AISAKA SAYO 相坂小夜 (相坂 さよ)
A fictional character from the manga series Negima!: Magister Negi Magi, created by Ken Akamatsu. The 1st student in Japanese alphabetical order of class 2/3-A, she is the hapless and meek ghost of a former student, occasionally accompanied by a pair of hitodama. More often frightened than frightening, she is invisible to virtually everyone, and her presence goes mostly unnoticed (though Professor Takahata had her included in Negi's class registry, with a note not to change her seat). Eventually, she does get noticed by her teacher Negi Springfield and most of her classmates and becomes a friend and ally in his quest.
It is interesting to note that Sayo is introduced early in all television depictions of the manga compared to the manga itself.
Character Design & Appearance
Among the many strange and weird characters Akamatsu had planned for Negima, he knew from the beginning that one of Negi's students was going to be a ghost. However, integrating this ghost girl into the story was a matter more difficult than he realized. Akamatsu's original intention was to use Sayo Aisaka (which she was called from the beginning) in an old-fashion ghost story, filled with the creepy and bizarre. However, every time he tried to write the story, he got nervous and backed away. When he finally did get around to introducing Sayo, he instead used her more natural personality in a story that parodied the ghost stories, depicting her as trying (and failing) to haunt her homeroom before finding acceptance with several of the students. After her introduction, he intended (and succeeded) to keep Sayo as Kazumi's constant companion. He has also hinted that he would reveal Sayo prior to her death, but at this time Akamatsu has yet to depict this as part of his plot.
Her appearance, with white hair and red eyes, gives her the impression of an albino, which looks appropriately creepy for a ghost. Similarly, Sayo was designed in wearing an old-fashion "sailor-fuku" style school uniform as contrast to the other students in the school who all wear preppier uniform clothing and to show that she lived and died in another era. She is also depicted to have no feet (being a ghost). In both anime series, however, she is depicted to have feet (although an eyecatch of her in the Spring OVA shows her without feet). As a further comparison, however, Sayo is depicted as a walking ghost in the first anime, while she is sometimes seen in Negima!? floating in midair. In fact, in the first series, she falls to the ground while trying to catch a butterfly flying high.
It should also be noted that Sayo, being a ghost, has been wearing the same uniform regardless of the change of seasons. In case of the manga, she is constantly seen in her black winter uniform with white collar and red ribbon. In the first anime series, as to be noted below, she is wearing a white summer uniform with blue-collared white blouse, blue skirt, and green ribbon. In the live-action adaptation Negima!!, she wears a dark blue uniform with white ribbon. Interestingly in the second anime series Negima!?, she wears either an all-blue winter uniform with red ribbon or a blue-and-white summer uniform with red ribbon depending on what type of seasonal uniform the other students wear. Furthermore, since Sayo is depicted in pale colors in Negima!?, the shade of blue might even be darker.
According to Akamatsu, Sayo pretty much resembles Konoka, except with white hair and larger bust. (Konoka is 73 while she is 77)
Background & Personality
According to the character notes at the end of Volume 9, Sayo's past was supposed to take a darker turn as it is stated that Sayo was one of the victims of a series of murders taking place around the founding of the school. However, having been dead for so long she has lost her recollection of the events surrounding her murder. As Sayo has no interest in recalling the events regarding her death, it is presently unknown whether this device is still in use, or if she died by another means.
She has low self-esteem and is not skilled at being a ghost, tripping despite the fact that she doesn't have feet and being completely unable to (intentionally) scare people. Sayo has been friendless and lonely for around 60 years since her death, which made her very desperate for a friend. Her attempts of making friends has led to misunderstandings, which are discussed at the following section. After her discovery, she does gain friendship and understanding from her teacher and her classmates. Her originally morose personality has become happier and more outgoing.
Sayo is kind and tries to see the world on the bright side. She really loves her family, especially her sister. She is very sensitive to Tsuwabuki which connects to her former human life.
Sayo is the hapless and meek yūrei (ghost) of the class. Although she is included on the class roster for 2-A when Negi arrives, she is unable to participate or connect with anyone in the class initially. The seat which she sat in sixty years ago remains unoccupied, even if other people (such as Kazumi) have the ability to sit next to her. Prior to the Mahora festival, Sayo remained unnoticed and unconnected with her classmates. She is first noticed when Negi absentmindedly counts her during a class vote. She still wears the school uniform of Mahora from over half a century ago, (standard fuku, Sailor Moon type). Apparently, Evangeline is the first one able to see her, due to being a powerful mage, but she did not bother to reveal herself to Sayo. At times, she looks down upon her own worth as a ghost (such as tripping when she doesn't have feet, and her feeble attempts at scaring using "Boo!"). Sayo has been friendless and lonely for the 60 years since her death, which made her very desperate for a friend.
Her attempts to talk to the rest of the class led to a series of hilarious events during the preparations for the School Festival as everyone mistook her for an evil spirit. She nearly ended up being exorcised by Mana and Setsuna, but Negi and Kazumi, having caught a photo of her crying and realized what was really happening, came to the rescue and offered to be her friends. She thanked them, then faded away, leading the others to think she had crossed over, until she showed up later to ask Negi to spend some time at the festival with her. It is only afterward that Evangeline speaks to her for the first time, telling her that "I'm glad for you," revealing that she was aware of her the entire time. After the festival, she befriended Zazie Rainyday for a while, but is rather frightened by the spirits that often accompany the enigmatic girl.
She currently hangs around (or haunts) Kazumi, who sits beside her in class, and is currently able to see her. Like several other girls she seems to have developed a slight crush on Negi. She has also been seen with Zazie and her phantoms, but finds the other girl scary. She is currently traveling with the group to England by the use of a special magic doll.
She has accompanied the group to the magical world and, like the others, was scattered across it when Fate destroyed the teleportation gateway. She and Kazumi (who was initially disguised as a bard) were eventually reunited with Negi and company while Negi was contemplating on how to gain the freedoms of Ako, Akira, and Natsumi. She helped Chachamaru and Kazumi locate the other girls, riding with the latter's miniature satellites whenever performing an active search; one of her search flights eventually led her to Kū Fei's location. Later on, Sayo (along with Kazumi) discovered that Nodoka was being attacked by the "Black Hounds." Using one of Kazumi's search cameras, she managed to warn Negi and the others of the impending attack. Thanks to her quick warning, Negi and the others managed to save Nodoka in the nick of time. After the tournament she discusses the subject of Pactios with Chachamaru as she has no body but only soul as opposed to Chachamaru wondering if she has a soul.
After chapter 263, in which Chachamaru gets her pactio Pupa Somnians, Sayo is waiting to get her own.
She, like the rest of the class, assists Negi in saving Nagi and defeating the Mage of the Beginning. After many twists and turns through,the besieged Mahore with Negi and friends via Cassiopeia, she was rleased as a residual ghost of Mahora Academy. Afterwards, she mysteriously did not pass on, but continued as the guardian spirit of Asakura Kazumi, working as her partner.
Ghost Powers : Sayo has all the standard powers of a ghost, though she is not very experienced in using them, despite having them for over 60 years. These abilities include floating/flying, intangibility, invisibility, (though this was due to no one noticing her in the first place), possession of other people, levitation of objects, and other skills commonly associated with poltergeists. However, Sayo also shares the same weaknesses of ghosts and is vulnerable to spirit wards, magical spells, and weapons (such as Mana's spell-breaker bullets and perhaps any 'ghostbusting' equipment created by Satomi and Chao).
Ghostly Stealth: Sayo typically isn't noticed when not physically manifesting or controlling a fetter, even by spiritually aware persons such as Mana or Setsuna. Only Zazie and Eva initially seem to be able to see her. This stealth later allows her to work around the limitations of Kazumi's artifact.
Sayo Doll : Since she is bound to the grounds of Mahora Academy, Sayo can only leave the area by means of a mystical doll given to her by Kazumi. By possessing the doll, she is able to interact more physically with the living world and can even use her ghost abilities outside of the doll. She uses the doll as an anchor point, and so long as she doesn't stray too far from it, she can exist in places outside of the academy. This has the additional benefit of being small enough to ride on one of Kazumi's camera golems (it has a seat and writing on it indicating it is for her use).
Pencil/Pen Twirling : Though not an especially useful skill, Sayo is a master of spinning pencils and pens about her fingers and hands. It is presumed she learned the skill to offset the boredom during the summer vacations, when there are no classes. This skill is demonstrated in volume 19, chapter 175, A Single Frame of a Youthful Summer, on one page titled: “Spinning for 60 Years.” The same chapter also shows Sayo's "friendship" with Zazie Rainyday.
Sayo Robot : In volume 28, in order to possibly make a pactio with Negi, Sayo is given a robot made by Haruna, that looks identical to her full sized body, with feet. She controls it not by possession, but by a cockpit in the torso where her Sayo doll sits. Upon seeing the amazing combat capabilities of said robot, she promptly forgets anything about forming a pactio.
Gatling Gunner Skill : While there was no indication of this beforehand, she shows a great deal of proficiency when controlling the gatling gun of the Great Paru-sama.
Pactio Cards
Umbra Invisibilis: None, as of now.

Sayo is wearing a yellow kimono. Her weapon is a slow-moving blue hitodama (fireball).


Very similar to her old pactio form in the first series but this time she is dressed in a "deep purple" kimono. Sayo becomes a "solid" being and has the ability to "possess" solid objects. Then, the possessed object becomes "fluid", which allows another person to "reach through" the possessed object (although Sayo is very ticklish when this happens). Her artifacts are eleven magic plates that she can throw as projectiles. This get-up references the ghost story of Okiku and her ten heirloom plates. The duration in which her powers last is in question since she is a ghost and does not need to eat (unless she wants to)。

Geisho-Ui: A barefoot angel with a halo and wings. She also wears her winter school uniform, torn at the sleeves. Two haloed winged hearts appear to accompany her.(An interesting point about the Provisional Contract in Episode 14, was that Sayo became visible to her classmates without the use of cameras and such. Most likely it was due to the added power of the pactio).

Student Number 2 , Birthday: 1 June 1988.

Background & Personality
Yuna is an athletic girl who plays basketball and is often seen together with Makie, Ako, and Akira (i.e. the sports clubs group). Her father is Professor Akashi, one of the Mage-teachers at the Academy. While Yuna did have a little bit of magic practice as a child (as seen in a flashback showing her holding a wand while walking with her mother), the death of her mother resulted in Professor Akashi to hold back any more magic training and keep the world of magic a secret from Yuna. Yuna is the most mischievous one amongst the sports girls. She has a weakness for strange products from a TV shopping channel (the show is on during class time, but since she can't stand to miss it, she tapes it).
Yuna is also distinguishable for her easygoing, laid-back demeanor, which allows her to maintain a cool attitude -- even when learning the truth behind her mother's death and her parent's identity as mages. However, she appears to contain darker, more conflicted feelings underneath the surface. She is notorious for her "Electra complex", which suggests she has a borderline-romantic obsession with her dad. She becomes jealous and clingy whenever her father is seen with another woman (such as Donet McGuines) and jokingly tells him that she wishes to become his bride. The two have a close relationship, and Yuna goes to great lengths to care for her father, who does little to look after himself.
Part in the story
Yuna's first major role in the story is shown during the Evangeline Arc when she, along with the other sports girls (Ako, Makie, and Akira) are bitten by Evangeline and turned into her servants. However, she and the other girls are quickly defeated by Negi and returned to normal by the end of the arc.
During the second night of the Kyoto field trip, Yuna and Makie represented Group 4 during the "Kiss Negi" contest that Kazumi organized for that night. Early on in the event, she and Chisame ended up getting caught by Nitta and were forced to sit in the seiza position for the rest of the night. To their advantage, they were able to avoid the chaos caused by the duplicate Negis, with the two having "ringside seats" when Nodoka, through some tripping by Yue, accidentally kissed Negi, resulting in her winning the contest (and unknowlingly becoming Negi's second Ministra Magi).
During the Final Day Event of the Mahora Festival, Yuna has shown a surprising amount of skill with a pair of magic guns. Though she is unaware of the truth of the "game" she is playing, she has become one of the top "scorers" in the game, and has helped hold the last remaining magic point: the World Tree Plaza, standing up to one of the unsealed giant demons until Negi arrived to take it down. After taking fourth place in the "Mages vs. Mars" game, she ends up winning 300 free meals and giving herself the nickname "The Kid" (leading to the other girls trying to force her to share the prize). She also becomes popular with the martial artists in the academy due to her fighting abilities in the battle. Post-Festival, Yuna's father, Professor Akashi, is revealed to be a mage researching information on Fate Averruncus. Yuna trails her father during his meeting with Donet McGuines, under the impression that her father and Donet are dating. Although the subject of the meeting is kept hidden via magic, Yuna uncovers that Donet was a friend of her mother's, and is later surprised to find out that Negi knows her too.
During the Journey to the Magic World Arc, Yuna is one of the girls who travels to Wales and is accidentally transported to the Magic World. After the incident at the gateport, she and Makie were saved by a truck driver known as "Johnny-san", who apparently found them on the verge of death. The two work jobs as waitresses in the magic world in order to earn enough money to travel home, only to learn that the gateport home was ruined in Fate's attack. Upon watching a transmission from Negi (disguised as Nagi), Yuna learns that her friends Akira and Ako are doing well, and that she must travel to Megalo-mesembria in order to reunite with the other students. Upon their arrival during the festival, she and Makie arrive at the captiol and eventually reunite with Negi, learning his true identity as a mage. Upon learning about pactios and artifacts from Haruna, Yuna becomes eager to gain an artifact from Negi, but is unable to do so during the Governor's Ball. Because of this, she is left in the care of Kaede with the other sports girls until their escape from the ball. Yuna is able help her classmates flee the capital with the help of Johnny-san, who happened to be passing by during the attack.
Upon their escape from the ball, Negi advises the girls to rest in the diorama sphere before the final battle. Yuna leads the other girls inside the diorama sphere, hoping to finally claim a pactio from Negi, only to discover Negi under the effects of severe magical poisoning. After being saved by scroll-Evangeline, the sports girls are able to temporary cure Negi by holding his hands at his bedside. During her stay in the diorama sphere, Yuna learns from Takane that her father is really a mage like Negi, although Yuna had already suspected this. Recently, it's been revealed that she is able to use some beginners magic and that her mother, Akashi Yuko, was killed in the line of duty when she was sent as an agent by Mahora Academy to Megalo-Mesembria. Through Akira, Negi finally makes the connection that Yuna is Professor Akashi's daughter, and the truth behind her mother's death, which fuels her desire to make a contract with Negi. Yuna is finally able to make a pactio with Negi, becoming his fourteenth provisional partner. (This literally causes her to jump for joy.) It is also suggested (but not confirmed) that her right pistol from the Pactio is from her Mother's. If so, this also explains her fighting ability in the Mahora Festival. She also leaves Negi with words of encouragement that enable him to make it through his Magic Erebia training.
During battle at the Gravekeeper's Palace, Yuna successfully aided in fending off the members of Fate's harem -- combing her artifact with the effect's off Ako's magical doping. She's among the girls tasked with retreiving the Great Grand Master Key. Although the mission is initially successful, Fate launches an overwhelming counter attack -- using petrification darts to turn the other students into stone. With the effect's of Ako's doping still in effect, Yuna is successful in taking down most of the darts -- but is forced to act as a human shield to protect her friend Makie. As a result, Yuna is petrified and currently unabale to take part in the final battle. She has since been freed from the spell in order to join in waking up Asuna.
She, like the rest of the class, assists Negi in saving Nagi and defeating the Mage of the Beginning. Carrying out her mother last wishes she became an agent of Megalo-Mesembria. A tough job, but with her characteristic cheerfulness, she accomplishes her missions with flair. Active in every part of the world due to her work, she has many chances of meeting her old classmates and lending them a hand.
Magical Abilities : Like Konoka, Yuna was born a mage like both of her parents. However unlike Konoka, Yuna has already known about magic since she was a child. She's also capable with using magical guns without nearby sources (i.e. a charged-up World Tree). While in the Magic World, Yuna and Makie also began to learn magic spells as well.
Marksmanship : Though not as high as Mana, Yuna showed reasonably good accuracy with a pair of magic-based handguns during the 'Mages vs. Mars' festival event. This is most likely due to her involvement in Mahora's basketball club.
Pactio : Strenuus Arcarius: Yuna becomes Negi's fourteenth provisional partner. Her artifact is called Iris Tormentum. It appears to be a magic gun similar to the one she used during the final event of MahoraFest and a BIG semi-automatic pistol. Its special abilities are not fully known, but it appears to have attacks of varying effects:
Spirit Transformation Canceling Bullet : As the name suggests, the ability is used to supress the alternate form of a beastfolk. Yuna first used this against Homura.
Magic Suppression Bullet : Upon hitting the target, this ability stops the use of all magic for 3 minutes per successful hit. Includes magic used to enhance physical abilities. First used against Negi.
Strenuus Arcarius: Her artifact is called Iris Tormentum, which manifests as a pair of dual pistols. As of chapter 302 this artifact has been shown to shoot bullets with various effects, although only two effects have been shown as of now (A spirit canceling bullet that cancelled the transformation of the the enemy fire spirit mage, and magic-sealing bullets that she can fire in quick succession, which disables her target's magic for three minutes with each bullet). As shown in chapter 310, the guns do eventually run out of bullets.

She wears her basketball team uniform. Her pactio items are basketballs and a pair of shoes allowing her to jump very high.


She becomes a basketball player wearing a belt surrounded by "balls" and staff with a broom at the bottom and a red-white-and-blue ball on top.

Super Ball: Also dressed as a basketball player, but with rocket boosters around her shoulders and a mechanical ball in her hands.
Student Number 3. Birthday: 10 January 1989.
Kazumi is the resident class reporter with a camera always on hand. She likes to get the inside scoop on everything that goes on, and is the paparazzi of 2-A class. Kazumi won't stop at anything until she gets her scoop.
Plot Summary
She was one of the first girls in the class to learn Negi's secret, which she discovered accidentally in Kyoto while investigating the rumor that someone had proclaimed her love to Negi. Though initially she intended to reveal Negi's secret to the world, she was persuaded to keep quiet about it, and is occasionally seen plotting with Chamo. She had been promised a Probationary Contract in exchange for keeping the secret, and got one during the trip to the magical world. She frequently elects herself as Negi's manager when it comes to scheduling time with him, (even though Chamo is actually the one pulling the strings). Both she and Chamo were the instigators of the "Kiss Negi" game during the Kyoto field trip. Asakura sports the fourth largest breasts in the class. She signed on with Chao's plan, acting as the lead announcer and referee at the Mahora Fighting Tournament, where she often deliberately pointed out the more fantastic feats performed by her teacher and classmates, drawing the attention of the audience towards them. However, she later reveals she had completed her contract with Chao and helps Negi to stop Chao's plan to reveal magic. She became the announcer for the "Mars Attacks vs. Mage Order" game. Sayo is currently following (or haunting) Kazumi. She is friends with Sayo and is one of the few people who can see her, having sat next to her for so long, and having been the first person to come into contact with her. She later obtains a doll from Evangeline for Sayo to possess, so that she can leave the school grounds. In Negima Workshop, she is noted to be similar to Mitsune Konno from Love Hina.
She, like the rest of the class, assists Negi in saving Nagi and defeating the Mage of the Beginning. She raced through the age of upheaval begun by Negis plan as free journalist. After the establishment of the Solar System Trade Route, she took over "Paru-Sama II" from Saotome Haruna, and became involbed in matter throughout the solar system. Her book "Second Generation Hero" become a bestseller.
Pactio : Reportatrix Denudans: Kazumi's artifact is called Oculus Corvinus and it creates up to six small golem cameras that she is able to manipulate and send to any part of the world.There fore, its a handy tool in terms of information gathering and search operations. She is the eighth person to make pactio with Negi. The artifact has other clever uses such as spying on the opponents location and determining the proper coordinates of a target for firing arm like a laser sattelite. It can also capture, record and display images in a hologram like interface. She is the eigth student to make a pactio with Negi, though her kiss is only seen through a picture, so the time that she did this is unknown.
Reporting Skills : As the reporter of the class, Kazumi has the skills to get the inside scoop of any topic. She also demonstrated this skills during the Mahora Tournament giving play-by-play accounts during the fight.
Reportatrix Denudans: Kazumi's artifact is called Oculus Corvinus. It creates up to six small golem cameras that she is able to manipulate and send to any part of the world, allowing her to search for information or others, including missing allies. They have no combat ability and is primarily used for intelligence gathering, although they can be used to provide information during battle (such as the ideal point to strike through a wall). Fitting with her relationship with the class ghost Sayo Aisaka, one of the Golem cameras has a seat for her Sayo-Chan Doll and is called Sayo-Chan Camera, which the ghost can ride and control when possessing the puppet. Sayo can also connect the golem cameras by acting as astral connection cable.
Her artifact is a scope camera that allows her to record, capture, and focus in on anything, as well as display information about whatever it is focusing on (such as the ideal moment to fire a gun through Negi's wind barrier).
Domestic Canary

Dressed like a field reporter with a long-scope camera and a pair of jeans with one pant leg completely torn. The camera is her main artifact, but its effect was not shown.

Matahari Tools: Dressed as a TV reporter in a short black dress with a long white overcoat and a suitcase on her hands. She is holding a handheld phone on her other hand. Although this card was seen at the top of a Pactio deck after the mass Pactio, it was never used in the series and its effects are unknown.[8] The name of the Pactio card references the famous dancer-turned spy Mata Hari, in light of Kazumi's own skills in gathering information.
Character Design
With the many different character types and designs that went in to making the girls of Negima, Ken Akamatsu occasionally gets ideas from other sources, including other manga, for the creation of his girls. Upon creating Yue, Akamatsu already knew that she was going to be a huge bibliophile due to feeling that she had a Read or Die feel upon creation. Like heroine Yomiko Readman, Yue is obsessed with books (similar to her friend Nodoka) and uses them as a means to escape from the problems in her own life. Yue's design hasn't changed significantly from her initial one, complete with her small stature, braided front bangs and split hair behind. Some pics depicted her possibly with glasses, but other than that Yue was created ready to go into Akamatsu's story. Interestingly enough, Ran Ayanaga, the person behind the original character design for Yue, would eventually work on the Read or Dream manga, with one of the characters in the story, Hisami Hishishii, having a strong resemblance to Yue.
Yue is also similar in appearance and personality to Patchouli Knowledge of the Touhou series.
Character Outline
Yue is considered the cool slacker of the class, a highly intelligent girl yet, at the same time, a horrible student. Her intelligence is shown by her interest in philosophy and her membership in the Library Exploration Club alongside classmates Nodoka Miyazaki, Haruna Saotome and Konoka Konoe. Even though she has never been through the entire library due to its massive size, she does know enough to be a guide for those who choose to go in there, such as guiding Negi and other members of the class. It is through the club that Yue becomes friends with the club members, usually finding herself helping her shier friend Nodoka gain confidence to do what she wants while at the same time ignoring or putting up with the manipulations of the bespectacled Haruna. Although she is scared of Haruna's tendencies, she does somehow find a way to remain her friend.
However, despite being a talented bibliophile and a member of the Library Club, Yue hates studying and schoolwork. Due to this, she is one of the students in 2-A with the lowest grades in the class, and hence is a member of the "Baka Rangers" or "Dummy Force" study group (a play on the Power Rangers series and the Super Sentai genre they came from). In the Baka Rangers, Yue is "Baka Black", and considered the team's leader, most likely in being the "smartest" of the quintet both in general as well as in her average as a Baka Ranger. Although Yue doesn't like studying or schoolwork, she is capable of performing well academically, either when she needs to (to raise the class's average) or in a subject she finds herself interested in. It is revealed later that Yue's hatred for studying is due to the death of her beloved grandfather, making her lose interest in the world in general and considered everything, especially studying, as pointless. She was initially uninterested in making friends, though Nodoka was the first to make an impression on her, by saying that anyone who likes books cannot be a bad person.
Yue is often seen drinking unusual beverages (including salt water) from juice boxes, found in various and bizarre flavors. She was once seen drinking the "Last Elixir" in one chapter, a cameo appearance from Final Fantasy. Whenever Yue drinks from one of these boxes, she usually is seen either in a more contemplative or a commentary role compared to the craziness going on around her.
Unfortunately, due to the large amounts of liquid she takes in, Yue is well known by her friend's for needing to use the bathroom almost constantly. This is also the reason she wears more adult underwear, such as tie side panties, as Haruna explains ( to Yue's embarassment and protests that it was meant to be a secret between friends) Yue is unable to go to the bathroom without completely removing her underwear. As such, she needs panties that can be quickly and easily taken off.
This frequent drinking and urination cycle is one that continues even when Yue temporarily loses her memory, as does her taste in underwear.
Pactio : Philosophastra Illustrans: Her artifact is called Orbis Sensualium Pictus, it is a set consisting of a cloak, book, witch's hat, and a broom. Chamo mentions that she has the same Beginner Mage Set that Negi also had. This implies that her equipment is essentially the same as those given to mages in training. At first, her artifact doesn't offer any noticeable firepower, but its merit is progressively proven useful as the story moves on. For one, the book initially appearing to be a beginner's manual for casting spells, but actually has a wide array of general information on various magical topics, like an encyclopedia. It is able to display this information in the form of illusionary pages, like holograms. Even more impressive, the book is also linked with and updates continuously. It can thus answer almost any question Yue asks that pertain to magic. Yue has the equivalent of a magical library branch in one book. She was able to discover that Asuna's magic cancellation ability was exceptionally powerful, simply by looking it up and, furthermore, she was able to learn the spell needed to amplify it. After mastering riding brooms at the magic school she can use the broom to fly.
Logical Intelligence : Though she hates to study, Yue's ability to research and piece together facts is considerable. She was able to deduce Negi's identity as a mage and gather information concerning on the Magic World and Negi's father. As long as the subject maintains her interest (such as magic), Yue becomes dedicated to learning all there is to know. While studying at the magical academy, she becomes one of the highest test scorers in the class.
Magical Ability : After discovering Negi's mage status, Yue coaxed him to make her into his student on magical arts, both for her own defense and to "get revenge on the guardian dragon of Library Island" (who later turned out to be a friendly guard of Albireo). Combining Negi's guidance and the power of Evangeline's resort alongside Yue's own studious nature and her Pactio, she soon masters the basics. Studying at the academy in the magical world significantly improves her spellcasting and she learns to ride on a broomstick. Also during the competition it is revealed that Yue now has a magical activation key which is Foa Zo Cratia Socratia (perhaps referring to the philosopher Socrates) and she is believed to be a quite powerful mage as Emily said "no spells could break a dragon's horn!" but Yue managed to break it with the Fulguratio Albicans spell.
Close Combat : Under her knights training she has gain much more training in combat situations including using her "Souken"(Fake Sword)as a weapon and for spell casting.
Plot Overview
Appearances in other media
Student Number 5. Birthday: 21 November 1988.
She is a shy athletic girl who works as a school nurse's assistant.

Character Outline
Ako is a very unique character as first time she appeared, she is only a side character. However, as the story progresses, she becomes more and more of a main character.
One interesting point is that she has a fear of seeing blood, which makes her position as a nurse's assistant seem odd. She has a large scar across her back, which she makes every effort to hide from others and is the source of her low self-confidence, as she believes that the mark makes her ugly and unwanted. The scar may also be connected to her fear of blood, as seen in Chapter 123.
She is usually seen with Makie (her roommate), Yuna, and Akira. She is also the manager of the boy's middle school soccer club, and in charge of 2-A's sanitation department. She does not consider herself anyone special because of the scar on her back and is one of the better-behaved members of the class, quite a contrast to the more mischievous Yuna. She has some talent with a bass guitar. She had once confessed her love to an older boy but was rejected.
Ako, who never really showed much interest in the 10-year-old Negi, develops a huge crush on the older, teenage version of him (after taking Age Deceiving Pills), whom she believes is his cousin "Nagi". She was so infatuated with him that she immediately invites him to her festival's activity, even though she said it was nothing at all. Some of the other girls also have shown attraction toward Negi's older form, though Ako is by far the most interested. Recently, Negi, in his older form, took Ako out on a date in order to help her relax before the Mahora Festival's live concert. They take part in the Mahora Best Couple Contest and won 2nd place. During this date, Negi encourages Ako to think of herself more as the main character, rather than just part of the supporting cast. This helps her build more confidence in herself, to the point where she almost confesses her love toward the handsome "Nagi" twice. The first time she chickened out by asking him if he liked Japanese squid, (rather than saying that she really loves him), and the second time during the Mahora Live Concert. She narrowly avoided getting shot by Mana, who was watching out for love confessions during the festival. Luckily, she ended up only asking for his e-mail address.
With the end of the Mahora Festival, she assumes that Nagi has already left for England and is now pining away at his absence. The Cheerleaders talked her into sending pictures of her in different sexy outfits to him. At one point, Misa knocked her out and sent one last picture of her dressed as a bunny-girl (Which caused Negi spit his tea out in surprise when he opened the email). The idea was that Nagi would appreciate a taste of home, as they believed the bunny-girl outfit originated in England.
Ako, Natsumi and the rest of the Sports Girls followed Negi's group to the Magic World, and were split up in Fate's attack on the gate. Ako became very sick and Akira and Natsumi had to sell the three of them into slavery {C to pay for the medicine to treat her, which cost 1,000,000 Drachma.
Negi and the gang found them and tried to help by entering the tournament, with Negi {C disguised as Nagi. However, the day before final day, Ako learned the truth when Tosaka threatened to reveal Negi's identity. She then offered to sell what little freedom she still had to stop Tosaka from threatening Negi. However, Tosaka decided to give the evidence back to her and not allow her to sell herself. He then punched Negi because of his actions.
She is also the 2nd person who confessed to Negi.
After they won the tournament, Haruna tried to force the girls who didn't have Pactios to make one. Ako got into fight with Makie who say that she will give up Negikun for her. In chapter 289, Negi tries to make a pactio with Ako as "Nagi," but she made him swallow an Age Deceiving Pill that transformed him back into his ten-year-old self before they kissed. She claims that she did not want to do it with "Nagi," but with Negi. After he agreed, Ako made a pactio with him, becoming the thirteenth girl to do so.
She, like the rest of the class, assists Negi in saving Nagi and defeating the Mage of the Beginning. Due to the injury on her back being healed with magic, she decided to study in the Magic World after graduating from High School. She returned home as first-grade healing practitioner. Currently, as a nurse, she works at the same place as Ookouchi Akira. She secretly look up to Konoe Konoka as her teacher and contiunes devoting herself to study.

Negima!: Infirmaria Cum Traumate: Her pactio weapon is a huge syringe complete with a catgirl nurse outfit. In the manga, this was a costume that the cheerleaders suggested her to wear in their fantasy cafe during the Mahora Festival arc .
Chicken Chick

An overcautious nursing assistant wearing a jacket and a scarf over a soccer uniform and with a first-aid kit with a spout as her main artifact. Inside the kit is a giant band-aid that heals any wound instantly. She has a star painted on her right cheek and a clover on her right thigh. The pattern on her shorts also resembles the design of the standard Teamgeist ball.
Knowledge Syringe: Similar to the manga Pactio card, she is dressed in a blue nursing outfit with wings while riding on a giant syringe which appears to be her main weapon. This time she no longer has her cat-like appearance.
Her pactio weapon is a huge injection needle complete with a nurse uniform.
Although the first anime only revealed it pronouncedly with her pactio, Ako's nursing skills are further emphasized in this series: she is consistently healing other members of the class and even comes up with strange medicines and needles to help them out. During one incident, she tries to inject Negi with a giant needle filled with an energy formula, but instead hits Chamo making him literally become super-powerful! The anime also acknowledges her membership in Dekopin Rocket with the cheerleaders, but she is only seen with them in one scene acknowledging the massive noise Asuna made in the dorm. During the "Suka incident", she becomes a chick.
She is a tall, athletic, and very quiet girl in the swimming club. She is so good at swimming that the Mahora High School swimming club is already looking to recruit her.
Akira is one of the most mature students in the class. She cares alot for her friends but knows what is right and wrong such as when Yuna and Haruna steal Negi's ring and play around with it which doesn't take very well. While seeing Negi as a 10 year old boy like the others, she has respects him for his will and tried to help him in any way she can. She also has good judgement as she doesn't punish Fumika like Fuka as the former didn't participle with the rest of the girls in pranking . It is implied in the manga that she has a bit of feelings toward Negi but chooses to not reveal it.
Pactio: Siren Valida Akira makes a pactio with Negi in chapter 349, which gives her an artifact that enables her to make short teleports through bodies of water without using magical energy.
Swimming Abilities
Super Agility and Strength : Akira has demonstrate this ability when the girls pull prank on Negi too far. This allow her to easily catch up with Misora who is using her artifact to increase her speed and defeat her.
Plot Overview
She is a friend of Ako, and Yuna. She is not always comfortable with Yuna's stunts (For example, being forced to dress as a bunny-girl). She is noted to be similar to Motoko Aoyama of Love Hina, though in looks only. After Chao completes her plot to reveal magic to the world, Akira is one of the very few girls in the class to stay calm when Negi "reappears". Of course, her knowledge of magic's existence along with everyone else's is erased when Negi and the group return to the third day of the Mahora Festival. Akira also participates in the "Mars vs. Mages" battle, fighting alongside her friends using a staff. After the festival, she assists Negi in getting back his spellcasting ring (though she is unaware of its true nature) after he loses it in the bathing area and nearly embarrasses himself in front of the other girls to get it back, making him note of her "strong yet kind" nature in his class roster. Though she is a normal human girl, Akira displayed great power and agility by retaking the spellcasting ring, stunning even Kaede, Mana, and Ku Fei.
Akira and the rest of Sports Girls followed Negi's group to the Magic World, and were split up in Fate's attack on the gate. Ako became very sick and Akira and Natsumi had to sell the three of them into slavery to pay for the medicine to treat her, which cost 1,000,000 Drachma.
Negi and the gang found them and tried to help by entering the tournament, with Negi disguised as Nagi. During this time, Akira found out about Nagi's real identity, and couldn't bring up the courage to tell Ako the truth, since she knew of the latter's love for "Nagi."
After they won the tournament, Haruna tried to force the girls who didn't have Pactios to make one. Later when Negi goes berserk, she talks to him about the upcoming situation and the girls that favor him. However, she may be developing feelings of her own for Negi, as shown in her Cosmo Entelecheia dream world, which showed her with Negi. Chisame stated that Akira could often be the voice of reason at times, despite not saying or showing it in the direct way.
When the class decided to turn against Negi in order to make him reveal who he liked the best, Akira tries to warn Negi about the incident, but is stopped by Kaede and Natsumi. With some help from Kotarou, she is able to escape and eventually meets up with Yue and Nodoka, who were also against 3-A's plan to force Negi into revealing who he likes and came to his aide after Asuna was subdued by the rest of the class. As part of a plan to protect him, Yue and Nodoka left Negi with Akira while they served as decoys to distract the rest of the class. This caused Chamo to encourage her to make a pactio of her own.
She, like the rest of the class, assists Negi in saving Nagi and defeating the Mage of the Beginning. She entered a then-newly established Oribtal Elevator Firm. Passing strict training on the level of a space pilot, she now works as a First Generation Evelvator Cabin Attendant. She often sees Negi there.
Siren Valida Her artifact manifests as a pair of heavy gauntlets and mermaid tail called Powers of the Mermaid. She gains a bustier suit with an armor belt with flanking thigh armor. She wears a leather leggings that join her feet together to form a mermaid tail. Her Pactio allows her to warp locations instantaneously by diving into any body of water and then reappearing in another body of water without using any magical energy. She first used a tiny puddle to quickly warp to the Mahora swimming pool, then multiple other locations including a bathtub, the Mahora River, and the Mahora Girl's Dormitory bath. Kaede notes that she can, at most, travel around 300 meter radius. Her gauntlets appear to give her additional strength which allowed her to break out of Eva's ice block spell that trapped both Negi and herself.
She is dressed in her blue swimsuit. In her pactio form she gains the ability to control water much like water-bending. Her pactio attack is "water thrust".
Frog (similar in design to Motsu)

She is dressed in a swimsuit and sarong with a clam hairclip and water-drop shoes. A piece of coral is stuck in her mouth which she blows on allowing bubbles to come out like a pipe. The power of this artifact was not shown in the anime.
Regalecus Russelii: A mermaid-like synchronized swimmer wearing a pink and maroon swimsuit and carp-like fins attached to her ankles.
Student Number 7. Birthday: 15 May 1988.
She is the leader of the class's cheerleaders, Madoka and Sakurako, and a member of the chorus club. She loves shopping and hates carbonated drinks. She also has a fondness for karaoke. Misa also has some "adult" tendencies, far more than any of the other girls in the class (see also chapter 120, where she thinks to "educate" Negi as her future "hot" boyfriend... in 5 years time, although it is believed that noticing how Negi's "father" looked like in the festival, a red-haired super-hottie, instigated her "reverse Hikaru Genji" plan). She also uses the term onee-san when she talks about herself, if Negi is around. She is the only girl in the class to have a steady boyfriend. Along with her fellow cheerleaders, she takes part in the "Mars vs. Mages" game and is stripped to her underwear when she is hit by the robots' beam weapons. Recently, she has started considering the implications of falling for a ten-year old, leading to suspicions she could be a closet shotacon like Ayaka.

She, like the rest of the class, assists Negi in saving Nagi and defeating the Mage of the Beginning. She works as a concierge at Station Hotel. Her workload constantly increases from the continual development of Mahora. In time, even somewhat inhuman beings came to stay at the hotel. Though Negi and the others worried, she is having quite a bit of fun.
Hilaratrix Accensa: None, as of now.
Dressed in her cheerleader outfits and is able to empower the others with cheers. In Satsuki's case, she was able to make her go faster to feed a huge crowd of demons.

Dressed as a cheerleader wearing a maroon dress and a top hat. She also wears a choker with a key and holds a pair of pom-poms on her hands. She uses her pom-poms as her main artifacts for cheering with melodies.
Lily-Yarn Needle: A school uniform with a weapon similar to one of the heroines of Sukeban Deka. She throws the needle as a projectile.[6] Of particular note: the school uniform she wears is similar to one used by her, Madoka & Chizuru in the 3-A Haunted House during the Mahora festival.
Real name Asuna Vesperina Theotanasia Entheofushia is a fictional character from the manga series Negima!: Magister Negi Magi, created by Ken Akamatsu. The 8th student in Japanese alphabetical order of class 2/3-A, she is the first female character connected to her teacher Negi Springfield and the co-lead character in the series. Although initially appearing as a bullheaded, arrogant and slightly daffy girl, her encounters with Negi slowly awakens dormant abilities within her as well as a mysterious past that suggests she is something much greater and much worse than a mere middle-school student.
Birthday : 21 April, 1988.
Blood type: B
Likes: Tasteful Older Men
Hates: Studying, Brats.
Clubs: Art Clubs
Character Design
Based on her appearance and her personality, Asuna's character is mostly identical to Naru Narusegawa from Ken Akamatsu's previous series Love Hina. Asuna and Naru are similar: both are violent, short-tempered girls with limited patience towards the main male lead yet show a care and trust that grows as the story progresses. Despite similarities to Naru, Asuna does have some slight differences: she is among the more academically challenged of the class and doesn't hide her strengths with a double life. The double life characteristic of Naru transfers over to fellow student Chisame Hasegawa. Many of the early designs are similar to the current Asuna, except with thicker ponytails and minus her trademark "bells" on her head. She has heterochromia (her left eye is blue and her right eye is green).
Aside from Negi, Asuna is the driving force and essentially, the "heroine" of the entire Negima series. Like Negi, many of the character interactions center around Asuna, spanning from her long-standing rivalry with Ayaka to the harsh treatment put through by enemy/teacher Evangeline. Much of the story deals with Asuna's emerging powers and discovering her mysterious origins.

Asuna is often in conflict with other people, especially Ayaka. Asuna has a crush on her former homeroom teacher, Takahata, whom Negi replaces. Asuna is an orphan who was enrolled into the school for free by the school dean, yet she still tries to pay towards her schooling with her wages earned delivering newspapers. Much to her chagrin, she is “Baka Red” of the Baka Rangers (or Dummy Force in the FUNimation Dub) and has the lowest test score average in the class, especially in English. Akamatsu, in reply to a fan question, stated that Asuna's problems with her grades are because of the memory erase she underwent when she was younger.
Negi’s and Asuna’s relationship starts on very shaky ground but quickly improves as they get to know one another. Asuna tends to act like an older sister towards Negi and is very protective of him. Many times, she intervenes to save him from enemies, her crazy and overly-affectionate classmates and even from himself when she notices he’s pushing himself too hard. She is almost indisputably has the strongest bond with Negi amongst his students and is the closest individual to being an actual “partner” to him. Her closeness to Negi causes many of the other people around her to believe that there might be romantic feelings forming between them, but Asuna arrogantly responds that he’s “just a kid.” But Shori has stated that Asuna has very strong feelings for Negi, that could be love. Asuna also blushed when asked by Anya if she loved Negi.
In the final volume of the alternate-universe Negima?! Neo, Asuna showed strong signs of truly loving Negi as he fought against Fate to tell her just how much she meant to him before their wedding. After hearing these words, Asuna started to blush and stutter, freaking out that this sounded like Negi was proposing to her. But realizing the true feelings behind his words, Asuna accepted Negi's request to be with him forever, sealing it with their final kiss of the manga. She also mutters the words "Thank you Negi" as they kiss. Afterwards, during the following day's lesson at Mahora, Negi finds a armor pactio card that shows him and Asuna, calling them "Eternal Partners".
In the Live-Action series, she shows a little jealousy when Negi forms a pactio with Konoka and Nodoka.
She has demonstrated a fetish for older men based on her crush on Takahata and her reaction to meeting Konoka’s father (although this may be related to her dormant memories of them from the past). She also expressed interest in going back in time to the Prohibition-era United States after learning about Cassiopeia. This is because she believes that many well-dressed older men (such as Al Capone and other gangsters) existed then.
Pactio: Bellatrix Sauciata (literally, “Wounded Warrior”): Ensis Exorcizans is the name of Asuna’s artifact. She can summon either a harisen or a sword, both of which are large, powerful weapons. Despite the large size, she can wield the weapons with no difficulty. The harisen exorcises demons with a single swipe, and the sword is strong enough to cleave through rock. However, the harisen has little to no effect against opponents that possess no magic, such as robots and non-magical beings. On the pactio card, Asuna is shown with a giant sword. The Ensis Exorcizans first appeared when Asuna tried to save Negi from the “sharks” in Chapter 61, later during the tournament and on her date with Takahata. At first, summoning the Ensis Exorcizans was dependent on her emotional state, but that seem to change when she learned to use kankahō.
Kankahō: While traveling with the Crimson Wing, Asuna learned the abilities of Kankahō from Gateau Vandenberg. Forgotten alongside her lost memories of her time with Nagi’s group, it slowly came back to her after witnessing Takamichi-sensei perform it in a battle against Negi, then awakened within her memories from an encounter with Albireo Imma. Combining the forces of magical energies and ki, she is able to fight with some magical skill both even with her own immunity from magic and even alongside her Pactio abilities. She is currently one of the few people in the world who can do this. It is sometimes called the perfect technique, although it uses up more power than ki or magic alone it has a lot of uses depending on the way the technique is used.
Magic-canceling: A natural ability held within Asuna even from the moment she met Negi, Asuna was born with the abilities to cancel out spells that are cast upon her, preventing her from being affected by magic, although this doesn’t seem to be the case with illusions (as shown in chapter 144). This ability blocks all spells from simple love potions to the most powerful and near-omnipotent abilities used by the mage such as the Lifemaker (Mage of Beginning). Her usage in the previous mage war is connected to this ability locked within her. Though mostly it blocks magic from the outside, it seems to be a little weaker from blocking magic from the inside such as from when she ate some magical candies. Although the full effects of the candies never manifested themselves, some limited amount of the effects were felt. Also, on a lighter side, she was able to hit Evangeline in her “average school girl” state more than once with Evangeline shouting “How dare you ignore my magical barrier like that!” Chachamaru has commented that Asuna is the only person who's ever been able to engage in a physical fight with Eva. The ability is also exclusive to her as Shiori can't copy it with her pactio.
Enhanced Strength: Even without her Pactio powers, Asuna has shown herself to be deceptively strong, as shown from her ability to throwing things at Evangeline. When she is in her Pactio form, Asuna's already impressive strength is greatly enhanced. Her overall abilities are great enough that she was able to fend off Chachamaru’s attack. Her strength is also great enough to Knock out the door by a single leg or slash just about anything.
Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant: According to Setsuna, her kicks are mainly strong enough to fight someone.
Master Sword Skills Specialist: In terms of fighting style while in her Pactio form, Asuna relies mainly on swordplay, and thus would be considered a sword skills specialist. Aside from her initial training with Setsuna, she is basically on a “learn as you go” training regimen thus her skill has developed by fighting rather than formal instruction, becoming even more capable with every fight. Her overall skill has been shown capable of competing on equal grounds against Chachamaru Karakuri and Evangeline A.K. McDowell. While usually performing right-handed, Asuna appears to be ambidextrous as she has shown proficient skill wielding her sword in her left.
Mukyo Ji Taikyoku Zan-First
Plot Overview
As the first to find out about Negi’s secret, Asuna saw him using magic to save Nodoka from falling down some steps. Initially, Asuna merely was one of the only ones who knew the secret and assisted Negi with adjustment to this new environment. During his battle with Evangeline, she became Negi’s first probationary contract.
Asuna met the The Thousand Master as a child when he saved her life during a battle, and she traveled with the members of his group both before and after his disappearance. Asuna retains no memories from this period in her life but has begun to reexperience them in dreams since Negi arrived. Later on, Albireo opened up her past memories and unleashed the sleeping powers within her. When her powers were awakened in her fight with Setsuna, she turned her fan into the stone cleaver sword during the fight. The chances of her victory seemed high due to Setsuna understimating her, but because of the tournament rules prohibiting bladed weapons and Setsuna’s use of a Shinmeryuu throwing technique, she was disqualified and lost the match.
Recently, she went to tour the Mahora Festival with Takahata (as close as a date with him as she could possibly get) which predictably ends in heartbreak for Asuna, as her former teacher gently turns down her admission of love. She spends four days inside of Evangeline’s Resort (which is four hours in the real world) moping about it, but is cheered up by her friends and is informed about Negi’s latest Probationary Contracts with Yue and Haruna. Upon leaving the resort, she, Negi and a few other girls are trapped in the future where Chao had already revealed the existence of magic to the world and Negi was arrested by the school board. After reuniting with Negi, they successfully traveled back to the third day of the School Festival. With their new knowledge of Chao’s plans, they implemented a plan by Negi to stage a “mock-battle” against Chao’s robot army. Asuna and Setsuna became part of the “Hero Unit” (which also included Negi and a number of people who knew about magic), aiding all other participants in the “Mars vs. Mages” event, and helped Negi fight his way to Chao’s airship. After the festival, Negi asked Asuna to come with him back to Wales along with the others to help him find his father.
Asuna and several other of the girls had decided to form an investigation club in order to help Negi find his missing father during his trip to Wales. However, when it came time to elect a club president, the club advisor, Evangeline, vetoed the idea of giving Asuna the position. In order to prove her worthiness, Evangeline set up the same apprenticeship test as she had given to Negi, only this time, Asuna needed to score one clean hit on Negi himself. It was at that event that Asuna learned that Negi is ahead of her in terms of combat skills and she was soundly defeated. Kotarou notes, however, that her abilities are still rather impressive, as she had lasted fifteen minutes against Negi, though the child teacher couldn’t bring himself to finish her off quickly, despite Eva’s insistence. Thereafter, Asuna underwent somewhat cruel training sessions under Eva, which they recently finished. She is then later attacked again by Ayaka as a part of the Badge stealing game but easily defeats her after only receiving one blow from Ayaka.
Asuna is feeling quite vexed after Ayaka tells the other girls to stop trying for Asuna’s White Wing Badge (reminding them of how easily she could defeat all of them) then turning around and inviting them on a personal trip to Wales aboard her private plane. It is at this point that Negi’s childhood friend Anya appears.
She entered the portal to the Magical World along with the rest of her classmates through a Stonehenge-like portal, arriving in a lobby area similar to an airport terminal, where everyone’s weapons (both mundane and magical) were placed into a sealed box due to the security policy at the “airport.” When Fate and his companions attack the class, Asuna breaks the sealed box by simply punching it. (Presumably, the seal was broken by her Magic-Canceling.) However, despite hers and many of the other members of the White Wing’s efforts, Fate succeeds in destroying the magical gateway and scattering all the members of the White Wing and the Sports Girls all over the magical world. Asuna eventually met up in the wilderness with Setsuna, and the two began searching for Konoka, although the two did manage to send word to Negi that they are alright and to meet up with them at a place called Ostia. After searching for a while, the two of them reunited with Konoka and Kaede, and most recently, she has reunited with Negi in Osita, much to her relief.
She, along with Negi and the others, are warned about Nodoka being attacked by the “Black Hounds.” They rush to her aid in time to save her. Asuna manages to block and repel a trap spell which was intended for Kaede and Setsuna.
In the end, they saved Nodoka. Afterwards, they returned to the city. When Asuna found out that Negi is using Dark Magic, she refuses to let Negi continue using it, but in the end, she gave in and promised that she will help Negi even in the depths of hell.
During Negi’s negotiations with Fate, Asuna became enraged and hit both Negi and Fate with her harisen, blaming Negi if millions died if he did what Fate said. When Negi declines Fate, Asuna engages with two of Fate’s Ministra Magi. During the fight, she gets defeated, and one of Fate’s Ministra Magi, Shiori, kisses Asuna which results in the creation of a replication of her. She and Anya were captured by Fate’s accomplices, with Asuna forcefully having her memories brought back by Fate. Meanwhile, Fate had Shiori pose as Asuna as she spied on Negi’s group, with the cover being blown (and Negi and a few of his students discovering her true identity) recently after Negi made a Pactio with her.
While Negi and the others discovered that Asuna was being held at the Gravekeepers’ Palace, Asuna had fallen into a depression, having flashbacks of her past life. Asuna recalled various moments from her life: being encased in some sort of gem and being used as a weapon to end many lives, remembering a being called the “Mage of Beginning” and later being saved by Nagi and travelling with the Ala Rubra. Her memories eventually fast forward to the day that Gatou died, and Asuna’s mind shifts back into reality while she screams Gatou’s name, asking him who she was. After Anya arrives, Asuna snaps out of her depression and goes back to her usual self. Later, Fate arrives, and Asuna prepares to attack him using Kankaho. Fate stops her and proceeds to talk about his plan: to use Asuna’s power of Magic Cancellation to simply “delete,” overwrite and seal the Magical World. Asuna disagrees, and Fate finally tells her the final secret of the Magical World: that every living being in the Magical World is all but an illusion.
Asuna soon became unconscious after Fate escorted her to the altar. Kaede and Kotarou's group managed to succeed retrieving Asuna and the Great Grand Master Key only to be stopped by Fate. While Negi was facing Fate, the remaining members of the Ala Alba tried their best retreiving Asuna but Shirabe succeeded on placing Asuna back on the altar. As time is running out, all students of class 3-A gathered at the palace in order to wake Asuna up. Asuna finally woke up and rescued Negi from the Mage of the Beginning and everyone's glad to have her back. The two of them combined their strength and defeated the Mage of the Beginning and his hood pulled back revealing his face. It turns out to be Nagi Springfield, which surprised Asuna, Negi, Evangeline, Jack Rakan, and Fate. After his death, Asuna approached Negi, but he snapped out of it and tell her there more important things to take care off which is returning the world to the way it was. She surprised Negi by figured out the current situation and told him that she is 'a genuine legendary princess from a country of magic' with a smile of her face. Using the Great Grand Master Key, she returned the world back to normal and revived all living beings.
She returns in chapter 340, drinking tea with Ayaka. And meeting up with Negi, Fate and Kotarou in their adult forms to meet with the Prime Minister of Japan, with the help of Ayaka's artifact, which can meet someone without prior engagements.
Later, she is seen returning to her apartment. Konoka hugs her and Setsuna is treating her like a princess (which she is) and scolds her for that. Then, he is seen walking with Negi, and they bumped into Evangeline and Setsuna, asking if they we're playing something. Eva then asks the two of them to come with her for their "Final" Lesson, which involves Negi and Asuna teaming up against a Magia Erebia powered Evangeline, and almost defeating her were it not for a unfortunately timed sneeze from Negi. During this fight, it is revealed that in a short amount of time Asuna is going to be sealed as a "corner-stone" for Negis' plan for saving the magic world, during this time her outer personality will cease to exist, she will wake up in 100 years' time as Asuna Vesperina Theotanasia Entheofushia, with no memories of anything that happened while she was "Kagurazaka Asuna".
Five months later, a week before the graduation ceremony, Asuna is presented with her graduation certificate by Negi and Takahata. Ayaka then takes her to a special place where they dig out a time capsule (a cookie box) that contains items from their early childhood. Ayaka then finally reveals her true feelings to Asuna, who responds by considering her a true friend.
On the day that Asuna was to be put to sleep, she spends it by greeting her friends on what she believed to be the last time and being with Negi by the riverside, finally giving Negi a kiss on her own accord. At the end of the day, Asuna greets farewell to all those she knew and departs with Jack, Kurt and Theodora, promising Negi that she'll be waiting to see him in the future.
After a long period of sleeping, Asuna awakens, appearing on the top of the once Mahora Academy. Her first thoughts were the whereabouts of Jack, Theodora, Kurt and Negi, regardless of the ' with no memories of anything that happened while she was "Asuna Kagurazaka"', she seems to have her normal personality and memories intact. Spotting a flying figure, she sees a huge city filled with Magical beings and humans alike, shocked at the towering building that leads to space, musing that Negi must have completed the project. She later finds out that she is in the year 2135 and wonders further where Negi was.
She first walks up to Evangeline's cottage, but finds it abandoned. Walking further into the city, it beings to rain as Asuna is hit with loneliness.
At a nearby telephone booth, Asuna researched up on Negi and his whereabouts, only to find it unknown. She then searches up for her friends, finding none of them with the exception of Ayaka.
She travels to the Yukihiro house only to find the owner at a public meeting. Being denied of entrance, Asuna later meets with a young girl with a similar likeness to Ayaka, mistaking the girl to be Ayaka herself. The girl asks if Asuna was looking for Negi and takes her to his grave.
Asuna is shocked to find her previous partner to be dead and tries to deny his death. The great-great-great-granddaughter of Ayaka then tells Asuna that her grandmother had been waiting for Asuna until she died at the age of 115, shocking Asuna. After the young girl leaves, Asuna remembers the Time Capsule and rushes to dig it out. Amusing herself with the nostalgia of her class, she later finds pictures of her friends as adults. Happy that her friends had led happy lives, she finds a video recording of Negi as an adult in the year 2023. Finding that Negi wanted to be with her, she responds with why he had to die.
Stumbling upon another video recording, Asuna finds herself looking at an aged Ayaka in the year 2090. Ayaka tells Asuna that most of their friends had passed away at this time and says she really wanted to see her smile and laugh, hoping that they can be together again in the world that Negi and Asuna had created. Asuna then realizes that Ayaka's year of death was actually in 2104, the year she was supposed to wake up. After the recording ends, Asuna apologizes to Ayaka for waking up late, then she apologies to all her friends, questioning her purpose after all her friends are gone before breaking down and crying as she said, "I... should had disappeared if it was going to end like this....". As she cries, a voice comes in, making Asuna turn around to find herself looking at Evangeline as well as a nostalgic classmate, Chao Lingshen, as Chao said Asuna slept for 130 years.
In the next chapter (353), Asuna2 (now there are 2 Asunas) is brought back from the future with Lingshen and Evangeline (all 3), they all go back to the past and then reunited tearfully with her friends. She is able to partake in her graduation from middle school and was last seen with Negi outside on the school grounds, celebrating their graduation.

She, like the rest of the class, assists Negi in saving Nagi and defeating the Mage of the Beginning. As the last descendant of the oldest royal family in the Magic World, she worked as a symbol of harmony between the two worlds. She also spent her efforts in the restoration of the kingdom. Despite the busy daily life, she still maintains contact with her classmates. The class rep is eternally her quarreling friend.
Manga: Bellatrix Sauciata: Her artifact is called Ensis Exorcizans. It initially manifested itself as a giant fan, called a harisen, that can exorcize demons with a single swipe. It is a rather powerful artifact. On the pactio card, it is depicted as a giant sword. Why it manifested as a harisen (giant fan) is not certain, though fans have speculated that it is the incomplete form of the sword version. Asuna's sword seems to manifest in times of great emotion, at one point it becomes a sword when she believes Negi is in a near-death situation, at another point a blinding anger does the trick. There is no indication of why this happens but extreme emotions has, to this point, been the deciding factor when Asuna summons the harisen or sword. An important point to note is that the harisen has little to no effect against opponents that possess no magic, such as robots and non-magical beings, (though if it has any substantial effect against Chachamaru is subject to debate, since she is a robot that is magically-empowered). The same cannot be said for the sword version, since it has been shown to cleave through rock. It also posseses cancelation powers similar to Asuna. As it is able to negate Rakan's chi based attacks and Kotaro mentions that it is "a wizard's arch-nemisis." Most recently, Asuna was able to counter multiple magical attacks with the sword version, just with a single swipe. Furthermore, she is starting to gain control over the more powerful version of her artifact, making it appear at will.

Negima!: Same as manga, although her artifact's sword form is not seen
Suka: Wild Boar piglet

Cosplay: Her Manga Pactio. She is dressed in a robe while wielding the harisen.
Armor: Purifications Sword: Wearing a suit of armor, Asuna now wields the same sword as her true Pactio in the manga (similar in appearance to an outfit she wore in a manga spread).

Appearances in Other Media
Mahō Sensei Negima! (1st Anime)
Her magic cancelling ability was the result of a contract with a demon king (the Devil in the English dub). Asuna agreed to the contract in order to lose or at least suppress a natural magical ability she possessed since early childhood: the power to summon demons. This ability caused destruction and carnage wherever she went, causing Asuna a great heartache. Her demon-given ability was the indirect cause of Nagi’s disappearance, as she inadvertently nullified his magic barrier during a fight with a demon. The price of the contract was that Asuna was to die at 12:00 midnight on her 14th birthday. That date would be 23 October 2003 (based on a banner, leaving some to believe her birthdate may be in the year 1989 In the manga, her date of birth is April 21, 1988.).
Just before her death, it is possible that Asuna was about to tell Negi that she liked him, as she had been turned down by Takahata, but the clock struck midnight before she could get the words out.
After Asuna’s death, Negi desperately searches for a way to bring her back. Eventually, he uses Chao’s time machine watch to go back in time. However, due to using too much magic, he is instead transported back to 1994, also unintentionally dragging the entire class with him. During his stay in the past, he meets his father Nagi and learns about Asuna’s contract with the demon king.
After Nagi’s disappearance, the demon king absorbed young Asuna and planned to use her as a barrier. After some convincing by Negi and his students, young Asuna assists them in destroying the demon king. However, even with the demon king’s demise, the contract could not be terminated.
After returning to the present day, to the time where the class was celebrating Asuna’s birthday, Chao, Satomi and Evangeline invented a special device that, working right under the World Tree, combined with all the special powers of Negi’s students, successfully terminated the contract for good.

Although Asuna keeps her well intentioned, Negi-assisting nature, this version has made her slightly daffier in her ways. She is a slacker and not quite as smart as she appears, making her a true member of the “Baka Rangers.” One of her most bizarre traits is her obsession with chupacabra in this version, at first believing it as the assaulter on Mahora campus (instead of Evangeline). After Evangeline’s defeat, Asuna opens a chupacabra club in pursuit of capturing the mythical creature (of whom most of the members are volunteers whom Asuna drags to the meetings, with the exception of Haruna). As the story progresses, the Chupacabra club evolves into a full magic education class with Negi as the mentor, but her obsession with the creature never goes away (to the point of forcing the rest of 3-A to buying her printed Chupa-T-shirts after they all become Negi’s partners and therefore join “the club”). Ultimately, Asuna does receive a chupacabra as a present from Anya, but she is forced to return it to the wild before too long (not before making it sign all of the T-shirts she made through the run of the series).
While Asuna once again the first to gain Pactio in this series, the powers and artifacts she gains are slightly different. The main Manga Pactio ability is split into two in this version: Asuna’s armor form allows her to possess the massive sword she wields when using the full power of her ability, while her Cosplay form gives her the harisen form of the Pactio while dressed in a kimono. When transformed into Suka form, Asuna takes the form of a small wild boar piglet. Towards the end of the series, she is turned evil by the power of the Star Crystal infecting Evangeline, but this only lasts until her vampiric host is defeated in battle.
It should be noted that in this series, both of Asuna’s eyes are blue, instead of her having heterochromia[2], and her hair takes a life on its own depending on her state of mind, even spells out words and numbers. She is also the last one to know Sayo after the latter made a Pactio with Negi. (She was asleep when the rest of the class became aware of their ghost classmate through Kazumi’s digital camera.)
Her interest in Takamichi, albeit a known fact, is almost unseen in many episodes in this series following the first three, but in the eighteenth episode, Konoka and Setsuna manage to urge Takamichi into talking to her. The two do this to avert her attention from asking Nekane too many questions about the Black Rose Baron (and eventually letting Nekane spill the beans about her secret identity) despite an unwritten agreement between Negi, Takamichi and his students to keep Nekane’s secret identity to themselves.
The main protagonist of the manga/anime Negima!: Magister Negi Magi and Negima!? . He is a mage in training to become a Magister Magi (Master of Mana) and the homeroom and English teacher of Class 3-A (formerly 2-A) of Mahora Academy Middle School for girls. He is the leader of Ala Alba.
Negi Springfield is the son of master mage Nagi Springfield, famously known as the legendary "Thousand Master" and Arika Anarchia Entheofushia, the last Queen of Vespertatia, she fought along side Nagi in the Great war and was instrumental in ending it. Early in his childhood, Negi came to live with his older cousin (whom he calls older sister, since they grew up together) Nekane Springfield in a small village in the mountains of England. Even as a small child, he lived pretty much alone in the guest house, with Nekane coming to care for him during her breaks while studying in Wales. While there, he befriended Anya, a little girl about a year older than him who helped him study magic, and even gave him his first training wand. Negi spent much of his time getting into trouble, hoping that if he were to get into enough trouble, the Thousand Master would come to save him. His antics ranged from being chased by large dogs to nearly drowning in a river. When Negi was four years old, his wish came true, with unfortunate results. A horde of demons appeared and attacked his village. Just as a demon was about to attack Negi, the Thousand Master appeared just in time to save Negi from receiving a fatal punch from the demon. With a few strikes and a powerful spell, he destroyed all of the demons but the village was already in ruins and most of the villagers had been already petrified. When the fighting was over the Thousand Master saw Negi and before parting he left Negi his staff and a few words.
After the incident Negi, Nekane, and Anya were moved to a village of magicians in Wales, where Negi immersed himself into his studies. He graduated from Magic School at the age of nine at the top of his class of only five students to graduate that year. His certificate of graduation read that to become a Magister Magi (Latin "Master Mage") he must take on the assignment of teacher in Japan as part of his training. The Headmaster sent Negi to Mahora Academy, a school run by the dean Konoe Mo who is a close friend of the headmaster. As part of his assignment Negi is now the homeroom and English teacher of Class 3-A (formerly 2-A) of Mahora Academy Middle School as the teacher of a class of formerly 31 girls, now reduced to 30.
Negi is a kind-hearted boy, with a very optimistic outlook toward life. Though he is just ten years old, he at times shows maturity far beyond his years much to the amazement and admiration of his older and rowdier students. On an emotional level, Negi is still considered as a child and he often does not realize the full extent of the feelings of the girls around him. He is also naive in many aspects of the world and his normally optimistic outlook on things does put him at a disadvantage when a more realistic approach is needed.
Negi cares for all the girls in his class, and out of his own interpretation of his duties as a teacher, and the parting advice from Nekane, and an overall liking of people in general, he often goes beyond what most other teachers would consider an acceptable level of involvement in the affairs of his students. Negi loves milk tea and hates coffee calling it muddy water. He described milk tea as the best way to drink black tea to fate.
This, combined with his kindness, intelligence, unique maturity, and his unwarranted cuteness have earned him the respect, admiration, and even affection of the students in his class. His naive nature also seems to make him rather gullible as well as he seems to take relatively minor things as very serious. Negi's one true character flaw is that he tends to push himself too hard, especially for a boy his age. Between teaching his classes, training in both high-level martial arts and advanced training in magic combat, His drive to match his father's achievements takes a heavy toll on him both physically and mentally much to the worry of the ones around him, particularly Asuna.

The Child Teacher Arc
Manga: Negi's teaching career at Mahora middle school got off to an extremely rocky start. As a ten-year-old boy in front of a rambunctious classroom full of 14/15-year old girls (the teachers even mention them being the most energetic class in the school), to his surprise and embarrassment was mob-cuddled by nearly the entire class as soon as he introduced himself. At the start he seemed to have exceptionally bad luck with Asuna Kagurazaka, the first of his students he met as he entered Mahora and also a student whom he not only managed to get on the bad side of before he even began, but discovered that he had to live with as well.
However, over time, Negi managed to prove his worth as a teacher to the class, showing them, much to their amazement and sometimes shock, that his maturity, reliability and natural charm are far beyond those of the typical adult, let alone a young naive ten-year-old boy. Negi came to teach class 2-A late in the school year, and as the girls prepared to take their exams, Negi was given his final test to become a full-fledged teacher at Mahora Academy. The test was deceptively simple: Ensure that all the girls in 2-A passed their final exam. Unfortunately, Class 2-A was the bottom-ranked class in the school, particularly the five lowest-scoring students in the class, which he had gathered into a study group dubbed the Baka Rangers (Asuna being part of this group as Baka Red).
As Negi searched for ways to improve the grades of his students, the Baka Rangers discovered a legend about a magic book in the Academy's main Library, which was supposed to make anyone who used it smarter. The Baka Rangers, along with their classmates in the Library Exploration Club, decided to make a journey into the depths of the library to find it. However, the Library proved to be far more than anyone would sensibly imagine a library to be. With Negi's magic voluntarily sealed away, the Baka Rangers, despite their additional studying and surprisingly formidable physical abilities, found themselves trapped in the deepest underworld of the library, where Negi convinced them to do some more real studying while they searched for a way out. While studying, they were attacked by the guardian of the book. The Rangers managed to not only get the book from it, but also found a way out with the help of an express elevator to the surface. But because of problems with the elevator they had to sacrifice the book to get back to the surface and back to school, where they were just in time to take the test. Unfortunately, despite the added effort by the rest of the class, 2-A was still ranked at the bottom. Dejected, Negi prepared to leave, despite the pleas to stay. However, it was later discovered that the scores of the Baka Rangers hadn't yet been added to class 2-A's total score. Graded by the Headmaster himself, the scores were re-tallied. The combined scores of the Library Club, as well as the much-improved passing scores of the Baka Rangers, pushed 2-A's score right to the top of the school.
Shortly before the school year started up anew, Nekane sent him a letter, where she teasingly wondered aloud about Negi searching for a Ministra Magi yet. Negi was explaining to Asuna about Ministra Magi, but was overheard (and misunderstood) by the Narutaki Twins who were eavesdropping through the door. They proceeded to tell the rest of the class, that Negi came to Japan to find himself things from a girlfriend, partner, fiancee, and even a princess (one of the rumors was Negi was actually a prince looking for a bride).
Evangeline Arc
As it turned out, the discussion was rather timely, as Negi began the new year by finding himself in a battle against two of his own students, a vampire named Evangeline A.K. McDowell and her android partner Chachamaru Karakuri, which was an impossible fight for him as he had to deal with their teamwork that never allowed him a chance to chant his spells let alone use them. At the same time, Albert Chamomille, a shady friend of Negi's from Wales, arrived with what he figured was the perfect solution: get a Partner of his own. However, Negi refused to get any more of his students involved in the battle. So he tried to take Evangeline alone once again in a valiant effort, actually holding his own with his collection of antique magical items, but eventually being overwhelmed by Evangeline and Chachamaru's abilities. The battle seemed lost for Negi until Chamo and Asuna saved him. Chamo convinced Negi that the only way they can win is to form a temporary contract with Asuna. With Asuna's help, and a timely sneeze, Negi managed to defeat Evangeline.
Kyoto Field Trip Arc
After the battle with Evangeline, Negi discovered from her that his father used to spend time in the Kansai area, particularly around Kyoto. At the suggestion of Asuna and Chachamaru, he scheduled a four-day class field trip to Kyoto. Unfortunately, the Headmaster informed him of bad politics between the Kanto Magic Association, which he was the head of, and the Kansai Magic Association over the use of Western-style Magic. A condition for allowing Negi and his class to go on the trip was he was tasked with safely delivering a letter to the head of the Kansai Magic Association, and beware of people who would want to interfere with the affairs of the Kanto and Kansai Magic Associations. However, his students managed to complicate matters, from the possibility of Setsuna being a Kansai spy, an actual Kansai rogue trying to kidnap Konoka, and Nodoka confessing to Negi that she liked him. Other complications would also arise as Kazumi nearly revealed his secret to the world and then scheming with Chamo to get the entire class embroiled in a game to get the class to make contracts with Negi. In the end, Nodoka managed to win the game, with help of Yue tripping Nodoka and her landing on Negi's lips. However, the group of Kansai rogues were still after Konoka and her slowly awakening powers. The enemy managed to infiltrate and attack the castle, kidnapping Konoka and petrifying everyone inside, along with Konoka's father. The Kansai Rogues used Konoka's latent magic power to summon a powerful demon. Negi, despite using all of the powers he could, couldn't damage the powerful demon and still had his hands full with another powerful mage named Fate Averruncus. The chance of victory seemed non-existent as Negi was face to face with two undefeatable opponents. Only with the intervention of Evangeline and Chachamaru was the demon able to be destroyed and forced the mage Fate to escape.
Training/Wilhelm Arc
After the Kyoto incident, Negi feels that he was still lacking the strength to protect those who are important to him. To improve himself, he enters an apprenticeship under Evangeline in order to learn magical combat skills, and asks Ku Fei to teach him martial arts, particularly Chinese kenpo. When Evangeline discovers this, she rescinded her agreement to train Negi, only agreeing to it if, with the help of Ku Fei's training, Negi manages to land a single blow on Chachamaru. Negi trains hard under Ku Fei's tutelage, Makie alternately helping and hindering along the way, but in the end, she manages to inadvertently give Negi the opportunity to hit Chachamaru and earn his training.
Negi's training, in both magic and martial arts, progresses at a swift rate. This is partially due to the use of Evangeline's resort, an island in a bottle where time passes at a rate of one day for every hour in the real world. This allowed him to get in a full day's training without disrupting his duties as a teacher, although it did tend to wear him out. During this period, a man named Graf Wilhelm Josef Von Herrman came to the campus, kidnapping many of the students that had helped Negi in Kyoto, as well as Chizuru Naba, who had been uninvolved in the fighting. In Chizuru's dorm, Negi also discovered Kotarou Inugami, a boy whom Negi had fought with in Kyoto, who had made his way to Mahora to challenge Negi to a rematch. Kotarou had been injured and also lost some of his Inugami abilities after crossing paths with Herrman. Kotarou was eventually found and taken care of by Chizuru and Natsumi. Kotarou later gave Negi a demon-sealing bottle, stolen from Herrman, and went with him to battle Herrman and his minions, the Slime Sisters, to rescue the girls he had kidnapped. During the fight, Herrman revealed that he was actually a Demon, the same one who destroyed Negi's home village and petrified its people six years ago. While Negi's students managed to free themselves and seal away the Slime Trio, Negi was able to defeat Herrman with a powerful spell that Evangeline had taught him earlier.
The School Festival arc
In late June, Mahora Academy held the Mahora Festival, a massive, world-famous school festival celebrated by all schools. During the preparations, Negi was formally introduced to the other Magic teachers and students who also attended the academy, and was told a surprising secret: Every twenty-two years, the World Tree, a mountain-sized tree that dominates the skyline of the entire campus, would glow with power around the same time the festival was held. For some reason, the glow was coming a year early. This glow signified a sharp rise in the magical energy in the area, and at certain points around the tree, even a simple confession of love would have the same effect as a powerful charm or curse.
The mages of Mahora had to make it their duty to ensure that no such confessions took place in those areas during the festival. Unfortunately, Negi also had a very full schedule with seeing to his students, many of whom were counting on seeing him at the various events their extracurricular clubs were hosting, not to mention a fighting tournament at the festival that both Kotarou and Evangeline were expecting him to enter. At the same time, another problem comes up, with another of his students at the center. Chao Lingshen had gotten in trouble with the faculty for spying on them, particularly those who used magic. Negi managed to talk the teachers into allowing him to take care of her, and not to erase her memories. In thanks, Chao gave him a special watch called Cassiopeia. During the first day of the Festival, Negi, worn out from previous events, ended up oversleeping (along with Setsuna) when he intended to take a short nap.
Panicking that he had lost the entire day, the Cassiopeia watch activated, taking Negi and Setsuna all the way back in time to the beginning of the day. With a time machine at his disposal, his overstuffed schedule was much easier to handle, as he could always go back in time and take care of anything he did not have time to do before on the next go-around. Over the course of four "days", Negi would see the festival's attractions with Setsuna, go on a date with Nodoka (With disastrous results for Asuna), and help some of his students with the class' haunted house.
He would also see his other students at their club activities, patrol the festival for confessions, try out for the tournament, and even help Chisame win a secret cosplay contest, all within the first day. The second day, Negi participates in the Mahora Fighting Tournament, along with Takamichi and many of his own students.
Between his training by Ku Fei and Evangeline, and his own intelligence, Negi makes it to the finals, defeating Takamichi, Takane D. Goodman, and Setsuna in turn. However, Negi lost in the final match to Alberio Imma, a compatriot of Negi's father Nagi, whoused his Pactio artifact to become Nagi as he was shortly before Negi's birth. After the tournament, Negi discovers that the tournament is part of a plan by Chao to expose the "Inner World" of mages, demons, and monsters to the "Outer World." To this effect, she has leaked images and video of the tournament all over the world. Thanks to his impressive showing in the tournament, Negi becomes an almost instant celebrity. For the rest of the second day, Negi avoids the inquisitive reporters and others by using the age-disguising pills to make himself appear to be a teenage version of himself. During this time, He spends some time (and another trip through time) with Ako Izumi, another of his students, who happens to have fallen in love with his older-looking self. After attending Ako's concert, Negi goes back in time again to attend the tour of the school's Library, where he finds himself in the middle of Yue's conflicting feelings between her friendship with Nodoka and her own crush on Negi. This is eventually resolved, resulting in a fifth Pactio with Yue, and Haruna Saotome also taking advantage of the opportunity to make a Pactio of her own.
He also tries to help Asuna that night with her date with Takamichi, but it doesn't go as planned. After hearing from Ku Fei that Chao plans to drop out of the Academy and return home after the festival, he confronts her to find out why she is trying to expose the mages, as well as her reasons for leaving. Chao responds by challenging him to a battle. If he wins, she'll give up her plans. but if he loses, he'll have to join her. Either way, she says that she'll also tell him the truth in the process. Chao gains the upper hand in the fight, unti Setsuna and Kaede intervene. They grab Negi and make their way to the school's roof, where Chao is ambushed by the entire class... who throw her a surprise going-away party.
After the party, Chao leaves, with the situation unresolved. At the end of the night, Negi gathers his partners, as well as Kaede, Ku, and Chisame, and brings them all to Evangeline's resort, to figure out how they're going to deal with Chao's plans. Unfortunately, when they leave to begin the final day of the festival, they find that they've fallen into a trap. Chao had rigged the Cassiopeia watch that Negi has to activate on its own during the third day of the Festival and send him into the future. Hence, with the activated Cassiopeia watch interfering with the magic of Evangeline's resort, it results in Negi and his crew being stranded there eight days in the future, where Chao has succeeded in her plans to expose magic to the world. Usng an army of robots, Chao took over several key places around the campus, using the World Tree's power to unleash a world-wide "Forced Recognition Magic", removing the usual skepticism people would have to the revelation of magic all at once. With the evidence compile and leaked by Chao, this has caused a serious consideration of the truth all over the world, with worldwide acceptance projected to occur in only a few years. The magic teachers of Mahora Academy, Negi included, are being held responsible for their failure to stop Chao, and will likely all be turned into Ermines. Negi is arrested by Gandolfini and imprisoned in a magic-proof cell, as they await their punishment. However, Negi's partners rescue him, and come up with a plan. Although it's been a week since the festival, they believe the World Tree should still have some measure of it's power left. Delving deep underground, they find that the tree's roots are still glowing, with enough power to activate Cassiopeia one more time.
Negi activates the time machine, bringing them all back to the present... and several hundred feet straight up! Negi manages to create a soft landing for he and the girls, but the use of all this magic has worn him out, and he collapses. Forewarned with the knowledge of how Chao pulled off her plan, Chamo and the girls allow Negi to rest while they go off to set up Negi's plan to stop her: Using an old store of weapons designed to stop magically-empowered constructs, they arm a thousand of the festivalgoers under the pretense of the festival's new Main Event: A "staged" battle between mages and the Martian robot army. However, the presence of a second army is countered by Chao, who simply launches her attack an hour early. Mahora Academy quickly becomes a surprisingly non-lethal war zone, magic disruption blasts exchanged with clothes-stripping energy beams and time-displacement bullets.
During this battle, Negi finally recovers, just in time to have a seventh Pactio initiated by Chisame, who is needed to counter a cyberspace attack by Chachamaru. Once again, Negi found himself in conflict against his own students, as he found his path barred by Mana Tatsumiya and Chao's robot army. With the help of Kotarou and his other students, however, Negi fought his way to a final showdown with Chao atop an airship hovering high over the festival.
Negi managed to hinder Chao, forcing her to reveal her magical power (amplified by several symbols drawn to her body) with Fire as her elemental affinity-much to the surprise of all witnesses of the battle especially Negi. In the middle of the battle, Negi warned Chao of her disastrous power as it may endanger her life however, she ignored the warning and replied that this is for all or nothing and she had "killed" herself for 2 years for her purpose and ambition. When Negi asked Chao whether the 2 years she had spent with her friends is irrelevant and never existed, Chao paused for a moment and admitted that the factor mentioned was not counted on. At the climax of the battle, the magical symbol at Chao's head burst, rendering her open for Negi's final blow. Negi achieved victory against Chao but the battle left them both drained of energy, and several hundred feet in the air. Fortunately, they were saved by the timely intervention of their students/classmates. Unfortunately, the battle lasted long enough for Hakase to finish the spell.
However, Chao told Negi that she had ordered Hakase to alter the spell in the event Negi managed to defeat her in battle. The spell was changed to a very powerful wish for world peace for one day. While everyone celebrated the end of the festival, Negi confronted Chao again and asked about the magical seals on her body. Negi confessed that he believes they had something to do with her tragic 'past' but Chao doesn't answer. Saying there is nothing left for her there, she attempts to leave with the last intact time piece but is stopped by Negi. Several of her other classmates arrive and Negi says that there is something for her there and asks her to become a strong mage by his side. However, Chao persisted on leaving for her time, keeping her word for losing to Negi. To keep Negi and the others from stopping her, Chao revealed her most diabolical weapon yet: Her family tree, which would by definition contain just whom Negi eventually marries therefore, literally inflicting psychological damage to Negi's party.
Journey to the Magic World Arc
After the Mahora Festival, Negi and the others went beneath the World Tree to an appointed meeting with Alberio and Evangeline, where Negi finally received irrefutable proof that his father was still alive, even now. With the first term over, Negi is planning to spend the summer by going to Wales in hopes of entering the Magic Country and finding more information about his father. Asuna and several other girls are invited to join him, (either invited or Negi being coerced). They are now officially recognized as the English Culture Research Club and are given permission to travel overseas by the Dean of Mahora. Accompanying Negi when he goes on this trip are his Ministrae Magi (Asuna, Nodoka, Setsuna, Konoka, Yue, Haruna, and Chisame), Kū Fei, Kaede, Chachamaru, Kazumi, Sayo and Kotarou. Along with his students and Kotarou, Negi is also joined by his childhood friend Anya, who arrived in Japan 12 days before the trip to check on Negi. After a series of misunderstandings and some more training sessions, Negi and his associates head out to England. After arriving in London, they are soon found by Ayaka's group and meet up with Donet McGuiness. After a cheerful reunion with Nekane and a short tour of his hometown, including the Merdiana School of Magic where he and Anya graduated, Negi reveals his intent to enter the Magic Country to search for his father to Nekane. He is led to the basement of Merdiana and is shown the still-petrified remains of those who fought to protect his village. This only steels his resolve as he and the rest of the White Wing Club prepare to enter the portal to the Magic Country.
Negi's trip into the Magic Country starts smoothly, but immediately begins to go wrong. Due to the immigration laws, he must keep his Pactio cards, weapons and other magical items within a sealed container before entering the city. He is informed by Donet that four unauthorized people had also teleported along with the gathered mages. Sure enough, the people being detained are four of his students and one more unidentified, who is hooded in a cloak: Yuna, Akira, Ako, and Makie, who until now, had no idea of his magic abilities. But before he has the time to do anything, he is suddenly attacked by Fate Averruncus, whom he had also fought in Kyoto. Though gravely injured by Fate's initial attack, Negi manages to fight back after the release of his Pactio Cards and weapons from their sealed container. Konoka manages to heal Negi's injuries with her Pactio Artifact but Fate still delivers several attacks before leaving the scene with a parting blow which destroys the Gateport. The backlash of the attack scatters Negi and his students across the Magic World, hundreds of miles away. When the young wizard regains consciousness, he finds himself stranded in a large rainforest in the magical world with only Chachamaru by his side. She informs him that it will be a difficult journey finding the rest of the students that accompanied Negi when Fate Averruncus used 'forced teleportation magic'.Slowly, starting with Chisame, Negi finds out where most of Ala Alba and the four accidental stowaways are.
He and Kotarou enter a tournament to free Ako, Akira, and Natsumi, who had also passed through the gate unidentified after wanting to know what Kotarou was doing. After an early battle, Negi is attacked outside the tournament and saved by Jack Rakan, although not before Negi gets his arm severed off.
After Negi recovered from his injury, he left to train with Jack Rakan. Rakan reveals his past to Negi as well as telling him some of Ala Rubra's history. Rakan also reveals that Fate Averruncus's power far exceeds Negi's. Rakan tells Negi there is a way to reach Fate's level, but Negi have to make a choice. He must choose one of two magical paths; embrace light magic and continue in his father footsteps, or choose dark magic and follow his teacher, Evangeline. Negi is told that once he chooses one of these paths, he can never go back to the other. In the end, after realizing he can no longer follow his father's past, he chooses dark magic to forge a new identity.
Negi then falls into a coma and fights a spiritual copy of Eva in a duel inside his mind. If he loses, he will either die or lose all of his magical abilities, but if he wins he will gain the power to defeat Fate Averruncus. After two days (10 days within his own heart), Negi is seemingly defeated by 'Eva'. But after remembering his friends encouragement, Negi finally understands the true meaning of the test; he must willingly and truly embrace the darkness. Negi takes a full blast from 'Eva' and absorbs the energy, and unlocks his dark powers. However, by the time of the Ostia Festival, Rakan pronounces that Negi is not ready yet. Runes or markings of some sort seem to glow on Negi's arms when he taps into the darkness.
During the rescue of Nodoka, Negi utilizes several techniques learned from Eva and easily defeats the bounty hunters. Right after the Ostia Tournament has started, Fate Averruncus shows up and confronts Negi with a deal; Fate would safely escort Negi and his friends to the gate portal in Ostia in return that Negi will leave the princess to Fate. Negi refuses the offer angrily and attacks Fate in the street, but he is blocked. Fate decides then that he does not need the princess and offers a second deal for the safe return of Negi and his friends: leave Fate and his companions alone with their plan to destroy the Magical World. Fates objectives are also to render Negi powerless, like the demon Graf Herrman tried to do when he came to the Mahora Academy, and which Setsuna attempts to reveal to Negi, with a powerful magical item that would force him to honor his word if he chooses to leave Fate alone, even if Negi lies when he says it. (The oath was that Negi should never interfere with anything Fate was involved with, and that somehow, would also involve Negi to stop the search for his father). The reason for this, about why it is one of Fate's objections, has not been released yet. Negi eventually refuses Fate's offer, so Fate officially declares Negi his nemesis. Fate then launches a physical assault on the group and Negi retaliates with Magic Erebus and the fight between him and Fate begins. This time, it seems that Negi is as powerful as Fate and to Fate's surprise, Negi easily punches Fate's stomach. Still, Fate seems to be more powerful and Negi can't defeat him that easily. During the fight, when Nodoka and Kotarou arrive, they learned Fate's real name is Tertium. Fate eventually escaped after Asuna and Rakan arrive on the scene.
After the battle, they have to leave because the security guards from Ariadne are coming. While Negi was escaping, he flew (actually, jumped) past Yue, who was in an Ariadne Royal Knight uniform. Negi recognizes her, but isn't really sure since Yue doesn't remember him. Soon, the rest of the guards catch up to Negi, but Yue lets him go, although she doesn't know why she did it. Back on Haruna's ship, he wonders if that was Yue and why she actually helped him to escape. Later, they have a meeting on what they have learned about Fate and his intentions. According to what Negi manages to read in Nodoka's Diarium Ejus, petrified by Fate, one of Fate's missions were to render Negi powerless. And more importantly, it says that ten years ago, Fate and Nagi defeated one another. Then Rakan starts to explain how the whole story started with a video to Negi and the Ala Alba (minus Yue, Anya and as it is later revealed, Asuna). The video shows Nagi and his comrades during the Great War 20 years ago. It shows how Rakan became a member of Ala Rubra, how and why Nagi became a hero, their fights with the enemies; Fate (who appears as a young man), with the secret organisation Cosmo Entelecheia who nearly succeeded to destroy the Mundus Magicus and how the world was saved.
Meanwhile, Asuna and Anya are captured by Fate's conspirators, and Shiori is currently posing as Asuna as she spies on Negi's group. No one in the party has realized this yet. Negi finds out that he has gotten stronger. According to Rakan's strength chart, Negi's former base strength was around 500 when he met Rakan, and his new base strength is around 730. This is multiplied by 1.5 in Negi's Magia Erebea base form into 1100, and doubles from there into 2200 when he uses Armationem; and by Negi absorbing elemental magic, he is able to augment his offense, defense, and mobility to overcome some gaps in power. Rakan told Negi that Fate's strength is more at least 8000, but he isn't sure.
Later, Negi gets nervous when he finds out that Rakan has entered the Nagi Springfield Cup. Rakan tells Negi that as he is Nagi's rival and Fate has lost to Nagi, he and Nagi are on about the same power level. Rakan expands, saying if Negi cannot beat Rakan, he won't beat Fate either, and since Negi is after "true strength" (the level of power that Nagi, Eva, Rakan, and Fate have), defeating Rakan himself is Negi's gateway to that level. When Chisame tells Negi Rakan's power level, said by Rakan himself, was 12000, Negi flips out. Negi demonstrates a new spell he's attempting to learn; Khilipl Astrape (Thousand Thunderbolts), which has 10 times the power of Jovis Tempestas Fulguriens. That spell was previously the most destructive in Negi's arsenal. However, Negi's Khilipl Astrape isn't yet perfected with a lengthy incantation, but he intends to absorb the perfected spell to multiply his maximum strength by a factor of 5 or 6 (to at least 11,000, possibly peaking at 13,200, comparable to Rakan and in excess of Fate's estimated 8000). Even Theodora, Seras, Ricardo and an illusory Evangeline have come to help Negi (along with Kotarou) with some extra training in order to defeat Rakan. Theodora makes a temporary pactio with Negi, in which Negi is the minister and Theodora is the magister. Theodora says it will be their first "ace in the hole" in the fight against Rakan. Negi's final stage of training was mental, and took place inside of Evageline's scroll, where Negi's time perception was sped to the maximum of 72x normal.
Once Negi finished his training he and Kotarou began the fight against Jack Rakan. At first in the fight it appeared that Negi had the upper hand in the fight due to his artifact and use of Raisoku Shundou (instant movement in lightning speed), but as the fight continued, Rakan found weaknesses in the technique Raisoku Shundou and used them against Negi. After a barrage of devastating blows by Rakan, Negi was down for the count. However, he remembers his promise with Ako and miraculously stands up (after barfing up blood). Negi then asks Kotarou to buy him 43 seconds for his ultimate comeback in which Kotarou gladly accepts and turns into his ultimate shadow-dog form. Kotarou then buys him 38 seconds fighting both Rakan and Kagetarou. Kotarou manages to take down Kagetarou, but is defeated by Rakan.
Negi then activates his ultimate spel,l Duplex Complexio. After overcoating 2 chilpl astrapes he pummels Rakan with overwhelming speed, but sufficiently lacks the strength and power to finish it. This makes him trick Rakan into a strength contest by showing off his new spell, a unison lightning lance Titan Slayer and absorbs Rakan's attack. When he hits Rankan with the lightning lance and 2 chilpl astrapes, the fight appears to be over. But, somehow Rankan manages to get up. He declares Negi a man and wants to fight Negi further. They both know they have used up most of their magical power and cannot use any more. So, they revert to using common fist fighting. The battle is officially declared a draw. Unfortunately, this comes with a split in the prize money, which leaves Negi not having enough to free his students, until Rakan gives him the other half, which is used to finally free Natsumi, Akira, and Ako from their slavery. On their way to preparing to storm Fate's base, Negi, along with Asuna and Nodoka, runs into Yue's group and, after a short battle, confirms it's her using the pactio card's telepathy function. They are then confronted by the governor general of Ostia, Kurt Godel, who insults his mother, Arika Anarchia Entheophysia, and wanting to use Negi's strength to take over the world. After exchanging blows and being pinned down by Kurt Godel, they are able to escape thanks to a smoke bomb diversion by Setsuna, Tosaca, and Craig. While briefing with Rakan about his identity he finds a letter for Godel telling him to attend the ball. During the ball he completes his Pactio with Chachamaru and Ku Fei and goes to meet Kurt Godel in a private room, with Nodoka, Asakura, and Chisame accompanying him. Kurt shows a flashback saying that the Megalomesembrian Council was responsible for the attack on his village causing Negi to be corrupted by Magia Erebea and attempting to kill him. He is stopped by the girls and it is revealed that Kurt wanted to be killed in order to place him within his group in his attempt to "protect" humans against the various "evils" of the Magical World.
Kurt showed them a video in which Nagi and Ala Rubra saves Arika from execution, and asked Negi to join Megalo Mesembrian on one condition, that is to get rid of the bounties on their heads, however Negi refused when he found out that Kurt is trying to save only the human population of Megalo Mesembrian and not all the over 1.2 billion people in Mundus Magicus. Kurt got annoyed by Negi's words and they commenced in battle. Through the battle, Negi realizes that Kurt's fighting style is the same as Setsuna's, and, being a demon-slaying art, is the perfect counter to the dark art Magia Erebea. Using his knowledge of this he turns the battle to his advantage and nearly beats Kurt, but the spell starts to take over again. He is saved through the combination of Chisame using her artifact to shut down the projections in the meeting room and Asakura, via her artifact, informing Ku Fei of Kurt's coordinates. This results in not just Ku Fei smacking Kurt with her staff, but also for Kurt to confront Takahata.
After Takahata tells Negi he would take care of Kurt, his group made their way back to everyone else. Unfortunately, the members of Cosmo Entelecheia attacked, which results in Nodoka and Asakura being separated from Negi's group, while Negi and Chisame end up in possession of the Diarium Ejus, which Nodoka used to find out why Kurt doesn't want to save the rest of the citizens of the Mundus Magicus. After he and Chisame look inside the pages of the Diarium Ejus to discover Kurt's reasons for only helping only humans, Negi witnessed the end of Rakan and Fate's battle and watched as Rakan got erased. Negi, consumed by the darkness and with the urge to kill, went berserk and tried to attack Fate. However Rakan stopped Negi, telling him he couldn't beat Fate yet. He reformed himself only for a few moments to pass a few final words to Negi and to tell him that the Asuna who was with him was most likely not the real Asuna. Negi faints and awakes on a Haruna's ship. He is given a breifing on the overall situation and the final secret of the Magical World, that all people of the world with the exception of humans are illusions. He then deals with the situation about Asuna, unaware that Chisame, Mana, and Nodoka have followed him and are serving as back-up.
When Mana suggests using a magic bullet to see if the Asuna that's currently with them is real or not, Negi ends up getting in a fight with her, and instead opts to discover Asuna's true identity by kissing her. The kiss results in the imposter, a Ministra Magi of Fate's named Luna, not only reveal her true identity, but also, thanks to Chamo, make a Pactio with Negi. With her cover blown (and her part in Fate's plan finished), Luna reveals that the real Asuna was in the Gravekeeper's Palace. He is told by the fake Eva that because of the side effects of magica erebea he has the choice to either die or become a demon. If he didn't want this, then his only choice is to overcome the side effects of Magia Erebea and bend it to his will.
So Negi then began training to overcome the side effects of Magia Erebea by having Eva induce his demon form, thuse forcing him to try and overcome it. During his training his confidence begins to waver and after Akira tells him about the feelings of Ako and Makie he started to think he doesn't deserve their feelings until Akira tells him other wise. He attempts to make a pactio with Ako as Nagi but Ako stops him and tells him she wants to do a pactio with Negi. After forming a pactio with Ako, he forms one with Yunna and after regaining his confidence from a talk with Makie he makes a pactio with Makie as well. With Negi's training to overcome the darkness at his limits he recalls past things he had been through and things people have said to him. And he questions his own goals concerning Fate. Negi finally overcomes the darkness that was trying to consume him and finds his answer as he battles the fake Eva and gets faster and stronger as the battle goes on. He finally manages finds that answer to his questions on his own and manages to beat her (which she says is quite a feat even if the her in the stroll is greatly weaker than the true Eva). She asks what will he do if the darkness trys to consume him again what will he do, he replies by saving that he can rely on the members of Ala Alba to help him. Then when she asks him what was the answer he found, Negi replies "I want to become firends with that guy" (that guy being Fate).
Later he gets a call from Kurt and Tamakachi and hurts tells him that the forces of the Magical World has unite once more to deal with the crisis of the world that is currently at hand. But, they are most likely no match for the main forces of the enemy and their own hope is Negi and Ala Alba. Negi alerts everyone else of the situation and they all agree to take on the task. He devises a plan based on their goals and objectives and prepare for war until Tsukuyomi appears and attempts to attack and kill them starting with Collete until Negi quickly stops her. She gives Negi a message from Fate "I'll be waiting" and leaves but not before using the Code Of The Life Maker to summon hordes of demons. Negi quickly goes out to fight the demons to clear a path for everyone else to Gravekeeper's Palace and is joined by Setsuna. They reunite with the rest of the team and head into Gravekeeper's Palace as they are quickly confronted by who appears to be Zazie.
She asks if he will stop from going down this path because it shall result in Chao's future, Negi replies by telling her that he is aware of that and shall not stop. She then uses her artifact Magic Lantern Circus on all of Ala Alba the only two who were not caught were Chisame and Makie because they were completely content with the life they have. This artifact is a imperfect replica Cosmo Entelecheia "The eternal garden" that Fate is seeking to create. In this world Negi lives a life of being a teacher at Mahora Academy and having a relationship with his parents. A world where all the things he has been through up until now including the incident that befell his hometown would have never happened. A world where he would have no enemies to fight a peaceful life his ultimate happiness as Zazie tells him after she confronts him once he realizes the world is not real. She also warns him if he leaves he will never be able to have this type of life again Zazie also warns and reveals to him that the person who he was facing was her sister Poyo Rainyday and tells him that she is strong.
He moves foward anyway and breaks Cosmo Entelecheia and systematically weaking it for everyone else in the process. Negi questions Poyo why she is so certain there is only one possible future. She replies by saying it is inevitable and that the Magical World when begin to collaspe in nine years and six months. Negi shocks everyone by saying he has a plan that can save the magical world and prevent the future that is set to happen. He states he has carried out experients to support his theory and states when he gets back to Mahora Academy he can even obtain some valuable help from Ayaka. Both Poyo and Fate are angered and in disbelief by this. And Poyo transforms and reveals she is one of the demonfolk and holds rather high status among them at that. She attacks but her attacked is stoped by Ku Fei, Kaede, Setsuna and Mana all who were trapped by Poyo's artifact broken free of it thanks to Negi weakening it by escaping before them. Negi prepares to battle Poyo but Mana stops him and convinces him to conserve his strength and believe in her as she will face Poyo while everyone else goes ahead.
As the rest of his group moves foward they encounter Dynamis and a few of Fate's girls. As battle gets underway, Negi realizes that Dynamis has the same power barrier as Fate. However he quickly breaks through it. However he becomes unable to move as the girls reveal their powers and forms however the Kaede, Yunna, Ku Fei and Makie quickly backs him up and aides him while Setsuna begins battling Tsukuyomi. All out battle between Ala Alba and Cosmo Entelechia begins. Negi together with Kaede attack Dyanamis. Kaede manages to stop and seal Dyanamis' movements and surrround him with her special explosive tags while Negi uses the fire and darkness element spell Hellfire Conflaguration causing a massive explosion in unsion with Kaede's explosive tags. Kaede tells Negi to go on ahead to Fate and she will fight Dynamis. However as he goes Negi notices a crack in the fabric of space and quickly realises it is an attack and takes the hit because if he dodges it would hit Chisame and Nodoka. He loses control of his darkness and enters his devil form which has seemed to have changed and somewhat evolved and battles Dynamis. Once the battle wages on Dynamis seems to have the up hand however Negi withstands his attacks and the battle soon starts to comes under equal standings, however Negi's body appears to be cracking into pieces yet he keeps battling and eventually overwhelms Dynamis and soundly defeats him. Dynamis states Negi has the blood of the final descendant if the line of Vespertatia, the magical force of his hero father, sheer talent all his own, and a technique descended from the works of his own great master. He goes further to claim a "mere puppet" such as himself could never overcome such odds, and claims it is their victory because Negi will kill him and fall into the darkness forever. Negi rushes to attack Dynamis but Shiori switches to from Asuna to herself and stands in the way and Negi attacks her instead. Negi goes berserk after he sees blood and the girls try to hold him down until Chisame reveals he didn't kill her. Shiori then goes to states he moves his hand at the last moment so she only got hit on the side. In shock over everything the devil mode Negi turns to stone with cracks all over his body. Konoka attempts to heal him but she is unable to and notes that his body temperature is low, his pulse and breathing are weak and he isn't regaining consciousness and concludes he is in a half-dead state.
Negi is stuck in the void, the space in between life and death. There he meets his father and he asks him is he sure he doesn't need to go, but Negi doesn't remember where he is suppose to go. Nagi comments he did good for a ten year old by saying "This is good enough for a ten year old brat, you did damn well. There is nothing for you to be ashamed about." Despite saying this he asks Negi is it okay to leave it like that. Negi replies by saying "I get the feeling that, I can't just stay still not in a place like this." Tosaka appears and says "If you're the leading role in the spotlight, there's a stage you just can't step down from." Jack Rakan appears and asks "Didn't you have a rival's ass to kick for when you got stronger?" And finally Eva appears and asks "You certainly have comrades who you yourself swore to protect even if you must risk your own life, did you not?" Nagi himself then asks if there was someone who negi risked his all to keep chasing, someone he kept looking for. These statements trigger a reaction within Negi and he begins to remember everything. Nagi comments that it just sounds like that Negi is following in his footsteps and is looking to surpass him. Eva comments after that there is a path that nagi did not walk and that only he can walk. She tells him to "Set out on the gray path."
He then departs from the void and stops Sextum, The Averruncus of Water, breaks through her barrier and strips her bare and renders her powerless in one blow, saving Chisame, Ako, Akira and Konoka. Sextum attempts to regain her composure and attack Negi but is stopped by the Master of Gravekeeper's Palace. The Master of Gravekeeper's revealed to be a female and that Negi is a descendant and that she will believe in Negi's plan. Negi begins to think that the Master of Gravekeeper's Palace is Asuna's mother but moves on. He then goes off to battle the Averruncus of Fire before moving on to Fate.
He quickly stops his attack from destroying "The Paru-Sama" and everyone on board. After he sees Chachamaru broken in two he becomes enraged and quickly destroys the fire demon that the Averruncus of Fire created. It is soon apparent that the Averruncus is no match for Negi. Unable to hit him not even once having all of his hits blocked and evaded. An angered Negi states "Chachamaru is not a doll. And neither is anyone else in this world." Negi defeats him in one blow and destroys him, stating "There is no need for you to keep being a disciple of god."
Negi rides "The Paru-Sama" up to the location of his final battle with Fate, where he is waiting. Fate says that he was waiting as Negi prepares for battle. Negi tells Haruna he can not predict the aftermath of the battle so she must be on guard. He surprises everyone that is watching and releases his lighting form and meets Fate face to face.
Negi tells Fate that he wishes to decide everything by talking if possible but Fate doesn't think he means that. Fate quickly delivers a powerful blow to Negi's face but Negi is uneffected. Negi then proceeds to deliver a powerful blow to Fate in return. They talk about their past encounters. In Kyoto, Fate said it would be impossible for him and yet Negi has finally come all the way here. In Ostia, Fate said that Negi was just a child that didn't know anything however Negi has now come knowing everything with a answer of his own. Fate states he won't accept his answer.
Negi then goes to say that he will make him accept it and understand it with his fist. The girls note that Negi must have overcame the side effects of Magia Erebrea and have most likely taken Magia Erebea itself and has completely made it his own. Chisame notes that, that means Negi is just like his master now and is something that can't be called "Human". As the battle gets underway Negi and Fate attack each other with all their might. Negi displays a new level and degree of physical strength that is just as great as Fate's.
They test each others power with one atack after another, Negi then gets caught within Fate's Senjin Kokuyouken but blocks and deflects each blow until he breaks out of it.
Fate then unleashs a more power spell, Banshou Tsuranuku Kokkui No Enkan. This massive spell Jack Rakan endured and Fate begins to ask Negi how will he handle it but before he can finish speaking Negi goes into his Raiten Taisou form and completely avoids the attack and attacks Fate in an instant. Negi starts to overwhelm him with his Raisoku Shundo. Fate then counters Negi and reveals to him he saw his match with Jack Rakan so he knows the weakness of that form.The transforms into his Raisen Taisou II form and battles Fate head on. Fate questions if he can shoulder the world with his softness and he vows he can. As their battle rages on, Fate notes that his strikes now rival Jack Rakan's and that Negi has surpassed him in strength. Fate states that it is because of his power of darkness that is the same as his lord's. When Fate asks Negi if he is prepared for the cost. Negi states that he is. The Magical World and the Old World have started to connect and Mahora Academy becomes visible from the Gravekeeper's Palace and the Gravekeeper's Palace becomes visible from Mahora Academy. As of now everyone is watching as Negi and Fate battle. As the battle wages on Negi manages to overpower Fate and pushes him back into a corner and Fate claims their battle is nearing it's end. Fate surprises Negi by asking what is his plan but changes his mind, but Negi says he wants to him to hear it anyway.
He then tells Fate that he hated him and felt nothing but rage and anger towards him and used that for power because he wanted nothing more than to defeat him. But after talking to Shiori he learned of a different side to Fate. Negi asked him to be his friend because he likes and wishes to be friends with the Fate that Shiori told him all about during their talk. Fate calls him stupid and tricks him into a deadlock by asking for a hand shake. Negi likes the idea and they bottle release their physical power attempting to outdo the other. They then both use powerful elemental spells that rival each other. Negi uses Thousand Thunderbolts and Fate uses Tearing Earth. They attempt to push each other back and end the fight once and for all but, are a even match and are at a stand still. Still trying to push the other back Negi somehow manages to see Fate's memories.
Their clash of power results in a massive explosion, and Negi somehow makes Fate see Nagi and Jack Rakan. He then apologizes and asks Fate to lend him his strength and in return he will lend him his. Asking him to be his friend and comrade. Fate then gives up and states that it is Negi's victory. After Fate gives up, Negi tells him that his plan shall take ten years and he is needed for that plan. He asks if they can sit down for a cup of tea sometime, and Fate tells him that he told him he is a coffee person. As they shake hands and Negi helps Fate up they are shot by a blast from a far off distance. Just like how the Mage of Beginning shot a blast through Primum to hit Nagi twenty years ago.
It soon is revealed that all fallen members of Cosmo Entelecheia that were defeated twenty and ten years ago have been revived, Negi tries to stand up to them but is overwhelmed and defeated with Fate only to be saved by his master Evangeline.
A bit after the backup from Mahora and the revival of Rakan, Evangeline cast what may be her most powerful spell. Just as Evangeline ordered that Negi should be sent back to Mahora, the Mage of Beginning stopped her, grabbing Negi by the neck. Negi is saved by Asuna, and together proceed to attack The Mage Of Beginning. It is then revealed that the Mage of Beginning is none other than Nagi. He tells Negi that he must kill him in order to end everything and fades away. Afterwards Asuna using the Grand Master Key to revive everyone who was erased and restores the Magical World, and a few days later everyone relaxes and enjoys a party celebrating their victory. And with all of the magical world's citzens bearing witness Kurt announces Negi as son of the Thousand Master and hero who saved the world twenty years ago and the man who saved them all this time around as the new hero and saviour of the Magical World.
Return To Old World Arc
Afterwards, summer vacation ends with everyone returning to Earth and school begins again. However Negi has Fate become the substitue teacher of class 3-A. As he is putting his plan in action in order to save the magical world and is not at school enough to act as a teacher. When he returned to Mahora Academy, he invited Yue, Nodoka, Makie, Natsumi, and Fate for tea, but Fate draws Negi's attention by reporting him about a technical problem. After that, he reunites with Chamo, Asakura, and a daydreaming Chachamaru. Chachamaru soon immediately offers her help in his plan. He hesitated a bit and did not want his class involved in his plan when thinking about their school life and future careers but stopped due to Chamo's and Asakura's small interfering and Chachamaru's decision. Negi said that his plan will take a very long time and will be difficult but offered Chachamaru a chance to which she immediately accepts.
Later, he reunites with Chisame and give her a souvenir (which is Jack Rakan's idea), to which she easily gets mad and throws it back at him. She then ask Negi about what he said in the past event by being by his side, to which he is clueless and she immediately gave him a heavy punch. They later have a drink and as soon Negi reveals his plan, Ayaka takes over. It turns out that his plan is some sort of "space development". Later, Negi and Chisame are having a private discussion. He then remind Chisame about what she said earlier by "the point of no return", he said that he is satisfied and swear that he will succeed his father's intent because it is "a man's job". He soon being grateful to Chisame and getting closer to her. He suddenly sneeze (after a long time) and takes on his Raiten Taisou II form, to which Chisame is strip naked and she immediately gives him a major beating.
Negi and Kotaro (both disguised as Nagi and Kojiro) both later meet up with Fate who is also disguised in his older self (calling himself Feitas). Negi is approached by Misa about his relationship with Ako, and through hilarioius circumstance, the six began a so-called "Triple Date" something only Sakurako and Misa called, and arrive at a nearby Karaoke bar. Both Negi and Kotaro are taunted by Fate's perfomance for singing at try to overthrow him, but fails. After Kotaro and Kugimiya leaves for the restroom, Misa is seen having a conversation with Negi while the girl berates over how innocent Negi is. Negi is then confessed to by Misa just as Kugimiya and Sakurako both confess to Kotaro and Fate respectively with Ako at the sidelines. At that moment, The three boys transforms back into their original and younger forms. After the transformation, Fate scolds the girls, which shocks everyone and Negi demands why Fate forced remedial classes for the three cheerleaders, which Fate says that he was having fun, confusing the boy.
Negi later seen with Fate and Kotaro, all in their "adult" forms again, meeting up with Ayaka and Asuna at an expensive restaurant. Negi is then scolded with Kotaro by Asuna on the "triple date" that Fate has mentioned. When Ayaka revealed that she has made a Pactio with Negi three weeks prior that day (using a very heated French kiss, and an almost reversed Pactio with Negi as a Ministra), the boys talk to each other about why Negi made the Pactio and how it would effect Negi's plan to save Mundus Magica.
Later, Chizuru revealed to Kotaro that she has also formed a Pactio with Negi, to the young boy's surprise and conclusion that Negi is indeed the "Enemy to all womankind".
The next day, Asuna and Negi both met with Evangeline and Setsuna, (who the former thought were "playing"). Evangeline then proceeded to ask (or demand) that Negi and Asuna come with her for their Final Lesson while Setsuna wondered on what "sacrifice" the two made. The four made their way to Evangeline's Resort where both Negi and Evangeline made preparations for battle. Before Negi got ready, however, Evangeline proceeded to strike first, much to the boy's annoyance and surrpise. Negi, shouting how he didn't make preparations yet, proceeded to use Magia Erebea. Soon after, the two battled on par, before Evangeline decided to use Magia Erebea to show her thanks for entertaining her. Seeing the original and first user of Magia Erebea, Negi deducted that he had to prevent his Master from using the technique, using two Lightning spells to gang up on her and prevent her from using Magia Erebea. It proved to be futile when Evangeline came out of the explosion in her Magia Erebea form, known as Queen of Ice. Seeing this, Negi proceeded to use Raiten Taisou 2 to keep up to the Vampire's power.
The two then battled once more, showing equal strength. It was then that Setsuna realized the price her teacher made, when Evangeline sliced Negi's into (almost) half, before it quickly regenerated and healed, showing no scars whatsoever. The remaining Ala Rubra deducted that the "price" was that he [Negi] is now the same as Evangeline, a somewhat "Vampire" in a sense, having an immortal body. Although it is still unknown if this is true until a few years later. It was revealed that during his battle with Dynamis, Negi momentarily "died" after a blow through his body, and through that, Negi was "reborn" through Magia Erebea, to which Evangeline developed using an undying body such as her own as an experiment.
While the Ala Rubra argued whether or not it was a "Price" or a "Gift", Negi and Evangeline battled on. The two were at par and in a stalemate, but soon became a battle between experience, before Negi started to wane down in power. Negi was then implaed by one of Evangeline's Ice spell and before the Vampire could finish off the battle, Asuna intervened, stating that now the two will try something different, to which Evangleine accepted as a challenge. Negi, together with Asuna, was able to fight evenly with Evangeline. Evangeline then used Cosmic Cathasthrope, but Negi countered with Negica Magia Erebea: Circuli Absorptionis Extempore which surprised Eva. Before the two can land the final blow, Negi sneezes because of the ice, which stripped both Asuna and Evangeline, angrying the former.
Following a Time Skip of 130 years, due to Asuna's slumber required in the Negi's plan to save the Magic World, it is shown that Negi's plan to terraform Mars succeeded and Mundus Magicus has been saved. After Asuna meets with a descendant of Ayaka she learned that Negi died on June 12, 2065. With the exception of Evangeline and Chao the rest of the cast is already dead with Ayaka lasting the longest in their wait for Asuna's return dying at the age of 115 in 2104.
Following Asuna's awakening, through a promise that his time skip version made with Evangeline, a third timeline is created when Asuna is sent back to the time before she left. In that time line, Negi continues his goals with the difference that Asuna is now with him. It is implied that the girl he's interested in is actually Evangeline as Asuna mentions that the girl he's interested in is "the same" as him. This is debatable since Evangeline herself denied the possibility in an earlier chapter, her reaction nonetheless is still amusing.In chapter 348, Negi is nervous about saying the name of the "one" he likes, rather than just "girl", indicating that his favorite may not necessarily be a female.In chapter 349, Haruna reveals that the reason she was so intent on forcing Negi to reveal his crush was because she's afraid that Negi is 'shaking off the feelings of the majority of the girls and flying off to the distant lands of masculine romance!'
Negi does find his father and reunites with him. It's not certain who he really ends up with with the changed timeline as well as it's not explicitly stated in the end. He was seen in the character epilogues with Fate alongside Asuna and Ayaka.

Powers & Abilities
Negi specializes in wind and lightning spells(his father's speciality), both light magic. He is has also mastered a few dark magic spells and his master's powerful forbidden dark magic technique. When Negi sneezes, he summons up a powerful gust of wind that can blow up skirts, or even blast off the clothes of anyone near him, especially Asuna's (The sneeze is considered a form of the spell Flans Exarmatios, a spell that disarms any in the immediate vicinity, including but not limited to armor/clothing). Negi's sneeze has also shown that it can unintentionally strengthen some of Negi's attacks with the extra force of the gust. He demonstrates excellent marksmanship skills, and owns many magical antiques, including a rare antique magic gun.
At present Negi has formed fifteen Probationary Contracts in the manga. In the first anime series, due to necessity Negi had to make probationary contracts with every girl in the class. Currently in the second anime series, Negi has completed a provisional contract with Evangeline and Chachamaru who were the last two students in his class, whom he didn't do so yet, meaning he has completed a contract with all of his students. He has learned Magica Erebea which intially consisted of a defense-attack (darkness-absorbing flames) mode or a mobility (lightning-absorbing thunder) mode. Until Negi mastered the Thousand Bolts spell. He then createn Raiten Taisou and Raiten Taisou II. All forms eat away at his soul and distort his soul towards the darkness. Once the corrupts peaks he turns into a Demon form and only thinks of killing the enemy. In his battle with Dynamis he partialy transform his hands into the claws of his demon form to crush the barriers around Dynamis, however he lost almost all control after Dynamis pierced his chest almost killing him. After the girls manage to stopped Negi's rampage he temporarily when into a deep sleep, but when he manage to wake up he finally gained complate control over Magia Erebea by making it part of his body and turning into something that can't be called "human".
As a result of his mastery over Magia Erebea his physical strength grew to great and explosive lengths. Surpassing both Fate's and Jack Rakan's physical power and natural absorbtion abilities allowing him to take in some of Fate's dangerous punches due to their power. He also has accelerated healing powers as, when Asuna saved him from the mage of beginnings. His previous wound had already healed and during his battle with eva his wounds healed instantly.
Negi is now immortal although not to the degree as evangeline.
Negi made a pactio with Princess Theodora before his battle with Jack Rakan, his artifact being a small journal that contains the Pactio cards for everyone he has a contract with. Using this artifact, he has access to all the artifacts of his partners. He was shown using Asuna's and Setsuna's artifacts in battle with Rakan, and he later used one of Konoka's fans to heal himself after the battle. However this pactio is no longer active.

Spells / Techniques
Instant Movement - a movement technique that allows the user to move faster than the eye can follow. This is used by concentrating ki or magic power into the feet to get from point A to point B in the least amount of steps. It's important that when going from point A to point B that you hold to the ground with the inside of your feet or you will simply trip.
Empty Sky Instant Movement - A form of instant movement that allows the user to use instant movement on the air by bouncing off it.
Lightning Decoy- Negi creates a clone of himself made out of lighting.
Thousand Lightning Decoy Barrier - Negi creates a thousand lighting clones to attack, block or sheild from attacks, and distract the enemy.
Song of Battle - A form of physical reinforcement used by a mage in preparation for close combat. Aside from providing a long-lasting anti-physical shield, this magic also exponentially increases muscle tension, allowing greater power, speed and endurance; it also increases the flexibility of muscles and tendons to prevent the mage damaging himself from overexertion. In addition, the mage’s reflexes are enhanced by a moderate increase in the stimulation of the nervous system. Previously, Negi had to forcibly make a contract with himself to divert large amounts of mana back to his own body – a magic based on the Pactio‘s mana supply system. This is the completed form of the technique which Eva taught him.
Melody of Battle - A more advanced form of Cantus Bellax used to achieve extremely high agility by supplying mana to all parts of the body.
Maximum Output - The spell to draw out the maximum performance of reinforcement magic such as Cantus Bellax. Due to the increase in mana upkeep requirements, the duration of this spell is fairly short.
Hakkyokuen Vajra Eight Style
Flipping Dragon Descend - A technique where Negi will begin to somersault. He then comes spinning down, proforming a horizontal chop on his opponent from above, seemingly using the momentum gained in the previous fall to increase the force behind his strike.
Hard Open Gate- A technique where Negi smashes his elbow into his opponent causing powerful blunt damage.
Sagitta Magica - One of the most basic attack spells, but also very versatile. The caster creates a number of elemental magic missiles and fires them at the target. The number can vary from just one to at least a hundred and ninety-nine arrows, but in the manga is usually a prime number. The missiles have a homing capability, and will track and follow their target at the direction of the caster. Normally, the attack fires in a widespread swarm, similar to an artillery shrapnel shell striking the target from multiple angles, but the caster, by substituting Convergentia for Series, can combine the arrows into a single larger bolt, which is easier to avoid, but hits that much harder. Negi primarily uses Light arrows that cause explosive damage, Lightning arrows that paralysis the target if they hit in addition to the damage they do, Wind arrows which usually do not inflict damage but instead bind the target and currently darkness Arrows which has the same effect has light arrows. Some mages, particularly combat mages, will also use the Sagitta Magica to enhance the power of their close-combat attacks. A single Light or Dark arrow can add considerable power to a punch, while adding a Lightning arrow to an attack is doubly useful for the reasons stated above. During the Mahora Martial Arts Tournament and later, Negi demonstrated this by using various types of magic arrows to supplement his blows, such as a technique that he named Lightning Blossom Crumbling Fist and Cherry Blossom Crumbling Fist. Negi also realizes that one can use their entire body to cast Sagitta Magica, and combines this with a full-body tackle.
Executioner's sword - A high-level attack spell used by Evangeline and Negi, so far shown to be unincanted. When invoked, the caster's desired hand is wrapped with magical energy, which stabs outward in the direction of the outstretched fingertips in the rough approximate form of a blade. In terms of its effects, Ensis Exsequens causes damage by instantly converting matter from a solid (or liquid) into a gas, via a violent phase transition in order to attack its target; any living opponent caught within such an effect would thus be instantly vaporized and killed. As such a phase transition also absorbs an incredible amount of heat energy in the process, the surrounding area as the spell plummets in tempature as a direct result, causing this spell to actually be a two-stage attack – if the target were to be able to avoid instant vaporization via instanteous phase transition, they would still have to deal with the extreme low temperature left in the spell's wake to deal with. Most magic that utilizes cold does so by lowering the temperature of an object, creating a corresponding condensation and freezing effect. Ensis Exsequens, on the other hand, causes extreme cold by initiating phase transition by means of the sudden transformation of solids into gases. As a result, this spell cannot be considered an Ice-element spell. For spells as high level as this, only mages of Evangeline's ability (or above) would be able to master it. Currently, Negi has shown to be capable of this spell, but as he has not yet fully mastered it, he refers to his version as "imperfect".
Summon - While Eastern mages utilize talismans in order to summon demons to assist them, Western mages can use magic to summon spirits to aid in battle as well. This spell evokes, summons elemental spirits that serve the caster, and can be directed to attack or capture an enemy. Negi can use the elements of wind,light and lightning versions of this spell.
Disarm - A spell that generates a small burst of wind which can be used to disarm opponents or in some circumstances rip off clothes.
Blow Fourth , Wall of Churning Wind - Conjures a powerful tornado around the caster that lasts for several minutes. The inside of the whirlwind is calm, like the eye of a storm, but anything trying to pass through the barrier of wind will get blown away.
Blow Fourth, Dancing Dust - Causes a powerful wind to blow in the direction cast. First used by Negi to put out the fire spell cast by Chigusa Amagasaki when she kidnapped Konoka Konoe for the first time during the Kyoto Trip Arc. Later, he used it to create a smokescreen of water spray to reach Konoka.
White Lightning - A powerful blast of electricity from the caster's palm. It is very powerful against living targets, but not as effective against inanimate objects. While it is shown to be weak against non-living objects, Yue Ayase manages to break a dragon's horn with it and renders the dragon unconscious. It is implied that if a living creature is near the spell's target, the creature is also affected.
Lightning Spears - A spell that attacks by releasing electrically charged magical javelins. Because the projectiles released are javelins and not arrows, each one of them is stronger than an arrow of thunder, and has greater physical destructive power. However, because they mimic the shape of a javelin, they are easier to dodge than its direct version "Fulguratio Albicans". Negi used these to pierce and pin down the sandworm creatures being used by the bounty hunter group Black Hounds that was hunting after Nodoka.
Jupiter's Storm Of Thunder- This is one of the most powerful long-range magic attacks. The caster combines Wind and Thunder magic and unleashes them at the enemy in a massive storm of destructive energy.
Axe Of Lightning- A medium-range but powerful Lightning-element attack that is invoked in Ancient Greek (pronounced Dios Tukos), as opposed to Latin. The caster makes a downward-sweeping motion and hits the target with a massive electrical attack. It is a favorite attack of Nagi Springfield, who would combine it with a lightning-charged Sagitta Magica-powered physical attack to help slow the target down and give him a bigger opening. Evangeline and Negi also use this spell.
Thousand Thunderbolts- An extremely destructive, wide-range spell, widely considered to be among the most powerful lightning spells in existence. A test of an incomplete version by Negi Springfield vaporized half of a floating boulder 100m long and reduced the rest to melting slag. Because of its wide area of effect, typically the Thousand Thunderbolts is reserved for use against entire armies at once unless focussed. The spell is stated to be ten times as powerful as "Iovis Tempestas Fulguriens". It was the favorite high ancient incantation of the Thousand Master, Nagi Springfield.
Recovery - After studying non-stop for 3 days and escaping from Library Island, Negi's students were too tired and drowsy to focus. By using a flower as a catalyst, Negi casts a spell which refreshes their minds and made them more alert. This allows them to concentrate on the 2nd year midterm exams and help the class attain the highest average on said midterms.
Self Sealing Spell- This spell was used by Negi to disable his ability to use magic for three days, in order to help his students study for the upcoming final exams. It's probably possible to change the number of days (or possibly days to weeks, etc) by altering the incantation (changing tria into unum and tres into unus could probably seal the user's magic for only one day).
Hellfire Conflagration - A Fire and Darkness-element spell which when used appears to be a firestorm version of Negi's Iovis Tempestas Fulguriens (Jupiter's Lightning Storm) or of a similar effect: It traps the victim in a tornado of dark fire.
Magia Erebea
Form of the Dark Night
Lightning Speed
Hell's Refining Fire
Thunder in Heaven, Great Vigor
Thunder in Heaven, Twin Vigor
Custom Spells
Magic Fist 魔法拳:The personal style of Negi Springfield combining Western magic and Eastern martial arts, firing spells off his fists in melee combat. :
Crushing Fist of Majestic Winds 風華崩拳 : This spell uses three wind element Sagitta Magica's which circle around his fist in a stream like from which in turn adds considerable power to his punch. The full power of this was unseen.
[Maximum] Crushing Fist of Majestic Cherry Blossoms [最大]桜華崩拳 : A more advanced form of Raika Hōken where instead of three lightning element Sagitta Magica's its nine which supplies the spell with even more power. This spell was strong enough to damage Takamichi considerably.
Piercing Lance of Cherry Blossom Majesty, Archduke Angler Dominator 桜華槍衝、太公釣魚勢 : Similar to Fuka Hoken but Negi uses it thought his staff instead of his fist causing piercing damage.
Kyuu Ho Chuu Ken - A technique where Negi uses a Lightning Sagitta Magica arrow to enhance and add considerable power to his punch. While a single Light or Dark arrow can add considerable power to a punch, adding a Lightning arrow to an attack is doubly useful.
Crushing Fist of Majestic Lightning 雷華崩拳- This spell uses three lightning element Sagitta Magica's which circle around his fist in a stream like from which in turn adds considerable power to his punch. This move is powerful enough to send Takamichi flying but it wasn't enough to damage him considerably.
Chiha Yabura Ikazuchi - An original spell created by Negi, achieved via Magia Erebea's Ή ΆΣΤΡΑΠΗ΄ ΎΠΕ΄Ρ ΟΥ΄ΡΑΝΟ΄Υ ΜΕΤΑ ΔΥΝΑ΄ΜΕΝΗ form. This spell is used by Negi changing electrical energy around him and making a full body tackle with high destructive power.
Haou Sekkou - An original spell created by Negi, achieved via Magia Erebea's Ή ΆΣΤΡΑΠΗ΄ ΎΠΕ΄Ρ ΟΥ΄ΡΑΝΟ΄Υ ΜΕΤΑ ΔΥΝΑ΄ΜΕΝΗ form. This spell is used by Negi changing electrical energy around both fist and then he attacks the opponent with a double fisted strike.
White Lightning Palm 白雷掌 : An original spell created by Negi, achieved via Magia Erebea's Actus Noctis Erebeae from. This is used by absorbing Fulguratio Albicans using Dextra Stagnans than releasing it using Dextra Emittam after making physical contact with the target.
Hellfire Mountain-Crushing, Heaven-Bearing Palm 獄炎崩山托天掌 : An original spell created by Negi, achieved via Magia Erebea's Sim Fabricatus Ab Incendio form. The spell hits the target with a close-range heatwave.
Lightning-speed Teleportation 雷速瞬動 : An original spell created by Negi, achieved via Magia Erebea's Ή ΆΣΤΡΑΠΗ΄ ΎΠΕ΄Ρ ΟΥ΄ΡΑΝΟ΄Υ ΜΕΤΑ ΔΥΝΑ΄ΜΕΝΗ form. It is a type of Shundo that enables Negi to move in the speed of lightning, which is relatively 150 km/s (about 93 miles/second). During his fight with Rakan, this was Negi's 2nd Trump Card.
Beckoning Strike, Pinnacle Elbow : An original spell created by Negi, achieved via Magia Erebea's Ή ΆΣΤΡΑΠΗ΄ ΎΠΕ΄Ρ ΟΥ΄ΡΑΝΟ΄Υ ΜΕΤΑ ΔΥΝΑ΄ΜΕΝΗ form. This spell is used by Negi using an lightning enhanced elbow strike into the targets chest while discharging lighting causing piercing and blunt damage.
Spear of the Lightning God, 'Titan-Slayer' : An original spell created by Negi, achieved via Magia Erebea's Ή ΆΣΤΡΑΠΗ΄ ΎΠΕ΄Ρ ΟΥ΄ΡΑΝΟ΄Υ ΜΕΤΑ ΔΥΝΑ΄ΜΕΝΗ – that is, delayed spells. By merging Khilipl Astrape into the spear form of Iaculatio Fulgoris, this spell concentrates the intense destructive power of Khilipl Astrape into a focused "spike". He used it as his 4th "Trump Card" against Rakan at the Final Round.
Negi-Style Dark Magic: Barrier Destruction Palm, Experimental Version Five ネギ流闇の魔法 障壁破壊掌試作伍号 : An original spell created by Negi, achieved via Magia Erebea. This is done by Negi turning his hand into the one gained by Magia Erebea's beast mode, allowing Negi to break any barrier, even the barrier given to the disciples of the Lifemaker.
Staff Lightning Halberd - This spell allows Negi to change lightning though his staff and change it to a Halberd of lightning which has the power to break though an army of demons.
The Advent of the Black Dragon's Lightning 黒龍雷迎 : An original spell created by Negi, achieved via Magia Erebea's beast mode which is used by Negi absorbing the Thousand Thunderbolts (Khiliarkhou Astrape) spell using Dextra Stagnans than releasing it using Dextra Emittam after making physical contact with the target, releasing black lightning that has enough power to damage the opponent and the surrounding area.
Titan Slayer: Windstorm of Martial Strength : An original spell created by Negi, achieved via Magia Erebea – that is, delayed spells. By merging Jovis Tempestas Fulguriens into the spear form of Iaculatio Fulgoris, this spell concentrates the intense destructive power of Jovis Tempestas Fulguriens into a focused "spike".

Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Negi has become an adept combatant thanks to his training with Ku Fei; his skills became sharper from actual combat experience with adversaries such as Kotarou and Fate, and through the usage of his "Raiten Taisou II", or "Perpetual Lightning Form" has shown himself to be able to fight on par with Rakan, who is said to be unmatched in unarmed combat. As of chapter 321 it has been said by fate that negi's strikes rivals jack rakans and that negi has surpassed even him in strength.
Enhanced Speed: Even before learning Chinese Martial Arts, Negi has repeatedly shown himself to be a very agile fighter. Negi has demonstrated great reflexes in battle, able to quickly dodge a strike with no wasted effort and he can instantly counterattack right after. He is able to strike quickly without warning and in rapid succession. His speed also allows him to follow the movements of faster opponents to better analyze their movements or blocking difficult and otherwise fatal strikes. The second form of Raiten Taisou allows him to move and think at the speed of lightning (150 km/s)
High-Level Intellect: Negi has shown himself to be intelligent, analytical, perceptive, and deductive. As a teacher, Negi's grades are near the top, despite his work as a mage in training. Aside from that, Negi appears to be able to determine the pattern of his opponent's battle methods and correctly deduce a proper counter-strategy to defeat his opponent's attacks. Negi's intellect is one of the key skills of his leadership abilities. It was negi who came up with the plan to defeat chao using the entire school. The Mahora Fest event. Mars Attack Vs Mage Order. Negi has also said that he has created a plan to save the magical world. Which no one else has been able to do. Not even fate or Kurt Godel.
Swordsmanship Specialist: Negi has been shown using a short sword several times, and wields Asuna's artifact, the "Ensis Exorcizans," with sufficient skill to overmatch Rakan's "Ho Heros Meta Chilion Prosopon" in their fight, but it might just be because of the "Ensis Exorcizans"'s innate magic disruption/cancellation abilities. However, he is still shown to be skilled with a sword as he displays great use of his magical sword Ensis Exsequens. Though he has called his version imperfect and not yet mastered compared to his Master's (Eva). He is shown to skilled enough to battle Fate in a intense close range and high speed sword battle.
Expert Magic Spell Caster: Negi has shown time and time again that he is talented at using advanced spells and incantation like "Thousand Thunderbolts" and techniques like "Magica Erebea. He is also an expert at developing new spells (thunder god spear: titan slayer) and new ways of using old spells (Ōka Hōken). He is also an expert at delayed spells.
Wind Element and Lightning Element Specialist: Negi has a strong affinity for wind and lightning magic. He is well known for using wind and lightning magic and can learn spells of these elements perhaps faster than anything else. And can easily become extremely efficent in using them. He mastered the high level long range spell Jupiter's Storm Of Thunder which combines both wind and lightning magic before he had any combat experience or training. Also, his affinity for wind and lightning element give him speed and reflexes (respectively) beyond that of a normal human being.
Negi's Pactio CardPactio: Magistrulus Magi: Negi's artifact, Mile Vincula (Latin: The Thousand Bonds), looks similar to a passport. One side contains the Pactio cards of every Pactio he's formed as the Magister, while the other has a slot for holding a single card. By inserting one of the Pactio cards into that slot and calling the word "Adeat" again, the Mile Vincula transforms into the artifact of that ministra. While transformed, it gains all the powers the original has, which Negi demonstrates in chapter 241 by using Asuna's Ensis Exorcizans in sword form in a sword clash with Jack Rakan and his artifact. With the blades against one another, Negi slowly pushed his through Jack's, proving its magic-canceling abilities are very real as Jack's began to melt like butter and was sliced in two with ease. Additionally, by calling the word "abeat" only once the artifact returns to it's original form, where Negi can swap the card in the slot with a different one or call "abeat" again to return it to card form. Negi received this by making a Temporary Pactio with Theodora, Third Princess of Hellas Empire. However, because the Temporary Pactio was meant only to last until the end of the Ostia Tournament, the contract has now ended and the Mile Vincula can no longer be used.
Relationships / Family
Nagi Springfield: A powerful Magister Magi known as "The Thousand Master". He is Negi's father who was thought dead when Negi was born. Considered deceased by most, one night he mysteriously appeared before Negi to save him when his village was in danger, and gave him his staff. Negi believes his father is still alive, and follows every clue he finds about his whereabouts, determined to find him. One of Negi's reasons to work so hard is to become a master mage just like his father. Although several characters believe he is alive, no one knows where he is.
Nekane Springfield: Negi's cousin (whom he calls older sister, since they grew up together). After his father disappeared, she and her parents took the orphaned Negi in. Her gentle personality is largely based on interpretations through disjointed flashbacks, so it is hard to identify precisely what she is like. What has been indicated however is that she took on more of a motherly role in his life, as at one time she even risked herself to protect him from harm. She is shown to be someone that Negi cares greatly for and respects a lot.
Arika Anarchia Entheofushia: After the tournament in the magic world, it is revealed through an encounter with the Megalomesembrian Senator, that Arika (First mentioned during Rakan's movies of his adventures with Ala Rubra) is in fact, Negi's mother. Not much is known about her, other than she traveled with Nagi and Ala Rubra.
Chao Lingshen: Assuming that what Chao Lingshen said about being a descendent of Negi Springfield is true, then it is certain that Negi has at least one child in the future and that one of his descendants gives birth to Chao Lingshen.
Asuna Kagurazaka: She is somehow related to Arika, and is thus related to Negi. The full extent of this relationship is unknown.
Students :
Negi seems to get along well with mostly all of his students. Their feelings for him can vary from friendship to love though Negi is oblivious to anything other than friendly relationships.
Asuna Kagurazaka: Negi and Asuna's relationship starts off on very shaky ground, as he was forced to live in the same room with her as a request from the academy's dean, but also happened to replace the homeroom teacher she happened to have a crush on. However, their relationship quickly improves as they get used to each other. Curiously, Asuna resembles Nekane a lot, so it was easy for Negi to develop a little brother/big sister relationship with her. Asuna was the first to find out about Negi's secret and was the first person that Negi made a probationary contract with, when his life was threatened by Evangeline. Her strength, determination and immunity to enemy magic proved to be invaluable in many dangerous situations.
Konoka Konoe: Negi's other roommate, and the dean's granddaughter. She always acts as a mediator between Asuna and Negi when there is tension between them. As the heir to the "Kansai Magic Association", a powerful group of mages from Western Japan, she was attacked by enemies who wanted to harness her latent magical power, but was protected by Negi and his allies. Since then, she studies magic under Negi and Evangeline, and even made a probationary contract with him, gaining great healing abilities along with basic magic.
Setsuna Sakurazaki: One of Negi's closest students and allies. She is a hanyo, or half demon, who has sworn to protect Konoka Konoe, and is an expert at Shinmei-ryu (lit. God-Crying Style). Though at first she stated that she was disappointed at Negi's so far performance during the Kyoto Field Trip Arc, Setsuna soon realized that not only was he a valuable ally, but a great leader and teacher as well. She also makes a probationary contract with Negi during this arc to better increase their chances of defeating a horde of yokai summoned by Chigusa Amagasaki. As the series has progessed, her relationship with Negi has grown to the point where she would even state she would not stand by if Negi were threatened, and would protect his life as she would do for Konoka. She highly respects Negi as both a teacher and a friend.
Evangeline A.K. McDowell: A former enemy of Negi, she is a powerful true vampire criminal who had most of her powers sealed by the thousand master 15 years ago, being trapped in Mahora Academy since then. Nagi promised to release her from this curse someday, but Eva's hopes for it to happen were crushed by the news of his disappearance. When Negi moved to the Academy, she tried to attack him in order to drain his blood to obtain enough power to break free by herself, until Negi defeated her with Asuna's help. Later in the series, Negi decides to ask her to instruct him in magic as her apprentice, occasionally giving her a bit of his blood as payment. Just like she was in love with Nagi (and some chapters showed she still does), she seems to be developing some feelings for Negi as well.
Kū Fei: Just like Negi sought Eva's aid to increase his magical abilities, he now trains under Kū Fei in Chinese Kenpo, hoping to be strong enough in both magic and close combat just like his father. She also develops feelings for Negi as the story progresses. She eventually made a Pactio with Negi during the trip to the Magic World.
Ayaka Yukihiro: 3-A's class representative. She is the girl most overtly fond of Negi, though she stands by the position that she is only interested in Negi because he "needs a mother figure". Actually her feelings for him are a mixture of physical infatuation and brotherly love, as she apparently still has not gotten over the loss of her younger brother, who died during birth the same year Negi was born. She is currently helping out in Negi's plan. According to her, she admits that her current relationship with Negi can now even referred to as "partners".
Nodoka Miyazaki: Soon after Negi became her teacher, she developed a crush on him despite her nervousness around guys. Always supported by her best friend Yue (who has now developed her own feelings for him), she is the first one of Negi's students to properly confess to him. She is also the first one to have a real (non Pactio related) kiss with Negi. She is the second student to form a provisional contract. Obtaining an item that can give her access to the thoughts of anyone, Nodoka became an invaluable asset in his party.
Chao Lingshen: The main antagonist of the Mahora Festival arc, she gave some trouble to Negi and his friends during the festival, claiming that she came from the future and is in reality a descendant of Negi. She also claims her true intentions are to change the world for the better suggesting that something happens in her time that was bad enough to want to change history to stop it. She was defeated by Negi in the end.
Chisame Hasegawa: Originally seeing Negi as a bizarre brat, Chisame has slowly warmed up to Negi. Her opinion of Negi starts to change when she learns he is a fan of her homepage on the web. Negi also helps Chisame come out of her introverted shell into a more confidant individual. In Asuna’s absence, she designates herself as temporary guardian of Negi. This doesn’t happen until later volumes in the manga when Negi fulfills a promise to her saving her from a tentacle monster. Currently, she is one of the few girls that has a platonic relationship with Negi and does not have romantic feelings for him, however she does show signs of "jealousy" towards Akira in chapter 289, making her possibly "one" of them.
Chachamaru Karakuri: Originally as Evangeline's partner through a 'Doll Contract', she eventually develops feelings for Negi as the story progresses. During Kurt Godel's party, Chachamaru wonders about performing a Pactio with Negi, despite that she is a robot and does not have a soul. However, Negi never gives up in succeeding performing a Pactio with her, and then her Pactio card finally appears. According to Evangeline, she thinks no one other than Chachamaru who would help him in his plan. Chachamaru is currently still not confess properly to Negi yet, but her feelings for him is on the same level as Nodoka's and Makie's. She is also Negi's Secretary.
Ako Izumi: She has no interest in Negi from the start, but she falls in love with 'Nagi' (which is Negi in his disguise) during the Mahora Festival arc. She later had a hard time being a slave in the Magical World alongside Akira and Natsumi. After overhearing Tosaka's conversation with 'Nagi' which he reveals that 'Nagi' is Negi, she became heartbroken. However, she gotten over it and tried to persuade Tosaka to forget about Negi's true identity to which he immediately agrees with no second thoughts. After that, Negi meets Ako as 'Nagi' tried to apologize to her, but she does not mind and she soon give him a kiss and confessed to him. When she meets Negi in his Demon form, she became terrified but after seeing Makie did not hesitate to calm him down, she became impressed and soon tried helping Negi. When Negi tried to perform a Pactio with her as 'Nagi', she already found out and changed Negi back into his original age. After knowing it was Akira and Yuuna's idea, she tells him that she wants to perform the Pactio with Negi as his true self, and not 'Nagi'.
Makie Sasaki: Like Ayaka, she is also interested in Negi because she thinks he is cute. However, it all changed when she went to the Magical World. After Nagi's (which is Negi in disguise) identity is revealed to Ako, she then gets very confused and very worried. It gets even worse after her discussion with Akira, to the point where she should let Ako and Negi be together (although she is still not giving up on him). After Negi is in his Demon form, she did not hesitate to hold his hands and tries to ease his pain. She finally confessed to Negi before completing the Pactio with him, which makes her the second / third one of Negi's students to properly confess to him.
Yue Ayase: Yue initially remained in the background at the start of the story. However, when Kazumi organizes a special game to kiss Negi, she decides to join Nodoka to help her win the game. However, when she was approached by one of the Negi clones attempting to kiss her, unexpected feelings begin to emerge, making her feel guilty in possibly cheating out Nodoka.
Kaede Nagase: When Negi had fled into the woods during his conflict withEvangeline, Kaede found him while training, and helped cheer him up. She saw Negi flying off the next morning, but kept this a secret even from him until she helped Negi rescue Konoka at Kyoto where she fought and defeated Kotarou.
Negi has performed many Pactios through out the series. So far in the Mahou Sensei Negima! Series he has performed Probationary Contracts with the following girls:
Asuna Kagurazaka
Nodoka Miyazaki
Setsuna Sakurazaki
Konoka Konoe
Yue Ayase
Haruna Saotome
Chisame Hasegawa
Kazumi Asakura
Kaede Nagase
Theodora of the Helas Empire (as the Minister Magi; cancelled)
Ku Fei
Chachamaru Karakuri
Ako Izumi
Yuna Akashi
Makie Sasaki
Ayaka Yukihiro
Chizuru Naba
Akira Okochi
In both TV anime versions of Negima, Negi has contracts with only the 31 girls in his class. Meanwhile, in the live-action series and the Negima!? neo manga, Negi has pactios with just Asuna, Nodoka, and Konoka.

Albert Chamomile (Chamo): Negi's pet/familiar. A perverted, lingerie stealing, chain-smoking, talking ermine that Negi freed from a trap five years ago. Since then, Chamo has been fiercely loyal to Negi and admires him very much. He cares strongly for Negi and will fight to protect him, but he is not above using him to try to make a fast buck when possible.
Kotarō Inugami: A wolf hanyō whose first encounter with Negi was as an enemy of his. Kotarō was one of the mercenaries hired to kidnap Konoka in Kyoto. After he was defeated by Negi and co., he was under the custody of the Kansai Magic Association, where his abilities to transform and summon wolf spirits were sealed. In order to challenge Negi for a rematch, Kotarō escaped and set for Mahora Academy. There he discovered a plan by Wilhelm and the Slime Sisters against Negi and lend him a hand to defeat them. For risking his life to protect Negi and his students, he was pardoned and decided to live in Mahora as an elementary school student. Since then Kotarō became Negi's rival, and one of his best friends.
Anya Cocolova: Negi's childhood friend from his original hometown who also attended the magic academy that he graduated from. She too has a crush on Negi, despite her many claims to the contrary. Due to her lack of development, she feels threatened by girls with shapely bodies, declaring them to be her enemies.
Fate Averruncus: The former member of Cosmo Enthelecheia and another one of Negi's rivals. He started developing an interest in Negi after the Kyoto arc. Before his last battle with Negi concludes, he said that he will let Negi to start his plan to save the Magical World and annouced that it is Negi's victory. Negi tried asking Fate to be his friend, to which Fate reject his offers (however, they get along well later). After school begins, he becomes the substitute teacher of Class 3-A. His current relationship with Negi makes Nodoka, Yue and Makie consider him as a somewhat love rival.
Reporting Skills : As the reporter of the class, Kazumi has the skills to get the inside scoop of any topic. She also demonstrated this skills during the Mahora Tournament giving play-by-play accounts during the fight.

Reportatrix Denudans: Kazumi's artifact is called Oculus Corvinus. It creates up to six small golem cameras that she is able to manipulate and send to any part of the world, allowing her to search for information or others, including missing allies. They have no combat ability and is primarily used for intelligence gathering, although they can be used to provide information during battle (such as the ideal point to strike through a wall). Fitting with her relationship with the class ghost Sayo Aisaka, one of the Golem cameras has a seat for her Sayo-Chan Doll and is called Sayo-Chan Camera, which the ghost can ride and control when possessing the puppet. Sayo can also connect the golem cameras by acting as astral connection cable.
Her artifact is a scope camera that allows her to record, capture, and focus in on anything, as well as display information about whatever it is focusing on (such as the ideal moment to fire a gun through Negi's wind barrier).

Domestic Canary

Dressed like a field reporter with a long-scope camera and a pair of jeans with one pant leg completely torn. The camera is her main artifact, but its effect was not shown.

Matahari Tools: Dressed as a TV reporter in a short black dress with a long white overcoat and a suitcase on her hands. She is holding a handheld phone on her other hand. Although this card was seen at the top of a Pactio deck after the mass Pactio, it was never used in the series and its effects are unknown.[8] The name of the Pactio card references the famous dancer-turned spy Mata Hari, in light of Kazumi's own skills in gathering information.
A fictional character from the manga series Negima!: Magister Negi Magi, created by Ken Akamatsu. The 4th student in Japanese alphabetical order of class 2/3-A, she is the hidden intelligence of the class, a member of the Library Exploration Club yet at the same time a part of the infamous Baka Rangers due to her hatred of studying and schoolwork. Although initially enthusiastic in helping fellow Library club member Nodoka Miyazaki gain Negi's heart, she soon develops feelings of her own and is constantly trying to come to terms with where she wants to stand between the two of them. However, her own interest in magic and the supernatural draws her into Negi's group, both in learning magic as well as becoming a Pactio partner. 
Character Design
With the many different character types and designs that went in to making the girls of Negima, Ken Akamatsu occasionally gets ideas from other sources, including other manga, for the creation of his girls. Upon creating Yue, Akamatsu already knew that she was going to be a huge bibliophile due to feeling that she had a Read or Die feel upon creation. Like heroine Yomiko Readman, Yue is obsessed with books (similar to her friend Nodoka) and uses them as a means to escape from the problems in her own life. Yue's design hasn't changed significantly from her initial one, complete with her small stature, braided front bangs and split hair behind. Some pics depicted her possibly with glasses, but other than that Yue was created ready to go into Akamatsu's story. Interestingly enough, Ran Ayanaga, the person behind the original character design for Yue, would eventually work on the Read or Dream manga, with one of the characters in the story, Hisami Hishishii, having a strong resemblance to Yue.
Yue is also similar in appearance and personality to Patchouli Knowledge of the Touhou series.

Character Outline
Yue is considered the cool slacker of the class, a highly intelligent girl yet, at the same time, a horrible student. Her intelligence is shown by her interest in philosophy and her membership in the Library Exploration Club alongside classmates Nodoka Miyazaki, Haruna Saotome and Konoka Konoe. Even though she has never been through the entire library due to its massive size, she does know enough to be a guide for those who choose to go in there, such as guiding Negi and other members of the class. It is through the club that Yue becomes friends with the club members, usually finding herself helping her shier friend Nodoka gain confidence to do what she wants while at the same time ignoring or putting up with the manipulations of the bespectacled Haruna. Although she is scared of Haruna's tendencies, she does somehow find a way to remain her friend.
However, despite being a talented bibliophile and a member of the Library Club, Yue hates studying and schoolwork. Due to this, she is one of the students in 2-A with the lowest grades in the class, and hence is a member of the "Baka Rangers" or "Dummy Force" study group (a play on the Power Rangers series and the Super Sentai genre they came from). In the Baka Rangers, Yue is "Baka Black", and considered the team's leader, most likely in being the "smartest" of the quintet both in general as well as in her average as a Baka Ranger. Although Yue doesn't like studying or schoolwork, she is capable of performing well academically, either when she needs to (to raise the class's average) or in a subject she finds herself interested in. It is revealed later that Yue's hatred for studying is due to the death of her beloved grandfather, making her lose interest in the world in general and considered everything, especially studying, as pointless. She was initially uninterested in making friends, though Nodoka was the first to make an impression on her, by saying that anyone who likes books cannot be a bad person.
Yue is often seen drinking unusual beverages (including salt water) from juice boxes, found in various and bizarre flavors. She was once seen drinking the "Last Elixir" in one chapter, a cameo appearance from Final Fantasy. Whenever Yue drinks from one of these boxes, she usually is seen either in a more contemplative or a commentary role compared to the craziness going on around her.
Unfortunately, due to the large amounts of liquid she takes in, Yue is well known by her friend's for needing to use the bathroom almost constantly. This is also the reason she wears more adult underwear, such as tie side panties, as Haruna explains ( to Yue's embarassment and protests that it was meant to be a secret between friends) Yue is unable to go to the bathroom without completely removing her underwear. As such, she needs panties that can be quickly and easily taken off.
This frequent drinking and urination cycle is one that continues even when Yue temporarily loses her memory, as does her taste in underwear.

Pactio : Philosophastra Illustrans: Her artifact is called Orbis Sensualium Pictus, it is a set consisting of a cloak, book, witch's hat, and a broom. Chamo mentions that she has the same Beginner Mage Set that Negi also had. This implies that her equipment is essentially the same as those given to mages in training. At first, her artifact doesn't offer any noticeable firepower, but its merit is progressively proven useful as the story moves on. For one, the book initially appearing to be a beginner's manual for casting spells, but actually has a wide array of general information on various magical topics, like an encyclopedia. It is able to display this information in the form of illusionary pages, like holograms. Even more impressive, the book is also linked with and updates continuously. It can thus answer almost any question Yue asks that pertain to magic. Yue has the equivalent of a magical library branch in one book. She was able to discover that Asuna's magic cancellation ability was exceptionally powerful, simply by looking it up and, furthermore, she was able to learn the spell needed to amplify it. After mastering riding brooms at the magic school she can use the broom to fly.
Logical Intelligence : Though she hates to study, Yue's ability to research and piece together facts is considerable. She was able to deduce Negi's identity as a mage and gather information concerning on the Magic World and Negi's father. As long as the subject maintains her interest (such as magic), Yue becomes dedicated to learning all there is to know. While studying at the magical academy, she becomes one of the highest test scorers in the class.
Magical Ability : After discovering Negi's mage status, Yue coaxed him to make her into his student on magical arts, both for her own defense and to "get revenge on the guardian dragon of Library Island" (who later turned out to be a friendly guard of Albireo). Combining Negi's guidance and the power of Evangeline's resort alongside Yue's own studious nature and her Pactio, she soon masters the basics. Studying at the academy in the magical world significantly improves her spellcasting and she learns to ride on a broomstick. Also during the competition it is revealed that Yue now has a magical activation key which is Foa Zo Cratia Socratia (perhaps referring to the philosopher Socrates) and she is believed to be a quite powerful mage as Emily said "no spells could break a dragon's horn!" but Yue managed to break it with the Fulguratio Albicans spell.
Close Combat : Under her knights training she has gain much more training in combat situations including using her "Souken"(Fake Sword)as a weapon and for spell casting.
Plot Overview
Yue's initial interaction with Negi Springfield is two-fold: both as "Nodoka's best friend" as well as a member of the Baka Rangers. In regards to the former, she assists her shy friend to at least approach Negi and help her express her feelings towards him. On the latter, she is forced into the study group due to being the fifth-worst student in the class, even though she quickly proved that she wasn't as dumb as the tests made her out to be. Although a guide through the library during the Baka Ranger's journey to improve their grades, she didn't significantly interact with Negi.
However, this changed during the field trip to Kyoto. Yue initially remained in the background at the start of the story. However, when Kazumi organizes a special game to kiss Negi, she decides to join Nodoka to help her win the game. However, when she was approached by one of the Negi clones attempting to kiss her, unexpected feelings begin to emerge, making her feel guilty in possibly cheating out Nodoka. Eventually, she choose to fight back against the clones and she made Nodoka take the kiss to win the game and her Pactio card. Later, she followed Negi's team to the Konoe shrine. Thanks to Asakura, she is one of the few people to escape being turned to stone and she calls for assistance from Kaede, Mana, and Ku Fei.
After the Kyoto trip, having witnessed the attack on the Kansai Magic Association headquarters, talked to Nodoka (who became aware of magic following her Pactio) about the subject, and helped Negi figure out the clues left by his father, Yue deduced that Negi was a mage and Mahora Academy's magical nature. Another trip into the depths of the Mahora Library was thwarted by the dragon that lives there, though Yue swears revenge on the beast for drooling on her. She and Nodoka later ask Negi to teach them how to use magic, and Yue even suggested forming a pactio with him (though she immediately changed her mind once she learned about what was required to make a contract from Chamo and Kazumi).
During the Wilhelm incident, Yue was one of many girls who were initially kidnapped by Wilhelm and the Slime sisters, only for them to escape and assist Negi in the battle. For Yue, she and Nodoka used the sealing jar that Kotarou gave to Negi to seal away Wilhelm's henchmen, the Slime Sisters.
Nevertheless, Yue learned some magic by the time of the Mahora Festival, practicing within Evageline's resort where she learned some of the basics with Negi's assistace. She also became friends with Kotarō in Kyoto after his fight with Kaede. Unlike her regular schoolwork, Yue is dedicated to learning magic and spends over 3 hours a day practicing. She expresses some of these thoughts alone to Negi during the first day of the festival, trying to grip with whether her feelings are genuine for Negi or if she should continue to help Nodoka win his heart. (a fact she manages to keep a secret from Nodoka until the school festival)
On the second day of the festival, Yue's feelings come to a head: during a tour of Library Island, Yue finally loses her sanity regarding her feelings due to Nodoka revealing that she overheard her being asked by Haruna if she has feelings for Negi, to the point of jumping from a high section of the main library. However, being a member of the Library Exploration Club, she had a grappling hook that allowed her to rappel downwards until it broke, causing her to fall the rest of the way without being harmed. After regaining consciousness, she confronts Nodoka, who gets Yue to actually admits her feelings for Negi and, after slapping her for wanting to run away from the situation, encourages Yue that they can still be friends even if they both are in love with Negi. With Nodoka's approval (although not with Yue's or Negi's consent), Yue became the fifth person to form a probationary contract with the child teacher. Using the power of the Pactio, Yue both assisted Negi during the crisis for the remainder of the festival (including their unexpected future trip) and during the final battle with Chao as well as speed up her own magical training. This enables her to defend her White Wing badge from her classmates.
Yue and Nodoka apparently become fast friends with Negi's old friend Anya as she approves of the two Library Girls, (most likely due to their similar chest sizes). Like the other White Wing members, she accompanies Negi to the magical world, only to be separated from everyone when one of Fate's minions used a spell to scatter the group around the magical world.
Yue finds herself at a Magical Academy suffering from a head wound and amnesia, both caused by female student Collette Fallendoll, who accidentally hit her as she materialized. She has no memory of her friends, her past, nor her membership in the White Wing. Without her memories, Yue enrolls in the magical school with Collette, where she steadily improves her magical abilities. She is soon one of the school's top students. After seeing Negi, in his 'older form' competing in a tournament, Yue begins to feel a sense of familiarity and believes that meeting him will help in regaining her memories. She and Collette took part in a competition for the chance to be a part of the special security squad that will be at the finals of the tournament.
During the competition, Yue and Collette manage to claim the lead, which led to the class representative Emily Sevensheep and her partner deciding to take a shortcut through a dangerous area. They were attacked by one of the monsters there, but were saved by Yue as she activated her Pactio Card. Using the information she looked up in her Artifact and the cooperation between herself, Collete, Emily and her partner, they were able to defeat the monster, but ended up being last in the competition. However, their battle skills were recognized by the headmistress of the academy and all four had the opportunity to travel to the fighting tournament at Ostia. At this point, Yue still does not remember who she is, nor her connection to Negi.During the first day of the Ostia Festival, Yue along with Collete, Emily and her secretary Beatrix Monroe, and two others, Von Katze and Du Chat, flew off to meet up with "some ruffians" who are actually Negi's group respective Fate's group. Fleeing, Negiwent past Yue while he and the rest of the crew split to avoid being caught after some bystanders recognized him from the "Wanted" poster. Without quite fully understanding why, she instructed him to knock her unconscious so he can escape. A few days later, she bumped into Negi again, who this time is with Nodoka and Asuna (or more specifically, Shiori, one of Fate's Ministra Magi, disguised as Asuna). However, Emily doesn't believe that Yue is one of them and demand some proof. Negi is able to prove it by showing Yue her pactio card and using it to speak to her telepathically. Unforunately, the meeting was interrupted when the group met up with Ostian Governor General, Kurt Godel.
At the Ball, when Cosmo Entelechiea attacked using shadow dolls, Yue was one of the few people able to damage them and found their origin using her artifact.
Recently, Yue has confessed to Nodoka that some of her memories have returned to her, but she is shocked when her friend tells her that Negi is their teacher and that the two of them are rivals in winning their teacher's heart.
During the attack at the Gravekeeper's Palace, Yue's group's target is rescuing Anya. After they complete their task, Yue joins the group sent to retrieve the Great Grandmaster Key, and protects the group from Fate's counterattack. Later, she tries to stall Quintum, but is defeated.
She is later shown in chapter 324, awakening from the defeat of Quintum. She noted she was was under a advanced spell of lighting that causes a paralyzing effect but was within her sixteen perdections as well as casting a delayed spell on herself in advance and used it to release the spell. She quickly found Makie and released the spell on her and then Asakura. Makie noted that she seemed to be a pretty strong mage and talked to her about her feelings for Negi and along with Asakura told her to consider confessing. She noted Negi was battling and then found Kaede. The group eventually rejoined the others while Evangeline, Konoka's grandfather, and the surviving members of the Ala Rubra were confronting the Lifemaker, and along with the rest of class 3-A, they helped in reviving Asuna, who joined the battle and, with Negi, defeated the Lifemaker.
After the battle, Yue is back in Mahora, although she is still lacking her memories of Negi being her teacher. While Yue was busy talking to Makie and Natsumi during one day early in the second semester, Nodoka, who's been overhearing the conversation disguised as a bush, shows up and agrees with Makie's idea that Yue should confess her love to Negi, feeling that this event could help her in regaining her memories. However, Fate arrives and said that they would refrain from doing that.
While having a drink, she is thinking about what Fate said earlier which leads to that she is not qualified to confess to Negi. She soon received a surprising call from Collet and asked her how she managed to call her from the Magical World. Collet soon let Emily took over who ask Yue why she haven't visit them yet. Emily soon told her that she is jealous towards Yue for being around Negi and she is planning on going to Mahora. Collet took over once more and said that she is hoping one day that she will come to see Yue's home country, to which Yue agrees.
In chapter 338, she was overhearing Chisame and Konoka who were talking about Negi and Asuna. Chisame noticed that Yue overheard their conversation and asked her the same question but Yue also doesn't know about their situation. After Fate threw chalks at Chisame and Yuna for talking in class, he tells them to stand in the hallway but Yue suggests to let them go to the infirmary instead after seeing how powerful his throwing abilities was.
In chapter 341, Setsuna asked Yue about the future, she answered about her obstacles in her future about being with Negi. She soon immediately ran away at full speed but Setsuna caught up with her. After knowing it was about her future career, she answered that she wants to help Negi. Setsuna suggests that Yue should asked
Negi personally about it but Yue prefer not doing that. She thinks that she must first stand in the first place as him with her own strength which made Setsuna shocked about her ambition. Considering her grades up till now were embarrassing, she thinks about attend Ariadne and study there again.
Later is Yue finally confessing to Negi and causing with it regaining her memories.
7 years later, now at the age of 21-22, Yue is now a detective on the Magical side of the crimes. Her office is located, ironically, in Mahora Academy, where she is seen either drinking her potions, reading, or sleeping (with a book on top of her face). At this age, Yue is now able to use high-powered spells, such as Jovis Tempestas Fulguriens, and can track down high-class demons and mages via potions. Her attitude became over the years rather slagging again which is caused from the fact that her degree and career history in the magical world, i.e. as an Ariadne Knight, aren't accepted in the Old World. In some terms, she reminds strongly at Evangeline before her changes at the Magical World Arc.
She, like the rest of the class, assists Negi in saving Nagi and defeating the Mage of the Beginning. Working at the office of the ISSDA stationed on the a low-orbit ring, she is assigned the same post as Miyazaki Nodoka, though both had their first love shattered, they are unusually friendly. For whatever reason, she continues her work as detective even in orbit, becoming a space detective as well as magical detective.
Appearances in other media
Mahō Sensei Negima! (1st Anime)
Due to the rearrangement of events, Yue's feelings for Negi emerged much earlier, yet remain as contentious as the manga situation in her own feelings and how Nodoka would handle it. Later, Nodoka accepted Yue's feelings and said she was glad to have her as a romantic rival. Yue only gained Pactio during the final mass contract, upon which she merely gained a broom that casted thunder spells.
Mostly keeping her Baka Ranger/Library Club dichotomy from the manga, Yue's situation remains unchanged either in her mental abilities or in her love triangle between herself, Negi and Nodoka. Yue's romantic feelings towards Negi are more developed in this series with two episodes focusing on her dilemma both personally and with her relationship to Nodoka. The first episode, similar to the manga, focuses on her feelings in having to kiss Negi for a Pactio contract, as she speaks about her worries and concerns to various members of the class. However, while she does finally succumb to these feelings and kisses Negi for a contract, her kiss leads to the remainder of 3-A to learn of magic and many of the events for the remainder of the series.
In a later episode, after Motsu blackmails her by telling that drinking from the same straw Negi (and Chamo) used is like an indirect kiss, Yue's feelings continue to be explored in her feelings towards Negi and how Nodoka would take them. Troubling herself in trying to talk to her friend and figure her out, Nodoka and she finally come to a conclusion that they both like him, but Yue decided to keep her love for Negi to herself. Although she does gain Pactio on her own like in the manga, it is noted that Haruna obtains a Pactio prior to her, the exact reverse of the manga. Likewise, the only two times Yue releases her is during the two mass Pactio activations. During the "Suka Incident", Yue transforms into an owl and uses Negi to help her buy one of her weird drinks from a vending machine. In the final episode, Yue transforms into a maid with an arsenal of weird drinks with strange effects, many of which she tests on her friend Nodoka (who had been turned into her Suka seal form).
As an added note, Yue's hair color is switched with Nodoka's: the shy Library club member has blue hair and Yue having purple hair.
In the Negima!? Neo manga, the chapter in which Anya initially visits Mahora shows the fact that Yue wears black panties. While this may mean nothing to some people, the comment made by Haruna makes it appear that, while her body has yet to mature, she feels the same impulses as normal teenagers her age.
Philosophastra Illustrans: Her artifact is called Orbis Sensualium Pictus, it is a set consisting of a cloak, book, witch's hat, and a broom. Their abilities are gradually being revealed, with the book appearing to be a beginner's manual for casting spells. Chamo mentions that she has the same Beginner Mage Set that Negi also had. This implies that her equipment is essentially the same as those given to mages in training. At first, her artifact does not offer any immediate firepower, but its potential is starting to prove useful. In fact, what was first thought of as only a beginner's manual actually has a wide array of general information on various magical topics, like an encyclopedia. It is able to display this information in the form of illusionary pages, like holograms. Even more amazing, is that the book is also linked with and updates continuously. It will answer any question Yue asks that pertain to magic. Simply put, Yue now has the equivalent of a magical library branch in one book. She was able to discern Asuna's magic cancellation ability to be among the most powerful, simply by looking it up. Furthermore, she was able to learn the spell needed to amplify Asuna's power. Yue also keeps a practice wand and is already able to cast a few simple spells with it. After mastering riding brooms at the magic school she can use the broom to fly.
Negima!: Very similar to the manga series, she uses a broom to cast thunder spells on the enemies.[4] (comparatively, the broom in the manga only casts spells Yue has learned)
Maid with a broom and a holster which is her artifact with several of her "strange drinks" by her side, each of which has a special magic ability. She experimented with these concoctions on Nodoka in her Suka form.
Enigma Cyclopedia: Slightly similar to her manga Pactio, she wears a witch's costume with a wand and a living hat with a face (similar to the Sorting Hat in the Harry Potter series).
Student Number 5. Birthday: 21 November 1988.
She is a shy athletic girl who works as a school nurse's assistant.

Character Outline
Ako is a very unique character as first time she appeared, she is only a side character. However, as the story progresses, she becomes more and more of a main character.
One interesting point is that she has a fear of seeing blood, which makes her position as a nurse's assistant seem odd. She has a large scar across her back, which she makes every effort to hide from others and is the source of her low self-confidence, as she believes that the mark makes her ugly and unwanted. The scar may also be connected to her fear of blood, as seen in Chapter 123.

She is usually seen with Makie (her roommate), Yuna, and Akira. She is also the manager of the boy's middle school soccer club, and in charge of 2-A's sanitation department. She does not consider herself anyone special because of the scar on her back and is one of the better-behaved members of the class, quite a contrast to the more mischievous Yuna. She has some talent with a bass guitar. She had once confessed her love to an older boy but was rejected.
Ako, who never really showed much interest in the 10-year-old Negi, develops a huge crush on the older, teenage version of him (after taking Age Deceiving Pills), whom she believes is his cousin "Nagi". She was so infatuated with him that she immediately invites him to her festival's activity, even though she said it was nothing at all. Some of the other girls also have shown attraction toward Negi's older form, though Ako is by far the most interested. Recently, Negi, in his older form, took Ako out on a date in order to help her relax before the Mahora Festival's live concert. They take part in the Mahora Best Couple Contest and won 2nd place. During this date, Negi encourages Ako to think of herself more as the main character, rather than just part of the supporting cast. This helps her build more confidence in herself, to the point where she almost confesses her love toward the handsome "Nagi" twice. The first time she chickened out by asking him if he liked Japanese squid, (rather than saying that she really loves him), and the second time during the Mahora Live Concert. She narrowly avoided getting shot by Mana, who was watching out for love confessions during the festival. Luckily, she ended up only asking for his e-mail address.
With the end of the Mahora Festival, she assumes that Nagi has already left for England and is now pining away at his absence. The Cheerleaders talked her into sending pictures of her in different sexy outfits to him. At one point, Misa knocked her out and sent one last picture of her dressed as a bunny-girl (Which caused Negi spit his tea out in surprise when he opened the email). The idea was that Nagi would appreciate a taste of home, as they believed the bunny-girl outfit originated in England.
Ako, Natsumi and the rest of the Sports Girls followed Negi's group to the Magic World, and were split up in Fate's attack on the gate. Ako became very sick and Akira and Natsumi had to sell the three of them into slavery {C to pay for the medicine to treat her, which cost 1,000,000 Drachma.
Negi and the gang found them and tried to help by entering the tournament, with Negi {C disguised as Nagi. However, the day before final day, Ako learned the truth when Tosaka threatened to reveal Negi's identity. She then offered to sell what little freedom she still had to stop Tosaka from threatening Negi. However, Tosaka decided to give the evidence back to her and not allow her to sell herself. He then punched Negi because of his actions.
She is also the 2nd person who confessed to Negi.
After they won the tournament, Haruna tried to force the girls who didn't have Pactios to make one. Ako got into fight with Makie who say that she will give up Negikun for her. In chapter 289, Negi tries to make a pactio with Ako as "Nagi," but she made him swallow an Age Deceiving Pill that transformed him back into his ten-year-old self before they kissed. She claims that she did not want to do it with "Nagi," but with Negi. After he agreed, Ako made a pactio with him, becoming the thirteenth girl to do so.

She, like the rest of the class, assists Negi in saving Nagi and defeating the Mage of the Beginning. Due to the injury on her back being healed with magic, she decided to study in the Magic World after graduating from High School. She returned home as first-grade healing practitioner. Currently, as a nurse, she works at the same place as Ookouchi Akira. She secretly look up to Konoe Konoka as her teacher and contiunes devoting herself to study.

Cultrix Cum Traumate: Made with Negi in Chapter 289. Her artifact is a big syringe with a needle 1.8 cm wide is named Mysterious Syringe. By injecting the needle into a targeted person (she claims this injection needs to go up the rear end), that person is able to receive a magical boost to his/her abilities (such as allowing Yuna and Makie to keep up with Koyomi in her transformed form). In Chapter 348 it is also revealed to be captable of injecting poison that can reverse a target's direction and senses when she is forced to use in on Negi.Negima!: Infirmaria Cum Traumate: Her pactio weapon is a huge syringe complete with a catgirl nurse outfit. In the manga, this was a costume that the cheerleaders suggested her to wear in their fantasy cafe during the Mahora Festival arc .

Chicken Chick

An overcautious nursing assistant wearing a jacket and a scarf over a soccer uniform and with a first-aid kit with a spout as her main artifact. Inside the kit is a giant band-aid that heals any wound instantly. She has a star painted on her right cheek and a clover on her right thigh. The pattern on her shorts also resembles the design of the standard Teamgeist ball.

Knowledge Syringe: Similar to the manga Pactio card, she is dressed in a blue nursing outfit with wings while riding on a giant syringe which appears to be her main weapon. This time she no longer has her cat-like appearance.
In Other Media
Mahou Sensei Negima!: Her pactio weapon is a huge injection needle complete with a nurse uniform.
Although the first anime only revealed it pronouncedly with her pactio, Ako's nursing skills are further emphasized in this series: she is consistently healing other members of the class and even comes up with strange medicines and needles to help them out. During one incident, she tries to inject Negi with a giant needle filled with an energy formula, but instead hits Chamo making him literally become super-powerful! The anime also acknowledges her membership in Dekopin Rocket with the cheerleaders, but she is only seen with them in one scene acknowledging the massive noise Asuna made in the dorm. During the "Suka incident", she becomes a chick.
Student Number 6. Birthday: 26 May 1988. She is a tall, athletic, and very quiet girl in the swimming club. She is so good at swimming that the Mahora High School swimming club is already looking to recruit her.
Akira is one of the most mature students in the class. She cares alot for her friends but knows what is right and wrong such as when Yuna and Haruna steal Negi's ring and play around with it which doesn't take very well. While seeing Negi as a 10 year old boy like the others, she has respects him for his will and tried to help him in any way she can. She also has good judgement as she doesn't punish Fumika like Fuka as the former didn't participle with the rest of the girls in pranking . It is implied in the manga that she has a bit of feelings toward Negi but chooses to not reveal it.
Pactio: Siren Valida Akira makes a pactio with Negi in chapter 349, which gives her an artifact that enables her to make short teleports through bodies of water without using magical energy.

Swimming Abilities
Super Agility and Strength : Akira has demonstrate this ability when the girls pull prank on Negi too far. This allow her to easily catch up with Misora who is using her artifact to increase her speed and defeat her.

Plot Overview
She is a friend of Ako, and Yuna. She is not always comfortable with Yuna's stunts (For example, being forced to dress as a bunny-girl). She is noted to be similar to Motoko Aoyama of Love Hina, though in looks only. After Chao completes her plot to reveal magic to the world, Akira is one of the very few girls in the class to stay calm when Negi "reappears". Of course, her knowledge of magic's existence along with everyone else's is erased when Negi and the group return to the third day of the Mahora Festival. Akira also participates in the "Mars vs. Mages" battle, fighting alongside her friends using a staff. After the festival, she assists Negi in getting back his spellcasting ring (though she is unaware of its true nature) after he loses it in the bathing area and nearly embarrasses himself in front of the other girls to get it back, making him note of her "strong yet kind" nature in his class roster. Though she is a normal human girl, Akira displayed great power and agility by retaking the spellcasting ring, stunning even Kaede, Mana, and Ku Fei.
Akira and the rest of Sports Girls followed Negi's group to the Magic World, and were split up in Fate's attack on the gate. Ako became very sick and Akira and Natsumi had to sell the three of them into slavery to pay for the medicine to treat her, which cost 1,000,000 Drachma.
Negi and the gang found them and tried to help by entering the tournament, with Negi disguised as Nagi. During this time, Akira found out about Nagi's real identity, and couldn't bring up the courage to tell Ako the truth, since she knew of the latter's love for "Nagi."
After they won the tournament, Haruna tried to force the girls who didn't have Pactios to make one. Later when Negi goes berserk, she talks to him about the upcoming situation and the girls that favor him. However, she may be developing feelings of her own for Negi, as shown in her Cosmo Entelecheia dream world, which showed her with Negi. Chisame stated that Akira could often be the voice of reason at times, despite not saying or showing it in the direct way.
When the class decided to turn against Negi in order to make him reveal who he liked the best, Akira tries to warn Negi about the incident, but is stopped by Kaede and Natsumi. With some help from Kotarou, she is able to escape and eventually meets up with Yue and Nodoka, who were also against 3-A's plan to force Negi into revealing who he likes and came to his aide after Asuna was subdued by the rest of the class. As part of a plan to protect him, Yue and Nodoka left Negi with Akira while they served as decoys to distract the rest of the class. This caused Chamo to encourage her to make a pactio of her own.
She, like the rest of the class, assists Negi in saving Nagi and defeating the Mage of the Beginning. She entered a then-newly established Oribtal Elevator Firm. Passing strict training on the level of a space pilot, she now works as a First Generation Evelvator Cabin Attendant. She often sees Negi there.
Siren Valida Her artifact manifests as a pair of heavy gauntlets and mermaid tail called Powers of the Mermaid. She gains a bustier suit with an armor belt with flanking thigh armor. She wears a leather leggings that join her feet together to form a mermaid tail. Her Pactio allows her to warp locations instantaneously by diving into any body of water and then reappearing in another body of water without using any magical energy. She first used a tiny puddle to quickly warp to the Mahora swimming pool, then multiple other locations including a bathtub, the Mahora River, and the Mahora Girl's Dormitory bath. Kaede notes that she can, at most, travel around 300 meter radius. Her gauntlets appear to give her additional strength which allowed her to break out of Eva's ice block spell that trapped both Negi and herself.

She is dressed in her blue swimsuit. In her pactio form she gains the ability to control water much like water-bending. Her pactio attack is "water thrust".

Frog (similar in design to Motsu)

She is dressed in a swimsuit and sarong with a clam hairclip and water-drop shoes. A piece of coral is stuck in her mouth which she blows on allowing bubbles to come out like a pipe. The power of this artifact was not shown in the anime.

Regalecus Russelii: A mermaid-like synchronized swimmer wearing a pink and maroon swimsuit and carp-like fins attached to her ankles.

Student Number 7. Birthday: 15 May 1988.
She is the leader of the class's cheerleaders, Madoka and Sakurako, and a member of the chorus club. She loves shopping and hates carbonated drinks. She also has a fondness for karaoke. Misa also has some "adult" tendencies, far more than any of the other girls in the class (see also chapter 120, where she thinks to "educate" Negi as her future "hot" boyfriend... in 5 years time, although it is believed that noticing how Negi's "father" looked like in the festival, a red-haired super-hottie, instigated her "reverse Hikaru Genji" plan). She also uses the term onee-san when she talks about herself, if Negi is around. She is the only girl in the class to have a steady boyfriend. Along with her fellow cheerleaders, she takes part in the "Mars vs. Mages" game and is stripped to her underwear when she is hit by the robots' beam weapons. Recently, she has started considering the implications of falling for a ten-year old, leading to suspicions she could be a closet shotacon like Ayaka.

She, like the rest of the class, assists Negi in saving Nagi and defeating the Mage of the Beginning. She works as a concierge at Station Hotel. Her workload constantly increases from the continual development of Mahora. In time, even somewhat inhuman beings came to stay at the hotel. Though Negi and the others worried, she is having quite a bit of fun.

Hilaratrix Accensa: None, as of now.

Dressed in her cheerleader outfits and is able to empower the others with cheers. In Satsuki's case, she was able to make her go faster to feed a huge crowd of demons.


Dressed as a cheerleader wearing a maroon dress and a top hat. She also wears a choker with a key and holds a pair of pom-poms on her hands. She uses her pom-poms as her main artifacts for cheering with melodies.

Lily-Yarn Needle: A school uniform with a weapon similar to one of the heroines of Sukeban Deka. She throws the needle as a projectile.[6] Of particular note: the school uniform she wears is similar to one used by her, Madoka & Chizuru in the 3-A Haunted House during the Mahora festival.

Real name Asuna Vesperina Theotanasia Entheofushia is a fictional character from the manga series Negima!: Magister Negi Magi, created by Ken Akamatsu. The 8th student in Japanese alphabetical order of class 2/3-A, she is the first female character connected to her teacher Negi Springfield and the co-lead character in the series. Although initially appearing as a bullheaded, arrogant and slightly daffy girl, her encounters with Negi slowly awakens dormant abilities within her as well as a mysterious past that suggests she is something much greater and much worse than a mere middle-school student.
Birthday : 21 April, 1988.
Blood type: B
Likes: Tasteful Older Men
Hates: Studying, Brats.
Clubs: Art Clubs

Character Design
Based on her appearance and her personality, Asuna's character is mostly identical to Naru Narusegawa from Ken Akamatsu's previous series Love Hina. Asuna and Naru are similar: both are violent, short-tempered girls with limited patience towards the main male lead yet show a care and trust that grows as the story progresses. Despite similarities to Naru, Asuna does have some slight differences: she is among the more academically challenged of the class and doesn't hide her strengths with a double life. The double life characteristic of Naru transfers over to fellow student Chisame Hasegawa. Many of the early designs are similar to the current Asuna, except with thicker ponytails and minus her trademark "bells" on her head. She has heterochromia (her left eye is blue and her right eye is green).
Aside from Negi, Asuna is the driving force and essentially, the "heroine" of the entire Negima series. Like Negi, many of the character interactions center around Asuna, spanning from her long-standing rivalry with Ayaka to the harsh treatment put through by enemy/teacher Evangeline. Much of the story deals with Asuna's emerging powers and discovering her mysterious origins.

Asuna is often in conflict with other people, especially Ayaka. Asuna has a crush on her former homeroom teacher, Takahata, whom Negi replaces. Asuna is an orphan who was enrolled into the school for free by the school dean, yet she still tries to pay towards her schooling with her wages earned delivering newspapers. Much to her chagrin, she is “Baka Red” of the Baka Rangers (or Dummy Force in the FUNimation Dub) and has the lowest test score average in the class, especially in English. Akamatsu, in reply to a fan question, stated that Asuna's problems with her grades are because of the memory erase she underwent when she was younger.
Negi’s and Asuna’s relationship starts on very shaky ground but quickly improves as they get to know one another. Asuna tends to act like an older sister towards Negi and is very protective of him. Many times, she intervenes to save him from enemies, her crazy and overly-affectionate classmates and even from himself when she notices he’s pushing himself too hard. She is almost indisputably has the strongest bond with Negi amongst his students and is the closest individual to being an actual “partner” to him. Her closeness to Negi causes many of the other people around her to believe that there might be romantic feelings forming between them, but Asuna arrogantly responds that he’s “just a kid.” But Shori has stated that Asuna has very strong feelings for Negi, that could be love. Asuna also blushed when asked by Anya if she loved Negi.
In the final volume of the alternate-universe Negima?! Neo, Asuna showed strong signs of truly loving Negi as he fought against Fate to tell her just how much she meant to him before their wedding. After hearing these words, Asuna started to blush and stutter, freaking out that this sounded like Negi was proposing to her. But realizing the true feelings behind his words, Asuna accepted Negi's request to be with him forever, sealing it with their final kiss of the manga. She also mutters the words "Thank you Negi" as they kiss. Afterwards, during the following day's lesson at Mahora, Negi finds a armor pactio card that shows him and Asuna, calling them "Eternal Partners".
In the Live-Action series, she shows a little jealousy when Negi forms a pactio with Konoka and Nodoka.
She has demonstrated a fetish for older men based on her crush on Takahata and her reaction to meeting Konoka’s father (although this may be related to her dormant memories of them from the past). She also expressed interest in going back in time to the Prohibition-era United States after learning about Cassiopeia. This is because she believes that many well-dressed older men (such as Al Capone and other gangsters) existed then.

Pactio: Bellatrix Sauciata (literally, “Wounded Warrior”): Ensis Exorcizans is the name of Asuna’s artifact. She can summon either a harisen or a sword, both of which are large, powerful weapons. Despite the large size, she can wield the weapons with no difficulty. The harisen exorcises demons with a single swipe, and the sword is strong enough to cleave through rock. However, the harisen has little to no effect against opponents that possess no magic, such as robots and non-magical beings. On the pactio card, Asuna is shown with a giant sword. The Ensis Exorcizans first appeared when Asuna tried to save Negi from the “sharks” in Chapter 61, later during the tournament and on her date with Takahata. At first, summoning the Ensis Exorcizans was dependent on her emotional state, but that seem to change when she learned to use kankahō.
Kankahō: While traveling with the Crimson Wing, Asuna learned the abilities of Kankahō from Gateau Vandenberg. Forgotten alongside her lost memories of her time with Nagi’s group, it slowly came back to her after witnessing Takamichi-sensei perform it in a battle against Negi, then awakened within her memories from an encounter with Albireo Imma. Combining the forces of magical energies and ki, she is able to fight with some magical skill both even with her own immunity from magic and even alongside her Pactio abilities. She is currently one of the few people in the world who can do this. It is sometimes called the perfect technique, although it uses up more power than ki or magic alone it has a lot of uses depending on the way the technique is used.
Magic-canceling: A natural ability held within Asuna even from the moment she met Negi, Asuna was born with the abilities to cancel out spells that are cast upon her, preventing her from being affected by magic, although this doesn’t seem to be the case with illusions (as shown in chapter 144). This ability blocks all spells from simple love potions to the most powerful and near-omnipotent abilities used by the mage such as the Lifemaker (Mage of Beginning). Her usage in the previous mage war is connected to this ability locked within her. Though mostly it blocks magic from the outside, it seems to be a little weaker from blocking magic from the inside such as from when she ate some magical candies. Although the full effects of the candies never manifested themselves, some limited amount of the effects were felt. Also, on a lighter side, she was able to hit Evangeline in her “average school girl” state more than once with Evangeline shouting “How dare you ignore my magical barrier like that!” Chachamaru has commented that Asuna is the only person who's ever been able to engage in a physical fight with Eva. The ability is also exclusive to her as Shiori can't copy it with her pactio.
Enhanced Strength: Even without her Pactio powers, Asuna has shown herself to be deceptively strong, as shown from her ability to throwing things at Evangeline. When she is in her Pactio form, Asuna's already impressive strength is greatly enhanced. Her overall abilities are great enough that she was able to fend off Chachamaru’s attack. Her strength is also great enough to Knock out the door by a single leg or slash just about anything.
Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant: According to Setsuna, her kicks are mainly strong enough to fight someone.
Master Sword Skills Specialist: In terms of fighting style while in her Pactio form, Asuna relies mainly on swordplay, and thus would be considered a sword skills specialist. Aside from her initial training with Setsuna, she is basically on a “learn as you go” training regimen thus her skill has developed by fighting rather than formal instruction, becoming even more capable with every fight. Her overall skill has been shown capable of competing on equal grounds against Chachamaru Karakuri and Evangeline A.K. McDowell. While usually performing right-handed, Asuna appears to be ambidextrous as she has shown proficient skill wielding her sword in her left.
Mukyo Ji Taikyoku Zan-First

Plot Overview
As the first to find out about Negi’s secret, Asuna saw him using magic to save Nodoka from falling down some steps. Initially, Asuna merely was one of the only ones who knew the secret and assisted Negi with adjustment to this new environment. During his battle with Evangeline, she became Negi’s first probationary contract.
Asuna met the The Thousand Master as a child when he saved her life during a battle, and she traveled with the members of his group both before and after his disappearance. Asuna retains no memories from this period in her life but has begun to reexperience them in dreams since Negi arrived. Later on, Albireo opened up her past memories and unleashed the sleeping powers within her. When her powers were awakened in her fight with Setsuna, she turned her fan into the stone cleaver sword during the fight. The chances of her victory seemed high due to Setsuna understimating her, but because of the tournament rules prohibiting bladed weapons and Setsuna’s use of a Shinmeryuu throwing technique, she was disqualified and lost the match.
Recently, she went to tour the Mahora Festival with Takahata (as close as a date with him as she could possibly get) which predictably ends in heartbreak for Asuna, as her former teacher gently turns down her admission of love. She spends four days inside of Evangeline’s Resort (which is four hours in the real world) moping about it, but is cheered up by her friends and is informed about Negi’s latest Probationary Contracts with Yue and Haruna. Upon leaving the resort, she, Negi and a few other girls are trapped in the future where Chao had already revealed the existence of magic to the world and Negi was arrested by the school board. After reuniting with Negi, they successfully traveled back to the third day of the School Festival. With their new knowledge of Chao’s plans, they implemented a plan by Negi to stage a “mock-battle” against Chao’s robot army. Asuna and Setsuna became part of the “Hero Unit” (which also included Negi and a number of people who knew about magic), aiding all other participants in the “Mars vs. Mages” event, and helped Negi fight his way to Chao’s airship. After the festival, Negi asked Asuna to come with him back to Wales along with the others to help him find his father.
Asuna and several other of the girls had decided to form an investigation club in order to help Negi find his missing father during his trip to Wales. However, when it came time to elect a club president, the club advisor, Evangeline, vetoed the idea of giving Asuna the position. In order to prove her worthiness, Evangeline set up the same apprenticeship test as she had given to Negi, only this time, Asuna needed to score one clean hit on Negi himself. It was at that event that Asuna learned that Negi is ahead of her in terms of combat skills and she was soundly defeated. Kotarou notes, however, that her abilities are still rather impressive, as she had lasted fifteen minutes against Negi, though the child teacher couldn’t bring himself to finish her off quickly, despite Eva’s insistence. Thereafter, Asuna underwent somewhat cruel training sessions under Eva, which they recently finished. She is then later attacked again by Ayaka as a part of the Badge stealing game but easily defeats her after only receiving one blow from Ayaka.
Asuna is feeling quite vexed after Ayaka tells the other girls to stop trying for Asuna’s White Wing Badge (reminding them of how easily she could defeat all of them) then turning around and inviting them on a personal trip to Wales aboard her private plane. It is at this point that Negi’s childhood friend Anya appears.
She entered the portal to the Magical World along with the rest of her classmates through a Stonehenge-like portal, arriving in a lobby area similar to an airport terminal, where everyone’s weapons (both mundane and magical) were placed into a sealed box due to the security policy at the “airport.” When Fate and his companions attack the class, Asuna breaks the sealed box by simply punching it. (Presumably, the seal was broken by her Magic-Canceling.) However, despite hers and many of the other members of the White Wing’s efforts, Fate succeeds in destroying the magical gateway and scattering all the members of the White Wing and the Sports Girls all over the magical world. Asuna eventually met up in the wilderness with Setsuna, and the two began searching for Konoka, although the two did manage to send word to Negi that they are alright and to meet up with them at a place called Ostia. After searching for a while, the two of them reunited with Konoka and Kaede, and most recently, she has reunited with Negi in Osita, much to her relief.
She, along with Negi and the others, are warned about Nodoka being attacked by the “Black Hounds.” They rush to her aid in time to save her. Asuna manages to block and repel a trap spell which was intended for Kaede and Setsuna.
In the end, they saved Nodoka. Afterwards, they returned to the city. When Asuna found out that Negi is using Dark Magic, she refuses to let Negi continue using it, but in the end, she gave in and promised that she will help Negi even in the depths of hell.
During Negi’s negotiations with Fate, Asuna became enraged and hit both Negi and Fate with her harisen, blaming Negi if millions died if he did what Fate said. When Negi declines Fate, Asuna engages with two of Fate’s Ministra Magi. During the fight, she gets defeated, and one of Fate’s Ministra Magi, Shiori, kisses Asuna which results in the creation of a replication of her. She and Anya were captured by Fate’s accomplices, with Asuna forcefully having her memories brought back by Fate. Meanwhile, Fate had Shiori pose as Asuna as she spied on Negi’s group, with the cover being blown (and Negi and a few of his students discovering her true identity) recently after Negi made a Pactio with her.
While Negi and the others discovered that Asuna was being held at the Gravekeepers’ Palace, Asuna had fallen into a depression, having flashbacks of her past life. Asuna recalled various moments from her life: being encased in some sort of gem and being used as a weapon to end many lives, remembering a being called the “Mage of Beginning” and later being saved by Nagi and travelling with the Ala Rubra. Her memories eventually fast forward to the day that Gatou died, and Asuna’s mind shifts back into reality while she screams Gatou’s name, asking him who she was. After Anya arrives, Asuna snaps out of her depression and goes back to her usual self. Later, Fate arrives, and Asuna prepares to attack him using Kankaho. Fate stops her and proceeds to talk about his plan: to use Asuna’s power of Magic Cancellation to simply “delete,” overwrite and seal the Magical World. Asuna disagrees, and Fate finally tells her the final secret of the Magical World: that every living being in the Magical World is all but an illusion.
Asuna soon became unconscious after Fate escorted her to the altar. Kaede and Kotarou's group managed to succeed retrieving Asuna and the Great Grand Master Key only to be stopped by Fate. While Negi was facing Fate, the remaining members of the Ala Alba tried their best retreiving Asuna but Shirabe succeeded on placing Asuna back on the altar. As time is running out, all students of class 3-A gathered at the palace in order to wake Asuna up. Asuna finally woke up and rescued Negi from the Mage of the Beginning and everyone's glad to have her back. The two of them combined their strength and defeated the Mage of the Beginning and his hood pulled back revealing his face. It turns out to be Nagi Springfield, which surprised Asuna, Negi, Evangeline, Jack Rakan, and Fate. After his death, Asuna approached Negi, but he snapped out of it and tell her there more important things to take care off which is returning the world to the way it was. She surprised Negi by figured out the current situation and told him that she is 'a genuine legendary princess from a country of magic' with a smile of her face. Using the Great Grand Master Key, she returned the world back to normal and revived all living beings.
She returns in chapter 340, drinking tea with Ayaka. And meeting up with Negi, Fate and Kotarou in their adult forms to meet with the Prime Minister of Japan, with the help of Ayaka's artifact, which can meet someone without prior engagements.
Later, she is seen returning to her apartment. Konoka hugs her and Setsuna is treating her like a princess (which she is) and scolds her for that. Then, he is seen walking with Negi, and they bumped into Evangeline and Setsuna, asking if they we're playing something. Eva then asks the two of them to come with her for their "Final" Lesson, which involves Negi and Asuna teaming up against a Magia Erebia powered Evangeline, and almost defeating her were it not for a unfortunately timed sneeze from Negi. During this fight, it is revealed that in a short amount of time Asuna is going to be sealed as a "corner-stone" for Negis' plan for saving the magic world, during this time her outer personality will cease to exist, she will wake up in 100 years' time as Asuna Vesperina Theotanasia Entheofushia, with no memories of anything that happened while she was "Kagurazaka Asuna".
Five months later, a week before the graduation ceremony, Asuna is presented with her graduation certificate by Negi and Takahata. Ayaka then takes her to a special place where they dig out a time capsule (a cookie box) that contains items from their early childhood. Ayaka then finally reveals her true feelings to Asuna, who responds by considering her a true friend.
On the day that Asuna was to be put to sleep, she spends it by greeting her friends on what she believed to be the last time and being with Negi by the riverside, finally giving Negi a kiss on her own accord. At the end of the day, Asuna greets farewell to all those she knew and departs with Jack, Kurt and Theodora, promising Negi that she'll be waiting to see him in the future.
After a long period of sleeping, Asuna awakens, appearing on the top of the once Mahora Academy. Her first thoughts were the whereabouts of Jack, Theodora, Kurt and Negi, regardless of the ' with no memories of anything that happened while she was "Asuna Kagurazaka"', she seems to have her normal personality and memories intact. Spotting a flying figure, she sees a huge city filled with Magical beings and humans alike, shocked at the towering building that leads to space, musing that Negi must have completed the project. She later finds out that she is in the year 2135 and wonders further where Negi was.
She first walks up to Evangeline's cottage, but finds it abandoned. Walking further into the city, it beings to rain as Asuna is hit with loneliness.
At a nearby telephone booth, Asuna researched up on Negi and his whereabouts, only to find it unknown. She then searches up for her friends, finding none of them with the exception of Ayaka.
She travels to the Yukihiro house only to find the owner at a public meeting. Being denied of entrance, Asuna later meets with a young girl with a similar likeness to Ayaka, mistaking the girl to be Ayaka herself. The girl asks if Asuna was looking for Negi and takes her to his grave.
Asuna is shocked to find her previous partner to be dead and tries to deny his death. The great-great-great-granddaughter of Ayaka then tells Asuna that her grandmother had been waiting for Asuna until she died at the age of 115, shocking Asuna. After the young girl leaves, Asuna remembers the Time Capsule and rushes to dig it out. Amusing herself with the nostalgia of her class, she later finds pictures of her friends as adults. Happy that her friends had led happy lives, she finds a video recording of Negi as an adult in the year 2023. Finding that Negi wanted to be with her, she responds with why he had to die.
Stumbling upon another video recording, Asuna finds herself looking at an aged Ayaka in the year 2090. Ayaka tells Asuna that most of their friends had passed away at this time and says she really wanted to see her smile and laugh, hoping that they can be together again in the world that Negi and Asuna had created. Asuna then realizes that Ayaka's year of death was actually in 2104, the year she was supposed to wake up. After the recording ends, Asuna apologizes to Ayaka for waking up late, then she apologies to all her friends, questioning her purpose after all her friends are gone before breaking down and crying as she said, "I... should had disappeared if it was going to end like this....". As she cries, a voice comes in, making Asuna turn around to find herself looking at Evangeline as well as a nostalgic classmate, Chao Lingshen, as Chao said Asuna slept for 130 years.
In the next chapter (353), Asuna2 (now there are 2 Asunas) is brought back from the future with Lingshen and Evangeline (all 3), they all go back to the past and then reunited tearfully with her friends. She is able to partake in her graduation from middle school and was last seen with Negi outside on the school grounds, celebrating their graduation.

She, like the rest of the class, assists Negi in saving Nagi and defeating the Mage of the Beginning. As the last descendant of the oldest royal family in the Magic World, she worked as a symbol of harmony between the two worlds. She also spent her efforts in the restoration of the kingdom. Despite the busy daily life, she still maintains contact with her classmates. The class rep is eternally her quarreling friend.
Manga: Bellatrix Sauciata: Her artifact is called Ensis Exorcizans. It initially manifested itself as a giant fan, called a harisen, that can exorcize demons with a single swipe. It is a rather powerful artifact. On the pactio card, it is depicted as a giant sword. Why it manifested as a harisen (giant fan) is not certain, though fans have speculated that it is the incomplete form of the sword version. Asuna's sword seems to manifest in times of great emotion, at one point it becomes a sword when she believes Negi is in a near-death situation, at another point a blinding anger does the trick. There is no indication of why this happens but extreme emotions has, to this point, been the deciding factor when Asuna summons the harisen or sword. An important point to note is that the harisen has little to no effect against opponents that possess no magic, such as robots and non-magical beings, (though if it has any substantial effect against Chachamaru is subject to debate, since she is a robot that is magically-empowered). The same cannot be said for the sword version, since it has been shown to cleave through rock. It also posseses cancelation powers similar to Asuna. As it is able to negate Rakan's chi based attacks and Kotaro mentions that it is "a wizard's arch-nemisis." Most recently, Asuna was able to counter multiple magical attacks with the sword version, just with a single swipe. Furthermore, she is starting to gain control over the more powerful version of her artifact, making it appear at will.

Negima!: Same as manga, although her artifact's sword form is not seen

Suka: Wild Boar piglet

Cosplay: Her Manga Pactio. She is dressed in a robe while wielding the harisen.

Armor: Purifications Sword: Wearing a suit of armor, Asuna now wields the same sword as her true Pactio in the manga (similar in appearance to an outfit she wore in a manga spread).

Appearances in Other Media
Mahō Sensei Negima! (1st Anime)
Her magic cancelling ability was the result of a contract with a demon king (the Devil in the English dub). Asuna agreed to the contract in order to lose or at least suppress a natural magical ability she possessed since early childhood: the power to summon demons. This ability caused destruction and carnage wherever she went, causing Asuna a great heartache. Her demon-given ability was the indirect cause of Nagi’s disappearance, as she inadvertently nullified his magic barrier during a fight with a demon. The price of the contract was that Asuna was to die at 12:00 midnight on her 14th birthday. That date would be 23 October 2003 (based on a banner, leaving some to believe her birthdate may be in the year 1989 In the manga, her date of birth is April 21, 1988.).
Just before her death, it is possible that Asuna was about to tell Negi that she liked him, as she had been turned down by Takahata, but the clock struck midnight before she could get the words out.
After Asuna’s death, Negi desperately searches for a way to bring her back. Eventually, he uses Chao’s time machine watch to go back in time. However, due to using too much magic, he is instead transported back to 1994, also unintentionally dragging the entire class with him. During his stay in the past, he meets his father Nagi and learns about Asuna’s contract with the demon king.
After Nagi’s disappearance, the demon king absorbed young Asuna and planned to use her as a barrier. After some convincing by Negi and his students, young Asuna assists them in destroying the demon king. However, even with the demon king’s demise, the contract could not be terminated.
After returning to the present day, to the time where the class was celebrating Asuna’s birthday, Chao, Satomi and Evangeline invented a special device that, working right under the World Tree, combined with all the special powers of Negi’s students, successfully terminated the contract for good.

Although Asuna keeps her well intentioned, Negi-assisting nature, this version has made her slightly daffier in her ways. She is a slacker and not quite as smart as she appears, making her a true member of the “Baka Rangers.” One of her most bizarre traits is her obsession with chupacabra in this version, at first believing it as the assaulter on Mahora campus (instead of Evangeline). After Evangeline’s defeat, Asuna opens a chupacabra club in pursuit of capturing the mythical creature (of whom most of the members are volunteers whom Asuna drags to the meetings, with the exception of Haruna). As the story progresses, the Chupacabra club evolves into a full magic education class with Negi as the mentor, but her obsession with the creature never goes away (to the point of forcing the rest of 3-A to buying her printed Chupa-T-shirts after they all become Negi’s partners and therefore join “the club”). Ultimately, Asuna does receive a chupacabra as a present from Anya, but she is forced to return it to the wild before too long (not before making it sign all of the T-shirts she made through the run of the series).
While Asuna once again the first to gain Pactio in this series, the powers and artifacts she gains are slightly different. The main Manga Pactio ability is split into two in this version: Asuna’s armor form allows her to possess the massive sword she wields when using the full power of her ability, while her Cosplay form gives her the harisen form of the Pactio while dressed in a kimono. When transformed into Suka form, Asuna takes the form of a small wild boar piglet. Towards the end of the series, she is turned evil by the power of the Star Crystal infecting Evangeline, but this only lasts until her vampiric host is defeated in battle.
It should be noted that in this series, both of Asuna’s eyes are blue, instead of her having heterochromia[2], and her hair takes a life on its own depending on her state of mind, even spells out words and numbers. She is also the last one to know Sayo after the latter made a Pactio with Negi. (She was asleep when the rest of the class became aware of their ghost classmate through Kazumi’s digital camera.)
Her interest in Takamichi, albeit a known fact, is almost unseen in many episodes in this series following the first three, but in the eighteenth episode, Konoka and Setsuna manage to urge Takamichi into talking to her. The two do this to avert her attention from asking Nekane too many questions about the Black Rose Baron (and eventually letting Nekane spill the beans about her secret identity) despite an unwritten agreement between Negi, Takamichi and his students to keep Nekane’s secret identity to themselves.
The main protagonist of the manga/anime Negima!: Magister Negi Magi and Negima!? . He is a mage in training to become a Magister Magi (Master of Mana) and the homeroom and English teacher of Class 3-A (formerly 2-A) of Mahora Academy Middle School for girls. He is the leader of Ala Alba.
Negi Springfield is the son of master mage Nagi Springfield, famously known as the legendary "Thousand Master" and Arika Anarchia Entheofushia, the last Queen of Vespertatia, she fought along side Nagi in the Great war and was instrumental in ending it. Early in his childhood, Negi came to live with his older cousin (whom he calls older sister, since they grew up together) Nekane Springfield in a small village in the mountains of England. Even as a small child, he lived pretty much alone in the guest house, with Nekane coming to care for him during her breaks while studying in Wales. While there, he befriended Anya, a little girl about a year older than him who helped him study magic, and even gave him his first training wand. Negi spent much of his time getting into trouble, hoping that if he were to get into enough trouble, the Thousand Master would come to save him. His antics ranged from being chased by large dogs to nearly drowning in a river. When Negi was four years old, his wish came true, with unfortunate results. A horde of demons appeared and attacked his village. Just as a demon was about to attack Negi, the Thousand Master appeared just in time to save Negi from receiving a fatal punch from the demon. With a few strikes and a powerful spell, he destroyed all of the demons but the village was already in ruins and most of the villagers had been already petrified. When the fighting was over the Thousand Master saw Negi and before parting he left Negi his staff and a few words.
After the incident Negi, Nekane, and Anya were moved to a village of magicians in Wales, where Negi immersed himself into his studies. He graduated from Magic School at the age of nine at the top of his class of only five students to graduate that year. His certificate of graduation read that to become a Magister Magi (Latin "Master Mage") he must take on the assignment of teacher in Japan as part of his training. The Headmaster sent Negi to Mahora Academy, a school run by the dean Konoe Mo who is a close friend of the headmaster. As part of his assignment Negi is now the homeroom and English teacher of Class 3-A (formerly 2-A) of Mahora Academy Middle School as the teacher of a class of formerly 31 girls, now reduced to 30.
Negi is a kind-hearted boy, with a very optimistic outlook toward life. Though he is just ten years old, he at times shows maturity far beyond his years much to the amazement and admiration of his older and rowdier students. On an emotional level, Negi is still considered as a child and he often does not realize the full extent of the feelings of the girls around him. He is also naive in many aspects of the world and his normally optimistic outlook on things does put him at a disadvantage when a more realistic approach is needed.
Negi cares for all the girls in his class, and out of his own interpretation of his duties as a teacher, and the parting advice from Nekane, and an overall liking of people in general, he often goes beyond what most other teachers would consider an acceptable level of involvement in the affairs of his students. Negi loves milk tea and hates coffee calling it muddy water. He described milk tea as the best way to drink black tea to fate.
This, combined with his kindness, intelligence, unique maturity, and his unwarranted cuteness have earned him the respect, admiration, and even affection of the students in his class. His naive nature also seems to make him rather gullible as well as he seems to take relatively minor things as very serious. Negi's one true character flaw is that he tends to push himself too hard, especially for a boy his age. Between teaching his classes, training in both high-level martial arts and advanced training in magic combat, His drive to match his father's achievements takes a heavy toll on him both physically and mentally much to the worry of the ones around him, particularly Asuna.

The Child Teacher Arc
Manga: Negi's teaching career at Mahora middle school got off to an extremely rocky start. As a ten-year-old boy in front of a rambunctious classroom full of 14/15-year old girls (the teachers even mention them being the most energetic class in the school), to his surprise and embarrassment was mob-cuddled by nearly the entire class as soon as he introduced himself. At the start he seemed to have exceptionally bad luck with Asuna Kagurazaka, the first of his students he met as he entered Mahora and also a student whom he not only managed to get on the bad side of before he even began, but discovered that he had to live with as well.
However, over time, Negi managed to prove his worth as a teacher to the class, showing them, much to their amazement and sometimes shock, that his maturity, reliability and natural charm are far beyond those of the typical adult, let alone a young naive ten-year-old boy. Negi came to teach class 2-A late in the school year, and as the girls prepared to take their exams, Negi was given his final test to become a full-fledged teacher at Mahora Academy. The test was deceptively simple: Ensure that all the girls in 2-A passed their final exam. Unfortunately, Class 2-A was the bottom-ranked class in the school, particularly the five lowest-scoring students in the class, which he had gathered into a study group dubbed the Baka Rangers (Asuna being part of this group as Baka Red).
As Negi searched for ways to improve the grades of his students, the Baka Rangers discovered a legend about a magic book in the Academy's main Library, which was supposed to make anyone who used it smarter. The Baka Rangers, along with their classmates in the Library Exploration Club, decided to make a journey into the depths of the library to find it. However, the Library proved to be far more than anyone would sensibly imagine a library to be. With Negi's magic voluntarily sealed away, the Baka Rangers, despite their additional studying and surprisingly formidable physical abilities, found themselves trapped in the deepest underworld of the library, where Negi convinced them to do some more real studying while they searched for a way out. While studying, they were attacked by the guardian of the book. The Rangers managed to not only get the book from it, but also found a way out with the help of an express elevator to the surface. But because of problems with the elevator they had to sacrifice the book to get back to the surface and back to school, where they were just in time to take the test. Unfortunately, despite the added effort by the rest of the class, 2-A was still ranked at the bottom. Dejected, Negi prepared to leave, despite the pleas to stay. However, it was later discovered that the scores of the Baka Rangers hadn't yet been added to class 2-A's total score. Graded by the Headmaster himself, the scores were re-tallied. The combined scores of the Library Club, as well as the much-improved passing scores of the Baka Rangers, pushed 2-A's score right to the top of the school.
Shortly before the school year started up anew, Nekane sent him a letter, where she teasingly wondered aloud about Negi searching for a Ministra Magi yet. Negi was explaining to Asuna about Ministra Magi, but was overheard (and misunderstood) by the Narutaki Twins who were eavesdropping through the door. They proceeded to tell the rest of the class, that Negi came to Japan to find himself things from a girlfriend, partner, fiancee, and even a princess (one of the rumors was Negi was actually a prince looking for a bride).
Evangeline Arc
As it turned out, the discussion was rather timely, as Negi began the new year by finding himself in a battle against two of his own students, a vampire named Evangeline A.K. McDowell and her android partner Chachamaru Karakuri, which was an impossible fight for him as he had to deal with their teamwork that never allowed him a chance to chant his spells let alone use them. At the same time, Albert Chamomille, a shady friend of Negi's from Wales, arrived with what he figured was the perfect solution: get a Partner of his own. However, Negi refused to get any more of his students involved in the battle. So he tried to take Evangeline alone once again in a valiant effort, actually holding his own with his collection of antique magical items, but eventually being overwhelmed by Evangeline and Chachamaru's abilities. The battle seemed lost for Negi until Chamo and Asuna saved him. Chamo convinced Negi that the only way they can win is to form a temporary contract with Asuna. With Asuna's help, and a timely sneeze, Negi managed to defeat Evangeline.
Kyoto Field Trip Arc
After the battle with Evangeline, Negi discovered from her that his father used to spend time in the Kansai area, particularly around Kyoto. At the suggestion of Asuna and Chachamaru, he scheduled a four-day class field trip to Kyoto. Unfortunately, the Headmaster informed him of bad politics between the Kanto Magic Association, which he was the head of, and the Kansai Magic Association over the use of Western-style Magic. A condition for allowing Negi and his class to go on the trip was he was tasked with safely delivering a letter to the head of the Kansai Magic Association, and beware of people who would want to interfere with the affairs of the Kanto and Kansai Magic Associations. However, his students managed to complicate matters, from the possibility of Setsuna being a Kansai spy, an actual Kansai rogue trying to kidnap Konoka, and Nodoka confessing to Negi that she liked him. Other complications would also arise as Kazumi nearly revealed his secret to the world and then scheming with Chamo to get the entire class embroiled in a game to get the class to make contracts with Negi. In the end, Nodoka managed to win the game, with help of Yue tripping Nodoka and her landing on Negi's lips. However, the group of Kansai rogues were still after Konoka and her slowly awakening powers. The enemy managed to infiltrate and attack the castle, kidnapping Konoka and petrifying everyone inside, along with Konoka's father. The Kansai Rogues used Konoka's latent magic power to summon a powerful demon. Negi, despite using all of the powers he could, couldn't damage the powerful demon and still had his hands full with another powerful mage named Fate Averruncus. The chance of victory seemed non-existent as Negi was face to face with two undefeatable opponents. Only with the intervention of Evangeline and Chachamaru was the demon able to be destroyed and forced the mage Fate to escape.
Training/Wilhelm Arc
After the Kyoto incident, Negi feels that he was still lacking the strength to protect those who are important to him. To improve himself, he enters an apprenticeship under Evangeline in order to learn magical combat skills, and asks Ku Fei to teach him martial arts, particularly Chinese kenpo. When Evangeline discovers this, she rescinded her agreement to train Negi, only agreeing to it if, with the help of Ku Fei's training, Negi manages to land a single blow on Chachamaru. Negi trains hard under Ku Fei's tutelage, Makie alternately helping and hindering along the way, but in the end, she manages to inadvertently give Negi the opportunity to hit Chachamaru and earn his training.
Negi's training, in both magic and martial arts, progresses at a swift rate. This is partially due to the use of Evangeline's resort, an island in a bottle where time passes at a rate of one day for every hour in the real world. This allowed him to get in a full day's training without disrupting his duties as a teacher, although it did tend to wear him out. During this period, a man named Graf Wilhelm Josef Von Herrman came to the campus, kidnapping many of the students that had helped Negi in Kyoto, as well as Chizuru Naba, who had been uninvolved in the fighting. In Chizuru's dorm, Negi also discovered Kotarou Inugami, a boy whom Negi had fought with in Kyoto, who had made his way to Mahora to challenge Negi to a rematch. Kotarou had been injured and also lost some of his Inugami abilities after crossing paths with Herrman. Kotarou was eventually found and taken care of by Chizuru and Natsumi. Kotarou later gave Negi a demon-sealing bottle, stolen from Herrman, and went with him to battle Herrman and his minions, the Slime Sisters, to rescue the girls he had kidnapped. During the fight, Herrman revealed that he was actually a Demon, the same one who destroyed Negi's home village and petrified its people six years ago. While Negi's students managed to free themselves and seal away the Slime Trio, Negi was able to defeat Herrman with a powerful spell that Evangeline had taught him earlier.
The School Festival arc
In late June, Mahora Academy held the Mahora Festival, a massive, world-famous school festival celebrated by all schools. During the preparations, Negi was formally introduced to the other Magic teachers and students who also attended the academy, and was told a surprising secret: Every twenty-two years, the World Tree, a mountain-sized tree that dominates the skyline of the entire campus, would glow with power around the same time the festival was held. For some reason, the glow was coming a year early. This glow signified a sharp rise in the magical energy in the area, and at certain points around the tree, even a simple confession of love would have the same effect as a powerful charm or curse.
The mages of Mahora had to make it their duty to ensure that no such confessions took place in those areas during the festival. Unfortunately, Negi also had a very full schedule with seeing to his students, many of whom were counting on seeing him at the various events their extracurricular clubs were hosting, not to mention a fighting tournament at the festival that both Kotarou and Evangeline were expecting him to enter. At the same time, another problem comes up, with another of his students at the center. Chao Lingshen had gotten in trouble with the faculty for spying on them, particularly those who used magic. Negi managed to talk the teachers into allowing him to take care of her, and not to erase her memories. In thanks, Chao gave him a special watch called Cassiopeia. During the first day of the Festival, Negi, worn out from previous events, ended up oversleeping (along with Setsuna) when he intended to take a short nap.
Panicking that he had lost the entire day, the Cassiopeia watch activated, taking Negi and Setsuna all the way back in time to the beginning of the day. With a time machine at his disposal, his overstuffed schedule was much easier to handle, as he could always go back in time and take care of anything he did not have time to do before on the next go-around. Over the course of four "days", Negi would see the festival's attractions with Setsuna, go on a date with Nodoka (With disastrous results for Asuna), and help some of his students with the class' haunted house.
He would also see his other students at their club activities, patrol the festival for confessions, try out for the tournament, and even help Chisame win a secret cosplay contest, all within the first day. The second day, Negi participates in the Mahora Fighting Tournament, along with Takamichi and many of his own students.
Between his training by Ku Fei and Evangeline, and his own intelligence, Negi makes it to the finals, defeating Takamichi, Takane D. Goodman, and Setsuna in turn. However, Negi lost in the final match to Alberio Imma, a compatriot of Negi's father Nagi, whoused his Pactio artifact to become Nagi as he was shortly before Negi's birth. After the tournament, Negi discovers that the tournament is part of a plan by Chao to expose the "Inner World" of mages, demons, and monsters to the "Outer World." To this effect, she has leaked images and video of the tournament all over the world. Thanks to his impressive showing in the tournament, Negi becomes an almost instant celebrity. For the rest of the second day, Negi avoids the inquisitive reporters and others by using the age-disguising pills to make himself appear to be a teenage version of himself. During this time, He spends some time (and another trip through time) with Ako Izumi, another of his students, who happens to have fallen in love with his older-looking self. After attending Ako's concert, Negi goes back in time again to attend the tour of the school's Library, where he finds himself in the middle of Yue's conflicting feelings between her friendship with Nodoka and her own crush on Negi. This is eventually resolved, resulting in a fifth Pactio with Yue, and Haruna Saotome also taking advantage of the opportunity to make a Pactio of her own.
He also tries to help Asuna that night with her date with Takamichi, but it doesn't go as planned. After hearing from Ku Fei that Chao plans to drop out of the Academy and return home after the festival, he confronts her to find out why she is trying to expose the mages, as well as her reasons for leaving. Chao responds by challenging him to a battle. If he wins, she'll give up her plans. but if he loses, he'll have to join her. Either way, she says that she'll also tell him the truth in the process. Chao gains the upper hand in the fight, unti Setsuna and Kaede intervene. They grab Negi and make their way to the school's roof, where Chao is ambushed by the entire class... who throw her a surprise going-away party.
After the party, Chao leaves, with the situation unresolved. At the end of the night, Negi gathers his partners, as well as Kaede, Ku, and Chisame, and brings them all to Evangeline's resort, to figure out how they're going to deal with Chao's plans. Unfortunately, when they leave to begin the final day of the festival, they find that they've fallen into a trap. Chao had rigged the Cassiopeia watch that Negi has to activate on its own during the third day of the Festival and send him into the future. Hence, with the activated Cassiopeia watch interfering with the magic of Evangeline's resort, it results in Negi and his crew being stranded there eight days in the future, where Chao has succeeded in her plans to expose magic to the world. Usng an army of robots, Chao took over several key places around the campus, using the World Tree's power to unleash a world-wide "Forced Recognition Magic", removing the usual skepticism people would have to the revelation of magic all at once. With the evidence compile and leaked by Chao, this has caused a serious consideration of the truth all over the world, with worldwide acceptance projected to occur in only a few years. The magic teachers of Mahora Academy, Negi included, are being held responsible for their failure to stop Chao, and will likely all be turned into Ermines. Negi is arrested by Gandolfini and imprisoned in a magic-proof cell, as they await their punishment. However, Negi's partners rescue him, and come up with a plan. Although it's been a week since the festival, they believe the World Tree should still have some measure of it's power left. Delving deep underground, they find that the tree's roots are still glowing, with enough power to activate Cassiopeia one more time.
Negi activates the time machine, bringing them all back to the present... and several hundred feet straight up! Negi manages to create a soft landing for he and the girls, but the use of all this magic has worn him out, and he collapses. Forewarned with the knowledge of how Chao pulled off her plan, Chamo and the girls allow Negi to rest while they go off to set up Negi's plan to stop her: Using an old store of weapons designed to stop magically-empowered constructs, they arm a thousand of the festivalgoers under the pretense of the festival's new Main Event: A "staged" battle between mages and the Martian robot army. However, the presence of a second army is countered by Chao, who simply launches her attack an hour early. Mahora Academy quickly becomes a surprisingly non-lethal war zone, magic disruption blasts exchanged with clothes-stripping energy beams and time-displacement bullets.
During this battle, Negi finally recovers, just in time to have a seventh Pactio initiated by Chisame, who is needed to counter a cyberspace attack by Chachamaru. Once again, Negi found himself in conflict against his own students, as he found his path barred by Mana Tatsumiya and Chao's robot army. With the help of Kotarou and his other students, however, Negi fought his way to a final showdown with Chao atop an airship hovering high over the festival.
Negi managed to hinder Chao, forcing her to reveal her magical power (amplified by several symbols drawn to her body) with Fire as her elemental affinity-much to the surprise of all witnesses of the battle especially Negi. In the middle of the battle, Negi warned Chao of her disastrous power as it may endanger her life however, she ignored the warning and replied that this is for all or nothing and she had "killed" herself for 2 years for her purpose and ambition. When Negi asked Chao whether the 2 years she had spent with her friends is irrelevant and never existed, Chao paused for a moment and admitted that the factor mentioned was not counted on. At the climax of the battle, the magical symbol at Chao's head burst, rendering her open for Negi's final blow. Negi achieved victory against Chao but the battle left them both drained of energy, and several hundred feet in the air. Fortunately, they were saved by the timely intervention of their students/classmates. Unfortunately, the battle lasted long enough for Hakase to finish the spell.
However, Chao told Negi that she had ordered Hakase to alter the spell in the event Negi managed to defeat her in battle. The spell was changed to a very powerful wish for world peace for one day. While everyone celebrated the end of the festival, Negi confronted Chao again and asked about the magical seals on her body. Negi confessed that he believes they had something to do with her tragic 'past' but Chao doesn't answer. Saying there is nothing left for her there, she attempts to leave with the last intact time piece but is stopped by Negi. Several of her other classmates arrive and Negi says that there is something for her there and asks her to become a strong mage by his side. However, Chao persisted on leaving for her time, keeping her word for losing to Negi. To keep Negi and the others from stopping her, Chao revealed her most diabolical weapon yet: Her family tree, which would by definition contain just whom Negi eventually marries therefore, literally inflicting psychological damage to Negi's party.
Journey to the Magic World Arc
After the Mahora Festival, Negi and the others went beneath the World Tree to an appointed meeting with Alberio and Evangeline, where Negi finally received irrefutable proof that his father was still alive, even now. With the first term over, Negi is planning to spend the summer by going to Wales in hopes of entering the Magic Country and finding more information about his father. Asuna and several other girls are invited to join him, (either invited or Negi being coerced). They are now officially recognized as the English Culture Research Club and are given permission to travel overseas by the Dean of Mahora. Accompanying Negi when he goes on this trip are his Ministrae Magi (Asuna, Nodoka, Setsuna, Konoka, Yue, Haruna, and Chisame), Kū Fei, Kaede, Chachamaru, Kazumi, Sayo and Kotarou. Along with his students and Kotarou, Negi is also joined by his childhood friend Anya, who arrived in Japan 12 days before the trip to check on Negi. After a series of misunderstandings and some more training sessions, Negi and his associates head out to England. After arriving in London, they are soon found by Ayaka's group and meet up with Donet McGuiness. After a cheerful reunion with Nekane and a short tour of his hometown, including the Merdiana School of Magic where he and Anya graduated, Negi reveals his intent to enter the Magic Country to search for his father to Nekane. He is led to the basement of Merdiana and is shown the still-petrified remains of those who fought to protect his village. This only steels his resolve as he and the rest of the White Wing Club prepare to enter the portal to the Magic Country.
Negi's trip into the Magic Country starts smoothly, but immediately begins to go wrong. Due to the immigration laws, he must keep his Pactio cards, weapons and other magical items within a sealed container before entering the city. He is informed by Donet that four unauthorized people had also teleported along with the gathered mages. Sure enough, the people being detained are four of his students and one more unidentified, who is hooded in a cloak: Yuna, Akira, Ako, and Makie, who until now, had no idea of his magic abilities. But before he has the time to do anything, he is suddenly attacked by Fate Averruncus, whom he had also fought in Kyoto. Though gravely injured by Fate's initial attack, Negi manages to fight back after the release of his Pactio Cards and weapons from their sealed container. Konoka manages to heal Negi's injuries with her Pactio Artifact but Fate still delivers several attacks before leaving the scene with a parting blow which destroys the Gateport. The backlash of the attack scatters Negi and his students across the Magic World, hundreds of miles away. When the young wizard regains consciousness, he finds himself stranded in a large rainforest in the magical world with only Chachamaru by his side. She informs him that it will be a difficult journey finding the rest of the students that accompanied Negi when Fate Averruncus used 'forced teleportation magic'.Slowly, starting with Chisame, Negi finds out where most of Ala Alba and the four accidental stowaways are.
He and Kotarou enter a tournament to free Ako, Akira, and Natsumi, who had also passed through the gate unidentified after wanting to know what Kotarou was doing. After an early battle, Negi is attacked outside the tournament and saved by Jack Rakan, although not before Negi gets his arm severed off.
After Negi recovered from his injury, he left to train with Jack Rakan. Rakan reveals his past to Negi as well as telling him some of Ala Rubra's history. Rakan also reveals that Fate Averruncus's power far exceeds Negi's. Rakan tells Negi there is a way to reach Fate's level, but Negi have to make a choice. He must choose one of two magical paths; embrace light magic and continue in his father footsteps, or choose dark magic and follow his teacher, Evangeline. Negi is told that once he chooses one of these paths, he can never go back to the other. In the end, after realizing he can no longer follow his father's past, he chooses dark magic to forge a new identity.
Negi then falls into a coma and fights a spiritual copy of Eva in a duel inside his mind. If he loses, he will either die or lose all of his magical abilities, but if he wins he will gain the power to defeat Fate Averruncus. After two days (10 days within his own heart), Negi is seemingly defeated by 'Eva'. But after remembering his friends encouragement, Negi finally understands the true meaning of the test; he must willingly and truly embrace the darkness. Negi takes a full blast from 'Eva' and absorbs the energy, and unlocks his dark powers. However, by the time of the Ostia Festival, Rakan pronounces that Negi is not ready yet. Runes or markings of some sort seem to glow on Negi's arms when he taps into the darkness.
During the rescue of Nodoka, Negi utilizes several techniques learned from Eva and easily defeats the bounty hunters. Right after the Ostia Tournament has started, Fate Averruncus shows up and confronts Negi with a deal; Fate would safely escort Negi and his friends to the gate portal in Ostia in return that Negi will leave the princess to Fate. Negi refuses the offer angrily and attacks Fate in the street, but he is blocked. Fate decides then that he does not need the princess and offers a second deal for the safe return of Negi and his friends: leave Fate and his companions alone with their plan to destroy the Magical World. Fates objectives are also to render Negi powerless, like the demon Graf Herrman tried to do when he came to the Mahora Academy, and which Setsuna attempts to reveal to Negi, with a powerful magical item that would force him to honor his word if he chooses to leave Fate alone, even if Negi lies when he says it. (The oath was that Negi should never interfere with anything Fate was involved with, and that somehow, would also involve Negi to stop the search for his father). The reason for this, about why it is one of Fate's objections, has not been released yet. Negi eventually refuses Fate's offer, so Fate officially declares Negi his nemesis. Fate then launches a physical assault on the group and Negi retaliates with Magic Erebus and the fight between him and Fate begins. This time, it seems that Negi is as powerful as Fate and to Fate's surprise, Negi easily punches Fate's stomach. Still, Fate seems to be more powerful and Negi can't defeat him that easily. During the fight, when Nodoka and Kotarou arrive, they learned Fate's real name is Tertium. Fate eventually escaped after Asuna and Rakan arrive on the scene.
After the battle, they have to leave because the security guards from Ariadne are coming. While Negi was escaping, he flew (actually, jumped) past Yue, who was in an Ariadne Royal Knight uniform. Negi recognizes her, but isn't really sure since Yue doesn't remember him. Soon, the rest of the guards catch up to Negi, but Yue lets him go, although she doesn't know why she did it. Back on Haruna's ship, he wonders if that was Yue and why she actually helped him to escape. Later, they have a meeting on what they have learned about Fate and his intentions. According to what Negi manages to read in Nodoka's Diarium Ejus, petrified by Fate, one of Fate's missions were to render Negi powerless. And more importantly, it says that ten years ago, Fate and Nagi defeated one another. Then Rakan starts to explain how the whole story started with a video to Negi and the Ala Alba (minus Yue, Anya and as it is later revealed, Asuna). The video shows Nagi and his comrades during the Great War 20 years ago. It shows how Rakan became a member of Ala Rubra, how and why Nagi became a hero, their fights with the enemies; Fate (who appears as a young man), with the secret organisation Cosmo Entelecheia who nearly succeeded to destroy the Mundus Magicus and how the world was saved.
Meanwhile, Asuna and Anya are captured by Fate's conspirators, and Shiori is currently posing as Asuna as she spies on Negi's group. No one in the party has realized this yet. Negi finds out that he has gotten stronger. According to Rakan's strength chart, Negi's former base strength was around 500 when he met Rakan, and his new base strength is around 730. This is multiplied by 1.5 in Negi's Magia Erebea base form into 1100, and doubles from there into 2200 when he uses Armationem; and by Negi absorbing elemental magic, he is able to augment his offense, defense, and mobility to overcome some gaps in power. Rakan told Negi that Fate's strength is more at least 8000, but he isn't sure.
Later, Negi gets nervous when he finds out that Rakan has entered the Nagi Springfield Cup. Rakan tells Negi that as he is Nagi's rival and Fate has lost to Nagi, he and Nagi are on about the same power level. Rakan expands, saying if Negi cannot beat Rakan, he won't beat Fate either, and since Negi is after "true strength" (the level of power that Nagi, Eva, Rakan, and Fate have), defeating Rakan himself is Negi's gateway to that level. When Chisame tells Negi Rakan's power level, said by Rakan himself, was 12000, Negi flips out. Negi demonstrates a new spell he's attempting to learn; Khilipl Astrape (Thousand Thunderbolts), which has 10 times the power of Jovis Tempestas Fulguriens. That spell was previously the most destructive in Negi's arsenal. However, Negi's Khilipl Astrape isn't yet perfected with a lengthy incantation, but he intends to absorb the perfected spell to multiply his maximum strength by a factor of 5 or 6 (to at least 11,000, possibly peaking at 13,200, comparable to Rakan and in excess of Fate's estimated 8000). Even Theodora, Seras, Ricardo and an illusory Evangeline have come to help Negi (along with Kotarou) with some extra training in order to defeat Rakan. Theodora makes a temporary pactio with Negi, in which Negi is the minister and Theodora is the magister. Theodora says it will be their first "ace in the hole" in the fight against Rakan. Negi's final stage of training was mental, and took place inside of Evageline's scroll, where Negi's time perception was sped to the maximum of 72x normal.
Once Negi finished his training he and Kotarou began the fight against Jack Rakan. At first in the fight it appeared that Negi had the upper hand in the fight due to his artifact and use of Raisoku Shundou (instant movement in lightning speed), but as the fight continued, Rakan found weaknesses in the technique Raisoku Shundou and used them against Negi. After a barrage of devastating blows by Rakan, Negi was down for the count. However, he remembers his promise with Ako and miraculously stands up (after barfing up blood). Negi then asks Kotarou to buy him 43 seconds for his ultimate comeback in which Kotarou gladly accepts and turns into his ultimate shadow-dog form. Kotarou then buys him 38 seconds fighting both Rakan and Kagetarou. Kotarou manages to take down Kagetarou, but is defeated by Rakan.
Negi then activates his ultimate spel,l Duplex Complexio. After overcoating 2 chilpl astrapes he pummels Rakan with overwhelming speed, but sufficiently lacks the strength and power to finish it. This makes him trick Rakan into a strength contest by showing off his new spell, a unison lightning lance Titan Slayer and absorbs Rakan's attack. When he hits Rankan with the lightning lance and 2 chilpl astrapes, the fight appears to be over. But, somehow Rankan manages to get up. He declares Negi a man and wants to fight Negi further. They both know they have used up most of their magical power and cannot use any more. So, they revert to using common fist fighting. The battle is officially declared a draw. Unfortunately, this comes with a split in the prize money, which leaves Negi not having enough to free his students, until Rakan gives him the other half, which is used to finally free Natsumi, Akira, and Ako from their slavery. On their way to preparing to storm Fate's base, Negi, along with Asuna and Nodoka, runs into Yue's group and, after a short battle, confirms it's her using the pactio card's telepathy function. They are then confronted by the governor general of Ostia, Kurt Godel, who insults his mother, Arika Anarchia Entheophysia, and wanting to use Negi's strength to take over the world. After exchanging blows and being pinned down by Kurt Godel, they are able to escape thanks to a smoke bomb diversion by Setsuna, Tosaca, and Craig. While briefing with Rakan about his identity he finds a letter for Godel telling him to attend the ball. During the ball he completes his Pactio with Chachamaru and Ku Fei and goes to meet Kurt Godel in a private room, with Nodoka, Asakura, and Chisame accompanying him. Kurt shows a flashback saying that the Megalomesembrian Council was responsible for the attack on his village causing Negi to be corrupted by Magia Erebea and attempting to kill him. He is stopped by the girls and it is revealed that Kurt wanted to be killed in order to place him within his group in his attempt to "protect" humans against the various "evils" of the Magical World.
Kurt showed them a video in which Nagi and Ala Rubra saves Arika from execution, and asked Negi to join Megalo Mesembrian on one condition, that is to get rid of the bounties on their heads, however Negi refused when he found out that Kurt is trying to save only the human population of Megalo Mesembrian and not all the over 1.2 billion people in Mundus Magicus. Kurt got annoyed by Negi's words and they commenced in battle. Through the battle, Negi realizes that Kurt's fighting style is the same as Setsuna's, and, being a demon-slaying art, is the perfect counter to the dark art Magia Erebea. Using his knowledge of this he turns the battle to his advantage and nearly beats Kurt, but the spell starts to take over again. He is saved through the combination of Chisame using her artifact to shut down the projections in the meeting room and Asakura, via her artifact, informing Ku Fei of Kurt's coordinates. This results in not just Ku Fei smacking Kurt with her staff, but also for Kurt to confront Takahata.
After Takahata tells Negi he would take care of Kurt, his group made their way back to everyone else. Unfortunately, the members of Cosmo Entelecheia attacked, which results in Nodoka and Asakura being separated from Negi's group, while Negi and Chisame end up in possession of the Diarium Ejus, which Nodoka used to find out why Kurt doesn't want to save the rest of the citizens of the Mundus Magicus. After he and Chisame look inside the pages of the Diarium Ejus to discover Kurt's reasons for only helping only humans, Negi witnessed the end of Rakan and Fate's battle and watched as Rakan got erased. Negi, consumed by the darkness and with the urge to kill, went berserk and tried to attack Fate. However Rakan stopped Negi, telling him he couldn't beat Fate yet. He reformed himself only for a few moments to pass a few final words to Negi and to tell him that the Asuna who was with him was most likely not the real Asuna. Negi faints and awakes on a Haruna's ship. He is given a breifing on the overall situation and the final secret of the Magical World, that all people of the world with the exception of humans are illusions. He then deals with the situation about Asuna, unaware that Chisame, Mana, and Nodoka have followed him and are serving as back-up.
When Mana suggests using a magic bullet to see if the Asuna that's currently with them is real or not, Negi ends up getting in a fight with her, and instead opts to discover Asuna's true identity by kissing her. The kiss results in the imposter, a Ministra Magi of Fate's named Luna, not only reveal her true identity, but also, thanks to Chamo, make a Pactio with Negi. With her cover blown (and her part in Fate's plan finished), Luna reveals that the real Asuna was in the Gravekeeper's Palace. He is told by the fake Eva that because of the side effects of magica erebea he has the choice to either die or become a demon. If he didn't want this, then his only choice is to overcome the side effects of Magia Erebea and bend it to his will.
So Negi then began training to overcome the side effects of Magia Erebea by having Eva induce his demon form, thuse forcing him to try and overcome it. During his training his confidence begins to waver and after Akira tells him about the feelings of Ako and Makie he started to think he doesn't deserve their feelings until Akira tells him other wise. He attempts to make a pactio with Ako as Nagi but Ako stops him and tells him she wants to do a pactio with Negi. After forming a pactio with Ako, he forms one with Yunna and after regaining his confidence from a talk with Makie he makes a pactio with Makie as well. With Negi's training to overcome the darkness at his limits he recalls past things he had been through and things people have said to him. And he questions his own goals concerning Fate. Negi finally overcomes the darkness that was trying to consume him and finds his answer as he battles the fake Eva and gets faster and stronger as the battle goes on. He finally manages finds that answer to his questions on his own and manages to beat her (which she says is quite a feat even if the her in the stroll is greatly weaker than the true Eva). She asks what will he do if the darkness trys to consume him again what will he do, he replies by saving that he can rely on the members of Ala Alba to help him. Then when she asks him what was the answer he found, Negi replies "I want to become firends with that guy" (that guy being Fate).
Later he gets a call from Kurt and Tamakachi and hurts tells him that the forces of the Magical World has unite once more to deal with the crisis of the world that is currently at hand. But, they are most likely no match for the main forces of the enemy and their own hope is Negi and Ala Alba. Negi alerts everyone else of the situation and they all agree to take on the task. He devises a plan based on their goals and objectives and prepare for war until Tsukuyomi appears and attempts to attack and kill them starting with Collete until Negi quickly stops her. She gives Negi a message from Fate "I'll be waiting" and leaves but not before using the Code Of The Life Maker to summon hordes of demons. Negi quickly goes out to fight the demons to clear a path for everyone else to Gravekeeper's Palace and is joined by Setsuna. They reunite with the rest of the team and head into Gravekeeper's Palace as they are quickly confronted by who appears to be Zazie.
She asks if he will stop from going down this path because it shall result in Chao's future, Negi replies by telling her that he is aware of that and shall not stop. She then uses her artifact Magic Lantern Circus on all of Ala Alba the only two who were not caught were Chisame and Makie because they were completely content with the life they have. This artifact is a imperfect replica Cosmo Entelecheia "The eternal garden" that Fate is seeking to create. In this world Negi lives a life of being a teacher at Mahora Academy and having a relationship with his parents. A world where all the things he has been through up until now including the incident that befell his hometown would have never happened. A world where he would have no enemies to fight a peaceful life his ultimate happiness as Zazie tells him after she confronts him once he realizes the world is not real. She also warns him if he leaves he will never be able to have this type of life again Zazie also warns and reveals to him that the person who he was facing was her sister Poyo Rainyday and tells him that she is strong.
He moves foward anyway and breaks Cosmo Entelecheia and systematically weaking it for everyone else in the process. Negi questions Poyo why she is so certain there is only one possible future. She replies by saying it is inevitable and that the Magical World when begin to collaspe in nine years and six months. Negi shocks everyone by saying he has a plan that can save the magical world and prevent the future that is set to happen. He states he has carried out experients to support his theory and states when he gets back to Mahora Academy he can even obtain some valuable help from Ayaka. Both Poyo and Fate are angered and in disbelief by this. And Poyo transforms and reveals she is one of the demonfolk and holds rather high status among them at that. She attacks but her attacked is stoped by Ku Fei, Kaede, Setsuna and Mana all who were trapped by Poyo's artifact broken free of it thanks to Negi weakening it by escaping before them. Negi prepares to battle Poyo but Mana stops him and convinces him to conserve his strength and believe in her as she will face Poyo while everyone else goes ahead.
As the rest of his group moves foward they encounter Dynamis and a few of Fate's girls. As battle gets underway, Negi realizes that Dynamis has the same power barrier as Fate. However he quickly breaks through it. However he becomes unable to move as the girls reveal their powers and forms however the Kaede, Yunna, Ku Fei and Makie quickly backs him up and aides him while Setsuna begins battling Tsukuyomi. All out battle between Ala Alba and Cosmo Entelechia begins. Negi together with Kaede attack Dyanamis. Kaede manages to stop and seal Dyanamis' movements and surrround him with her special explosive tags while Negi uses the fire and darkness element spell Hellfire Conflaguration causing a massive explosion in unsion with Kaede's explosive tags. Kaede tells Negi to go on ahead to Fate and she will fight Dynamis. However as he goes Negi notices a crack in the fabric of space and quickly realises it is an attack and takes the hit because if he dodges it would hit Chisame and Nodoka. He loses control of his darkness and enters his devil form which has seemed to have changed and somewhat evolved and battles Dynamis. Once the battle wages on Dynamis seems to have the up hand however Negi withstands his attacks and the battle soon starts to comes under equal standings, however Negi's body appears to be cracking into pieces yet he keeps battling and eventually overwhelms Dynamis and soundly defeats him. Dynamis states Negi has the blood of the final descendant if the line of Vespertatia, the magical force of his hero father, sheer talent all his own, and a technique descended from the works of his own great master. He goes further to claim a "mere puppet" such as himself could never overcome such odds, and claims it is their victory because Negi will kill him and fall into the darkness forever. Negi rushes to attack Dynamis but Shiori switches to from Asuna to herself and stands in the way and Negi attacks her instead. Negi goes berserk after he sees blood and the girls try to hold him down until Chisame reveals he didn't kill her. Shiori then goes to states he moves his hand at the last moment so she only got hit on the side. In shock over everything the devil mode Negi turns to stone with cracks all over his body. Konoka attempts to heal him but she is unable to and notes that his body temperature is low, his pulse and breathing are weak and he isn't regaining consciousness and concludes he is in a half-dead state.
Negi is stuck in the void, the space in between life and death. There he meets his father and he asks him is he sure he doesn't need to go, but Negi doesn't remember where he is suppose to go. Nagi comments he did good for a ten year old by saying "This is good enough for a ten year old brat, you did damn well. There is nothing for you to be ashamed about." Despite saying this he asks Negi is it okay to leave it like that. Negi replies by saying "I get the feeling that, I can't just stay still not in a place like this." Tosaka appears and says "If you're the leading role in the spotlight, there's a stage you just can't step down from." Jack Rakan appears and asks "Didn't you have a rival's ass to kick for when you got stronger?" And finally Eva appears and asks "You certainly have comrades who you yourself swore to protect even if you must risk your own life, did you not?" Nagi himself then asks if there was someone who negi risked his all to keep chasing, someone he kept looking for. These statements trigger a reaction within Negi and he begins to remember everything. Nagi comments that it just sounds like that Negi is following in his footsteps and is looking to surpass him. Eva comments after that there is a path that nagi did not walk and that only he can walk. She tells him to "Set out on the gray path."
He then departs from the void and stops Sextum, The Averruncus of Water, breaks through her barrier and strips her bare and renders her powerless in one blow, saving Chisame, Ako, Akira and Konoka. Sextum attempts to regain her composure and attack Negi but is stopped by the Master of Gravekeeper's Palace. The Master of Gravekeeper's revealed to be a female and that Negi is a descendant and that she will believe in Negi's plan. Negi begins to think that the Master of Gravekeeper's Palace is Asuna's mother but moves on. He then goes off to battle the Averruncus of Fire before moving on to Fate.
He quickly stops his attack from destroying "The Paru-Sama" and everyone on board. After he sees Chachamaru broken in two he becomes enraged and quickly destroys the fire demon that the Averruncus of Fire created. It is soon apparent that the Averruncus is no match for Negi. Unable to hit him not even once having all of his hits blocked and evaded. An angered Negi states "Chachamaru is not a doll. And neither is anyone else in this world." Negi defeats him in one blow and destroys him, stating "There is no need for you to keep being a disciple of god."
Negi rides "The Paru-Sama" up to the location of his final battle with Fate, where he is waiting. Fate says that he was waiting as Negi prepares for battle. Negi tells Haruna he can not predict the aftermath of the battle so she must be on guard. He surprises everyone that is watching and releases his lighting form and meets Fate face to face.
Negi tells Fate that he wishes to decide everything by talking if possible but Fate doesn't think he means that. Fate quickly delivers a powerful blow to Negi's face but Negi is uneffected. Negi then proceeds to deliver a powerful blow to Fate in return. They talk about their past encounters. In Kyoto, Fate said it would be impossible for him and yet Negi has finally come all the way here. In Ostia, Fate said that Negi was just a child that didn't know anything however Negi has now come knowing everything with a answer of his own. Fate states he won't accept his answer.
Negi then goes to say that he will make him accept it and understand it with his fist. The girls note that Negi must have overcame the side effects of Magia Erebrea and have most likely taken Magia Erebea itself and has completely made it his own. Chisame notes that, that means Negi is just like his master now and is something that can't be called "Human". As the battle gets underway Negi and Fate attack each other with all their might. Negi displays a new level and degree of physical strength that is just as great as Fate's.
They test each others power with one atack after another, Negi then gets caught within Fate's Senjin Kokuyouken but blocks and deflects each blow until he breaks out of it.
Fate then unleashs a more power spell, Banshou Tsuranuku Kokkui No Enkan. This massive spell Jack Rakan endured and Fate begins to ask Negi how will he handle it but before he can finish speaking Negi goes into his Raiten Taisou form and completely avoids the attack and attacks Fate in an instant. Negi starts to overwhelm him with his Raisoku Shundo. Fate then counters Negi and reveals to him he saw his match with Jack Rakan so he knows the weakness of that form.The transforms into his Raisen Taisou II form and battles Fate head on. Fate questions if he can shoulder the world with his softness and he vows he can. As their battle rages on, Fate notes that his strikes now rival Jack Rakan's and that Negi has surpassed him in strength. Fate states that it is because of his power of darkness that is the same as his lord's. When Fate asks Negi if he is prepared for the cost. Negi states that he is. The Magical World and the Old World have started to connect and Mahora Academy becomes visible from the Gravekeeper's Palace and the Gravekeeper's Palace becomes visible from Mahora Academy. As of now everyone is watching as Negi and Fate battle. As the battle wages on Negi manages to overpower Fate and pushes him back into a corner and Fate claims their battle is nearing it's end. Fate surprises Negi by asking what is his plan but changes his mind, but Negi says he wants to him to hear it anyway.
He then tells Fate that he hated him and felt nothing but rage and anger towards him and used that for power because he wanted nothing more than to defeat him. But after talking to Shiori he learned of a different side to Fate. Negi asked him to be his friend because he likes and wishes to be friends with the Fate that Shiori told him all about during their talk. Fate calls him stupid and tricks him into a deadlock by asking for a hand shake. Negi likes the idea and they bottle release their physical power attempting to outdo the other. They then both use powerful elemental spells that rival each other. Negi uses Thousand Thunderbolts and Fate uses Tearing Earth. They attempt to push each other back and end the fight once and for all but, are a even match and are at a stand still. Still trying to push the other back Negi somehow manages to see Fate's memories.
Their clash of power results in a massive explosion, and Negi somehow makes Fate see Nagi and Jack Rakan. He then apologizes and asks Fate to lend him his strength and in return he will lend him his. Asking him to be his friend and comrade. Fate then gives up and states that it is Negi's victory. After Fate gives up, Negi tells him that his plan shall take ten years and he is needed for that plan. He asks if they can sit down for a cup of tea sometime, and Fate tells him that he told him he is a coffee person. As they shake hands and Negi helps Fate up they are shot by a blast from a far off distance. Just like how the Mage of Beginning shot a blast through Primum to hit Nagi twenty years ago.
It soon is revealed that all fallen members of Cosmo Entelecheia that were defeated twenty and ten years ago have been revived, Negi tries to stand up to them but is overwhelmed and defeated with Fate only to be saved by his master Evangeline.
A bit after the backup from Mahora and the revival of Rakan, Evangeline cast what may be her most powerful spell. Just as Evangeline ordered that Negi should be sent back to Mahora, the Mage of Beginning stopped her, grabbing Negi by the neck. Negi is saved by Asuna, and together proceed to attack The Mage Of Beginning. It is then revealed that the Mage of Beginning is none other than Nagi. He tells Negi that he must kill him in order to end everything and fades away. Afterwards Asuna using the Grand Master Key to revive everyone who was erased and restores the Magical World, and a few days later everyone relaxes and enjoys a party celebrating their victory. And with all of the magical world's citzens bearing witness Kurt announces Negi as son of the Thousand Master and hero who saved the world twenty years ago and the man who saved them all this time around as the new hero and saviour of the Magical World.
Return To Old World Arc
Afterwards, summer vacation ends with everyone returning to Earth and school begins again. However Negi has Fate become the substitue teacher of class 3-A. As he is putting his plan in action in order to save the magical world and is not at school enough to act as a teacher. When he returned to Mahora Academy, he invited Yue, Nodoka, Makie, Natsumi, and Fate for tea, but Fate draws Negi's attention by reporting him about a technical problem. After that, he reunites with Chamo, Asakura, and a daydreaming Chachamaru. Chachamaru soon immediately offers her help in his plan. He hesitated a bit and did not want his class involved in his plan when thinking about their school life and future careers but stopped due to Chamo's and Asakura's small interfering and Chachamaru's decision. Negi said that his plan will take a very long time and will be difficult but offered Chachamaru a chance to which she immediately accepts.
Later, he reunites with Chisame and give her a souvenir (which is Jack Rakan's idea), to which she easily gets mad and throws it back at him. She then ask Negi about what he said in the past event by being by his side, to which he is clueless and she immediately gave him a heavy punch. They later have a drink and as soon Negi reveals his plan, Ayaka takes over. It turns out that his plan is some sort of "space development". Later, Negi and Chisame are having a private discussion. He then remind Chisame about what she said earlier by "the point of no return", he said that he is satisfied and swear that he will succeed his father's intent because it is "a man's job". He soon being grateful to Chisame and getting closer to her. He suddenly sneeze (after a long time) and takes on his Raiten Taisou II form, to which Chisame is strip naked and she immediately gives him a major beating.
Negi and Kotaro (both disguised as Nagi and Kojiro) both later meet up with Fate who is also disguised in his older self (calling himself Feitas). Negi is approached by Misa about his relationship with Ako, and through hilarioius circumstance, the six began a so-called "Triple Date" something only Sakurako and Misa called, and arrive at a nearby Karaoke bar. Both Negi and Kotaro are taunted by Fate's perfomance for singing at try to overthrow him, but fails. After Kotaro and Kugimiya leaves for the restroom, Misa is seen having a conversation with Negi while the girl berates over how innocent Negi is. Negi is then confessed to by Misa just as Kugimiya and Sakurako both confess to Kotaro and Fate respectively with Ako at the sidelines. At that moment, The three boys transforms back into their original and younger forms. After the transformation, Fate scolds the girls, which shocks everyone and Negi demands why Fate forced remedial classes for the three cheerleaders, which Fate says that he was having fun, confusing the boy.
Negi later seen with Fate and Kotaro, all in their "adult" forms again, meeting up with Ayaka and Asuna at an expensive restaurant. Negi is then scolded with Kotaro by Asuna on the "triple date" that Fate has mentioned. When Ayaka revealed that she has made a Pactio with Negi three weeks prior that day (using a very heated French kiss, and an almost reversed Pactio with Negi as a Ministra), the boys talk to each other about why Negi made the Pactio and how it would effect Negi's plan to save Mundus Magica.
Later, Chizuru revealed to Kotaro that she has also formed a Pactio with Negi, to the young boy's surprise and conclusion that Negi is indeed the "Enemy to all womankind".
The next day, Asuna and Negi both met with Evangeline and Setsuna, (who the former thought were "playing"). Evangeline then proceeded to ask (or demand) that Negi and Asuna come with her for their Final Lesson while Setsuna wondered on what "sacrifice" the two made. The four made their way to Evangeline's Resort where both Negi and Evangeline made preparations for battle. Before Negi got ready, however, Evangeline proceeded to strike first, much to the boy's annoyance and surrpise. Negi, shouting how he didn't make preparations yet, proceeded to use Magia Erebea. Soon after, the two battled on par, before Evangeline decided to use Magia Erebea to show her thanks for entertaining her. Seeing the original and first user of Magia Erebea, Negi deducted that he had to prevent his Master from using the technique, using two Lightning spells to gang up on her and prevent her from using Magia Erebea. It proved to be futile when Evangeline came out of the explosion in her Magia Erebea form, known as Queen of Ice. Seeing this, Negi proceeded to use Raiten Taisou 2 to keep up to the Vampire's power.
The two then battled once more, showing equal strength. It was then that Setsuna realized the price her teacher made, when Evangeline sliced Negi's into (almost) half, before it quickly regenerated and healed, showing no scars whatsoever. The remaining Ala Rubra deducted that the "price" was that he [Negi] is now the same as Evangeline, a somewhat "Vampire" in a sense, having an immortal body. Although it is still unknown if this is true until a few years later. It was revealed that during his battle with Dynamis, Negi momentarily "died" after a blow through his body, and through that, Negi was "reborn" through Magia Erebea, to which Evangeline developed using an undying body such as her own as an experiment.
While the Ala Rubra argued whether or not it was a "Price" or a "Gift", Negi and Evangeline battled on. The two were at par and in a stalemate, but soon became a battle between experience, before Negi started to wane down in power. Negi was then implaed by one of Evangeline's Ice spell and before the Vampire could finish off the battle, Asuna intervened, stating that now the two will try something different, to which Evangleine accepted as a challenge. Negi, together with Asuna, was able to fight evenly with Evangeline. Evangeline then used Cosmic Cathasthrope, but Negi countered with Negica Magia Erebea: Circuli Absorptionis Extempore which surprised Eva. Before the two can land the final blow, Negi sneezes because of the ice, which stripped both Asuna and Evangeline, angrying the former.
Following a Time Skip of 130 years, due to Asuna's slumber required in the Negi's plan to save the Magic World, it is shown that Negi's plan to terraform Mars succeeded and Mundus Magicus has been saved. After Asuna meets with a descendant of Ayaka she learned that Negi died on June 12, 2065. With the exception of Evangeline and Chao the rest of the cast is already dead with Ayaka lasting the longest in their wait for Asuna's return dying at the age of 115 in 2104.
Following Asuna's awakening, through a promise that his time skip version made with Evangeline, a third timeline is created when Asuna is sent back to the time before she left. In that time line, Negi continues his goals with the difference that Asuna is now with him. It is implied that the girl he's interested in is actually Evangeline as Asuna mentions that the girl he's interested in is "the same" as him. This is debatable since Evangeline herself denied the possibility in an earlier chapter, her reaction nonetheless is still amusing.In chapter 348, Negi is nervous about saying the name of the "one" he likes, rather than just "girl", indicating that his favorite may not necessarily be a female.In chapter 349, Haruna reveals that the reason she was so intent on forcing Negi to reveal his crush was because she's afraid that Negi is 'shaking off the feelings of the majority of the girls and flying off to the distant lands of masculine romance!'
Negi does find his father and reunites with him. It's not certain who he really ends up with with the changed timeline as well as it's not explicitly stated in the end. He was seen in the character epilogues with Fate alongside Asuna and Ayaka.

Powers & Abilities
Negi specializes in wind and lightning spells(his father's speciality), both light magic. He is has also mastered a few dark magic spells and his master's powerful forbidden dark magic technique. When Negi sneezes, he summons up a powerful gust of wind that can blow up skirts, or even blast off the clothes of anyone near him, especially Asuna's (The sneeze is considered a form of the spell Flans Exarmatios, a spell that disarms any in the immediate vicinity, including but not limited to armor/clothing). Negi's sneeze has also shown that it can unintentionally strengthen some of Negi's attacks with the extra force of the gust. He demonstrates excellent marksmanship skills, and owns many magical antiques, including a rare antique magic gun.
At present Negi has formed fifteen Probationary Contracts in the manga. In the first anime series, due to necessity Negi had to make probationary contracts with every girl in the class. Currently in the second anime series, Negi has completed a provisional contract with Evangeline and Chachamaru who were the last two students in his class, whom he didn't do so yet, meaning he has completed a contract with all of his students. He has learned Magica Erebea which intially consisted of a defense-attack (darkness-absorbing flames) mode or a mobility (lightning-absorbing thunder) mode. Until Negi mastered the Thousand Bolts spell. He then createn Raiten Taisou and Raiten Taisou II. All forms eat away at his soul and distort his soul towards the darkness. Once the corrupts peaks he turns into a Demon form and only thinks of killing the enemy. In his battle with Dynamis he partialy transform his hands into the claws of his demon form to crush the barriers around Dynamis, however he lost almost all control after Dynamis pierced his chest almost killing him. After the girls manage to stopped Negi's rampage he temporarily when into a deep sleep, but when he manage to wake up he finally gained complate control over Magia Erebea by making it part of his body and turning into something that can't be called "human".
As a result of his mastery over Magia Erebea his physical strength grew to great and explosive lengths. Surpassing both Fate's and Jack Rakan's physical power and natural absorbtion abilities allowing him to take in some of Fate's dangerous punches due to their power. He also has accelerated healing powers as, when Asuna saved him from the mage of beginnings. His previous wound had already healed and during his battle with eva his wounds healed instantly.
Negi is now immortal although not to the degree as evangeline.
Negi made a pactio with Princess Theodora before his battle with Jack Rakan, his artifact being a small journal that contains the Pactio cards for everyone he has a contract with. Using this artifact, he has access to all the artifacts of his partners. He was shown using Asuna's and Setsuna's artifacts in battle with Rakan, and he later used one of Konoka's fans to heal himself after the battle. However this pactio is no longer active.

Spells / Techniques
Instant Movement - a movement technique that allows the user to move faster than the eye can follow. This is used by concentrating ki or magic power into the feet to get from point A to point B in the least amount of steps. It's important that when going from point A to point B that you hold to the ground with the inside of your feet or you will simply trip.
Empty Sky Instant Movement - A form of instant movement that allows the user to use instant movement on the air by bouncing off it.
Lightning Decoy- Negi creates a clone of himself made out of lighting.
Thousand Lightning Decoy Barrier - Negi creates a thousand lighting clones to attack, block or sheild from attacks, and distract the enemy.
Song of Battle - A form of physical reinforcement used by a mage in preparation for close combat. Aside from providing a long-lasting anti-physical shield, this magic also exponentially increases muscle tension, allowing greater power, speed and endurance; it also increases the flexibility of muscles and tendons to prevent the mage damaging himself from overexertion. In addition, the mage’s reflexes are enhanced by a moderate increase in the stimulation of the nervous system. Previously, Negi had to forcibly make a contract with himself to divert large amounts of mana back to his own body – a magic based on the Pactio‘s mana supply system. This is the completed form of the technique which Eva taught him.
Melody of Battle - A more advanced form of Cantus Bellax used to achieve extremely high agility by supplying mana to all parts of the body.
Maximum Output - The spell to draw out the maximum performance of reinforcement magic such as Cantus Bellax. Due to the increase in mana upkeep requirements, the duration of this spell is fairly short.
Hakkyokuen Vajra Eight Style
Flipping Dragon Descend - A technique where Negi will begin to somersault. He then comes spinning down, proforming a horizontal chop on his opponent from above, seemingly using the momentum gained in the previous fall to increase the force behind his strike.
Hard Open Gate- A technique where Negi smashes his elbow into his opponent causing powerful blunt damage.
Sagitta Magica - One of the most basic attack spells, but also very versatile. The caster creates a number of elemental magic missiles and fires them at the target. The number can vary from just one to at least a hundred and ninety-nine arrows, but in the manga is usually a prime number. The missiles have a homing capability, and will track and follow their target at the direction of the caster. Normally, the attack fires in a widespread swarm, similar to an artillery shrapnel shell striking the target from multiple angles, but the caster, by substituting Convergentia for Series, can combine the arrows into a single larger bolt, which is easier to avoid, but hits that much harder. Negi primarily uses Light arrows that cause explosive damage, Lightning arrows that paralysis the target if they hit in addition to the damage they do, Wind arrows which usually do not inflict damage but instead bind the target and currently darkness Arrows which has the same effect has light arrows. Some mages, particularly combat mages, will also use the Sagitta Magica to enhance the power of their close-combat attacks. A single Light or Dark arrow can add considerable power to a punch, while adding a Lightning arrow to an attack is doubly useful for the reasons stated above. During the Mahora Martial Arts Tournament and later, Negi demonstrated this by using various types of magic arrows to supplement his blows, such as a technique that he named Lightning Blossom Crumbling Fist and Cherry Blossom Crumbling Fist. Negi also realizes that one can use their entire body to cast Sagitta Magica, and combines this with a full-body tackle.
Executioner's sword - A high-level attack spell used by Evangeline and Negi, so far shown to be unincanted. When invoked, the caster's desired hand is wrapped with magical energy, which stabs outward in the direction of the outstretched fingertips in the rough approximate form of a blade. In terms of its effects, Ensis Exsequens causes damage by instantly converting matter from a solid (or liquid) into a gas, via a violent phase transition in order to attack its target; any living opponent caught within such an effect would thus be instantly vaporized and killed. As such a phase transition also absorbs an incredible amount of heat energy in the process, the surrounding area as the spell plummets in tempature as a direct result, causing this spell to actually be a two-stage attack – if the target were to be able to avoid instant vaporization via instanteous phase transition, they would still have to deal with the extreme low temperature left in the spell's wake to deal with. Most magic that utilizes cold does so by lowering the temperature of an object, creating a corresponding condensation and freezing effect. Ensis Exsequens, on the other hand, causes extreme cold by initiating phase transition by means of the sudden transformation of solids into gases. As a result, this spell cannot be considered an Ice-element spell. For spells as high level as this, only mages of Evangeline's ability (or above) would be able to master it. Currently, Negi has shown to be capable of this spell, but as he has not yet fully mastered it, he refers to his version as "imperfect".
Summon - While Eastern mages utilize talismans in order to summon demons to assist them, Western mages can use magic to summon spirits to aid in battle as well. This spell evokes, summons elemental spirits that serve the caster, and can be directed to attack or capture an enemy. Negi can use the elements of wind,light and lightning versions of this spell.
Disarm - A spell that generates a small burst of wind which can be used to disarm opponents or in some circumstances rip off clothes.
Blow Fourth , Wall of Churning Wind - Conjures a powerful tornado around the caster that lasts for several minutes. The inside of the whirlwind is calm, like the eye of a storm, but anything trying to pass through the barrier of wind will get blown away.
Blow Fourth, Dancing Dust - Causes a powerful wind to blow in the direction cast. First used by Negi to put out the fire spell cast by Chigusa Amagasaki when she kidnapped Konoka Konoe for the first time during the Kyoto Trip Arc. Later, he used it to create a smokescreen of water spray to reach Konoka.
White Lightning - A powerful blast of electricity from the caster's palm. It is very powerful against living targets, but not as effective against inanimate objects. While it is shown to be weak against non-living objects, Yue Ayase manages to break a dragon's horn with it and renders the dragon unconscious. It is implied that if a living creature is near the spell's target, the creature is also affected.
Lightning Spears - A spell that attacks by releasing electrically charged magical javelins. Because the projectiles released are javelins and not arrows, each one of them is stronger than an arrow of thunder, and has greater physical destructive power. However, because they mimic the shape of a javelin, they are easier to dodge than its direct version "Fulguratio Albicans". Negi used these to pierce and pin down the sandworm creatures being used by the bounty hunter group Black Hounds that was hunting after Nodoka.
Jupiter's Storm Of Thunder- This is one of the most powerful long-range magic attacks. The caster combines Wind and Thunder magic and unleashes them at the enemy in a massive storm of destructive energy.
Axe Of Lightning- A medium-range but powerful Lightning-element attack that is invoked in Ancient Greek (pronounced Dios Tukos), as opposed to Latin. The caster makes a downward-sweeping motion and hits the target with a massive electrical attack. It is a favorite attack of Nagi Springfield, who would combine it with a lightning-charged Sagitta Magica-powered physical attack to help slow the target down and give him a bigger opening. Evangeline and Negi also use this spell.
Thousand Thunderbolts- An extremely destructive, wide-range spell, widely considered to be among the most powerful lightning spells in existence. A test of an incomplete version by Negi Springfield vaporized half of a floating boulder 100m long and reduced the rest to melting slag. Because of its wide area of effect, typically the Thousand Thunderbolts is reserved for use against entire armies at once unless focussed. The spell is stated to be ten times as powerful as "Iovis Tempestas Fulguriens". It was the favorite high ancient incantation of the Thousand Master, Nagi Springfield.
Recovery - After studying non-stop for 3 days and escaping from Library Island, Negi's students were too tired and drowsy to focus. By using a flower as a catalyst, Negi casts a spell which refreshes their minds and made them more alert. This allows them to concentrate on the 2nd year midterm exams and help the class attain the highest average on said midterms.
Self Sealing Spell- This spell was used by Negi to disable his ability to use magic for three days, in order to help his students study for the upcoming final exams. It's probably possible to change the number of days (or possibly days to weeks, etc) by altering the incantation (changing tria into unum and tres into unus could probably seal the user's magic for only one day).
Hellfire Conflagration - A Fire and Darkness-element spell which when used appears to be a firestorm version of Negi's Iovis Tempestas Fulguriens (Jupiter's Lightning Storm) or of a similar effect: It traps the victim in a tornado of dark fire.
Magia Erebea
Form of the Dark Night
Lightning Speed
Hell's Refining Fire
Thunder in Heaven, Great Vigor
Thunder in Heaven, Twin Vigor
Custom Spells
Magic Fist 魔法拳:The personal style of Negi Springfield combining Western magic and Eastern martial arts, firing spells off his fists in melee combat. :
Crushing Fist of Majestic Winds 風華崩拳 : This spell uses three wind element Sagitta Magica's which circle around his fist in a stream like from which in turn adds considerable power to his punch. The full power of this was unseen.
[Maximum] Crushing Fist of Majestic Cherry Blossoms [最大]桜華崩拳 : A more advanced form of Raika Hōken where instead of three lightning element Sagitta Magica's its nine which supplies the spell with even more power. This spell was strong enough to damage Takamichi considerably.
Piercing Lance of Cherry Blossom Majesty, Archduke Angler Dominator 桜華槍衝、太公釣魚勢 : Similar to Fuka Hoken but Negi uses it thought his staff instead of his fist causing piercing damage.
Kyuu Ho Chuu Ken - A technique where Negi uses a Lightning Sagitta Magica arrow to enhance and add considerable power to his punch. While a single Light or Dark arrow can add considerable power to a punch, adding a Lightning arrow to an attack is doubly useful.
Crushing Fist of Majestic Lightning 雷華崩拳- This spell uses three lightning element Sagitta Magica's which circle around his fist in a stream like from which in turn adds considerable power to his punch. This move is powerful enough to send Takamichi flying but it wasn't enough to damage him considerably.
Chiha Yabura Ikazuchi - An original spell created by Negi, achieved via Magia Erebea's Ή ΆΣΤΡΑΠΗ΄ ΎΠΕ΄Ρ ΟΥ΄ΡΑΝΟ΄Υ ΜΕΤΑ ΔΥΝΑ΄ΜΕΝΗ form. This spell is used by Negi changing electrical energy around him and making a full body tackle with high destructive power.
Haou Sekkou - An original spell created by Negi, achieved via Magia Erebea's Ή ΆΣΤΡΑΠΗ΄ ΎΠΕ΄Ρ ΟΥ΄ΡΑΝΟ΄Υ ΜΕΤΑ ΔΥΝΑ΄ΜΕΝΗ form. This spell is used by Negi changing electrical energy around both fist and then he attacks the opponent with a double fisted strike.
White Lightning Palm 白雷掌 : An original spell created by Negi, achieved via Magia Erebea's Actus Noctis Erebeae from. This is used by absorbing Fulguratio Albicans using Dextra Stagnans than releasing it using Dextra Emittam after making physical contact with the target.
Hellfire Mountain-Crushing, Heaven-Bearing Palm 獄炎崩山托天掌 : An original spell created by Negi, achieved via Magia Erebea's Sim Fabricatus Ab Incendio form. The spell hits the target with a close-range heatwave.
Lightning-speed Teleportation 雷速瞬動 : An original spell created by Negi, achieved via Magia Erebea's Ή ΆΣΤΡΑΠΗ΄ ΎΠΕ΄Ρ ΟΥ΄ΡΑΝΟ΄Υ ΜΕΤΑ ΔΥΝΑ΄ΜΕΝΗ form. It is a type of Shundo that enables Negi to move in the speed of lightning, which is relatively 150 km/s (about 93 miles/second). During his fight with Rakan, this was Negi's 2nd Trump Card.
Beckoning Strike, Pinnacle Elbow : An original spell created by Negi, achieved via Magia Erebea's Ή ΆΣΤΡΑΠΗ΄ ΎΠΕ΄Ρ ΟΥ΄ΡΑΝΟ΄Υ ΜΕΤΑ ΔΥΝΑ΄ΜΕΝΗ form. This spell is used by Negi using an lightning enhanced elbow strike into the targets chest while discharging lighting causing piercing and blunt damage.
Spear of the Lightning God, 'Titan-Slayer' : An original spell created by Negi, achieved via Magia Erebea's Ή ΆΣΤΡΑΠΗ΄ ΎΠΕ΄Ρ ΟΥ΄ΡΑΝΟ΄Υ ΜΕΤΑ ΔΥΝΑ΄ΜΕΝΗ – that is, delayed spells. By merging Khilipl Astrape into the spear form of Iaculatio Fulgoris, this spell concentrates the intense destructive power of Khilipl Astrape into a focused "spike". He used it as his 4th "Trump Card" against Rakan at the Final Round.
Negi-Style Dark Magic: Barrier Destruction Palm, Experimental Version Five ネギ流闇の魔法 障壁破壊掌試作伍号 : An original spell created by Negi, achieved via Magia Erebea. This is done by Negi turning his hand into the one gained by Magia Erebea's beast mode, allowing Negi to break any barrier, even the barrier given to the disciples of the Lifemaker.
Staff Lightning Halberd - This spell allows Negi to change lightning though his staff and change it to a Halberd of lightning which has the power to break though an army of demons.
The Advent of the Black Dragon's Lightning 黒龍雷迎 : An original spell created by Negi, achieved via Magia Erebea's beast mode which is used by Negi absorbing the Thousand Thunderbolts (Khiliarkhou Astrape) spell using Dextra Stagnans than releasing it using Dextra Emittam after making physical contact with the target, releasing black lightning that has enough power to damage the opponent and the surrounding area.
Titan Slayer: Windstorm of Martial Strength : An original spell created by Negi, achieved via Magia Erebea – that is, delayed spells. By merging Jovis Tempestas Fulguriens into the spear form of Iaculatio Fulgoris, this spell concentrates the intense destructive power of Jovis Tempestas Fulguriens into a focused "spike".

Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Negi has become an adept combatant thanks to his training with Ku Fei; his skills became sharper from actual combat experience with adversaries such as Kotarou and Fate, and through the usage of his "Raiten Taisou II", or "Perpetual Lightning Form" has shown himself to be able to fight on par with Rakan, who is said to be unmatched in unarmed combat. As of chapter 321 it has been said by fate that negi's strikes rivals jack rakans and that negi has surpassed even him in strength.
Enhanced Speed: Even before learning Chinese Martial Arts, Negi has repeatedly shown himself to be a very agile fighter. Negi has demonstrated great reflexes in battle, able to quickly dodge a strike with no wasted effort and he can instantly counterattack right after. He is able to strike quickly without warning and in rapid succession. His speed also allows him to follow the movements of faster opponents to better analyze their movements or blocking difficult and otherwise fatal strikes. The second form of Raiten Taisou allows him to move and think at the speed of lightning (150 km/s)
High-Level Intellect: Negi has shown himself to be intelligent, analytical, perceptive, and deductive. As a teacher, Negi's grades are near the top, despite his work as a mage in training. Aside from that, Negi appears to be able to determine the pattern of his opponent's battle methods and correctly deduce a proper counter-strategy to defeat his opponent's attacks. Negi's intellect is one of the key skills of his leadership abilities. It was negi who came up with the plan to defeat chao using the entire school. The Mahora Fest event. Mars Attack Vs Mage Order. Negi has also said that he has created a plan to save the magical world. Which no one else has been able to do. Not even fate or Kurt Godel.
Swordsmanship Specialist: Negi has been shown using a short sword several times, and wields Asuna's artifact, the "Ensis Exorcizans," with sufficient skill to overmatch Rakan's "Ho Heros Meta Chilion Prosopon" in their fight, but it might just be because of the "Ensis Exorcizans"'s innate magic disruption/cancellation abilities. However, he is still shown to be skilled with a sword as he displays great use of his magical sword Ensis Exsequens. Though he has called his version imperfect and not yet mastered compared to his Master's (Eva). He is shown to skilled enough to battle Fate in a intense close range and high speed sword battle.
Expert Magic Spell Caster: Negi has shown time and time again that he is talented at using advanced spells and incantation like "Thousand Thunderbolts" and techniques like "Magica Erebea. He is also an expert at developing new spells (thunder god spear: titan slayer) and new ways of using old spells (Ōka Hōken). He is also an expert at delayed spells.
Wind Element and Lightning Element Specialist: Negi has a strong affinity for wind and lightning magic. He is well known for using wind and lightning magic and can learn spells of these elements perhaps faster than anything else. And can easily become extremely efficent in using them. He mastered the high level long range spell Jupiter's Storm Of Thunder which combines both wind and lightning magic before he had any combat experience or training. Also, his affinity for wind and lightning element give him speed and reflexes (respectively) beyond that of a normal human being.

Negi's Pactio CardPactio: Magistrulus Magi: Negi's artifact, Mile Vincula (Latin: The Thousand Bonds), looks similar to a passport. One side contains the Pactio cards of every Pactio he's formed as the Magister, while the other has a slot for holding a single card. By inserting one of the Pactio cards into that slot and calling the word "Adeat" again, the Mile Vincula transforms into the artifact of that ministra. While transformed, it gains all the powers the original has, which Negi demonstrates in chapter 241 by using Asuna's Ensis Exorcizans in sword form in a sword clash with Jack Rakan and his artifact. With the blades against one another, Negi slowly pushed his through Jack's, proving its magic-canceling abilities are very real as Jack's began to melt like butter and was sliced in two with ease. Additionally, by calling the word "abeat" only once the artifact returns to it's original form, where Negi can swap the card in the slot with a different one or call "abeat" again to return it to card form. Negi received this by making a Temporary Pactio with Theodora, Third Princess of Hellas Empire. However, because the Temporary Pactio was meant only to last until the end of the Ostia Tournament, the contract has now ended and the Mile Vincula can no longer be used.

Relationships / Family
Nagi Springfield: A powerful Magister Magi known as "The Thousand Master". He is Negi's father who was thought dead when Negi was born. Considered deceased by most, one night he mysteriously appeared before Negi to save him when his village was in danger, and gave him his staff. Negi believes his father is still alive, and follows every clue he finds about his whereabouts, determined to find him. One of Negi's reasons to work so hard is to become a master mage just like his father. Although several characters believe he is alive, no one knows where he is.
Nekane Springfield: Negi's cousin (whom he calls older sister, since they grew up together). After his father disappeared, she and her parents took the orphaned Negi in. Her gentle personality is largely based on interpretations through disjointed flashbacks, so it is hard to identify precisely what she is like. What has been indicated however is that she took on more of a motherly role in his life, as at one time she even risked herself to protect him from harm. She is shown to be someone that Negi cares greatly for and respects a lot.
Arika Anarchia Entheofushia: After the tournament in the magic world, it is revealed through an encounter with the Megalomesembrian Senator, that Arika (First mentioned during Rakan's movies of his adventures with Ala Rubra) is in fact, Negi's mother. Not much is known about her, other than she traveled with Nagi and Ala Rubra.
Chao Lingshen: Assuming that what Chao Lingshen said about being a descendent of Negi Springfield is true, then it is certain that Negi has at least one child in the future and that one of his descendants gives birth to Chao Lingshen.
Asuna Kagurazaka: She is somehow related to Arika, and is thus related to Negi. The full extent of this relationship is unknown.
Students :
Negi seems to get along well with mostly all of his students. Their feelings for him can vary from friendship to love though Negi is oblivious to anything other than friendly relationships.

Asuna Kagurazaka: Negi and Asuna's relationship starts off on very shaky ground, as he was forced to live in the same room with her as a request from the academy's dean, but also happened to replace the homeroom teacher she happened to have a crush on. However, their relationship quickly improves as they get used to each other. Curiously, Asuna resembles Nekane a lot, so it was easy for Negi to develop a little brother/big sister relationship with her. Asuna was the first to find out about Negi's secret and was the first person that Negi made a probationary contract with, when his life was threatened by Evangeline. Her strength, determination and immunity to enemy magic proved to be invaluable in many dangerous situations.
Konoka Konoe: Negi's other roommate, and the dean's granddaughter. She always acts as a mediator between Asuna and Negi when there is tension between them. As the heir to the "Kansai Magic Association", a powerful group of mages from Western Japan, she was attacked by enemies who wanted to harness her latent magical power, but was protected by Negi and his allies. Since then, she studies magic under Negi and Evangeline, and even made a probationary contract with him, gaining great healing abilities along with basic magic.
Setsuna Sakurazaki: One of Negi's closest students and allies. She is a hanyo, or half demon, who has sworn to protect Konoka Konoe, and is an expert at Shinmei-ryu (lit. God-Crying Style). Though at first she stated that she was disappointed at Negi's so far performance during the Kyoto Field Trip Arc, Setsuna soon realized that not only was he a valuable ally, but a great leader and teacher as well. She also makes a probationary contract with Negi during this arc to better increase their chances of defeating a horde of yokai summoned by Chigusa Amagasaki. As the series has progessed, her relationship with Negi has grown to the point where she would even state she would not stand by if Negi were threatened, and would protect his life as she would do for Konoka. She highly respects Negi as both a teacher and a friend.
Evangeline A.K. McDowell: A former enemy of Negi, she is a powerful true vampire criminal who had most of her powers sealed by the thousand master 15 years ago, being trapped in Mahora Academy since then. Nagi promised to release her from this curse someday, but Eva's hopes for it to happen were crushed by the news of his disappearance. When Negi moved to the Academy, she tried to attack him in order to drain his blood to obtain enough power to break free by herself, until Negi defeated her with Asuna's help. Later in the series, Negi decides to ask her to instruct him in magic as her apprentice, occasionally giving her a bit of his blood as payment. Just like she was in love with Nagi (and some chapters showed she still does), she seems to be developing some feelings for Negi as well.
Kū Fei: Just like Negi sought Eva's aid to increase his magical abilities, he now trains under Kū Fei in Chinese Kenpo, hoping to be strong enough in both magic and close combat just like his father. She also develops feelings for Negi as the story progresses. She eventually made a Pactio with Negi during the trip to the Magic World.
Ayaka Yukihiro: 3-A's class representative. She is the girl most overtly fond of Negi, though she stands by the position that she is only interested in Negi because he "needs a mother figure". Actually her feelings for him are a mixture of physical infatuation and brotherly love, as she apparently still has not gotten over the loss of her younger brother, who died during birth the same year Negi was born. She is currently helping out in Negi's plan. According to her, she admits that her current relationship with Negi can now even referred to as "partners".
Nodoka Miyazaki: Soon after Negi became her teacher, she developed a crush on him despite her nervousness around guys. Always supported by her best friend Yue (who has now developed her own feelings for him), she is the first one of Negi's students to properly confess to him. She is also the first one to have a real (non Pactio related) kiss with Negi. She is the second student to form a provisional contract. Obtaining an item that can give her access to the thoughts of anyone, Nodoka became an invaluable asset in his party.
Chao Lingshen: The main antagonist of the Mahora Festival arc, she gave some trouble to Negi and his friends during the festival, claiming that she came from the future and is in reality a descendant of Negi. She also claims her true intentions are to change the world for the better suggesting that something happens in her time that was bad enough to want to change history to stop it. She was defeated by Negi in the end.
Chisame Hasegawa: Originally seeing Negi as a bizarre brat, Chisame has slowly warmed up to Negi. Her opinion of Negi starts to change when she learns he is a fan of her homepage on the web. Negi also helps Chisame come out of her introverted shell into a more confidant individual. In Asuna’s absence, she designates herself as temporary guardian of Negi. This doesn’t happen until later volumes in the manga when Negi fulfills a promise to her saving her from a tentacle monster. Currently, she is one of the few girls that has a platonic relationship with Negi and does not have romantic feelings for him, however she does show signs of "jealousy" towards Akira in chapter 289, making her possibly "one" of them.
Chachamaru Karakuri: Originally as Evangeline's partner through a 'Doll Contract', she eventually develops feelings for Negi as the story progresses. During Kurt Godel's party, Chachamaru wonders about performing a Pactio with Negi, despite that she is a robot and does not have a soul. However, Negi never gives up in succeeding performing a Pactio with her, and then her Pactio card finally appears. According to Evangeline, she thinks no one other than Chachamaru who would help him in his plan. Chachamaru is currently still not confess properly to Negi yet, but her feelings for him is on the same level as Nodoka's and Makie's. She is also Negi's Secretary.
Ako Izumi: She has no interest in Negi from the start, but she falls in love with 'Nagi' (which is Negi in his disguise) during the Mahora Festival arc. She later had a hard time being a slave in the Magical World alongside Akira and Natsumi. After overhearing Tosaka's conversation with 'Nagi' which he reveals that 'Nagi' is Negi, she became heartbroken. However, she gotten over it and tried to persuade Tosaka to forget about Negi's true identity to which he immediately agrees with no second thoughts. After that, Negi meets Ako as 'Nagi' tried to apologize to her, but she does not mind and she soon give him a kiss and confessed to him. When she meets Negi in his Demon form, she became terrified but after seeing Makie did not hesitate to calm him down, she became impressed and soon tried helping Negi. When Negi tried to perform a Pactio with her as 'Nagi', she already found out and changed Negi back into his original age. After knowing it was Akira and Yuuna's idea, she tells him that she wants to perform the Pactio with Negi as his true self, and not 'Nagi'.
Makie Sasaki: Like Ayaka, she is also interested in Negi because she thinks he is cute. However, it all changed when she went to the Magical World. After Nagi's (which is Negi in disguise) identity is revealed to Ako, she then gets very confused and very worried. It gets even worse after her discussion with Akira, to the point where she should let Ako and Negi be together (although she is still not giving up on him). After Negi is in his Demon form, she did not hesitate to hold his hands and tries to ease his pain. She finally confessed to Negi before completing the Pactio with him, which makes her the second / third one of Negi's students to properly confess to him.
Yue Ayase: Yue initially remained in the background at the start of the story. However, when Kazumi organizes a special game to kiss Negi, she decides to join Nodoka to help her win the game. However, when she was approached by one of the Negi clones attempting to kiss her, unexpected feelings begin to emerge, making her feel guilty in possibly cheating out Nodoka.
Kaede Nagase: When Negi had fled into the woods during his conflict withEvangeline, Kaede found him while training, and helped cheer him up. She saw Negi flying off the next morning, but kept this a secret even from him until she helped Negi rescue Konoka at Kyoto where she fought and defeated Kotarou.

Negi has performed many Pactios through out the series. So far in the Mahou Sensei Negima! Series he has performed Probationary Contracts with the following girls:
Asuna Kagurazaka
Nodoka Miyazaki
Setsuna Sakurazaki
Konoka Konoe
Yue Ayase
Haruna Saotome
Chisame Hasegawa
Kazumi Asakura
Kaede Nagase
Theodora of the Helas Empire (as the Minister Magi; cancelled)
Ku Fei
Chachamaru Karakuri
Ako Izumi
Yuna Akashi
Makie Sasaki
Ayaka Yukihiro
Chizuru Naba
Akira Okochi
In both TV anime versions of Negima, Negi has contracts with only the 31 girls in his class. Meanwhile, in the live-action series and the Negima!? neo manga, Negi has pactios with just Asuna, Nodoka, and Konoka.

Albert Chamomile (Chamo): Negi's pet/familiar. A perverted, lingerie stealing, chain-smoking, talking ermine that Negi freed from a trap five years ago. Since then, Chamo has been fiercely loyal to Negi and admires him very much. He cares strongly for Negi and will fight to protect him, but he is not above using him to try to make a fast buck when possible.
Kotarō Inugami: A wolf hanyō whose first encounter with Negi was as an enemy of his. Kotarō was one of the mercenaries hired to kidnap Konoka in Kyoto. After he was defeated by Negi and co., he was under the custody of the Kansai Magic Association, where his abilities to transform and summon wolf spirits were sealed. In order to challenge Negi for a rematch, Kotarō escaped and set for Mahora Academy. There he discovered a plan by Wilhelm and the Slime Sisters against Negi and lend him a hand to defeat them. For risking his life to protect Negi and his students, he was pardoned and decided to live in Mahora as an elementary school student. Since then Kotarō became Negi's rival, and one of his best friends.
Anya Cocolova: Negi's childhood friend from his original hometown who also attended the magic academy that he graduated from. She too has a crush on Negi, despite her many claims to the contrary. Due to her lack of development, she feels threatened by girls with shapely bodies, declaring them to be her enemies.
Fate Averruncus: The former member of Cosmo Enthelecheia and another one of Negi's rivals. He started developing an interest in Negi after the Kyoto arc. Before his last battle with Negi concludes, he said that he will let Negi to start his plan to save the Magical World and annouced that it is Negi's victory. Negi tried asking Fate to be his friend, to which Fate reject his offers (however, they get along well later). After school begins, he becomes the substitute teacher of Class 3-A. His current relationship with Negi makes Nodoka, Yue and Makie consider him as a somewhat love rival.
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