those he victimizes, killing any and all that stand in his path, including women and children. Kyōra appears to disdain weakness in general, and so seeks to destroy humans given the chance to expunge their weakness from the world, as they could never amount to a challenge for him.
Kyōra lives for the thrill of fighting, and longs more than anything else to battle strong opponents, treating weak opponents who challenge him with immense disdain. On the rare occasion that Kyōra has found a worthy opponent, in the form of Sesshōmaru, he becomes obsessed with nothing else but battling him. He will go to great lengths to ensure that these battles continue, marking Sesshōmaru with the Mark of the Four War Gods to provoke him and luring him out by massacring humans. As Kyōra longs for a battle worthy of his skills, yet is unable to find one anywhere else, this is for him the penultimate experience of his existence, having satisfied himself up to that point with only the disappointingly swift destruction of weak and unworthy opponents over the millenia.
Despite his barbaric lust for carnage, Kyōra is very refined in manner and appearance. He is soft-spoken and carries himself with grace and sophistication. He has a delicate, even feminine appearance which contrasts greatly with his virile, combative nature. All of which contrasts with the rugged, often brutish appearance and personalities of the the other War Gods. Indeed, while Ryūra or Jūra often take on arrogant, brusque attitudes when discussing amongst themselves, Kyōra remains carefully unphased, maintaining a casual, urbane disposition. Kyōra does however display an equal amount of arrogance on the battlefield, like his comrades, but off of it he hides his sinister demeanor with an elegant façade.
Kyōra is a demon of average height, with long, wavy red hair. Two long curls hang in front of either of his pointed ears, and hair pins separate his mane from the rest of his head. He has pale skin and a diamond-shaped mark on his forehead, which stretches out when his power sphere is inserted. He also has very unique lips among demon, in that they are colored green. It is unknown if Kyōra's lips are naturally green, or if he applies some substance to make them appear this way. He has red eyes with narrow, slit-like pupils, identical to Ryūra's. He also had two pauldron-like structures on both his shoulders, composed of feathers. As he can extend these into full wings and fly, it can be assumed that they are part of his body, and not his armor.
Kyōra's style of clothing is similar to the armor worn by the other humanoid members of the Shitōshin, Jūra and Ryūra. Beneath this armor, Kyōra wears a shirt which blooms out from his armor and comes to a point at his elbows, where it is tied. It continues from here to his wrists, where it is again tied, and then ends in frilled edges. The bottom extends further than the skirting on his armor, and again ends in frilled edges. His hakama emerge from under his shirt and armor and is tucked neatly into his boots. A long piece of fabric is tied around the waist of his armor twice, and hangs from there. Kyōra's clothing is different from his comrades in that his armor and boots are brown, with a red center; the cloth which makes up the rest of his outfit is white, like Ryūra's, but has a distict reddish tinge; also, as previously mentioned, his shirt has frilled edges, while Ryūra's are plain.
Kyōra is a powerful demon, so much so that he and his comrades refer to themselves as "War Gods." He is able to easily overcome most opponents, and is one of the few demons who have ever been able to hold their own against Sesshōmaru, even if for a short period, even being able to disperse his light whip, the only person known to have ever done so. He has excellent reflexes and balance, shown when he stands upside down perfectly using just one hand ontop of Sesshōmaru's. His element among the Shitōshin is fire, and most of his attacks are based off of it.
Birds of Fire : Kyōra literally generates a flock of birds which are made of fire. They behave just like real, living birds, flapping their wings and able to make noise, despite being made of fire. This is all a result of Kyōra's magic. They even have visible beaks and eyes. If not attacking, their flames are blue but change to red and orange when on the offensive. When Kyōra unleashes these creatures, they pan out and attack whatever opponents are before them, landing on top of their victims and setting them on fire. The birds are fairly unstable however, as Sesshōmaru has demonstrated that they can be dispersed with a single sword strike. Nevertheless, they are Kyōra's most volatile attack, since the birds behave like living creatures and are therefore unpredictable. Kyōra often uses them in ambushes or sneak attacks when his opponent is distracted. He is also able to use them to apply the Mark of the Four War Gods.
Crimson Demon Fan : Using his fan, Kyōra sends out a cyclone of flame to engulf his opponents. While it is launched horizontally, it can sometimes reposition itself and spin vertically, like an actual cyclone. Kyōra typically uses this against only powerful foes, such as Sesshōmaru. Since a foe like Sesshōmaru is very powerful, the effectiveness of this attack is difficult to discern, as very few attacks phase a demon as powerful as he.
Demonic aura : Kyōra is able to produce a red electricity from his yōki. The extent to which he can produce this is unclear, yet he is able to discharge it through his hands and, when channeled into his demon fan, can be quite dangerous, capable of destroying a small land bridge. Like all members of the Shitōshin, Kyōra's demonic aura generates storm clouds, though unlike many demons, the lightning is discolored, taking on the red hue of his aura. He appears to be able to direct this lightning as he pleases. In addition to generating lightning storms, Kyōra can also affect the tides, such as when he used a tidal wave to take his victory spoils from the battle with Kujaku and Saiten back to Hōraijima. Sometimes Kyōra can set structures on fire just by being near them.
Flight : By stretching out the feathery formations on his shoulder, Kyōra can sprout wings and fly.
Regeneration : After suffering serious injury, Kyōra's body bursts into flame, sometimes all at once or in pieces. He can reform his body from this flame, as when his head regenerated to taunt Sesshōmaru on one occasion, and usually disappears in a spout of flame to recoup on Hōraijima. Despite being able to survive the Tōkijin's Dragon Stike in this way once, after regaining his power sphere he is destroyed by it. It is difficult to determine whether his ability to regenerate is dependent on his power sphere being located elsewhere, whether the power sphere itself suffered damage in the attack and prevented him from regenerating, whether Sesshōmaru's attack was more powerful than his first, or if Kyōra can only regenerate if he is not on Hōraijima. Since his last battle was on Hōraijima, it is possible that he had nowhere to go. However, Sesshōmaru's attack was clearly more powerful than normal, though to what extent this might have prevented his regenerative capacity.
Teleportation : Kyōra is able to transport himself back to Hōraijima when he suffers serious injury (see Regeneration above) and was also able to materialize suddenly atop a village shrine, startling the villagers.
Mark of the Four War Gods : Kyōra can administer the Mark of the Four War Gods, which prevents individuals from leaving Hōraijima due to a barrier the War Gods established around the island. The only known time he does this is to Sesshōmaru, in which case he uses his birds of fire, so it is unknown if he can administer the mark some other way. It should be noted that Sesshōmaru seemed unaffected by the Mark's magic, although having been branded in such a humiliating fashion greatly irritated him.
Recombination : When all four members of the Shitōshin are defeated, their power spheres combine to form a large demon which combines all of their physical characteristics. Kyōra's face lies to Ryūra's right.
A clone of the priestess Kikyō was created to free the Shitōshin's Spheres of Power from the jeweled comb box in which they were trapped. The Shitōshin created her from blood sucked from the real Kikyō 50 years before by Gōra. She fought Inuyasha and, though he defeated her, he could not bring himself to slay someone who so closely resembled his former love. Ironically, the true Kikyō shot her clone in the back with a sacred arrow.

Seiten's traveling companion, who travelled to Horai Island alongside him in hopes of helping him fulfill the late Inu no Taisho's request to destroy The Four War Gods. She, along with Seiten encountered Sesshomaru, and in vain tried to enlist him in their quest. After Sesshomaru declined the offer, she and Seiten presumably went off to combat the Four War Gods by themselves and were last seen dying fiery deaths at the hands of Kyora in a battle. She once wielded the kojakuksien as her main weapon, but at her demise Kyora had stolen it and used it to channel his attacks.
A demon who travels to Horai Island to battle against the powerful Four War Gods, at the behest of InuTaishō.
A fan used by Kyōra of the Four War Gods. The fan originally belonged to Kujaku, a demon in the service of the Inu no Taisho. However, she was killed, along with her partner, Saiten, by Kyōra, who took her weapon and Saiten's Thunder Cannon as his victory spoils. Although it is unclear how Kujaku might have used the fan, Kyōra used it to emit his natural fire and yōki. It was destroyed along with Kyōra by Sesshōmaru.
A cannon originally wielded by the demon named Saiten. However, he was killed by one of the Four War Gods, Kyōra, who took his weapon along with that of his partner, Kujaku, as battle spoils. While he took Kujaku's fan, for himself, the Thunder Cannon was given to his comrade, Jūra. It would be destroyed when sucked into Miroku's Wind Tunnel. It seems to have an infinite supply of ammo.

daremo ga mina shitteru
keseya shinai kizu wo
dorekurai tsudukuno?
mou iranai yo
daremo ga mina matteru
arasoi no nai hibi wo
senjou no heishitachi
omoidashite yo
ima haha no nukumori wo
kono hateshinaku hiroi sekai ni
jibun dake no chizu egaite
namida koraete
bokura wa aruite yukou
tachiagare ima
hora nando demo
nemureru shishi yobiokoshite
ikite yukunda ashita e
daremo ga mina motteru
hitokakera no ai wo
nikundemo nani hitotsu
umarenainda yo
sonnano mou iranai yo
kono kagiri aru jikan no naka de
mada minu rakuen mezashite
doko made datte
bokura wa aruite yukou
mae dake wo mite
sono karada kuchihateru made
ikite yukunda mirai e
omoidashite yo
ima haha no nukumori wo
kono hateshinaku hiroi sekai no
mada minu rakuen mezashite
doko made datte
bokura wa aruite yukou
mae dake wo mite
sono karada kuchihateru made
ikite yukunda mirai e
01 - The Door of Time 時の扉 1:52
02 - Shitoushin 四闘神 2:30
03 - Main Title オープニングタイトル 4:07
04 - The Children of Hourai-jima 蓬莱島の子供たち 1:50
05 - Goura and Ryuura 剛羅と龍羅 1:12
06 - Wound on The Back 背中の傷 0:27
07 - The Ominous Island Hourai-jima 不吉の島 蓬莱島 1:35
08 - Kyoura's Attack 凶羅襲撃 1:17
09 - Fire-Spitting Seitenhou 火を吹く斉天砲 2:01
10 - Sesshoumaru VS Kyoura 殺生丸vs凶羅 1:15
11 - Fate 因縁 1:30
12 - Song of the Spirit Sending 魂送りの歌 1:34
13 - Puzzle of the Marks 刻印の謎 1:12
14 - Asagi's Decision 浅葱の決意 1:54
15 - Rumbling Kettle 鳴動の釜 1:16
16 - For Everyone's Sake みんなのために 1:27
17 - Firefly Light 蛍の光 0:40
18 - History of the Song 歌の由来 1:05
19 - Incoming Poison Insects 迫り来る毒虫 0:44
20 - Guardian Miko Kana 護り巫女 奏 1:50
21 - Repercussion From the Kettle 釜からの帰還 2:12
22 - The Stolen Jewel Box 奪われた玉匣 1:20
23 - Sullen Kagome 不機嫌なかごめ 0:19
24 - Revived Shitoushin 復活 四闘神 2:05
25 - Sango VS Juura 珊瑚vs獣羅 1:05
26 - Kazaana of Certain Death 決死の風穴 1:06
27 - Faltered Sword 迷いの剣 1:22
28 - Sesshoumaru VS Kyoura II 殺生丸vs凶羅2 1:00
29 - Ryuura's Murderous Intent 龍羅の殺意 1:38
30 - Sango and Miroku's Strategy 珊瑚と弥勒の作戦 1:05
31 - The Children Stand Up 立ちあがる子供達 1:21
32 - Unquenchable Fighting Spirit 不屈の闘志 1:52
33 - Defeat Goura 剛羅倒す 1:15
34 - The All-Powerful Ryuura 最強龍羅 1:05
35 - The Children's Power 子供達のちから 1:54
36 - The Final Decisive Battle 最終決戦 1:44
37 - Escape From Hourai-jima 蓬莱島からの脱出 0:48
38 - The Journey Continues 旅は続く 1:23

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